1. 下载emacs-25.3.tar.gz到centos,用tar –vxzf 命令解压;
2. 进入解压后的目录,命令:cd emacs-25.3/
3. 使用./configure命令进行配置(可以设定路径);
configure: error: You seem to be running X, but no X development libraries
were found. You should install the relevant development files for X
and for the toolkit you want, such as Gtk+ or Motif. Also make
sure you have development files for image handling, i.e.
tiff, gif, jpeg, png and xpm.
If you are sure you want Emacs compiled without X window support, pass
to configure.
意思就是缺少图形界面的支持库,如果不想在图形界面下使用Emacs,可以使用./configure –without-x命令执行(看自己需求,我就只想在命令行使用,还专门修改了启动配置为在非图形界面启动),当然很多人还是想使用图形界面的,那么就需要安装相应的支持库了,报错的提示是安装Gtk+ 或者 Motif,我们安装其中一个即可。