SetCommMask ()函数设置事件掩模来监视指定通信端口上的事件,其原型为:
BOOL SetCommMask( HANDLE hFile, //标识通信端口的句柄 DWORD dwEvtMask //能够使能的通信事件 ); |
值 | 事件描述 |
EV_BREAK | A break was detected on input. |
EV_CTS | The CTS (clear-to-send) signal changed state. |
EV_DSR | The DSR(data-set-ready) signal changed state. |
EV_ERR | A line-status error occurred. Line-status errors are CE_FRAME, CE_OVERRUN, and CE_RXPARITY. |
EV_RING | A ring indicator was detected. |
EV_RLSD | The RLSD (receive-line-signal-detect) signal changed state. |
EV_RXCHAR | A character was received and placed in the input buffer. |
EV_RXFLAG | The event character was received and placed in the input buffer. The event character is specified in the device's DCB structure, which is applied to a serial port by using the SetCommState function. |
EV_TXEMPTY | The last character in the output buffer was sent. |