20151228 ocp 053 1-30

4.which two statements about the sql management base(SMB) are true ?

c.it is part of the data dictionary and stored in the syssaux tablespace

e.it contains the statement log,the plan history,plan baselines ,and sql profiles

The SQL managementbase (SMB) is a part of the data dictionary that resides in the SYSAUX tablespace. Itstores statement logs, plan histories, SQL plan baselines, and SQL profiles. Toallow weekly purging of unused plans and logs, the SMB uses automatic spacemanagement.

You can also add plansmanually to the SMB for a set of SQL statements. This feature is especiallyuseful when upgrading the database from a version before Oracle Database11g because it helps to minimize plan regressions resulting from the useof a new optimizer version.

Because the SMB is located entirelywithin SYSAUX, the database does not use SQL planmanagement and SQL tuning features when this tablespace is unavailable.


6.which three statements about performance analysis by sql performance analyzer are true?

a.it detects changes in sql execution plans.

b.it produces results that can be used to create the sql plan nbaseline

d.it generates recommanedations to run sql tuning advisor to tune regressed sqls

7.when executing a sql workload,you choose to generate execution plans only,without collecting execution statistics

which two statements describe the implications of this?

a.it produces less accurate results of the comparison analysis

c.it shortens the time of execution and reduces the impact on system resources

8.which of these appropriately describes the results of a manual sq ltuning advisor 

a. a list of sql statements and recommendations for tuning

关键词 tuning

9.to view the results of a manual sql tuning advisor task,which steps should the dba take?

a.from the advisor central home page.select the tuning task from the advisor tasks section

10.to view the results of the most recent automatic sql tuning advisor task.which sequence should 

you follow?

b.em database home page.software and support .advisor cental.sql advisors automatic sql tuning advisor

c.em database home page ,software and surpport,support workbench,advisor central,sql advisors,automatic sql tuning advisor


11.which of the follolwing identifies and creates an index to minimize the DBtime for a particular sql statement

c.the sql tuning advisor



12.which of the following advisors is run in every maintenance window by the auto-task system?

b.the sql tuning advisor


14.you have a very large table that your users access fewquently .which of the following advisors will recommend any indexes to improve the performance of queries aganst this table

d.the sql access advisor


15.which tasks are run automatically as part of the automated maintenance task by default?

a.segment advisor

b.sql access advisor

d.automatic sql tuning advisor

16.which statement most accrurately describe the implementation of as sql acdess advisor

b.individual sql access advisor recommnadations can be scheduled for implementation

18what two statemenbts are true regarding the recommendations received from the sql acess advisor

b.it can recommend partionaing on tables provided that the workloads have some predicates and joins on the culumns of the number or date type

c.it can recommend partioning only on tables that have at least 10000 rows

18.what recommendations does the sql access advisor provide for optimiziong sql aueries?

c.creation of index-organized tables

d.creation of bitmap,function-base and b_tree indexws

e.optimization pf materialized views for maxinum query usage and fast refresh

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MySQL 8 OCP (Oracle Certified Professional)1Z0-908是一套关于MySQL数据库的考试题库。MySQL是一种流行的开源关系型数据库管理系统。此考试题库旨在评估考生对MySQL数据库的知识、技能和能力。 MySQL 8 OCP 1Z0-908题库包含了多个主题,涵盖了MySQL数据库的各个方面。主要的考题包括: 1. MySQL 8的新功能和改进:考核考生对于MySQL8版本中新增的新功能和改进的理解和应用。 2. 数据库设计和建模:考核考生在设计和建模数据库时的能力,包括定义和优化表、索引、视图、存储过程和触发器等数据库对象。 3. 查询和数据操作:考核考生编写和优化SQL查询和数据操作的能力,包括基本查询、多表联接、子查询、聚合函数和事务处理等。 4. 数据库安全和性能优化:考核考生在数据库安全性和性能优化方面的知识和实践,包括用户和权限管理、备份和恢复、性能调优和查询优化等。 5. 数据库监控和维护:考核考生对于数据库监控和维护的能力,包括定期备份、日志分析、故障排除和性能调优等。 通过MySQL 8 OCP 1Z0-908的考试,考生可以证明自己在MySQL数据库管理方面的专业能力和水平。对于数据库管理员、开发人员和其他与数据库相关工作的人员来说,持有MySQL OCP认证可以提升职业竞争力,获得更好的工作机会。因此,掌握和熟悉MySQL 8 OCP 1Z0-908题库中的内容对于有意考取MySQL OCP认证的人来说是非常重要的。


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