
面试例题1:Introduce yourself,please.(介绍一下你自己。)


    A: I was admitted by Northwest University with excellent student record,which was quite satisfied by the teaching staff.(我是从西北大学毕业的,我的成绩优异。来自西北大学不要说 I come from Northwest University, 最好说 I was admitted by Northwest University。)

    My field of study is Software and Theory, which is a famous one in China.(我的研究方向是计算机软件与理论,这个专业在中国是很著名的。你说专业的时候可以不说major,你可以说field of study,研究方向。)

    My undergraduate study gave me a wide range of vision. I fulfilled the courses like English,Network and Programming.I have a deep understading in Programming.(我的本科教育给了我宽广的视野,我涉猎的课程有英语,网络和程序设计。我对编程方面有很深刻的见解。)

    I developed several professional interests,like History and Micro Economics at my spare time.(我有很多个人爱好,空闲的时间我研究历史和微观经济学。)

    The several years working experience give me full play to my creativity,diligence and intelligence.I believe I can do my job well.(这几年的工作经历使我充满创造力,勤勉,有智慧。我相信我能把工作做好。)


面试例题2:What is your greatest weekness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)

    你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每个人都有弱点,最佳策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在矛以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给公司带来好处的弱点,比如说:"I'm such a perfictionist that i won't stop until a job is well done." 或则对于一个学生而言,缺乏工作经验不是很大的弱点,你可以直言不谓。

    A: I'm lacking of working experience.But I'm taking a course.(我缺乏工作经验,但我正在学习。)

    A: I'm lacking of supervision.But I'm reading a book.(我缺乏远见,但我会用阅读来弥补。)

    A: I'm just graduated(我只是刚毕业。)


面试例题3:Do you know anything about this company?(你对本公司的情况了解吗?)

    A: Yes, a little.As you mentioned just now,yours is an America-invested company.As far as I know,XX Company is a world-famous company which produces database and application software products.Your products like PowerBuilder and database products are very popular with company in all parts of the world.


面试例题4:What kind of programming do you study in your project? What have you learned in this process? (在你的项目中你用到了哪种程序?在此过程中你学到了什么?)

    A: Based on ASP.NET+SQL 2000 we finished Northwest University Network Course-selected System. Everybody in this school can select, cansel, query course in network. The project is a B/S architecture system; the code is developed by Visual C#, and run on the .NET plat. In this project, I used the ADO interface which is provided by the database programming. And after that, I joined the testing of whole system.

    In order to achieve the function of background database, I have designed the database including:primary key, foreign key, database connection, data view and so on. I use the SQL language t search, delete, update data. In this process I encountered a lot of difficulties. But I conquered them as best I could and finally I promoted and enriched myself.


面试例题5:In this progress what are you most challenge? How did you deal with it? (在这个过程中你遇到的最大挑战是什么?你是怎么解决的?)

    A: In the Network Course-selected System, I once met an intractable problem that the server response the client to slowly, especially when lots and lots of people upload their message at the same time. I have to find out what cause that situation. It was very urgent for me at that time, because there were about 20 thousands students in the school waiting for selecting courses, so I was undertaking great pressure. But after I checked the web log very carefully I finally found that the sticking point was on the submission button. The button has appended too many futile functions and received too much data which caused data redundance. I suggested it is challenge for me to overcome.

    A: First I try to disassembled a complicated function into several simple functions. Second, some operations are handled in database instead of web, for example set upd a trigger or stre procedure. We also can read web log to see how many thread success. If too many thread can not carry out, that imply reading data need to be optimized.


面试例题6:What is your largest interest in the project? (你所做的项目中哪个是你最感兴趣的?)

    A: The book VC# casus design was full of a lot of instances.

    My friends and assistants in lab or group provide lots of material for me. A friend in a bank ask me how to convert Arabic numerals to Chinese numerals. So we set up to handle these questions: how to handle decimal, how to handle integer, zero, radix point.

    My associate in another group studies distributed system plot, he used .NET remoting technique and overcomed a lot of difficulties such as how to get long distance object, how to login a channel and so on. I write down this in my book.

    I concentrate my energy on the book. In addition, I attained much pleasure in process of writin. I'm interested in this.


面试例题7:How do you realize the job you apply? What is your blue print in future? (你如何理解你所应聘的职位?你未来几年的规划是什么?)

    A: I apply for a QA job (QA means quality assurance). I think I'll communicate with R&D, respect their thoughts, and listen to their idea. I'll get to know the schema of the project deeply, collaborate with my colleagues well and I hope I'll reveal my ability and talents in my field adequately.

    QA is a profession requires much patience, sometimes you cannot get the conclusion you want although you have tested it time and time again and it will waste your time and you maybe feel frustrated. I think if you wish to be a automatic thorough independent professional QA, these is a long road for you to go, a lot of troubles for you to overcome, but I'm sure I can succeed.

    A: Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be exciting. As I have some administrative experience in my job, I may use my organizational and planning skills in the future.


面试例题8:What is the largest-scale company you have worked for, and the smallest one? What have you done for them? (你所服务的最大的组织是什么?最小的是什么?都做些什么工作?)

    A: In this three years I worked for my tutor. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.


面试例题9:What is a Project Manager in your eyes? (在你眼中的项目管理者是什么样的?)

    A: Ther person or firm responsible for the planning, coordination and controlling of a project from inception to completion, meeting the project's requirements and ensuring completion on time, within cost and to required quality standards. A system analyst with a diverse set of skills-management,leadership, technical, conflict management, and customer relationship-who is responsible for initiating, planning, executing, and closing down a project.

    A: The Project Manager defines, plans, schedules, and controls the project. The project plan must include tasks, deliverables and resources-the people who will perform the tasks. The manager will monitor and coordinate the activitis of the team, and will review their deliverables.

    A: PM is coordinator, assistant and best friend of team members, planner, monitor, reporter of the project or progress.


面试例题10:What is your favorite working atmosphere? (你理想的工作环境是什么?)

    A: I'd like to work in a harmonious surrounding. Everybody pays great effort to do his job for the company. Accomplish every project with the best of my ability. What provide me with a sense of accomplishment, your effort would win approbation. Working as a team member allows me to gain from others within the group.

    A: My ideal job is one that allows me to combine my technical attributes, business skills, and critiacal thinking skills in an attempt to help solve problems and create solutions.

    A: I will try my best to arrange my time, I think I will find balance point between work and relax.


面试例题11:Do you have the qualifications and personal characteristics necessary for success in you chosen career? (你拥有在你所选择的职业里获得成功的资质和必备的个性特点吗?)

    A: I believe I have a combination of qualities to be successful in this career. First, I have a strong interest, backed by a solid, well-rounded, State-of-the-art education, especially in a career that is technically oriented. The basic ingredient, backed by love of learning, problem-solving skills, well-rounded interests, determination to succeed and excel, strong communication skills, and the ability to work hard, are the most important qualities that will help me succeed in this career. To succeed, you also need a natural curiosity about how systems work -- the kind of curiosity I demonstrated when I upgraded my two computers recently. Technology is constantly changing, so you must a fast learner just to keep up or you will be overwhelmed. All of these traits combine to create a solid team member in the ever-changing field of information systems. I am convinced that I possess these characteristics and am ready to be a successful team member for your firm. 


面试例题12:Any question? (你有什么要问我的吗?)

    A: No sir.

    A: Since I can go to work in May, I'd like to know when the HR will send me the offer.


面试例题13:How do you estimate our interview? (你如何评价我们的面试过程?)

    A: I've already passed interview for the second turn and also the calling interview from the Vs, but the HR notified me to go there for work in July, and the interviews between teams are different. So I've to review the interview procedure.

    It was really astonished when I was told to take the interview for the second time, but I thought that there would be sorts of spasmodic problems and disaster in a programmer's career. What can I do is only to face it peaceful. So it does't matter at all.









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