3GPP TS 23501-h20 中英文对照 | 5.29.2 5G VN group management

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5.29.2 5G VN group management

5G System supports management of 5G VN Group identification and membership (i.e. definition of 5G VN group identifiers and membership) and 5G VN Group data (i.e. definition of 5G VN group data). The 5G VN Group management can be configured by a network administrator or can be managed dynamically by AF.

5G System支持5G VN Group标识和成员身份(即5G VN组标识符和成员身份的定义)和5G VN Group数据(即5G VN组数据的定义)的管理。5G VN Group管理可以由网络管理员配置,也可以由AF动态管理。

A 5G VN group is characterized by the following:

5G VN组的特征如下:

- 5G VN group identities: External Group ID and Internal Group ID are used to identify the 5G VN group.

-5G VN组标识:External Group ID和Internal Group ID用于标识5G VN组。

- 5G VN group membership: The 5G VN group members are uniquely identified by GPSI. The group as described in clause of TS 23.502 [3] is applicable to 5G LAN-type services.

-5G VN组成员资格:5G VN组成员由GPSI唯一标识。TS 23.502[3]第5.条所述的组适用于5G LAN-type的服务。

- 5G VN group data. The 5G VN group data may include the following parameters: PDU session type, DNN, S-NSSAI and Application descriptor, Information related with secondary authentication / authorization (e.g. to enable IP address assignment by the DN-AAA).

-5G VN组数据:5G VN组数据可包括以下参数:PDU会话类型、DNN、S-NSSAI和应用描述符、与二次身份验证/授权相关的信息(例如,通过DN-AAA启用IP地址分配)。

The Information related with secondary authentication / authorization corresponds to the procedures described in clause 5.6.6; it allows e.g. the AF to provide DN-AAA server addressing information and possibly to request the SMF to get the UE IP address from the DN-AAA server.

与二次认证/授权相关的信息符合第5.6.6条所述的程序;例如,它允许AF提供DN-AAA服务器寻址信息,并可能请求SMF从DN-AAA服务器获取UE IP地址。

In order to support dynamic management of 5G VN Group identification and membership, the NEF exposes a set of services to manage (e.g. add/delete/modify) 5G VN groups and 5G VN members. The NEF also exposes services to dynamically manage 5G VN group data.

为了支持5G VN Group标识和成员身份的动态管理,NEF公开了一组服务来管理(例如,添加/删除/修改)5G VN组和5G VN成员。NEF还公开了动态管理5G VN组数据的服务。

A 5G VN group is identified by the AF using External Group ID. The NEF provides the External Group ID to UDM. The UDM maps the External Group ID to Internal Group ID. For a newly created 5G VN Group, an Internal Group ID is allocated by the UDM.

5G VN组由AF使用External Group ID标识。NEF向UDM提供External Group ID。UDM将External Group ID映射到Internal Group ID。对于新创建的5G VN Group,UDM分配Internal Group ID。

The NEF can retrieve the Internal Group ID from UDM via Nudm_SDM_Get service operation (External Group ID, Group Identifier translation).

NEF可以通过Nudm_SDM_Get服务操作(External Group ID、Group Identifier转换)从UDM检索Internal Group ID。

An External Group ID for a 5G VN group corresponds to a unique set of 5G VN group data parameters.

5G VN组的External Group ID对应于一组唯一的5G VN组数据参数。

The 5G VN group configuration is either provided by OA&M or provided by an AF to the NEF.

5G VN组配置要么由OAM提供,要么由AF提供给NEF。

When configuration is provided by an AF, the procedures described in clause of TS 23.502 [3] apply for storing the 5G VN group identifiers, group membership information and group data in the UDR, as follows:

当AF提供配置时,TS 23.502[3]第4.15.6.2条中描述的程序适用于在UDR中存储5G VN组标识符、组成员信息和组数据,如下所示:

- The NEF provides the External Group ID, 5G VN group membership information and 5G VN group data to the UDM.

-NEF向UDM提供External Group ID、5G VN组成员信息和5G VN组数据。

- The UDM updates the Internal Group ID-list of the corresponding UE's subscription data in UDR, if needed.

-如果需要,UDM更新UDR中相应UE的订阅数据的Internal Group ID-list。

- The UDM updates the Group Identifier translation in the Group Subscription data with the Internal Group ID, External Group ID and list of group members, if needed.

-如果需要,UDM将使用Internal Group ID、External Group ID和组成员列表更新Group Subscription数据中的Group Identifier转换。

- The UDM stores/updates the 5G VN group data (PDU session type, DNN and S-NSSAI, Application descriptor, Information related with secondary authentication / authorization) in UDR.

-UDM在UDR中存储/更新5G VN组数据(PDU会话类型、DNN和S-NSSAI、应用程序描述符、与二次身份验证/授权相关的信息)。

NOTE 1: It is assumed that all members of a 5G VN group belong to the same UDM Group ID. The NEF can select a UDM instance supporting the UDM Group ID of any of the member GPSIs of the 5G VN group.

注1:假设5G VN组的所有成员都属于相同的UDM Group ID。NEF可以选择支持5G VN组任何成员GPSI的UDM Group ID的UDM实例。

NOTE 2: Shared data mechanisms as defined in TS 29.503 [122] can be used to support large 5G VN groups.

注2:TS 29.503[122]中定义的共享数据机制可用于支持大型5G VN组。

If a UE is member of a 5G VN Group, UDM retrieves UE subscription data and corresponding 5G VN group data from UDR, and provides the AMF and SMF with UE subscription data with 5G VN group data included.

如果UE是5G VN Group的成员,UDM从UDR检索UE订阅数据和相应的5G VN组数据,并向AMF和SMF提供包含5G VN组数据的UE订阅数据。

The PCF generates URSP rules based on 5G VN group data. The PCF retrieves 5G VN group data from UDR. The PCF(s) that have subscribed to modifications of 5G VN group data receive(s) a Nudr_DM_Notify notification of data change from the UDR. The PCF receives at the UE Policy association establishment the Internal Group ID from the AMF, so that PCF identifies the 5G VN group data that needs to be used to generate URSP rules to the UE.

PCF基于5G VN组数据生成URSP规则。PCF从UDR检索5G VN组数据。订阅5G VN组数据修改的PCF接收来自UDR的Nudr_DM_Notify数据更改通知。PCF在UE Policy关联建立时从AMF接收Internal Group ID,以便PCF识别需要用于向UE生成URSP规则的5G VN组数据。

An AF may update the UE Identities of the 5G VN group at any time after the initial provisioning.

AF可以在初始设置之后的任何时间更新5G VN组的UE标识。

The PDU session type, DNN, S-NSSAI provided within 5G VN group data cannot be modified after the initial provisioning.

初始设置后,无法修改5G VN组数据中提供的PDU会话类型、DNN、S-NSSAI。

In this Release of the specification, the home network of the 5G VN group members is same.

在本规范版本中,5G VN组成员的归属网络是相同的。

In this Release of the specification, only a 1:1 mapping between (DNN, S-NSSAI) combination and 5G VN group is supported.

在此版本的规范中,仅支持(DNN,S-NSSAI)组合与5G VN组之间的1:1映射。

The PCF delivers 5G VN group configuration information (DNN, S-NSSAI, PDU session type) to the UE for each GPSI that belongs to a 5G-LAN group. The 5G VN group configuration information is delivered in the URSP from the PCF to the UE using the UE Configuration Update procedure for transparent UE Policy delivery as described in clause of TS 23.502 [3] and clause of TS 23.503 [45].

PCF为属于5G-LAN组的每个GPSI向UE传送5G VN组配置信息(DNN、S-NSSAI、PDU会话类型)。如TS 23.502[3]第4.2.4.3条和TS 23.503[45]第6.1.2.2条所述,使用用于透明UE Policy传送的UE Configuration Update程序,在URSP中将5G VN组配置信息从PCF发送到UE。

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