3GPP TS 23501-h20 中英文对照 | 5.29.3 PDU Session management

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5.29.3 PDU Session management

Session management as defined for 5GS in clause 5.6 is applicable to 5G-VN-type services with the following clarification and enhancement:

第5.6条中为5G定义的会话管理适用于5G VN类型的服务,并进行了以下澄清和增强:

- A UE gets access to 5G LAN-type services via a PDU Session of IP PDU Session type or Ethernet PDU Session type.

-UE通过IP PDU Session类型或Ethernet PDU Session类型的PDU Session访问5G LAN-type的服务。

- A PDU Session provides access to one and only one 5G VN group. The PDU Sessions accessing to a certain 5G VN group should all anchor at the same network, i.e. the common home network of 5G VN group members.

-一个PDU Session提供对一个且仅一个5G VN组的访问。访问特定5G VN组的PDU Session应全部锚定在同一网络上,即5G VN组成员的公共归属网络。

- A dedicated SMF is responsible for all the PDU Sessions for communication of a certain 5G VN group. SMF selection is described in clause 6.3.2.

-专用SMF负责某个5G VN组通信的所有PDU会话。SMF选择如第6.3.2条所述。

NOTE 1: The network is configured so that the same SMF is always selected for a certain 5G VN group, e.g. only one SMF registers on the NRF with the DNN/S-NSSAI used for a given 5G VN group.

注1:对网络进行配置,以便始终为特定5G VN组选择相同的SMF,例如,NRF上只有一个SMF注册,其DNN/S-NSSAI用于给定5G VN组。

NOTE 2: Having a dedicated SMF serving a 5G VN does not contradict that redundancy solutions can be used to achieve high availability.

注2:使用专用SMF为5G VN提供服务并不与实现高可用性的冗余解决方案相矛盾。

- A DNN and S-NSSAI is associated with a 5G VN group.


- The UE provides the DNN and S-NSSAI associated with the 5G VN group to access the 5G LAN-type services for that 5G VN, using the PDU Session Establishment procedure described in clause 4.3.2 of TS 23.502 [3].

-UE使用TS 23.502[3]第4.3.2条中描述的PDU Session Establishment过程,提供与5G VN组相关联的DNN和S-NSSAI,以访问该5G VN的5G LAN-type服务。

- During establishment of the PDU Session, secondary authentication as described in clause 5.6.6 and in clause of TS 23.502 [3], may be performed in order to authenticate and authorize the UE for accessing the DNN and S-NSSAI associated with the 5G VN group. Authentication and authorization for a DNN and S-NSSAI using secondary authentication implies authentication and authorization for the associated 5G VN group. There is no 5G VN group specific authentication or authorization defined.

-在PDU Session建立期间,可以执行TS 23.502[3]第5.6.6条和第4.3.2.3条中所述的二次认证,以便认证和授权UE访问与5G VN组相关联的DNN和S-NSSAI。使用二次身份验证对DNN和S-NSSAI进行身份验证和授权意味着对相关5G VN组进行身份验证和授权。没有定义5G VN组特定的身份验证或授权。

- The SM level subscription data for a DNN and S-NSSAI available in UDM, as described in clause 5.6.1, applies to the DNN and S-NSSAI associated to a 5G VN group.

-如第5.6.1条所述,UDM中提供的DNN和S-NSSAI的SM级订阅数据适用于与5G VN组相关的DNN和S-NSSAI。

- Session management related policy control for a DNN and S-NSSAI as described in TS 23.502 [3], is applicable to the DNN and S-NSSAI associated to a 5G VN group. This includes also usage of URSP, for the UE to determine how to route outgoing traffic to a PDU Session for the DNN and S-NSSAI associated to a 5G VN group.

-TS 23.502[3]中描述的DNN和S-NSSAI的会话管理相关策略控制适用于与5G VN组关联的DNN和S-NSSAI。这还包括使用URSP,以便UE确定如何将传出流量路由到与5G VN组相关联的DNN和S-NSSAI的PDU会话。

- Session and service continuity SSC mode 1, SSC mode 2, and SSC mode 3 as described in clause 5.6.9 are applicable to N6-based traffic forwarding of 5G VN communication within the associated 5G VN group.

-第5.6.9条所述的会话和服务连续性SSC模式1、SSC模式2和SSC模式3适用于相关5G VN组内5G VN基于N6流量转发的通信。

- A PDU Session provides unicast, broadcast and multicast communication for the DNN and S-NSSAI associated to a 5G VN group. The PSA UPF determines whether the communication is for unicast, broadcast or multicast based on the destination address of the received data, and performs unicast, broadcast or multicast communication handling.

-PDU Session为与5G VN组关联的DNN和S-NSSAI提供单播、广播和多播通信。PSA UPF基于接收数据的目的地地址确定通信是用于单播、广播还是多播,并执行单播、广播或多播通信处理。

- During the PDU Session Establishment procedure, the SMF retrieves SM subscription data related to 5G-VN type service from the UDM as part of the UE subscription data for the DNN and S-NSSAI.

-在PDU Session Establishment过程中,SMF从UDM检索与5G-VN类型服务相关的SM订阅数据,作为DNN和S-NSSAI的UE订阅数据的一部分。

- In order to realize N19 traffic routing, the SMF correlates PDU sessions established to the same 5G VN group and uses this to configure the UPF with the group level N4-session including packet detection and forwarding rules for N19 tunnelling forwarding.

-为了实现N19流量路由,SMF将建立到同一5G VN组的PDU会话关联起来,并使用该关联将UPF配置为组级N4-session,包括用于N19隧道转发的包检测和转发规则。





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