AWS助理架构师认证培训 | Classic Solutions Architecture Discussion

视频来源:B站《AWS 认证解决方案架构师 助理级 SAA-C03》


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Solutions Architecture Discussions Overview

Section Introduction

  • These solutions architectures are the best part of this course
  • Let's understand how all the technologies we've seen work together
  • This is a section you need to be 100% comfortable with
  • We'll see the progression of a Solution's architect mindset through many sample case studies:http://WhatIsTheTime.Comhttp://MyClothes.ComMyWordPress.Com Instantiating applications quickly Beanstalk

Stateless WebApp:

  • allows people to know what time it is
  • We don't need a database
  • We want to start small and can accept downtime
  • We want to fully scale vertically and horizontally, no downtime
  • Let's go through the Solutions Architect journey for this app
  • Let's see how we can proceed!

Stateless web app: What time is it? Starting simple

Stateless web app: What time is it? Scaling vertically

Stateless web app: What time is it? Scaling horizontally

Stateless web app: What time is it? Scaling horizontally, adding and removing instances

Stateless web app: What time is it? Scaling horizontally, with a load balancer

Stateless web app: What time is it? Scaling horizontally, with an auto-scaling group

Stateless web app: What time is it? Making our app multi-AZ

Minimum 2 AZ => Let's reserve capacity

In this lecture we've discussed...

  • Public vs Private IP and EC2 instances
  • Elastic IP vs Route 53 vs LoadBalancers
  • Route 53 TTL, A records and Alias Records
  • Maintaining EC2 instances manually vs Auto Scaling Groups
  • Multi AZ to survive disasters
  • ELB Health Checks
  • Security Group Rules
  • Reservation of capacity for costing savings when possible
  • We're considering 5 pillars for a well architected application: costs, performance, reliability, security, operational excellence

Stateful WebApp:

  • allows people to buy clothes online.
  • There's a shopping cart
  • Our website is having hundreds of users at the sametime
  • We need to scale, maintain horizontal scalability and keep our web application as stateless as possible
  • Users should not lose their shopping cart
  • Users should have their details (address, etc) in a database
  • Let's see how we can proceed!

Stateful Web App:

Stateful Web App: Introduce Stickiness (Session Affinity)

Stateful Web App: Introduce User Cookies

Stateful Web App: Introduce Server Session

Stateful Web App: Storing User Data in a database

Stateful Web App: Scaling Reads

Stateful Web App: Scaling Reads (Alternative) - Write Through

Stateful Web App: Multi AZ - Survive disasters

Stateful Web App: Security Groups

In this lecture we've discussed... 3-tier architectures for web applications

  • ELB sticky sessions
  • Web clients for storing cookies and making our web app stateless
  • ElastiCacheFor storing sessions (alternative: DynamoDB)For caching data from RDS Multi AZ
  • RDSFor storing user dataRead replicas for scaling reads Multi AZ for disaster recovery
  • Tight Security with security groups referencing eachother

Stateful WebApp:

  • We are trying to create a fully scalable WordPress website
  • We want that website to acces ss and correctly display picture uploads
  • Our user data, and the blog content should be stored in a MySQL database
  • Let's see how we can achieve this!

Stateful WebApp: RDS layer

Stateful WebApp: Scaling with Aurora: Multi AZ & Read Replicas

Stateful WebApp: Storing images with EBS

Stateful WebApp: Storing images with EFS

In this lecture we've discussed...

  • Aurora Database to have easy Multi-AZ and Read-Replicas
  • Storing data in EBS (single instance application)
  • Vs Storing data in EFS (distributed application)

Instantiating applications quickly

Instantiating Applications quickly

  • When launching a full stack (EC2, EBS, RDS), it can take time to:Install applicationsInsert initial (or recovery) data Configure everything Launch the application
  • We can take advantage of the cloud to speed that up!
  • EC2 Instances:Use a Golden AMI: Install your applications, OS dependencies etc... beforehand and launch your EC2 instance from the Golden AMl Bootstrap using UserData: For dynamic configuration, use User Data scripts Hybrid: mix Golden AMl and User Data (Elastic Beanstalk)
  • RDS Databases:Restore from a snapshot: the database will have schemas and data ready!
  • EBS Volumes:Restore from a snapshot: the disk will already be formatted and have data!

Beanstalk Overview

Typical architecture: Web App 3-tier

Developer problems on AWS

  • Managing infrastructure
  • Deploying Code
  • Configuring all the databases, loadbalancers, etc
  • Scaling concerns
  • Most web apps have the same architecture (ALB+ASG)
  • All the developers want is for their code to run!
  • Possibly, consistently across different applications and environments

Elastic Beanstalk - Overview

  • Elastic Beanstalk is a developer centric view of deploying an application on AWS
  • It uses all the component's we've seen before: EC2, ASG, ELB, RDS, ...
  • Managed serviceAutomatically handles capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, application health monitoring, instance configuration, ...Just the application code is the responsibility of the developer
  • We still have full control over the configuration
  • Beanstalk is free but you pay for the underlying instances

Elastic Beanstalk - Components

  • Application: collection of Elastic Beanstalk components (environments, versions, configurations, ...)
  • Application Version: an iteration of your application code
  • EnvironmentCollection of AWS resources running an application version (only one application version at a time)Tiers: Web Server Environment Tier & Worker Environment Tier You can create multiple environments (dev, test, prod, ...)

Elastic Beanstalk - Supported Platforms

  • Go
  • Java SE
  • Java with Tomcat
  • .NET Core on Linux
  • .NET on Windows Server
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Packer Builder
  • Single Container Docker
  • Multi-container Docker
  • Preconfigured Docker
  • lf not supported, you can write your custom platform (advanced)

Web Server Tier vs. Worker Tier

  • Scale based on the number of SQS messages
  • Can push messages to SQS queue from another Web Server Tier
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