

1) 流行的英语学习网站
(1) BBC English
(2) Learn English British Council
(3) Englishclub
(4) English-Zone
(5) English Page
(6) ESL Cafe
(7) English Baby
(8) Parlo
(9) Adam Rado's English Learning Fun Site
(10) English Practice
2) http://www.eslcafe.com/ Dave ESL咖啡屋,英语学习好网址。
3) http://www.tesol.net/tesl.html Kristna Pfaff 语言和言语学习和教学
4) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/ESL.html 英语网站链接
5) http://www.u-net.com/eflweb/ EFLWEB 主页
6) http://www.nceltr.mq.edu.au/ 因特网上ESL
7) http://eleaston.com 丰富实用的英语学习和教学的网页.
8) http://www.study.com/resources.html 英语学习资源
9 )http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk 英语教学
10) http://www.unex.ucla.edu/online/ 英语在线课程
11) http://www.nll.co.uk 英语在线学习
12) http://www.stuff.co.uk/wicked.htm Wicked Stuff英语语言学习
13) http://www.planetenglish.com 世界英语语言资源中心
14) http://www.study.com Comenius 免费网上学校
15) http://edvista.com/claire/internet-esl.html Claire Bradin 个人网页
16) http://www.schackne.com Steve Schackne 英语教师资源网页
17) http://www.lapasserelle.com/lm/ Michael A. Riccioli交互性和非交互性英语练习网页
18) http://www.esl-lab.com/party/partscr1.htm Randall学生英语测试网页
19) www.eslpartyland.com PartyLand ESL
20) http://teflchina.com/ 在中国的老外讨论英语教学
21) http://www.online-english.britishcouncil.org/ 在线课程
22) http://www.internetesl.com/ 儿童英语
23) http://marksesl.com Mark EST 世界
24) http://www.nelliemuller.com ELT Projects
25) http://teachers.teach-nology.com/index.html for teachers
26) http://abcteach.com/index.html ABC teach
27) http://literacynet.org/cnnsf/home.html learning resources
2. 英语听力
1) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/search.cgi?query=Listening
2) http://www.esl-lab.com/ Randall ESL 听力室
3. 英语考试
3.1 TOEFL 托福
1) http://www.stuff.co.uk/toefl.htm TOEFL 练习
2) http://osu.orst.edu/~larsonan
3) http://www.testwise.com/review.html
3.2 GRE
1) http://www.gre.org GRE 考试
3.3 IELTS 雅思
1)http://www.britishcouncil.org.cn/english/education/exams/new.htm 中国雅思考试
2) http://www.ielts.org/ 雅思
4. 英语在线字典
1) http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ 剑桥在线字典
2)http://www.m-w.com Mreeiam-Webster 在线字典
3) http://www.linguistics.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ccsd/ Collins-Cobuild 学生字典
5. 英语语法
1) http://www.edunet.com/english/grammar/ 英语语法在线
2) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/grammar.html 英语语法测试
6. 语言与背景知识
1) http://www.refdesk.com/ 虚拟参考资料信息台
2) http://www.nhmccd.edu/contracts/lrc/kc/decade90.html 美国历史文化背景
3)http://www.night.net/kthanks.html 关于感恩节
4) http://www.educationuk.org.cn/ 英国教育文化
5) http://carla.acad.umn.edu/intercultural.html 文化与语言学习
7. 英语图书馆
1) http://www.ipl.org/ 网上公共图书馆
2) http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/ Shakespeare 作品
3) http://www.encarta.msn.com/encartahome.asp Encarta 百科全书
4) http://www.adventure.com/encyclopedia 知识探索百科
5) http://classics.mit.edu/ 经典名著文库
8. 英语学习游戏
1) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/ESL/Games/ 英语学习游戏
2) http://www.wuziegames.com/index.html
9. 故事
1) http://www.CandlelightStories.com/ 故事之旅
11. 期刊和杂志
1) http://www.well.com/www/sokolik/ TESL 电子杂志
2) http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/visitors/kenji/referenc.htm ELT和语言学
3) http://www.its-online.com/ 英语学习者的报纸
4) http://learning.turner.com/newsroom CNN 新闻
5) http://www.guardian.co.uk 卫报英语教师资料
10. 电影和电视剧
1)http://www.script-o-rama.com/ 剧本网站
2) http://us.imdb.com 电影数据库
3)http://www.hollywood.com/ Hollywood
11. 英语歌词
1) http://www.lyrics.ch/
12. 交英语笔友
1) http://www.epals.com/ 课堂笔友交换
2) http://keypals.com/ 笔友
3) http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/keypals.html 笔友连接
13. 英语学习软件
1) http://www.shareware.com/ 软件库
2) ESL 资源
14. 出国学习
1)http://studyusa.com/ 到美国学习。
2)http://www.collegenet.com/ 美国大学网。
3)http://www.arels.org.uk/ 英国文化委员会承认的200所院校和所设课程。
4)http://sabmac.studyabroad.com/simplehtml/languages/english_canada.html 到加拿大学习。
2) www.esc.edu/write
16. 成语俚语

ii. 国内英语学习网页
你想获得更多的国内英语学习网页,用中文yahoo和sohu 进行搜索,键入这些关键词“英语学习”“学习英语”“英语教学”“英语口语”“英语考试”“英语阅读”“英语听说” “英语翻译”“英语资源”“英语资料”等
A) 综合网站
1. 中英合作英语通 in2english.com.cn
2. 旺旺英语www.englishww.com/
3. 英语角 www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/index.htm
4. 英语之声 www.4english.com.cn
5. 英文锁定 www.Icansay.com/
6. 英语中国 www.englishchina.com/
7. 英语在线 www.englishabc.com/
8. 天天英语 english.chinaschool.net/
9. 时尚英语 www.oh100.com/huayuan/english/
10. 网络英语 www.englishlover.net/
11. 英语麦当劳 english23.6to23.com/
12. 搜狐在线学习 learning.sohu.com/lan/
13. 新东方教育在线 www.neworiental.org/
14. 中华网英语在线 edu.china.com/zh_cn/elearn/index.html
15. 庄子英语频道 www.zhuangzi.com/en/index.asp
16. English Town www.englishtown.com/master/home/
17. 洪恩在线 www.hongen.com/eng/index.htm
18. 空中英语教室 www.studioclassroom.com
19. 英语直通车 www.englishfree.com.cn/
20. 英语辅导报 http://www.ecp.com.cn/ecp/index.htm
21. 数码英语 http://www.englishabc.com/index.htm
22. 世博英语 http://www.360abc.com/
23. 英语园 ymw.myrice.com
24. Tom http://language.tom.com/
25. 百灵网校 http://edu.beelink.com.cn/73187891991281664/index.shtml
26. 锐角英语 http://www.aasky.com/english/index.asp
27. 52abc http://www.52abc.com/
28. English 4u http://www.english4us.com/
29. 英语时空 http://www.yysk.net/
30. 英语杂货铺 http://vip.6to23.com/sentry/
31. 英语即时通 http://www.dreye.com.cn/english/index.html
32. 征服英语 http://www.sen21.com/
33. 万千英语族 http://www.iselong.com/
34. 粱容英语 http://www.lrenglish.com
35 英语周报 http://www.ew.com.cn/wsxyy/wsxyy.htm
36.英语屋 http://www.englishwu.com/
听力快车 http://www.listeningexpress.net/
英语听力 http://www.putclub.org/
普特英语听力 http://www.putclub.com/resource.htm
听世界 http://www.broadcastenglish.com/
儿童英语乐园 http://www.etyyy.com/
儿童英语星空 http://www.yeworld.net/index/CP/
看图学英语 http://www.ah163.net/goldsun/English/flash01.htm
外研社儿童英语乐园 http://www.ewonderland.com.cn/
少儿英语学习中心 http://www.xinzhitang.com.cn/learning/200301/index.htm
儿童英语 http://www.165net.com/tower/child/child0.htm
Kiz Club http://www.kizclub.com/index.html
Kids Space http://www.kids-space.org/index.html
Seasamestreet http://www.sesameworkshop.com/sesamestreet/
Kids http://pbskids.org/lions/
Funbrain http://www.funbrain.com/
PBSkids http://pbskids.org/
ABCtooncenter http://www.abctooncenter.com/
Story Pop http://www.web-pop.com/musicpopstephen.html
Kidclick http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/kidsclick!/ D)
商务英语 http://www.ceeyee.com/
商业英语新天地 http://www.steglish.com/
浩然考试网 http://www.hrexam.com/
中国考试网 http://www.sinoexam.com.cn/
教师频道 http://www.k12.com.cn/teacher/sub_edu/english/
中小学英语教学 http://www.jswl.cn/course/czwyjx/index.html
法律英语 http://www.lawspirit.com/

iii. 国内外国报刊杂志推荐
1.中国国际广播电台 http://www.cri.com.cn
2.中国日报 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn
3.人民日报英文版 http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/home.html
4. 21世纪报 http://www.21stcentury.com.cn/index.php
5. 时代文摘 http://www.timedigest.com/
6.南华早报 香港最大的英文日报 http://www.scmp.com/
7.今日美国 彩色版全国性日报 http://www.usatoday.com
8.《时代》周刊 美国最大的新闻周刊 http://www.time.com
9.《新闻周刊》美国第二大新闻周刊 http://www.msnbc.com
10.《读者文摘》美国发行量最大的普及综合性文摘月刊 http://www.readersdigest.com/
11.美联社 http://www.ap.org
12.ABC新闻 http://www.abcnews.com
13.财富 http://www.fortune.com/
14.金融时报 英国著名财经日报 http://www.ft.com
15.国际先驱论坛报 http://www.iht.com
16.纽约时报 美国一大报纸 http://www.nytimes.com
17.华盛顿邮报 美国第二大报 http://www.washingtonpost.com
18.洛杉矾时报 美国西部最大的日报,美国的第三大报 http://www.latimes.com
19.华尔街日报 美国金融界权威的专业报纸 http://www.wsj.com
20.《基督教科学箴言报》美国很有影响的周报 http://www.csmonitor.com
21.泰晤士报 英国著名报纸 http://www.the-times.co.uk/
22.卫报 英国著名日报 http://www.guardian.co.uk/

II. 电子邮件
i. 订阅英语学习和教学的专题讨论组和免费电子邮件杂志
1. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU 只在信体上写上:SUB TESL-L 你的名,你的姓。该讨论组是关于英语学习和教学的。
2. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.KENT.EDU 只在信体上写上: SUBSCRIBE ESL 你的名,你的姓。该讨论组是关于英语的。
3. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:MAJORDOMO@COE.MISSOURI.EDU 只在信体上写上: SUBSCRIBE ENGLISH-L 该讨论组是关于英语爱好者的,可以询问学习英语中碰到的问题,交换学习英语的体会,交天下朋友。
4. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:MAJORDOMO@LISTS.BBC.CO.UK 只在信体上写上:SUBSCRIBE BBC-ELT 该讨论组是关于英语学习教学的。
5. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:VU47-REQUEST@BURGER.FORFREE.AT 只在信体上写上:SUBSCRIBE VU47 你的电子邮件地址 该讨论组的目的帮你提高英语,每周发给你一课新内容。
6. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:TRIVIA@MAILBITS.COM 你就会每天收到一封电子邮件,对英语的一个词或一个表达形式做解释说明或说出来历和典故。
7. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址: up-to-date-idioms-subscribe@onelist.com 你就会每个工作日收到一封电子邮件,每次一个美国成语解释并举例。
8. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:LISTSERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDUL 只在信体上写上: INDEX RORUM。这是教师论坛,你可以查到你所感兴趣的有关英语学习和教学的文章。
9. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:lesson-subscribe@mlm.englishlearner.com 即可收到初级语法、中级阅读和高级阅读等资料。
10. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:mrbob-subscribe@egroups.com 你可收到美语会话、谚语大全、词汇仓库、美国俚语和特别英语等。
11. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:majordomo@msl.e-lists.com.cn 只在信体上写上:subscribe seniorenglish 你可收到英诗欣赏、外台介绍、美国之音特别英语词汇和文章阅读等。
12. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址: majordomo@ms.e-lists.com.cn 只在信体上写上:subscribe e_humor 英语幽默。
13 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:subscribe-guardian-world@send.memail.com 信体不写任何东西,你可以每天收到当天的世界新闻摘要。
14.你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:teflchinaLIFE-subscribe@topica.com 信体上输入你的电子邮件地址 该组是在中国的老外谈英语教学的。
15. 你可以访问该网页,http://www.cn99.com 订阅“免费英语邮件杂志。
16. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:vocabulary-builder-subscribe@onelist.com 关于英语单词的构成和解释。
17. 你可以发一封电子邮件给此地址:listserv@list1.britishcouncil.org 只在信体上写上:sub eltecs-chi-l 英国文化委员会的英语教学讨论组。
19. 访问该网页,注册后,订阅每周一俚语:http://www.startsampling.com/sm/wod/register.iphtml
20. 你可以发一封电子邮件给这个地址:订阅么每日一个笑话:join@jokeaday.com
21. 访问该网站,通过电子邮件订阅和多免费学习内容 http://gt.sodamail.com/cgi-bin/gt/subscribe.htmlbin/gt/subscribe.html
22. 你可以发一封电子邮件给这个地址:订阅么免费名人名言和格言:todays_quote-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
23. 访问该网站,通过电子邮件订阅免费俚语:http://www.peakenglish.com/slang/dailySlang.jsp
24. 访问该网站,通过电子邮件订阅免费学习内容:http://www.englishlover.net/
25. 你可以分别发一封电子邮件给这两个地址:WORLDSERVICE.LETTERS@BBC.CO.UKLETTERS@VOA.GOV 你可以索取BBC 和VOA 的最新节目时间表。

http://www.google.com 全球最强大的搜索网站。
http://www.yahoo.com 雅虎分类检索。

http://www.iciba.net/ 金山词霸网站,可以下载部分字典软件的共享版,英汉之间各种转换都有。词条数一般在百万以上。建议还是直接去买软件好,作为案头常备工具,还可随点随译。
http://sunrain.net/ 太阳雨汉英英汉词典,内容丰富,可以添加词汇,并有水平不错的论坛。
http://www.m-w.com/ 韦氏大词典,英英,韦氏字典家族尽览。
http://www.thesaurus.com/www.dictionary.com )综合词典,同义词/反义词,分类,英英。
http://dico.isc.cnrs.fr/dico/en/search 同义词电子词典,英英。

美国最大的免费在线参考网站。下有Columbia Encyclopedia, Roget's Thesauri, American Heritage Dictionary, Columbia History of English and American Literature等众多参考词典。更新快,内容丰富。英文。
http://www.encycolpedia.com 在线简明哥伦比亚百科全书,有5万多词条。英文。
http://education.yahoo.com/reference/encyclopedia/index.html 在线简明牛津百科全书。英文。
http://s9.com/biography/search.html 人名词典,可通过名字、关键词或时间查询28,000位世界著名人物的简要介绍。英文。
http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/index.html 地名大词典。英文。
http://www.db66.com/index.shtm 新近开通的知识在线,号称网上最大中文知识库,有世界知识、中国文物、音乐、体育、历史等百科全书。需要注册。
http://www.xingfusi.com/fxd/lookup.htm 六合一佛学大词典,每个词条都有详介及英语译法。
http://www.al-islam.org/encyclopedia/index.html 英文伊斯兰教百科全书。
http://www.carm.org/dictionary.htm 英文基督教神学词典。
http://www.ask.com/ 最常用的提问网站,可以通过查询分类查找问题答案,也可上帖提问。

http://www.bilinguist.com 汉英论坛,高手云集,可上贴提问,回答率高。
http://www.chinatranslate.net 中国翻译网,号称全国最大的翻译专业网站。知识全面,但更新较慢。
http://www.netat.net/ 世界通即时翻译、浏览翻译、双语搜索、文件翻译、邮件翻译
http://www.cn-trans.com/ 译者俱乐部,个人网站,其精选短文与翻译论坛尚可。更新慢。
http://www.rahul.net/lai/companion.html 翻译者家庭助手。英文。
www.worldLingo.com 免费网上翻译服务


http://wfwok.topcool.net/grammar.htm 比较详尽的语法教程,包括练习,可下载。
http://home.njenet.net.cn/ewriting/w/ewriting.htm 东南大学研究生写作课程,只有7单元,对提高阅读和写作能力却很有帮助。
http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/subidx.cfm 英文在线教学网站的语法部分,120条。
http://www.englishchina.com/ 英语中国,有丰富的站点链接,更新较慢。
http://webster.commnet.edu/writing/writing.htm 英文写作助手。多种国外资源链接。

http://www.crazyenglish.org 疯狂英语俱乐部。英语学习方法、教程、各种最新资料。
http://www.hongen.com/eng/index.htm 洪恩在线。英语学习社区。外教讲座。
http://edu.china.com/zh_cn/elearn/second/test/index.html 提高英语听力的方法。
http://www.tingli.com/ 听力网,众多时文,可下载收听,用REALPLAYER。
http://www.listeningexpress.com/ 部分VOA、BBC、NCE的听力材料.
http://yyenglish.myrice.com/pages/data1.htm 羊羊的听力资料库,网况良好时请多多下载。
http://www.un.org/av/ 联合国广播,需待网况良好时使用。
http://www.historychannel.com/speeches/ 美国历史频道演说集,需要REALPLAYER。
http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speechbank.htm 强大的名人演说集(文本+录音)。可搜索。
http://library.westmont.edu/bibinst/SearchAids/Com15.html 英文公共演讲练习资源。
http://www.lunli.com/index.html 赛博风:在网络中听英语(EXCELLENT)
http://www.listeningexpress.com/ 英语听力特快

7. 综合类
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http://www.icansay.com/ 英文锁定, 精彩我来说
http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/index.html chinadaily--Language Tips
http://groups.google.com/groups? ... .humor.funny.reruns 英语笑话NEWSGROUP,都是精品
http://english.chinaschool.net/main.html 天天英语
http://www.chineseworld.com/publish/37_9999.r/r.asp 世界日报-生活美语
http://www.iselong.com/ 万千英语族
http://www.englishww.com/ 旺旺英语
http://www.5ixx.com/ 51XX英语资料下载

8. 英语考试
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Test Tutor http://www.testtutor.com
免费学习GRE的好网站(E) www.number2.com
TestMagic.com(E) http://www.testmagic.com/
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news 1130

1 , datafile.zip<br>"This sample demonstrates how to do file input and output using Visual Basic. The sample creates a new database file and allows you to view, add, or delete records in this database."<END><br>2 , dbprint.zip<br>This demonstrates how to print data from a database.<END><br>3 , edittbls.zip<br>This is an EXCELLENT example on how to edit database Tables through VB.<END><br>4 , graphdb.zip<br>This demonstrates how to graph information from a database to a picturebox.<END><br>5 , ClassBuilder1.zip<br>Class Builder - reads SQL Server or Access database and creates a class of the selected table<END><br>6 , adoView1.zip<br>ADO viewer. Retrieve all columns, querys and fields of a database and put them in a TreeView(using OpenSchema ADOConnection method)<END><br>7 , imagechunk1.zip<br>This application will save JPG,BMP,GIF files in your database and allows you to fetch the same. Code example for saving and fetching the same in oracle and sql is also given.<END><br>8 , DBImpExp.zip<br>A utility to import/export Access database from/to other application formats, e.g. Excel and text files. With sample files and help, as well as ample remarks.<END><br>9 , pb_test.zip<br>Test project illustrating high performance Data Access for SQL Server using ADO command objects and Stored Procedures for Insert, Update, Delete and Select. Two methods for Selects are shown <END><br>10 , Employees.zip<br>This is a database project, for storing employees data.<END><br>11 , DBProject2.zip<br>New version of DBProject. Allows you view, scroll through, and edit an access database. <END><br>12 , adoview.zip<br>ADO Viewer,This code retrieve all columns, querys, fields of a database(Access, SQL Server, etc...)<END><br>13 , Cheques2.zip<br>New version of Cheques program. Must see...<END><br>14 , ADOSQLcodeGenerator.zip<br>SQL and ADO Code Generator. Generate SQL statement and ADO Code Connection without the use of an ADO Data Control. <END><br>15 , client.zip<br>This application is about programming with Client Side Cursors. <END><br>16 , AccessSecurity.zip<br>An Access97 security tool. Replaces going into Access97 and switching between security forms. <END> <br>17 , DatabaseViewandEdit.zip<br>Do about anything with Access databases. View, edit, export contents to Word or Excel, etc., etc.<END><br>18 , VBSales.zip<br>This is a complete database program for sales which help you to create purchase order, Invoice, etc. <END><br>19 , accidents.zip<br>A programme meant to add, edit,delete,and searching data. It includes how to show statistics regarding the accidents information.just try it. It is handy in studying database programming.<END><br>20 , MySQLExplorer.zip<br>Explorer for MySQL Data Base.You can retrieve and execute your query. <END><br>21 , ICDBaseSource115.zip<br>DAO based database program with many features in it<END><br>22 , ICDBSourceBeta115.zip<br>teach people just beginning with databases and also i am new to databases so this is pretty well commented.<END><br>23 , Diary.zip<br>This application everything you need.t has a CALCULATOR.It has TIME & DATE u can even set the system time<END><br>24 , L_datab.zip<br>The functions are for open Databases including passwords, creating Recordsets , executing SQL statements, renaming tables and many more.<END><br>25 , CodeGen.zip<br>VB code generator,The application currently generates data classes for Access '97 databases. <END><br>26 , dbexample.zip<br>The best part about using a MS JETDB EnGINE4 is that the DB can be accessed through a network. <END><br>27 , ComboLookup.zip<br>Zip Code Database Is A Program To Find Zip Codes By Using A Lookup Field. <END><br>28 , UDL.zip<br>This is a class that lets you create and edit UDL files<END><br>29 , qbd-dbCoder131.zip<br>This code shows how to take data from a VB database application and place it into an Excel spreadsheet.<END><br>30 , Family_v2_upload_Apr_05_2000.zip<br>This is a family address book program created using VB6. <END><br>31 , datsearch.zip<br>Application which searches an Access database for a specified search term entered by the user.<END><br>32 , DBTextGrid.zip<br>This program is the modification of my previous Textgrid.Now you can Add, Modify, Delete, View, Save data to/from your database with this Grid. The grid was formed with array of text boxes.<END><br>33,txtgrid.zip<br>This program creates text box array dynamically and loads the database fields onto it. <END><br>34,DAOLike.zip<br>This program Demonstrates how to use LIKE operator in Jet SQL Query (uses DAO).<END><br>35,xmlcreator.zip<br>This project is a demonstration of how to convert a recordset into an XML format file. Its well documented and more XML stuff to come along.<END><br>36,compmdb.zip<br>This program will allow the user to select a MDB file to compact. Its then backed up just in case, compressed and then the original is deleted before the new compacted version is moved back in place of the original.<END><br>37,dbinfo.zip<br>We've written this mainly for when we develop databases, but really you could adapt it for productive use too. By supplying a DSN entry, it will attempt to connect to that database and list all the tables in it. When you click on a table, it lists all <END><br>38,3a.zip<br>An Inventory System, you can add, edit, sort, find, delete, print, change your password and create a backup of your database<END><br>39,A417Source.zip<br>Full original RANDOM DATA INDEXING (SY-32)METHOD),Faster DATA access than a classical database application. the 1st source of new indexing method (SY-32) <END><br>40,student.zip<br>This is Student Administration Project , u can administrate student through this programme in any institute when u run the programme please use password "mars3" then u can run please check it. <END><br>41,ADOViewer.zip<br>ADO DataBase Viewer. Can open multiple concurrent databases from seperate providers. Works with Access, SQL Server and DSN. I included the ODBC Logon from VB6 so it should be able to hook up to any data provider that supports ADO. <END><br>42,rptparam.zip<br>Passing parameters with data reports. I have set two parameters and passed them during run time.Open with VB6. <END><br>43,CompactRepair.zip<br>A small application that shows you how to compact and repair a Microsoft Access mdb or mde using ADO (JRO). <END><br>44,Ledgerinvb5.zip<br>This is simple GL ledger Project, again a database program. It has an interesting part if you click About button. Must see it. <END><br>45,AdoSort.zip<br>Ado Data Sort Control will display your data from database, filter, sort (up to 3 levels) all in HFlexGrid!!! <END><br>46,adoxml.zip<br>Use ADO to convert database records into an XML file. All users must have MSXML.dll version 3.0, and Internet Explorer 5.5. <END><br>47,DataCntl.zip<br>Simple application that shows how to use the Data Control to connect to the Biblio.mdb database and display all authors in the Authors table. <END><br>48,MyTool.zip<br>An SQL Query tool for SQL Server or Oracle. <END><br>49,fab15.zip<br>Complete Database Address book With Lots Of New Facilites.....下载 Now. <END><br>50,DataBaseViewer.zip<br>DataBase Viewer is a program that lets you to look at your database files. It opens the recordsets in a table for easy viewing and also has a percents and progress bar to show the exact loading progress of the RecordSet. <END><br>51,Dynarep.zip<br>This program generates a dynamic datareport during runtime without using any DataEnvironment object. I have passed the datasource and recordset properties during run time. Opens with VB6.<br><END><br>52,EditUDL2.zip<br>This is a newer version of the Edit UDL class. This version 2.3 enables you to Create, Edit and Save UDL files either by the UDL properties Dialog Box or by a connection string. The class adds some additional Properties. The Zip file contains not only the class but a sample project demonstrating the use of the UDL class. <END><br>53,ADOclient-side.zip<br>In a network environment, open a connection to a database, retrieve data, close the connection, work with the data, reopen the connection to communicate with the database again and do a batch update. <END><br>54,udl2.zip<br>This application reads universal data link files from disk, creates them, and saves modifications to them to a file. UDL files contain ADO connection information to data sources. Their output can be used as a connection string in your applications. <END><br>55,timebilling.zip<br>This is a full 3-tier dababase application which includes a activex dll project(business objects) and a standard exe(UI). <END><br>56,ADODAOpw.zip<br>Application which shows how to access a password protected Access database using DAO and ADO. <END><br>57,DBExplorer.zip<br>Database explorer for viewing all tables and queries in a database. Also includes an SQL editor similar to SQL Query Analyzer. <END><br>58,FriendsDb.zip<br>ADO Database, Improved login and made the program smaller but with the same options as before just a few extra ones with the login such as write the login to the registry instead of just to a ini file also better encryption for the ini file... Now you can save your password as a number, in the previous login the encryption was poor. <END><br>59,FriendsDb105.zip<br>ADO Database... FriendsDatabase Version 1.05 ... Updated Again, Added even more error handling and images to the listview box also added a few forms to stay on top. Some major error additions i skipped before, runs much smoother now not that it didn't before. <END><br>60,Friends.zip<br>GREATLY UPDATED: Added much better error handling just to be safer and more neat... Also added more sound so all commands have a sound and upon loading a 3 second wav plays also included is the advanced progress bar and ocx that i found in someone elses source that is great for multiple reasons.. <END><br>61,FriendsDatabase.zip<br>My first ADO database, i learned from tutorials on here specifically from Jerry Barnes so i think this would be great for people new to ADO databases to learn from but i suggest finding Jerry Barnes ADO For beginners source because it is incredibly commented on and will surely have you creating ADO within 20 minutes. <END><br>62,user_query.zip<br>The Application basically allows you to connect to any Access Database view records of each table, along with the table design ,write sql statements on the fly(any dml statement).Most Of The Functionality Of The Application Has Been Automated. A must See.. <END><br>63,Database.zip<br>Database application. Must see... <END><br>64,Cheque.zip<br>Cheques. Must see... <END><br>65,ICDBaseSource.zip<br>DAO based database program with many features in it, I also noticed after searching around I seen no databases that supported saving gaming info so I made one witht he ability for saving game info such as favorite game, gaming handle, clan name, clan rank... <END><br>66,pizza.zip<br>Pizza Program. Must see... <END><br>67,prjDataEnv.zip<br>This VB database application shows how to use DataEnvironment in code. <END><br>68,Familyv3.zip<br>This is new version of a family address book that I released some time ago. This time around I mostly use ADO instead of DAO and now the user isallowed to add or remove any category of their choice. <END><br>69,AgendaRBC.zip<br>An Agenda which uses a text database file. <END><br>70,project26.zip<br>Stocks Portfolio. <END><br>71,vbasics.zip<br>This is a database project that uses the VB DBGrid control to display and scroll through all records in an Access database. <END><br>72,vbWales.zip<br>Database app. I did as a college assignment. Only simple stuff but there is some good tab strip code etc... <END><br>73,DBProject.zip<br>Database Viewer application. Allows you to view and scroll through all of the records in a database. <END><br>74,dbCoder.zip<br>Access97 Database Coder. Analyses a database and writes the code required to create blank copy. Two projects dbCoderAddIn.vbp can be compiled as an add-in and will place the code in a new module of the active project. <END><br>75,move_vb6.zip<br>Demonstrates how to use the data control to move through a recordset. <END><br>76,ado.zip<br>Opens an access database using ADO and then displays all records, provider properties and error information in a list box. <END><br>77,f_119.zip<br>An example of a bound form using the ADO control(4KB)<END><br>78,f_118.zip<br>Examples of a connectionless recordset(2KB)<END>




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