XSD: XML Data Binding for C++

XSD: XML Data Binding for C++

       CodeSynthesis XSD is an open-source, cross-platform W3C XML Schema to
       C++ data binding compiler. Provided with an XML instance specification
       (XML Schema), it generates C++ classes that represent the given
       vocabulary as well as parsing and serialization code.
       You can then access the data stored in XML using types and functions
       that semantically correspond to your application domain rather than
       dealing with the intricacies of reading and writing XML:

      auto_ptr<Contact> c = contact ("c.xml");
cout << c->name () << ", "
     << c->email () << ", "
     << c->phone () << endl;

  <name>John Doe</name>
  <phone>555 12345</phone>

    The process of extracting the data from a direct representation of
       XML (such as DOM or SAX) and presenting it as a hierarchy of objects
       or events that correspond to a document vocabulary is called
       XML Data Binding. An XML Data Binding compiler accomplishes this
       by establishing a mapping or binding between XML Schema and a target
       programming language. For more information on why use XML Data
       Binding and CodeSynthesis XSD, see Reasons
       to Use.

    XSD supports two XML Schema to C++ mappings:
       in-memory C++/Tree
       and stream-oriented C++/Parser.
       The C++/Tree mapping represents the information stored in XML
       documents as a tree-like, in-memory object model.

       C++/Parser is a new, SAX-like mapping which represents the data
       stored in XML as a hierarchy of vocabulary-specific parsing events.

       The following table summarizes key advantages of the two C++ bindings:


        Ready to use type system for in-memory representation
        Fit into existing type system by constructing your
            own in-memory representation

        Complete XML document view and referential integrity
        Perform immediate processing as parts of the document become available (streaming)

        Optional association with underlying DOM nodes
        Handle XML documents that are too large to fit into memory

        Additional features: serialization back to DOM or XML,
            support for ID/IDREF cross-referencing, etc.
        Small footprint, including code size and runtime memory consumption

    Compared to APIs such as DOM and SAX, XML data binding allows
       you to access the data in XML documents using your domain
       vocabulary instead of generic elements, attributes, and text.
       Static typing helps catch errors at compile-time rather
       than at run-time. Automatic code generation saves time and minimizes
       the effort needed to adapt your applications to changes in the
       document structure.

    The following two examples show the amount and complexity of
       code needed to access the information in the above XML using
       generic C++ APIs compared to C++ bindings:

      // DOM

DOMElement* c = ...
DOMNodeList* l;

l = c->getElementsByTagName ("name");
DOMNode* name = l->item (0);

l = c->getElementsByTagName ("email");
DOMNode* email = l->item (0);

l = c->getElementsByTagName ("phone");
DOMNode* phone = l->item (0);

cout << name->getTextContent () << ", "
     << email->getTextContent () << ", "
     << phone->getTextContent () << endl;

      // XML Binding: C++/Tree

Contact c = ...

cout << c.name () << ", "
     << c.email () << ", "
     << c.phone () << endl;


      // SAX

class ContactParser: ...
  virtual void
  endElement (const string& name)
    if (name == "name")
      cout << ", "
    else if (name == "email")
      cout << ", "
    else if (name == "phone")
      cout << endl;

  virtual void
  characters (const string& s)
    cout << s;

      // XML Binding: C++/Parser

class ContactParser: ...
  virtual void
  name (const string& n)
    cout << n << ", ";

  virtual void
  email (const string& e)
    cout << e << ", ";

  virtual void
  phone (const string& p)
    cout << p << endl;



      Elegant C++ Mappings and Portable Generated Code - We took
          great care in designing our XML Schema to C++ mappings to ensure
          that they are simple, intuitive and enjoyable to work with. We
          also made sure that our generated code is portable across a wide
          range of operating systems and C++ compilers. See
          Supported Platforms and Compilers
          for more information.

      In-Memory and Stream-Oriented Processing Models -
          Unlike other products, XSD supports event-driven, stream-oriented
          XML data binding in addition to the in-memory model.

      Comprehensive XML Schema Feature Coverage - XSD includes
          complete support of the W3C XML Schema specification for validation
          and supports all important and widely used features for data
          binding. Industry-standard schemas that were successfully used
          with XSD include:
              RSS 2.0
              XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
              Geography Markup Language (GML)
              Dimensional Markup Language (DML)
              Deployment and Configuration (DnC)
              Cursor On Target (CoT)
              XML Schema Standard Type Library (XSSTL)
              XML-Signature Syntax and Processing (XMLDSIG)
              Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL)
              Financial products Markup Language (FpML)
              ACORD Insurance Standards
              X3D (3D Graphics and Multimedia)

          See Supported
          Standards and Schemas for the complete list.

      Easy Integration - The following features make it easy to
          start using XSD in your application:

            Header-only runtime library
            Customization of the generated C++ code
            Industry-standard underlying XML parsers: Xerces-C++ and
            Generated classes are compatible with a wide range of
                algorithms from the C++ standard library and Boost
            Integration with the Berkeley DB XML database
        Binary serialization to the ACE CDR streams
            Uniform compiler interface across all supported platforms
            Easy integration with existing build systems and IDEs:
                Visual Studio, Eclipse, GNU make, CMake, etc.


      Open-Source - The compiler and the runtime library are
          available with full source code under the terms of the GPL.
          We also made a special exception to the terms and conditions
          of the GPL which allows you to use the runtime library and the
          generated code in a wide range of open-source software. See
          XSD Licensing Information for
          details. With the open-source model come the following benefits:

            No vendor lock-in
            You have the ability to customize the compiler in-house
            Additional testing and feedback from the open-source
                community. For example, using bug reports we built a large
                repository of real-world schemas which we use for regression
            Build as much of your application as necessary before
                making a commitment

          Download and try our complete product
          for as long as necessary (no registration required).

      Simple Proprietary Licensing - We offer affordable and
          convenient proprietary licenses for customers who wish to stay
          closed-source. See XSD Licensing
          Information for details.

      Cross-Platform - Available for 6 major operating
          systems on 7 different CPU architectures and tested with 16
          C++ compiler variants. See Supported
          Platforms and Compilers for details.

      Community and Priority Support - We provide free,
          best-effort community technical support via the
          xsd-users mailing list.
          We also offer priority support on a commercial basis. Visit our
         Support page for more information.

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