Parrot includes several SQL engines, but when they are pre-installed, the default password is not configured and the access to its root user is denied.
This page will help you in setting up a new password for the root user of Mysql/Mariadb and Postgresql
1. 停止MySQL服务。
service mysql stop
2. 启动MySQL,无需密码和权限检查。
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
3. 如果输出暂停,请再次按[ENTER]。
4. Connect to MySQL.
mysql -u root mysql
5. 运行以下命令为root用户设置新密码。用您的新密码替换NEW_PASSWORD。
UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('my new p4ssw0rd') WHERE user='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
6. 重新启动MySQL服务。
service mysql restart
重置Postgresql 密码
1. Open psql from the postgres user.
sudo -u postgres psql
2. Change password of the postgres user (or any other database user)
\password postgres
\password myuser
3. Quit pgsql