
算术编码 是一种无损数据压缩方法,也是一种熵编码的方法。和其它熵编码方法不同的地方在于,其他的熵编码方法通常是把输入的消息分割为符号,然后对每个符号进行编码,而算术编码是直接把整个输入的消息编码为一个数,一个满足(0.0 ≤ n < 1.0)的小数n。


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: 对一个简单的信号源进行观察,得到的统计模型如下:

  • 60% 的机会出现符号 中性
  • 20% 的机会出现符号 阳性
  • 10% 的机会出现符号 阴性
  • 10% 的机会出现符号 数据结束符. (出现这个符号的意思是该信号源'内部中止',在进行数据压缩时这样的情况是很常见的。当第一次也是唯一的一次看到这个符号时,解码器就知道整个信号流都被解码完成了。)



  • 下一个要编码的符号
  • 当前的区间(在编第一个符号之前,这个区间是[0,1), 但是之后每次编码区间都会变化)
  • 模型中在这一步可能出现的各个符号的概率分布(像前面提到的一样,高阶或者自适应的模型中,每一步的概率并不必须一样)


: 对于前面提出的4符号模型:

  • 中性对应的区间是 [0, 0.6)
  • 阳性对应的区间是 [0.6, 0.8)
  • 阴性对应的区间是 [0.8, 0.9)
  • 数据结束符对应的区间是 [0.9, 1)



: 下面对使用前面提到的4符号模型进行编码的一段信息进行解码。编码的结果是0.538(为了容易理解,这里使用十进制而不是二进制;我们也假设我们得到的结果的位数恰好够我们解码。下面会讨论这两个问题)。

We start, as the encoder did, with the interval [0,1), and using the same model, we divide it into the same four sub-intervals that the encoder must have. Our fraction 0.538 falls into the sub-interval for NEUTRAL, [0, 0.6); this indicates to us that the first symbol the encoder read must have been NEUTRAL, so we can write that down as the first symbol of our message.

We then divide the interval [0, 0.6) into sub-intervals:

  • the interval for NEUTRAL would be [0, 0.36) -- 60% of [0, 0.6)
  • the interval for POSITIVE would be [0.36, 0.48) -- 20% of [0, 0.6)
  • the interval for NEGATIVE would be [0.48, 0.54) -- 10% of [0, 0.6)
  • the interval for END-OF-DATA would be [0.54, 0.6). -- 10% of [0, 0.6)

Our fraction of .538 is within the interval [0.48, 0.54); therefore the second symbol of the message must have been NEGATIVE.

Once more we divide our current interval into sub-intervals:

  • the interval for NEUTRAL would be [0.48, 0.516)
  • the interval for POSITIVE would be [0.516, 0.528)
  • the interval for NEGATIVE would be [0.528, 0.534)
  • the interval for END-OF-DATA would be [0.534, 0.540).

Our fraction of .538 falls within the interval of the END-OF-DATA symbol; therefore, this must be our next symbol. Since it is also the internal termination symbol, it means our decoding is complete. (If the stream was not internally terminated, we would need to know where the stream stops from some other source -- otherwise, we would continue the decoding process forever, mistakenly reading more symbols from the fraction than were in fact encoded into it.)

The same message could have been encoded by the equally short fractions .534, .535, .536, .537 or .539 suggests that our use of decimal instead of binary introduced some inefficiency. This is correct; the information content of a three-digit decimal is approximately 9.966 bits; we could have encoded the same message in the binary fraction .10001010 (equivalent to .5390625 decimal) at a cost of only 8 bits. This is only slightly larger than the information content, or entropy of our message, which with a probability of 0.6% has an entropy of approximately 7.381 bits. (Note that the final zero must be specified in the binary fraction, or else the message would be ambiguous.)

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The above explanations of arithmetic coding contain some simplification. In particular, they are written as if the encoder first calculated the fractions representing the endpoints of the interval in full, using infinite precision, and only converted the fraction to its final form at the end of encoding. Rather than try to simulate infinite precision, most arithmetic coders instead operate at a fixed limit of precision that they know the decoder will be able to match, and round the calculated fractions to their nearest equivalents at that precision. An example shows how this would work if the model called for the interval [0,1) to be divided into thirds, and this was approximated with 8 bit precision. Note that now that the precision is known, so are the binary ranges we'll be able to use.

Symbol Probability (expressed as fraction) Interval reduced to eight-bit precision (as fractions) Interval reduced to eight-bit precision (in binary) Range in binary
A 1/3 [0, 85/256) [0.00000000, 0.01010101) 00000000 - 01010100
B 1/3 [85/256, 171/256) [0.01010101, 0.10101011) 01010101 - 10101010
C 1/3 [171/256, 1) [0.10101011, 1.00000000) 10101011 - 11111111

A process called renormalization keeps the finite precision from becoming a limit on the total number of symbols that can be encoded. Whenever the range is reduced to the point where all values in the range share certain beginning digits, those digits are sent to the output. However many digits of precision the computer can handle, it is now handling fewer than that, so the existing digits are shifted left, and at the right, new digits are added to expand the range as widely as possible. Note that this result occurs in two of the three cases from our previous example.

Symbol Probability Range Digits that can be sent to output Range after renormalization
A 1/3 00000000 - 01010100 0 00000000 - 10101001
B 1/3 01010101 - 10101010 None 01010101 - 10101010
C 1/3 10101011 - 11111111 1 01010110 - 11111111
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在算术编码和哈夫曼编码之间有很大的相似性 -- 实际上,哈夫曼编码只是算术编码的一个特例 -- 但是由于算术编码将整个消息翻译成一个表示为 基数 b,而不是将消息中的每个符号翻译成一系列的以b为基数的数字,它通常比哈夫曼编码更能达到最优熵编码

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The idea behind range encoding is that, instead of starting with the interval [0,1) and dividing it into sub-intervals proportional to the probability of each symbol, the encoder starts with a large range of non-negative integers, such as 000,000,000,000 to 999,999,999,999, and divides it into sub-ranges proportional to the probability of each symbol. When the sub-ranges get narrowed down sufficiently that the leading digits of the final result are known, those digits may be shifted "left" out of the calculation, and replaced by digits shifted in on the "right" -- each time this happens, it is roughly equivalent to a retroactive multiplication of the size of the initial range.

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A variety of specific techniques for arithmetic coding have been protected by US patents. Some of these patents may be essential for implementing the algorithms for arithmetic coding that are specified in some formal international standards. When this is the case, such patents are generally available for licensing under what are called reasonable and non-discriminatory (RAND) licensing terms (at least as a matter of standards-committee policy). In some well-known instances (including some involving IBM patents) such licenses are available for free, and in other instances, licensing fees are required. The availability of licenses under RAND terms does not necessarily satisfy everyone who might want to use the technology, as what may be "reasonable" fees for a company preparing a proprietary software product may seem much less reasonable for a free software or open source project.

One company well known for innovative work and patents in the area of arithmetic coding is IBM. Some commenters feel that the notion that no kind of practical and effective arithmetic coding can be performed without infringing on valid patents held by IBM or others is just a persistent urban legend in the data compression community (especially considering that effective designs for arithmetic coding have now been in use long enough for many of the original patents to have expired). However, since patent law provides no "bright line" test that proactively allows you to determine whether a court would find a particular use to infringe a patent, and as even investigating a patent more closely to determine what it actually covers could actually increase the damages awarded in an unfavorable judgement, the patenting of these techniques has nevertheless caused a chilling effect on their use. At least one significant compression software program, bzip2, deliberately discontinued the use of arithmetic coding in favor of Huffman coding due to the patent situation.

Some US patents relating to arithmetic coding are listed below.

  • Patent 4,122,440 — (IBM) Filed March 4, 1977, Granted Oct 24, 1978 (Now expired)
  • Patent 4,286,256 — (IBM) Granted Aug 25, 1981 (presumably now expired)
  • Patent 4,467,317 — (IBM) Granted Aug 21, 1984 (presumably now expired)
  • Patent 4,652,856 — (IBM) Granted Feb 4, 1986 (presumably now expired)
  • Patent 4,891,643 — (IBM) Filed 1986/09/15, granted 1990/01/02
  • Patent 4,905,297 — (IBM) Granted Feb 27, 1990
  • Patent 4,933,883 — (IBM) Granted Jun 12, 1990
  • Patent 4,935,882 — (IBM) Granted Jun 19, 1990
  • Patent 4,989,000 — (???) Filed 1989/06/19, granted 1991/01/29
  • Patent 5,099,440
  • Patent 5,272,478 — (Ricoh)

Note: This list is not exhaustive. See the following link for a list of more patents. [1]

Patents on arithmetic coding may exist in other jurisdictions, see software patents for a discussion of the patentability of software around the world.

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