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原创 Win2008 R2下用Hyper-V管理器无法连接Hyper-V 虚拟机的问题

问题症状    當您嘗試連線到 Hyper-V 虛擬機器正在執行 Windows Server 2008 R2 的電腦上使用 [Hyper-V 管理員 Microsoft 管理主控台 (MMC) 嵌入式管理單元時,您無法連線到虛擬機器。此外,您會收到下列錯誤訊息:    無法連線到虛擬機器。請重試。 可能的解决办法:1. 参考微软的解决 http://support

2012-12-12 09:37:31 3843 1

原创 在Oracle数据库中创建日期主档表

Oracle提供的日期函数可以满足我们日常用到的对日期的所有操作。通常,在设计表结构的时候,我们也常常会遇到日期类型的字段。如果业务里面需要类似汇总给定日期所在周的资料,汇总给定日期所在月的各周资料等操作,那直接写SQL语句将比较复杂。    所以,我是直接在数据里面建立一个日期的主档表,在里面将可能用到的统计字段先计算后,后面业务逻辑的汇总只需连接这个表就可以得到想要的结果。

2011-03-19 14:13:00 1381

原创 部署SQL Server Analysis Service (分析服务): 帳戶名稱與安全性識別碼無法對應

之前建立的SQL Server的分析服务的工程,未发生任何异常。但是最近对其中的内容做了一些修改,再次部署的时候,总是提示:账户名称与安全性识别码无法对应。     首先以为是账号权限不足,检查之后发现没有问题。     接下来以为是启动Analysis Service服务的账号有问题,重新设置之后依然出现这个问题。     重新建立一个空的分析服务的工程,测试在部署的时候是否会出现类

2010-07-15 23:48:00 4151 4

转载 java中的io系统总结.

文章來源:http://www.blogjava.net/spark/archive/2006/09/29/72733.html  java中的io系统总结.java中的io中的(input/output)stream无非就是包括基于字符的stream、基于字节的stream和把字节导向的stream转换字符为导向的stream的stream。(很难理解么?)以

2009-05-05 10:49:00 565

原创 Delphi中使用TRichEdit或TMemo模仿QQ按Ctrl+Enter发送信息,屏蔽换行

    最近写了一个小的局域网聊天的小程式,在模仿QQ的按Ctrl+Enter发送信息。    刚开始的写法是这样的:添加一个TMemo控件,名称是memoMessage,在它的onKeyDown事件中这样写: procedure TfrmMain.memoMessageKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftSt

2009-01-16 16:17:00 2206

原创 用Java將圖片寫入到Excel中

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import org.apache.p

2009-01-03 13:45:00 1529 2

原创 Delphi中將本機時間(包含毫秒)更新到數據庫。

procedure recordProcessTime(p_beginTime,p_endTime:TDateTime);var  sqlStr:String;begin  sqlStr := insert into process_time(start_time,end_time)      + values(TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(:p_Start,

2008-12-31 10:21:00 1941 2

原创 使用存储过程读取Oracle中的clob字段的数据

在做数据库开发的时候,有时候会遇到需要读取Oracle数据库中的clob类型的数据的情况。本着代码复用的目的,我写了下面的存储过程:读取数据库中clob字段的数据。希望跟大家交流一下。 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_read_clob(  table_name IN VARCHAR2,  clob_column_name IN VARCHAR2,

2008-12-10 16:23:00 3839

70个Delphi VCLSkin皮肤文件



Microsoft SQL Server2005 Analysis Services Step by Step

Provides information on the fundamentals of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. Teach yourself the fundamentals of SQL Server Analysis Services—one step at a time. With this practical, learn-by-doing tutorial, you get the guidance you need to build flexible and powerful solutions that meet the analytical needs of your organization. Discover how to: •Start building cubes using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Business Intelligence designers •Create dimensions and measure groups to build, browse, and modify OLAP cubes •Design objects to handle unique financial analysis requirements •Improve query performance with aggregations and user hierarchies •Customize cubes with multi-dimensional expressions (MDX) and other advanced design techniques •Use actions to integrate Web pages, reporting applications, and drillthrough capabilities with cubes •Manage role-based security and restrict data access •Deploy and maintain a database in a production environment CD features •All practice exercises and answer files •Fully searchable eBook


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Step by Step

Provides information on the fundamentals of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. Teach yourself the fundamentals of SQL Server Analysis Services—one step at a time. With this practical, learn-by-doing tutorial, you get the guidance you need to build flexible and powerful solutions that meet the analytical needs of your organization.Discover how to:•Start building cubes using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Business Intelligence designers •Create dimensions and measure groups to build, browse, and modify OLAP cubes•Design objects to handle unique financial analysis requirements•Improve query performance with aggregations and user hierarchies •Customize cubes with multi-dimensional expressions (MDX) and other advanced design techniques •Use actions to integrate Web pages, reporting applications, and drillthrough capabilities with cubes•Manage role-based security and restrict data access•Deploy and maintain a database in a production environmentCD features•All practice exercises and answer files•Fully searchable eBook


Microsoft SQL Server2005 Analysis Step by Step

Provides information on the fundamentals of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. Teach yourself the fundamentals of SQL Server Analysis Services—one step at a time. With this practical, learn-by-doing tutorial, you get the guidance you need to build flexible and powerful solutions that meet the analytical needs of your organization. Discover how to: •Start building cubes using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Business Intelligence designers •Create dimensions and measure groups to build, browse, and modify OLAP cubes •Design objects to handle unique financial analysis requirements •Improve query performance with aggregations and user hierarchies •Customize cubes with multi-dimensional expressions (MDX) and other advanced design techniques •Use actions to integrate Web pages, reporting applications, and drillthrough capabilities with cubes •Manage role-based security and restrict data access •Deploy and maintain a database in a production environment CD features •All practice exercises and answer files •Fully searchable eBook






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