
Service Creation Environment (SCE ) for SIP Applications

I hoped of making a SIP application Development environment a year back and worked towards it earnestly . Sadly I wasn’t able to complete the job yet I have decided to share a few things about it here .

Aim :

Develop  a SCE ( Service Creation Environment ) to addresses all aspects of lifecycle of a Service, right from creation/development, orchestration, execution/delivery, Assurance and Migration/Upgrade of services.

Similar market products :

  • Open/cloud Rhino
  • Mobicents and Telestax

Limitations of open source/other market products:

  • Free versions of the Service Creation Environments do not offer High Availability.
  • High Cost of Deployment grade versions.

Solution Description

I propose a in-house Java based Service Creation Environment “SLC SCE”. The SLC SCE will enable creation of JAINSLEE based SIP  services. It can be used to develop and deploy carrier-grade applications that use SS7 and IMS based protocols such as INAP, CAP, Diameter and SIP as well as IT / Web protocols such as HTTP and XML.


  • Service Agility
  • Significantly Lower price points
  • Open Standards eliminate Legacy SCP Lock-in


  • Java-based service creation environment (SCE) – 1.5 Months
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) and schematic representations to help in the design, maintenance and support of applications – 1.5 months
  • SIP Resource Adapter – 1 month


Service Creation Environment (SCE) for SIP Applications

Service Creation Environment (SCE) for SIP Applications

In essence it encompasses the idea of developing the following

  1. SIP stack
  2. Javascript API’s
  3. Java Libraries for calling SIP stack
  4. Eclipse plugin to work with the SIP application development process
  5. Visual Interface to view the logic of application and possible errors / flaws
  6. SDKs (  Service Development Kit) , which are development Environment themselves

Extra Effort required to put in to make the venture successful

  1. Demo applications for basic SIP logic like Call screening , call rerouting .
  2. tutorial to create , deploy and run application from scratch . Aimed at all sections ie web developer , telecom engineer , full stack developer etc .
  3. Some opensource implementation on public repositories like Github , Google code , SourceForge
  4. Perform active problem solving on Stackoverflow , CodeRanch , Google groups and  other forums .


Posted on October 24, 2014 by altanaiPosted in SIPTagged IMSSDEService Creation EnviornmentSip.Leave a comment

SIP Presence

We have already learned about Sip user agent and sip network server. SIP clients initiates a call and SIP server routes the call . Registrar is responsible for name resolution and user location. Sip proxy receives calls and send it to its destination or next hop.

Presence is user’s reachability and willingness to communicate its current status information . User subscribe to an event and receive notification . The components in presence are :

Presence user agent

presence components

Presence agent
Presence server

Image source  : Developer tools, technical documentation and coding examples | Microsoft Docs

Sip was initially introduced as a signaling protocol but there were Lack of method to emulate constant communication and update status between entity
Three more method was introduced namely – Publish , Subscribe and Notify

Subscribe request should be send by watchers to presence server
Presence agent should authenticate and send acknowledgement
State changes should be notified to subscriber
Agents should be able to allow or terminate subscription

presence flow

Image source 1 An Overview of Oracle Communication and Mobility Server

Traces of various SIP requetss and response in presence are are follows :

subscribe request


      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7

      To: <>

      From: <>;tag=12341234


      CSeq: 1 SUBSCRIBE

      Max-Forwards: 70

      Expires: 3600

      Event: presence


      Content-Length: 0

200 OK to subscribe request

SIP/2.0 200 OK

      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7


      To: <>;tag=abcd1234

      From: <>;tag=12341234


      CSeq: 1 SUBSCRIBE


      Expires: 3600

      Content-Length: 0

Notify Request


      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK8sdf2

      To: <>;tag=12341234

      From: <>;tag=abcd1234


      CSeq: 1 NOTIFY

      Max-Forwards: 70

      Event: presence

      Subscription-State: active; expires=3599


      Content-Type: application/pidf+xml

      Content-Length: …

200 OK success response to notify

SIP/2.0 200 OK

      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK8sdf2


      To: <>;tag=12341234

      From: <>;tag=abcd1234


      CSeq: 1 NOTIFY


Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK652hsge
To: <>
From: <>;tag=1234wxyz
Max-Forwards: 70
Expires: 3600
Event: presence
Content-Type: application/pidf+xml
Content-Length: …

200 OK success response to PUBLISH

SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK652hsge
To: <>;tag=1a2b3c4d
From: <>;tag=1234wxyz
SIP-ETag: dx200xyz
Expires: 1800

A call flow depicting presence in action is as given below :

presence subscribe notify

Image source

security considerations for Presence service include:

  • Access control.
  • Notifier privacy mechanism.
  • Denial of service attacks.
  • Replay Attacks.
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Confidentiality.

some solutions for security implementation are

  • Sip registration
    Digest Authentication

References :

Rfc 3856
Rfc 3265
Rfc 2778
Rfc 3261
Rfc 3903

Summary :

Presence is a way to have sustained stateful communication. The SIP User agents can use presence service to know about others user’s online status . Presnece deployment must confirm to security standards .

Posted on September 20, 2014 by altanaiPosted in SIPTagged IMSssip presence.5 Comments

Interoperability between WebRTC, SIP phones and softphones

WebRTC is a disruptive techbology for the telephony and cloud based communication services . It will change the landscape and foster growth of new innovative VoIP services that will be device agnostic and future ready .

Role of SIP servers ?

SIP Server convert the SIP transport from WebSocket protocol to UDP, TCP or TLS which are supported by all legacy networks. It also facilitates the use of rich serves such as phonebook synchronisation , file sharing , oauth in client .

How does WebRTC Solution traverse through FireWalls ?

NAT traversal across Firewalls is achieved via TURN/STUN through ICE candidates gathering .Current ice_servers are : and

What audio and video codecs are supported by WebRTC client side alone ?

Without the role of Media Server WebRTC solution supports Opus , PCMA , PCMU for audio and VP8 for video call.

RTCBreaker if enabled provides a third party B2BUA agent that performs certain level of codec conversion to H.264, H.263, Theora or MP4V-ES for non WebRTC supported agents.

What video resolution is supported by WebRTC solution ?

The browser will try to find the best video size between max and min based on the camera capabilities.

Options are : sqcif | qcif | qvga | cif | hvga | vga | 4cif | svga | 480p | 720p | 16cif | 1080p

We can also predefine the video size such as minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight.

What bandwidth is required to run WebRTC solution ?

We can set maximum audio and video bandwidth to use or use the browser’s ability to set it hy default at runtime . This will change the outgoing SDP to include a “b:AS=” attribute. Browser negotiates the right value using RTCP-REMB and congestion control.

List of Web based SIP clients

SIPML5 client by Dubango


Telestax WebRTC client


SIPJS with flash network support



MIT license 


SIP phones in Ubuntu / Linux

SFL phone

linux sfl 1

Yate SIP phone

linux yate 2

linux yate 1


There are ready made build of Linphone for Windows , Mac and Mobile



Aletrnatively one can also build the Linphone from source

Installation of Linphone v4.1 for Desktop

apt-get install libqt53dcore5:amd64 libqt53dextras5:amd64 libqt53dinput5:amd64 libqt53dlogic5:amd64 libqt53dquick5:amd64 libqt53dquickextras5:amd64 libqt53dquickinput5:amd64 libqt53dquickrender5:amd64 libqt53drender5:amd64 libqt5concurrent5:amd64 libqt5core5a:amd64 libqt5dbus5:amd64 libqt5designer5:amd64 libqt5designercomponents5:amd64 libqt5gui5:amd64 libqt5help5:amd64 libqt5multimedia5:amd64 libqt5multimedia5-plugins:amd64 libqt5multimediawidgets5:amd64 libqt5network5:amd64 libqt5opengl5:amd64 libqt5opengl5-dev:amd64 libqt5positioning5:amd64 libqt5printsupport5:amd64 libqt5qml5:amd64 libqt5quick5:amd64 libqt5quickcontrols2-5:amd64 libqt5quickparticles5:amd64 libqt5quicktemplates2-5:amd64 libqt5quicktest5:amd64 libqt5quickwidgets5:amd64 libqt5script5:amd64 libqt5scripttools5:amd64 libqt5sensors5:amd64 libqt5serialport5:amd64 libqt5sql5:amd64 libqt5sql5-sqlite:amd64 libqt5svg5:amd64 libqt5svg5-dev:amd64 libqt5test5:amd64 libqt5webchannel5:amd64 libqt5webengine-data libqt5webenginecore5:amd64 libqt5webenginewidgets5:amd64 libqt5webkit5:amd64 libqt5widgets5:amd64 libqt5x11extras5:amd64 libqt5xml5:amd64 libqt5xmlpatterns5:amd64 qt5-default:amd64 qt5-doc qt5-gtk-platformtheme:amd64 qt5-qmake:amd64 qt5-qmltooling-plugins:amd64

Besdies these dont foeget to also install pip and pystache which is a templating system

sudo apt install python-pip
pip install pystache

And Doxygen which d tool for generating documentation from annotated C++ sources

apt install doxygen

Yasm assembler

sudo apt install yasm


sudo apt-get install -y v4l-utils

Get source Code

git clone BC / public / linphone-desktop · GitLab --recursive

To build without video or v4l support

sudo cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DENABLE_V4L=0

The run build

sudo cmake --build . --target all




CMakeFiles/EP_ms2.dir/build.make:118: recipe for target '/home/altanai/linphone-desktop/WORK/WORK/desktop/Stamp/EP_ms2/EP_ms2-configure' failed
make[8]: *** [/home/altanai/linphone-desktop/WORK/WORK/desktop/Stamp/EP_ms2/EP_ms2-configure] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:115: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/EP_ms2.dir/all' failed
make[7]: *** [CMakeFiles/EP_ms2.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:83: recipe for target 'all' failed
make[6]: *** [all] Error 2


[ 57%] Performing configure step for 'EP_ms2'
loading initial cache file /home/altanai/linphone-desktop/WORK/WORK/desktop//tmp/EP_ms2/EP_ms2-cache-RelWithDebInfo.cmake
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:322 (message):
Could not find a support sound driver API. Use -DENABLE_SOUND=NO if you
don't care about having sound.

Install sound drivers

sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev pulseaudio libasound2-dev pavucontrol alsa-lib 

Failing on MS compilation on Performing configure step for ‘EP_ms2

Ref :

Windows Operating system SIP software

Xlite is well known SIP softphone for windows dessktop

xlite 1

Xlite new version





Kapanga SIP softphone

It is also runnable on Linux desktop through windows compatibility softwares like wine



FreeSwitch Communicator

comes along with the Freeswitch Media Server



Boghe SIP RCS client





Jitsi SIP phone

jitsi 2

jitsi 1

MAC SIP software

idoubs desktop SIP RCS client for Mac

Screen shot 2014-06-13 at 4.03.27 PM

iOS SIP phone applications

Linphone for ios








Android SIP applications

Sipdroid for Android







sip droid

Supporfts SIP stack and compatible with most of the SIP servers

Posted on July 16, 2014 by altanaiPosted in SIPTagged jitsijssiplinphonelinux sip phonesliphhonemac idoubssipdroidsipjssipml5telestax webrtcWebRTCwindows sip phones.2 Comments

SIP and SDP Messages Explained

SIP and SDP Messages Explained

SIP is a widely adopted application layer protocol used in VoIP calls and confernecing applciations and in IMS architeture or pure packet switched networks .

More on SIP , its packet structure , transaction and dialogs , loose and strict record routing , location service , near and far end nating , and commonly used SIP Call flows like Redirection , forking , click to Dial – in a new tab)

SIP Request and Repsosnes

Traditional SIP headers for Call setup are INVITE, ACK and teardown are CANCEL or BYE , however with more adoption newer methods specific to services were added such as :

MESSAGE Methods for Instant Message based services
SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY standardised by Event notification extension RFC 3856
PUBLISH to push presence information to the network

Outlining the SIP Requests and Responses in tables below,

Request Message

Request Message


REGISTERA Client use this message to register an address with a SIP server
INVITEA User or Service use this message to let another user/service participate in a session. The body of this message would include a description of the session to which the callee is being invited.
ACKThis is used only for INVITE indicating that the client has received a final response to an INVITE request
CANCELThis is used to cancel a pending request
BYEA User Agent Client use this message to terminate the call
OPTIONSThis is used to query a server about its capabilities

Response Message




1xxProvisionalThe request has been received and processing is continuing
2xxSuccessAn ACK, to indicate that the action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
3xxRedirectionFurther action is required to process this request
4xxClient ErrorThe request contains bad syntax and cannot be fulfilled at this server
5xxServer ErrorThe server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
6xxGlobal FailureThe request cannot be fulfilled at any server

SIP headers

Display names

From originators sipuri

CSeq or Command Sequence contains an integer and a method name. The CSeq number is incremented for each new request within a dialog and is a traditional sequence number.

Contact – SIP URI that represents a direct route to the originator usually composed of a username at a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) , also IP addresses are permitted. The Contact header field tells other elements where to send future requests.

Max-Forwards -to limit the number of hops a request can make on the way to its destination. It consists of an integer that is decremented by one at each hop.


Content-Type – description of the message body.

Content-Type: application/h.323 
Content-Type: message/sip   
Content-Type: application/sdp

Content-Type: multipart/signed;
        micalg=sha1; boundary=boundary42

Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s

Content Encoding

Content-Encoding: text/plain

Content Language

Content-Language: en

Content-Length – an octet (byte) count of the message body.


describes how the message body or, for multipart messages, a message body part is to be interpreted by the UAC or UAS. It extends the MIME Content-Type

Disposition Types :

  • “session” – body part describes a session, for either calls or early (pre-call) media
  • “render” – body part should be displayed or otherwise rendered to the user.
  • “icon” – body part contains an image suitable as an iconic representation of the caller or callee
  • “alert” – body part contains information, such as an audio clip


Accept – acceptable formats like application/sdp or currency/dollars

Header field where proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG

Accept R - o - o m* o
Accept 2xx - - - o m* o
Accept 415 - c - c c c

An empty Accept header field means that no formats are acceptable.


Accept-Encoding R - o - o o o
Accept-Encoding 2xx - - - o m* o
Accept-Encoding 415 - c - c c c

Accept-Language : languages for reason phrases, session descriptions, or status responses carried as message bodies in the response.

Accept-Language: da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7
Accept-Language R - o - o o o
Accept-Language 2xx - - - o m* o
Accept-Language 415 - c - c c c

Tag globally unique and cryptographically random with at least 32 bits of randomness. identify a dialog, which is the combination of the Call-ID along with two tags ( from To and FROM headers )

Call-Id uniquely identify a session

contact – sip url alternative for direct routing


Expires – when msg content is no longer valid

Mandatory SIP headers

INVITE sip:altanai@domain.comSIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
From: Bob
To: Altanai

Informational headers

Call-Info additional information for example, through a web page. The “card” parameter provides a business card, for example, in vCard [36] or LDIF [37] formats. Additional tokens can be registered using IANA

Call-Info: ;purpose=icon, ;purpose=info

Contact: “Mr. Watson” ;q=0.7; expires=3600,
“Mr. Watson” ;q=0.1 m: ;expires=60

Priority indicates the urgency of the request as perceived by the client.
can have the values “non-urgent”, “normal”, “urgent”, and “emergency”, but additional values can be defined elsewhere

Subject: A tornado is heading our way!
Priority: emergency


Subject: Weekend plans
Priority: non-urgent

Subject summary or indicates the nature of call

Subject: Need more boxes
s: Tech Support

Supported enumerates all the extensions supported. can contain list of option tags, described

Supported: 100rel
k: 100rel

Unsupported features not supported

Unsupported: foo

User-Agent information about the UAC originating the request.

User-Agent: Softphone Beta1.5

Organization conveys the name of the organization to which the SIP element issuing the request or response belongs.

Organization: AltanaiTelecom Co.

Warning additional information about the status of a response.
List of warn-code

  • 300 Incompatible network protocol:
  • 301 Incompatible network address formats:
  • 302 Incompatible transport protocol:
  • 303 Incompatible bandwidth units:
  • 304 Media type not available:
  • 305 Incompatible media format:
  • 306 Attribute not understood:
  • 307 Session description parameter not understood:
  • 330 Multicast not available:
  • 331 Unicast not available:
  • 370 Insufficient bandwidth:
  • 399 Miscellaneous warning:
  • 1xx and 2xx have been taken by HTTP/1.1.

Warning: 307 “Session parameter ‘foo’ not understood”
Warning: 301 “Incompatible network address type ‘E.164′”

Authetication and Authorization related headers

Authentication-Info mutual authentication with HTTP Digest. A UAS MAY include this header field in a 2xx response to a request that was successfully authenticated using digest based on the Authorization header field.

Authentication-Info: nextnonce=”47364c23432d2e131a5fb210812c”

Authorization authentication credentials of a UA

Authorization: Digest username=”Alice”, realm=””, nonce=”84a4cc6f3082121f32b42a2187831a9e”, response=”7587245234b3434cc3412213e5f113a5432″

Proxy-Authenticate contains an authentication challenge.

Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm=””,domain=””, qop=”auth”,
nonce=”f84f1cec41e6cbe5aea9c8e88d359″,opaque=””, stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5


exponential back-off on re-transmissions 

Session Expire Header Feild

limit the time period over which a stateful proxy must maintain state information.

  • User agents must tear down the call after the expiration of the timer , or
  • aller can send re-INVITEs to refresh the timer, enabling a “keep alive” mechanism for SIP.

SDP (Session Description Protocol)

SIP can bear many kinds of MIME attachments , one such is SDP. It is a standard for protocol definition for exchange of media , metadata and other transport realted attributes between the particpants before establishing a VoIP call.

SDP session description is entirely textual using the ISO 10646 character set in UTF-8 encoding and described by application/SDP media type.

It should be noted that SDP itself does not incorporate a transport protocol and can be used with difference protocls like Session announcement proctols (SAP) , SIP , HTTP , Electronic MAIl MIME extension, RTSP etc.

In case of SIP SDP is encapsulated inside of SIP packet and use offer/answer model to convey information about media stream in multimedia session.

SDP body contains 2 parts : session based section starting with v= line and media bsesction starting with m= line
Media and Transport Information can contain type of media like video, audio , transport protocol like RTP/UDP/IP, H.320 and format of the media such as H.261 video, MPEG video, etc.

Session Description in SDP

protocol version ( v= ) protocol version mostly version 0

originator and session identifier ( o= )

o= < username > <session-id> <session-version> <net-type> <addr-type> <unicast address>
o=- 6476888576284874344 2 IN IP4

session name ( s=) and session information ( i= ) session name is textual and can contain empty space or even s=- but must not be empty. Session infomration is optional textual information about the session

URI of description ( u = )

Email Address and Phone Number (“e=” and “p=”)

Both are optional free text string SHOULD be in the ISO-10646 character set with UTF-8 encoding

Nothe that if given the Phone numbers SHOULD follow international public telecommunication number specification ( ITU-T Recommendation E.164) and be preceded by a “+”. Spaces and hyphens may be used to split up a phone field to aid readability if desired.

e=Jane Doe
p=+1 617 555-6011

Connection Data ( c= ) connection information — not required if included in all media in which media specific connecion data override overall session connection data

c= <net-type> <addr-type> <connection-address>

c=IN IP4

If the session is multicast, the connection address will be an IP multicast group address . TTL shoudl be present in IPv4 multicast address .
If connection is unicast the address contains the unicast IP address of the expected data source or data relay or data sink .

Bandwidth ( b= ) interpreted as kilobits per second by default

b= <bwtype> : <bandwidth>

Encryption Keys ( k= ) Only is SDP is exchanged in secure and trusted channel, keys va be excahnged on this SDP field . Although this process is not recomended,

k= clear:< encryption key >
k= base64:< encoded encryption key >
k= uri:< URI to obtain key >
k= prompt

Attributes ( a= )

extends the SDP with values like flags

a=inactive , a=sendonly , a=sendrecv , a=recvonly

Mapping the Encoder Spec from

a=rtpmap: < payload type > < encoding name >/ < clock rate > [/ ]

a=rtpmap:96 opus/48000/2
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/48000
a=rtpmap:97 telephone-event/8000

Conferenec Type like “broadcast”, “meeting”, “moderated”, “test”,

a=type: < conf type>

Orientation portrait or landscape for whiteboard session

a=orient:  <orientation>

ICE candidates

a=rtcp-12133xr:rcvr-rtt=all:10000 stat-summary=loss,dup,jitt,TTL voip-metrics

Frame per second for video


Quality between 0 – 10 ( 10 best still image , 5 default , 0 wrst )

a= quality: < quality >

Format specific Parameters

a=fmtp: <format> <parameters>
a=rtpmap:114 AMR-WB/16000/1
a=fmtp:114 mode-change-capability=2;max-red=220

a=rtpmap:113 AMR-WB/16000/1
a=fmtp:113 octet-align=1;mode-change-capability=2;max-red=220

a=rtpmap:102 AMR/8000/1
a=fmtp:102 mode-change-capability=2;max-red=220

a=rtpmap:115 AMR/8000/1
a=fmtp:115 octet-align=1;mode-change-capability=2;max-red=220

a=rtpmap:105 telephone-event/16000
a=fmtp:105 0-15

a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15

Time Description in SDP

Timing (t =)
time the session is active)

t=<start-time> <stop-time>

If the <stop-time> is set to zero, then the session is not bounded, though it will not become active until after the < start -time>.
If the <start-time> is also zero, the session is regarded as permanent.

t=0 0

Repeat Times ( r= )

zero or more repeat times for scheduling a session

r= <repeat interval> <active duration> <offsets from start-time>

time zone adjustments ( z = )

z= <adjustment time> <offset> <adjustment time> <offset> ….

useful for scejduling session during transation to daylightv saving to standard time and vice versa

Media Description in SDP

For RTP, the default is that only the even-numbered ports are used for data with the corresponding one-higher odd ports used for the RTCP belonging to the RTP session

m= <media> <port> <proto> <fmt> …

m=audio 20098 RTP/AVP 0 101

will stream RTP on 20098 and RTCP on 20099

For multiple transport ports pairs of RTP , RTCP stream are specified

m= <media> <port>/ <number of ports> <proto> <fmt> …

m=audio 20098/2 RTP/AVP 0 101
will stream one pair on RTP 20098 , RTCP 20099 and RTP 20100 , RTCP 20101

If non-contiguous ports are required, they must be signalled using a separate attribute like example, “a=rtcp:”

Additioan SDP features : In addition to normal unicast sessions , SDP can also convery multicast group address for media on IP multicast session. Private (encryption of SDP ) or public session are not treated differently by SDP and they are entorely a function of implementing mechanism like SIP or SAP. Optiopnal SDP params include URI , Categorisation “a=cat:” , Internationalisation etc

Example 1 : Typical Audio call SIP INVITE showing SIP headers in blue and SDP in green below

INVITEnbspsip:01150259917040@x.x.x.x SIP/2.0
 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP x.x.x.x:5060branch=z9hG4bK400fc6e6
 From: "123456789" ltsip:123456789@x.x.x.xgttag=as42e2ecf6
 To: ltsip:01150259917040@x.x.x.x.4gt
 Contact: ltsip:123456789@x.x.x.x4gt
 Call-ID: 2485823e63b290b47c042f20764d990a@x.x.x.x.x
 CSeq: 102 INVITE
 Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 18:38:28 GMT
 Content-Type: application/sdp
 Content-Length: 268

 o=root 14040 14040 IN IP4 x.x.x.x
 c=IN IP4 x.x.x.x
 t=0 0
 m=audio 26784 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 101
 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
 a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
 a=fmtp:101 0-16
 a=fmtp:18nbspannexb=no - - - -
 c=* (connection information - optional if included at session-level)
 b=* (bandwidth information)
 a=* (zero or more media attribute lines)

The above SDP shows 4 supported media codecs on audio stream which are 0 PCMU , 8 PCMA , 18 G729 and finally 101 used for telephone events . It also shows RTP/AVP as RTP profile and does not contain any m=cideo line which shows that this endpoint does not want a video call , only an audio one.

Example 2 : Video Vall SIP invite from Linphone

SIP URI Params

Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) Universal Resource Identifier (URI) Parameter Registry defines URI params that can be sued along with SIP scheme


comp param

signalling compression of SIP messages;comp=sigcomp
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK87a7;comp=sigcomp

The aobve exmaple indicates that the request has to be compressed using SigComp


SIP can use any network transport protocol. Parameter names are defined for UDP (RFC 768), TCP (RFC 761), and SCTP (RFC 2960).
For a SIPS URI, the transport parameter MUST indicate a reliable transport.

“transport=”  ( “udp” / “tcp” / “sctp” / “tls” / “ws” / other-transport );transport=tcp

maddr paarm

The server address ( detsiantion address , port , transport ) to be contacted for this user, overriding any address derived from the host field.

Although discouraged , maddr URI param has been used as a simple form of loose source routing. It allows a URI to specify a proxy that must be traversed en-route to the destination.


“user=”  ( “phone”  “ip”  “dialstring”  other-user );user=phone



“method=” Method;method=REGISTER?

annc-parameters (announcement)

sip‑ind  annc‑ind  “@”  hostport  annc‑parameters  uri‑parameters; \
; play=file://; \
; content-type=video/mpeg%3bencode%d3314M-25/625-50

sip-ind - “sip:” / “sips:”

annc-ind - “annc”

“;”  play‑param
[ “;”  delay‑param ]
[ “;”  duration‑param ]
[ “;”  repeat‑param ]
[ “;”  locale‑param ]
[ “;”  variable‑params ]
[ “;”  extension‑params ]

play-param – “play=”  prompt‑url

prompt-url – “/provisioned/”  announcement‑id

announcement-id = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT )

content-param “content‑type=”  MIME‑type

VoiceXML Media Services

“voicexml=”  vxml-url ;  vxml-url follows the URI syntax

method-param – “method=”  ( “get” / “post” )

postbody-param- “postbody=”  token

ccxml-param – “ccxml=”  json‑value

aai-param- “aai=”  json‑value

json-value – false / null / true / object / array / number / string; \
voicexml=; \

dialog-params (prompt and collect)

DIALOG-URL = sip-ind  dialog-ind  “@”  hostport  dialog‑parameters

ttl-param (time-to-live)

ttl parameter determines the time-to-live value of the UDP multicast packet and MUST only be used if maddr is a multicast address and the transport protocol is UDP.;maddr=;ttl=15

cause param

“cause” EQUAL Status-Code
; 404 Unknown/Not available
; 486 User busy
; 408 No reply
; 302 Unconditional
; 487 Deflection during alerting
; 480 Deflection immediate response
; 503 Mobile subscriber not reachable
; 380 Service number translation   RFC 8119 – Section 2;;cause=486

SIP Responses

1xx—Provisional Responses

response that tells to its recipient that the associated request was received but result of the processing is not known yet which could be if the processing hasnt finished immediately. The sender must stop retransmitting the request upon reception of a provisional response.

100 Trying
180 Ringing : Triigers a local ringing at callers device
181 Call is Being Forwarded : Used before tranefering to another UA such as during forking or tranfer to voice mail Server

182 Queued

183 Session in Progress : conveys information . Headers field or SDP body has mor details about the call. Used in announcements and IVR + DTMF too by being followed by “Early media”.

199 Early Dialog Terminated

2xx—Successful Responses

final responses express result of the processing of the associated request and they terminate the transactions.

200 OK
202 Accepted
204 No Notification

3xx—Redirection Responses

Redirection response gives information about the user’s new location or an alternative service that the caller should try for the call. Used for cases when the server cant satisfy the call and wants the caller to try elsewhere . After this the caller is suppose to resend the request to the new location.

300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
305 Use Proxy
380 Alternative Service

4xx—Client Failure Responses

negative final responses indicating that the request couldn’t be processed  due to callers fault , for reasons such as t contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled at that server.

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Conditional Request Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Unsupported URI Scheme
417 Unknown Resource-Priority
420 Bad Extension
421 Extension Required
422 Session Interval Too Small
423 Interval Too Brief
424 Bad Location Information
428 Use Identity Header
429 Provide Referrer Identity
430 Flow Failed
433 Anonymity Disallowed
436 Bad Identity-Info
437 Unsupported Certificate
438 Invalid Identity Header
439 First Hop Lacks Outbound Support
470 Consent Needed
480 Temporarily Unavailable
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
482 Loop Detected.
483 Too Many Hops
484 Address Incomplete
485 Ambiguous
486 Busy Here
487 Request Terminated
488 Not Acceptable Here
489 Bad Event
491 Request Pending
493 Undecipherable
494 Security Agreement Required

5xx—Server Failure Responses

negative responses but indicating that fault is at server’s side for cases such as server cant or doesnt want to respond the the request.

500 Server Internal Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Server Time-out
505 Version Not Supported
513 Message Too Large
580 Precondition Failure

6xx—Global Failure Responses

request cannot be fulfilled at any server with definitive information

600 Busy Everywhere
603 Decline
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere
606 Not Acceptable

Mandatory SIP headers in SIP respone

SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
From: Bob<>
To: Altanai<>

Via, From, To, Call-ID , and  CSeq   are copied exactly from request

SIP VoIP system Architecture

You can read more about SIP based Architecture here :SIP based architecture

Re-INVITE and Target-Refresh Request Handling

An INVITE request sent within an existing dialog is known as a re-INVITE. A re-Invite has an offer-answer exchange and can be used to do the following

  • change the session and/or dialog params
  • change the port to which media should be sent.
  • change the connection address or media type.
  • Hold/Release and SUSPEND/RESUME rtp streams (connection address is zero).
  • FAX (T.38 and Bypass).

Re-INVITE with SDP useCases

1.UAS rejects all changes in params in re-INVITE

Situtaion where UAC establishes audio only call
SDP1: m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0

but later wants to upgrade to video as well SDP:

m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0
m=video 30002 RTP/AVP 31

UAS configured to reject video streams, can reject this with a 4XX error and get ACK .
No changes to session are made

2. UAS receives re-INVITE for param but wants to accept few and reject others, it sends back SDP with acceptable changes with 200 OK

For instance UAC moves to high bandwidth access point and wants to update IP of media stream . It also wanst to add video stream

initial SDP

 m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0
 c=IN IP4

new SDP in reINVITE

 m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0
 c=IN IP4
 m=video 30002 RTP/AVP 31
 c=IN IP4

UAS returns a 200 (OK) response to accept IP but sets the port of the video stream to zero in its SDP to show rejected of video stream.

m=audio 31000 RTP/AVP 0
c=IN IP4
m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31

another example is when UAC wwants to add another audio codec and also add video stream to session

orignal SDP

m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0
c=IN IP4

re-invite SDP

 m=audio 30000 RTP/AVP 0 3
 c=IN IP4
 m=video 30002 RTP/AVP 31
 c=IN IP4

again the UAS will optionally accept the some param canges like audio code but set video to null IP address

m=audio 31000 RTP/AVP 0 3
c=IN IP4
m=video 31002 RTP/AVP 31
c=IN IP4 

3. UAS receives re-INVITE but waits for user intervention

UAS receives re-INVITE to add video , but instead of rejecting , it prompts user to permit.

So UAS provides a null IPaddress instead of setting the stream to ‘inactive’ because inactive streams still need to exchange RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) traffic

 m=audio 31000 RTP/AVP 0
 c=IN IP4
 m=video 31002 RTP/AVP 31
 c=IN IP4

Later if user rejects the addition of the video stream. Consequently, the UAS sends an UPDATE request (6) setting the port of the video stream to zero in its offer.

 m=audio 31000 RTP/AVP 0
 c=IN IP4
 m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31
 c=IN IP4

Sip Detailed , Call flows , Architecture descriptions , SIP services , sip security , sip programming from ALTANAI BISHT


Posted on January 3, 2014 by altanaiPosted in SIPTagged sdpSipSip headerssip invite.5 Comments

SIP VoIP system Architecture

SIP solutioning and architectures  is a subsequent article after SIP introduction, which can be found here.

A VOIP Solution is designed to accommodate the signalling and media both along with integration leads to various external endpoints such as various SIP phones ( desktop, softphones , webRTC ) ,  telecom carriers  , different voip network providers  , enterprise applications  ( Skype , Microsoft Lync  ), Trunks etc .

A sufficiently capable SIP platform should consist of following features :

  • audio calls ( optionally video )
  • media services such as conferencing, voicemail, and IVR,
  • messaging as IM and presence based on SIMPLE,
  • programmable services through standardized APIs and development of new modules
  • near-end and far-end NAT traversal for signalling and media flows
  • interconnectivity with other IP multimedia systems, VoLTE ( optional interconnection with other types of communications networks as GSM or PSTN/ISDN)
  • registry , location and lookup service
  • Backend support like Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Radius, LDAP, Diameter
  • serial and parallel forking
  • support for Voip signalling protocols (SIP, H,323, SCCP, MGCP, IAX) and telephony signalling protocols ( ISDN/SS7, FXS/FXO, Sigtran ) either internally via pluggable modules or externally via gateways

Performnace factors :

  • High availability using redundant servers in standby
  • Load balancing
  • IPv4 and IPv6 network layer support
  • TCP , UDP , SCTP transport layer protocol support
  • DNS lookups and hop by hop connectvity

Security considerations :

  • authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
  • Digest authentication and credentials fetched from backend
  • Media Encryption
  • TLS and SRTP support
  • Topology hidding to prevent disclosing IP form internal components in via and route headers
  • Firewalls , blacklist, filters , peak detectors to prevent Dos and Ddos attacks

The article only outlines SIP system architecture  from 3 viewpoints :

  • from Infrastructure standpoint
  • from core voice engineering perspective
  • and accompanying external components required to run and system

Infrastructure Requirements

  • Data Centers with BCP ( Business Continuity Planning ) and DR ( Disaster Recovery )
  • Servers and Clusters for faster and parallel calculating
  • Virtualization
    VMs to make a distributed computing environment with HA ( high availability ) and DRS ( Distributed Resource Scheduling )
  • Storage
    SAN with built-in redundancy for the resiliency of data.
    WORM compliant NAS for storing voice archives over a retention period.
  • Racks, power supplies, battery backups, cages etc.
  • Networking
    DMZs ( Demilitarized Zones)  which are interfacing areas between internal servers in the green zone and outside network
    VLANs for segregation between tenants.
    Connectivity through the public Internet as well as through VPN or dedicated optical fibre network for security.
  • Firewall configuration
  • Load Balancer ( Layer 7 )
  • Reverse Proxies for the security of internal IPs and port
  • Security controls In compliance with ISO/IEC 27000 family – Information security management systems
  • PKI Infrastructure to manage digital certificates
  • Key management with HSM ( hardware security module )
  • truster CA ( Certificate Authority ) to issue publicly signed certificate for TLS ( Https, wss etc)
  • OWASP ( Open Web Application Security Project )  rules compliance

Integral Components of a VOIP SIP based architecture

  • Call Controller
  • Media Manager
  • Recording
  • Softclients
  • logs and PCAP archives
  • CDR generators
  • Session Borer Controllers ( SBCs)

Types of SIP servers are listed below . It is important to understand the roles a SIP server can be moulded to take up which in turn defines its placement in overall voip communication platform such as stateless proxy servers on the border , application and B2BUA server at the core etc

SIP Gateways:

sip entities

SIP platform components

A SIP gateway is an application that interfaces a SIP network to a network utilising another signalling protocol. In terms of the SIP protocol, a gateway is just a special type of user agent, where the user agent acts on behalf of another protocol rather than a human. A gateway terminates the signalling path and can also terminate the media path .

sip gaeways

To PSTN for telephony inter-working
To H.323 for IP Telephony inter-working
Client – originates message
Server – responds to or forwards message

Logical SIP entities are:

  • User Agent Client (UAC): Initiates SIP requests  ….
  • User Agent Server (UAS): Returns SIP responses ….
  • Network Servers ….

Registrar Server

A registrar server accepts SIP REGISTER requests; all other requests receive a 501 Not Implemented response. The contact information from the request is then made available to other SIP servers within the same administrative domain, such as proxies and redirect servers. In a registration request, the To header field contains the name of the resource being registered, and the Contact header fields contain the contact or device URIs.

regsitrar server

Proxy Server

A SIP proxy server receives a SIP request from a user agent or another proxy and acts on behalf of the user agent in forwarding or responding to the request. Just as a router forwards IP packets at the IP layer, a SIP proxy forwards SIP messages at the application layer.

Typically proxy server ( inbound or outbound) have no media capabilities and ignore the SDP . They are mostly bypassed once dialog is established but can add a record-route .
A proxy server usually also has access to a database or a location service to aid it in processing the request (determining the next hop).

proxy server

 1. Stateless Proxy Server
A proxy server can be either stateless or stateful. A stateless proxy server processes each SIP request or response based solely on the message contents. Once the message has been parsed, processed, and forwarded or responded to, no information (such as dialog information) about the message is stored. A stateless proxy never retransmits a message, and does not use any SIP timers

2. Stateful Proxy Server
A stateful proxy server keeps track of requests and responses received in the past, and uses that information in processing future requests and responses. For example, a stateful proxy server starts a timer when a request is forwarded. If no response to the request is received within the timer period, the proxy will retransmit the request, relieving the user agent of this task.

  3 . Forking Proxy Server
A proxy server that receives an INVITE request, then forwards it to a number of locations at the same time, or forks the request. This forking proxy server keeps track of each of the outstanding requests and the response. This is useful if the location service or database lookup returns multiple possible locations for the called party that need to be tried.

Redirect Server

A redirect server is a type of SIP server that responds to, but does not forward, requests. Like a proxy server, a redirect server uses a database or location service to lookup a user. The location information, however, is sent back to the caller in a redirection class response (3xx), which, after the ACK, concludes the transaction. Contact header in response indicates where request should be tried .

redirect server

Application Server

The heart of all call routing setup. It loads and executes scripts for call handling at runtime and maintains transaction states and dialogs for all ongoing calls . Usually the one to rewrite SIP packets adding media relay servers, NAT . Also connects external services like Accounting , CDR , stats to calls .

Developing SIP based applications

Basic SIP methods

SIP defines basic methods such as INVITE, ACK and BYE which can pretty much handle simple call routing with some more advanced processoes too like call forwarding/redirection, call hold with optional Music on hold, call parking, forking, barge etc.

Extending SIP headers

Newer SIP headers defined by more updated SIP RFC’s contina INFO, PRACK, PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBY, NOTIFY, MESSAGE, REFER, UPDATE. But more methods or headers can be added to baseline SIP packets for customization specific to a particular service provider. In case where a unrecognized SIP header is found on a SIP proxy which it either does not suppirt or doesnt understand, it will simply forward it to the specified endpoint.

Call routing Scripts

Interfaces for programming SIP call routing include :
– Call Processing Language—SIP CPL,
– Common Gateway Interface—SIP CGI,
– SIP Servlets,
– Java API for Integrated Networks—JAIN APIs etc .

Some known SIP stacks :

SailFin – SIP servlet container uses GlassFish open source enterprise Application Server platform (GPLv2), obsolete since merger from Sun Java to Oracle.

Mobicents – supports both JSLEE 1.1 and SIP Servlets 1.1 (GPLv2)

Cipango – extension of SIP Servlets to the Jetty HTTP Servlet engine thus compliant with both SIP Servlets 1.1 and HTTP Servlets 2.5 standards.

WeSIP – SIP and HTTP ( J2EE) converged application server build on OpenSER SIP platform

Additionally SIP stacks are supported on almost all popular SIP programming lanaguges which can be imported as lib as used for building call routing scripts to be mounted on SIP servers or endpoints such as :


JSSIP Javascript

Sofia in kamailio , Freswitch

Some popular SIP server also have proprietary scripting language such as
Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) , application interface for extending the dialplan with your functionality in the language you choose – PHP, Perl, C, Java, Unix Shell and others

Adding Media Management

Media processing is usually provided by media servers in accordance to the SIP signalling. Bridges, call recording, Voicemail, audio conferencing, and interactive voice response (IVR) are commomly used.

Read more about Media Architecture here

RFC 6230 Media Control Channel Framework decribes framework and protocol for application deployment where the application programming logic and media processing are distributed

Any one such service could be a combination of many smaller services within such as Voicemail is a combitional of prompt playback, runtime controls, Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) collection, and media recording. RFC 6231 Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework.

RTP ( Real Time Transport Protocol )

RTP handles realtime multimedia transport between end to end network components . RFC 3550 . 

Packet structure of RTP     

RTP Header contain timestamp , name of media source , codec type and sequence number .

Image result for RTP header structure


– tbd

DTMF( Dual tone Multi Frequency )

delivery options:

  • Inband –  With Inband digits are passed along just like the rest of your voice as normal audio tones with no special coding or markers using the same codec as your voice does and are generated by your phone.
  • Outband  – Incoming stream delivers DTMF signals out-of-audio using either SIP-INFO or RFC-2833 mechanism, independently of codecs – in this case, the DTMF signals are sent separately from the actual audio stream.

TTS ( Text to Speech )

 Alexa Text-to-Speech (TTS) + Amazon Polly

Ivona – multiple language text to speech converter with ssml scripts such as below

              <s><prosody rate="slow">IVONA</prosody> means highest quality speech
              synthesis in various languages.</s>
              <s>It offers both male and female radio quality voices <break/> at a
              sampling rate of 22 kHz <break/> which makes the IVONA voices a
              perfect tool for professional use or individual needs.</s>

check ivona status

service ivona-tts-http status
 tail -f /var/log/tts.log

Collecting and Processing PCAPS

  • VoIP monitor – network packet sniffer with commercial frontend for SIP RTP RTCP SKINNY(SCCP) MGCP WebRTC VoIP protocols

it uses a passive network sniffer (like tcpdump or wireshark) to analyse packets in realtime and transforms all SIP calls with associated RTP streams into database CDR record which is sent over the TCP to MySQL server (remote or local). If enabled saving SIP / RTP packets the sniffer stores each VoIP call into separate files in native pcap format (to local storage).

voip monitor

  • sngrep
  • tcpdump
  • custom made pcap capture and uploader

SIP platform Development

A sufficiently capable SIP platform shoudl consist of following features :

  • audio calls ( optionally video )
  • media services such as conferencing, voicemail, and IVR,
  • messaging as IM and presence based on SIMPLE,
  • programmable services through standardized APIs and development of new modules
  • near-end and far-end NAT traversal for signalling and media flows
  • interconnectivity with other IP multimedia systems, VoLTE ( optional interconnection with other types of communications networks as GSM or PSTN/ISDN)
  • registry , location and lookup service
  • serial and parallel forking

Performance factors :

  • High availability using redundant servers in standby
  • Load balancing
  • IPv4 and IPv6 support

Security considerations :

  • digest authentication and credentials fetched from backend
  • Media Encryption
  • TLS and SRTP support
  • Topology hiding to prevent disclosng IP form internal components in via and route headers
  • Firewalls , blacklist, filters , peak detectors to prevent Dos and Ddos attacks

Add NAT and DNS components

To adapt SIP to modern IP networks with inter network traversal ICE, far and near-end NAT traversal solutions are used. Network Address traversal is crtical to traffic flow between private public network and from behind firewalls and policy controlled networks
One can use any of the VOVIDA-based STUN server, mySTUN , TurnServer, reStund , CoTURN , NATH (PJSIP NAT Helper), ReTURN, or ice4j

Near-end NAT traversal

STUN (session traversal utilities for NAT) – UA itself detect presence of a NAT and learn the public IP address and port assigned using Nating. Then it replaces device local private IP address with it in the SIP and SDP headers. Implemented via STUN, TURN, and ICE.
limitations are that STUN doesnt work for symmetric NAT (single connection has a different mapping with a different/randomly generated port) and also with situations when there are multiple addresses of a end point.

TURN (traversal using relay around NAT) or STUN relay – UA learns the public IP address of the TURN server and asks it to relay incoming packets. Limitatiosn since it handled all incoming and outgong traffic , it must scale to meet traffic requirments and should not become the bottle neck junction or single point of failure.

ICE (interactive connectivity establishment) – UA gathers “candidates of communication” with priorities offered by the remote party. After this client pairs local candidates with received peer candidates and performs offer-answer negotiating by trying connectivity of all pairs, therefore maximising success. The types of candidates :
– host candidate who represents clients’ IP addresses,
– server reflexive candidate for the address that has been resolved from STUN
– and a relayed candidate for the address which has been allocated from a TURN relay by the client.

Far-end NAT traversal

UA is not concerned about NAT at all and communicated using its local IP port. The border controller implies a NAT handling components such as an application layer gateway (ALG) or universal plug and play (UPnP) etc which resolves the private and public network address mapping by act as a back to back user agent (B2BUA).
Far end NAT can also be enabled by deploying a public SIP server which performs media relay (RTP Proxy/Media proxy).

Limitations of this approach
– security risks as they are operating in the public network
– enabling reverse traffic from UAS to UAC behind NAT.

A keep-alive mechanism is used to keep NAT translations of communications between SIP endpoint and its serving SIP servers opened , so that this NAT translation can be reused for routing. It contains client-to-server “ping” keep-alive and corresponding server-to-client “pong” messages. The 2 keep-alive mechanisms: a CRLF keep-alive and a STUN keep-alive message exchange.

The 3 types of SIP URIs,

  • address of record (AOR)
  • fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
  • globally routable user agent (UA) URI
    SIP uniform resource identifiers (URIs) are identified based on DNS resolution since the URI after @ symbol contains hostname , port and protocl for the next hop.

Adding record route headers for locating the correct SIP server for a SIP message can be done by :
– DNS service record (DNS SRV)
– naming authority pointer (NAPTR) DNS resource record

Steps for SIP endpoints locating SIP server

  1. From SIP packet get the NAPTR record to get the protocl to be used
  2. Inspect SRV record to fetch port to use
  3. Inspect A/AAA record to get IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
    ref : RFC 3263 – Locating SIP Servers
    Can use BIND9 server for DNS resolution supports NAPTR/SRV, ENUM, DNSSEC, multidomains, and private trees or public trees.

Cross platform and integration to External Telecommunication provider landscape

connection to IMS such as openIMS
support for Voip signalling protocols (SIP, H,323, SCCP, MGCP, IAX) and telephony signalling protocls ( ISDN/SS7, FXS/FXO, Sigtran ) either internally via pluggable modules or externally via gateways

Database Integration

Need backend , cache , databse integration to npt only store routing rules with temporary varaible values but also account details , call records details, access control lists etc. Should therefore extend integartion with text based db, redis, MySQL, PostrgeSQL, OpenLDAP, and OpenRadius.

The obvious starting milestone before making a full scale carrier grade, SIP based VoIP system is to start by building a PBX for intra enterprise communication. There are readily available solutions to make a IP telephony PBX kamailio , freeswitch , asterisk , Elastix , SipXecs

Call Rate and Accounting

Generally data streams proecssing are used for crtical and voluminious service usage like for
– metering/billing
– server activity,
– website clicks,
– geo-location of devices, people, and physical goods

Call Rates are very crticial for billing and charging the calls . Any updates from the customer or carriers or individuals need to propagate automatically and quickly to avoid discrpencies and neagtive margins. CDRs need to be processed sequentially and incrementally on a record-by-record basis or over sliding time windows, and used for a wide variety of analytics including correlations, aggregations, filtering, and sampling.

To acheieve this the follow setup is ideal to use the new input rate sheet values via web UI console or POST API and propagate it quickly to main DB via AWS SQS which is a queing service and AWS lamda which is a serverless trigger based system . This ensures that any new input rates are updates in realtime and maintin fallback values in s3 bucket too

CDR Processing and Billing

CDR store call detail records along with proof of call with tiemstamps , orignation , destination , duaration , rate etc. At the end of month or any other term , the aggregated CDR are cumulatively processed to generate the bill for a user . This heavy data stream needs to be accurately processed and this can be achiveed by using datapipelines like AWS kinesis or Kafka eventstore .

The prime requirnment for the system is to handle enormous amount of call records data in relatime , cater to a number of producers and consumers .

For security the data is obfuscated into blob using base 64 encoding

AWS kinesis – Kinesis Data Streams is sued for for rapid and continuous data intake and aggregation. The type of data used can include IT infrastructure log data, application logs, social media, market data feeds, and web clickstream data

Pros of data streams

This system can handle high volume of data in realtime and produce call uuid specfic reults which can be consumed by consumers waiting for the processed results

Cons of data streams

If not consumed with a pre-specified time duration the processed results expire and are irretrivable . Self implement publisher to store teh processed reults from kisesis stream to data stores like Redis / RDBMS or other storge locations like s3 , dynamo DB. If pieline crashes during operation , data is lost

Data stream should have low latency igesting contnous data from producer and presenting data to consumer .

It should support data sharding ie number of call records grouped and uses a partition Key ( string MD5 hash) to determine which shard the record goes to. 

There are other external components to setup a VOIP solution apart from Core voice Servers and gateways like the ones listed below, I will try to either add a detailed overall architecture diagram here or write about them in an seprate article . Keep watching this space for updates

  • Payment Gateways
  • Billing and Invoice
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Contacts Integration
  • Call Analytics
  • API services
  • Admin Module
  • Number Management ( DIDs ) and porting
  • Call Tracking
  • Single Sign On and User Account Management with Oauth and SAML
  • Dashboards and Reporting
  • Alert Management
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Automated Validation
  • Queue System
  • External cache

Read about VoIP/ OTT / Telecom Solution startup’s strategy for Building a scalable flexible SIP platform which includes :

  • Scalable and Flexible SIP platform building
  • Cluster SIP telephony Server for High Availability
  • Failure Recovery
  • Multi-tier cluster architecture
  • Role Abstraction / Micro-Service based architecture
  • Distributed Event management and Event-Driven architecture
  • Containerization
  • Autoscaling Cloud Servers
  • Open standards and Data Privacy
  • Flexibility for inter-working – NextGen911 , IMS , PSTN
  • security and Operational Efficiencies

References :

AWS kinesis –What Is Amazon Kinesis Data Streams? - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

AWazon docs streaming data – What Is Streaming Data? | Amazon Web Services (AWS)

VOIP monitor Archietcture – Architecture -

TTS Ivona – TTS Documentation | SSML Support in Ivona Text-To-Speech

Posted on July 13, 2013 by altanaiPosted in SIPTagged B2BUACall routingcloud telephonyDNAICEinternet telephonylocation SIP serverreal time communicationsRegistrar SIP serverRTCSipSIP applicationsip gatewayssip invitesip messagessip serversipauthrorizationsipURISTUNTelecommunicationsTURNVOIP.5 Comments

SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol )

Update :

At the time of writing this article on SIP and related VOIP technologies I a newbie in VOIP domain , probably just out college . However over the past decade , looking at the steady traffic to these articles , I have tried updating the same with new RFC standards and market trends .

In this updated version (2019) , the main points described are

  • SIP – Application layer protocol
    • SIP Requests
    • SIP responses
    • Session Description Protocol  (SDP)
  • SIP transactions , dialog , branch
  • Record Routing
    • strict routing
    • loose routing
  • Mobility and Location Service
  • Network Address Translator ( NAT)
    • Far End Traversal
    • Near End Traversal
  • SIP Call Flows
    • Registeration
    • Call Redirection
    • Forking
    • click to Dial
  • SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions ( SIMPLE)

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a multimedia signalling protocol that has evolved the defacto communication standard for IP telephony.
Even today it forms the primary protocol for many Real Time Communication platforms which are integrated with telecom carriers and provide Cloud and IP based Services for applications such as robo/mass calls for advertising, API based calls like OTP generator, IVR announcements with DTMF input like customer care centre etc. Infact it would be not far from truth to say that converged platform we find today are a result of SIP integrating with the IP world.

Converged platforms integrates audio, video, data, presence, instant messaging, voicemails and conference services into a single network . SIP is the key component to build an advanced converged IP communication platform or rich multimedia Real time communication service.

SIP can be used to create programmable APIs and complex call routing VoIP scripts such as PBX , SBC etc.

Bears the support of many high quality open source and freeware SIP client , servers , proxies , tool such as Kamailio , Astersk , Freeswitch , Sipp , JAINSIP etc .Also supported on most standardised VoIP hardware and network such as Cisco, Microsoft, Avaya, and Radvision.

It is standardized by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) such as RFC 3261 which describes SIP v2 . Architecturally SIP request response ( 404 , 301 ) format is very similar to HTTP and its addressing schemes have a resemblance to SMTP ( .

SIP – Application layer protocol

We know the ISO OSI layers  which servers as a standard model for data communications .

  1. Physical Layer : Ethernet , USB , IEEE 802.11  WiFi, Bluetooth  , BLE
  2. Data Link Layer : ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol ) ,  PPP ( point to point protocol ) , MAC ( Media Access control ) , ATM , Frame Relay
  3. Network Layer :  IP (IPv4 / IPv6), ICMP, IPsec
  4. Transport : TCP , UDP , SCTP
  5. Session : PPTP ( Point to point tunnelling protocol) , NFS, SOCKS
  6. Presentation : Codecs such as JPEG , GIFF , SSL
  7. Application : Application level like Call -manager/ softphone  as HTTP , FTP , DNS , SIP  , RTSP , RTP , DNS

SIP is an application layer protocol

SIP and SDP as Application layer protocols

SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol) negotiates session between 2 parties.  It primarily exchanges headers that are used for making a call session such as example of outgoing telephone call from SIP session invite .

Session Initiation Protocol (INVITE)
Request-Line: INVITE;transport=tcp SIP/2.0
Method: INVITE
        Request-URI User Part: altanai
        Request-URI Host Part:
        [Resent Packet: False]

Message Header

Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKceX7a2H2866cN
        Transport: TCP
        Sent-by Address:
        Sent-by port: 5080
        RPort: rport
        Branch: z9hG4bKceX7a2H2866cN

Max-Forwards: 41

From: "+16014801797" <sip:+16014801797@>;tag=7HKgjNQ6y2FSj
        SIP Display info: "+16014801797"
        SIP from address: sip:+16014801797@
                SIP from address User Part: +16014801797
                E.164 number (MSISDN): 16014801797
                        Country Code: Americas (1)
                SIP from address Host Part:
        SIP from tag: 7HKgjNQ6y2FSj

To: <;transport=tcp>
        SIP to address:;transport=tcp
        SIP to address User Part: altanai
        SIP to address Host Part:
        SIP To URI parameter: transport=tcp

Call-ID: e10306be-0cfd-4b38-af3c-b2ada0827cef
CSeq: 126144925 INVITE
Contact: <sip:mod_sofia@;transport=tcp>
User-Agent: phone1
Supported: path, replaces
Allow-Events: talk, hold, conference, refer
Privacy: none
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Disposition: session
Content-Length: 249
SIP Display info: "+16014801797"
SIP PAI Address: sip:+16014801797@

The SIP philosophy :

  • reuse Internet addressing (URLs, DNS, proxies)
  • utilize rich Internet feature set
  • reuse HTTP coding
  • text based
  • makes no assumptions about underlying protocol: TCP, UDP, X.25, frame, ATM, etc
  • support of multicast

SIP URI can either be in format of (RFC 2543 ) or ( secure with TLS over TCP RFX 3261) . Additionally SIP URI resolution can either be

  • DNS SRV based such as with SIP servers locating record for domain “ ” or
  • FQDN ( Fully qualified domain name ) / contact / ip address based such as altanai@ or altanai@us-west1-prod-server . Both of which do not need any resolution for routing.

Tags are pseudo-random numbers inserted in To or From headers to uniquely identify a call leg

Max forwards  is a count decremented by each proxy
that forwards the request.When count goes to zero, request is discarded and 483 Too Many Hops response is sent.Used for stateless loop detection.

Content-Type indicates the type of message body attachment. In this case application /SDP but  others could be text/plain, application/cpl+xml, etc.)

Content-Length indicates the octet (byte) count of the message body

Contact direct route to contact the sender, composed of SIPURI with a user name and IP or FQDN. USed for later requests to directly reach the destination such as ACK after INVITE

via gives the last SIP hop as IP, transport, and transaction-specific parameters along with branch that identifies the transaction
each proxy adds an additional via header. fianlly via header is used to route back the responses . This ensures the user agents after the initial request dont have to rely on DNS and location tables to route the messages.

Firewalls can sometimes block SIP packets , change TCP to UDP or change IP address of the packets. Record-Route can be used , ensures Firewall proxy stays in path . Clients and Servers copy Record-Route and put in Route header for all messages

Message body is separated from SIP header fields by a blank line (CRLF).

sip arch

SIP Message Body

SIP Request methods :

  • INVITE : Initiates negotiation to establish a session ( dialog). Usually contains SDP payload.
  • Another invite during an existing session ( dialog) is called an RE-INVITE.  RE-INVITE can be used for hold / resume a call and change session parameters and codecs in mid of a call
  • ACK : Acknowledge an INVITE request by completing the 3 way handshake.
  • If an INVITE did not contain media contain then ACK must contain it .
  • BYE : Ends a session ( dialog).
  • CANCEL : Cancels a session( dialog)  before it establishes  .
  • REGISTER : Registers a user location (host name, IP) on a registrar SIP server.
  • OPTIONS : Communicates information about the capabilities of the calling and receiving SIP phones ( methods , extensions , codecs etc )
  • PRACK : Provisional Acknowledgement for provisional response as 183 ( session in progress). PRACK only application to 101- 199 responses .
  • SUBSCRIBE : Subscribes for Notification from the notifier. Can use Expire=0 to unsubscribe.
  • NOTIFY : Notifies the subscriber of a new event.
  • PUBLISH : Publishes an event to the Server.
  • INFO : Sends mid session information.
  • REFER : Asks the recipient to issue call transfer.
  • MESSAGE : Transports Instant Messages.
  • UPDATE : Modifies the state of a session ( dialog).

SIP responses :

  • 1xx = Informational SIP Responses

100 Trying
180 Ringing
183 Session Progress

  • 2xx = Success Responses

200 OK – Shows that the request was successful

  • 3xx = Redirection Responses
  • 4xx = Request Failures

401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
480 Temporarily Unavailable
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
486 Busy Here
487 Request Terminated
488 Not Acceptable Here
482 Loop Detected
483 Too Many Hops

  • 5xx = Server Errors

500 Server Internal Error
503 Service Unavailable

  • 6xx = Global Failures

600 Busy Everywhere
603 Decline
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere
606 Not Acceptable

SIP callflow diagram for a Call Setup and termination using RTP for media and RTCP for control.

SIP and SDP Messages Explained

Read about SIP messages indepth here 

SDP ( Session Description Protocol)

SIP can bear many kinds of MIME attachments , one such is SDP. SDP contains session metadata used for establishing the session. It defines media information and capabilities such as codecs and formats , timestamps , termination points like address , ports. Additionally it can also convey other details like bandwidth and contact for the node acting as proxy for the session.

Read Indepth about SIP messages and SDP in a new tab)

Sample SDP payload for Invite SIP above :

Session Description Protocol Version (v): 0
Owner/Creator, Session Id (o): FreeSWITCH 1532932581 1532932582 IN IP4
        Owner Username: FreeSWITCH
        Session ID: 1532932581
        Session Version: 1532932582
        Owner Network Type: IN
        Owner Address Type: IP4
        Owner Address:
Session Name (s): FreeSWITCH
Connection Information (c): IN IP4
        Connection Network Type: IN
        Connection Address Type: IP4
        Connection Address:
Time Description, active time (t): 0 0
        Session Start Time: 0
        Session Stop Time: 0
Media Description, name and address (m): audio 29398 RTP/AVP 0 101
        Media Type: audio
        Media Port: 29398
        Media Protocol: RTP/AVP
        Media Format: ITU-T G.711 PCMU
        Media Format: DynamicRTP-Type-101
Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
        Media Attribute Fieldname: rtpmap
        Media Format: 0
        MIME Type: PCMU
        Sample Rate: 8000
Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
        Media Attribute Fieldname: rtpmap
        Media Format: 101
        MIME Type: telephone-event
        Sample Rate: 8000
Media Attribute (a): fmtp:101 0-16
        Media Attribute Fieldname: fmtp
        Media Format: 101 [telephone-event]
        Media format specific parameters: 0-16
Media Attribute (a): silenceSupp:off - - - -
        Media Attribute Fieldname: silenceSupp
        Media Attribute Value: off - - - -
Media Attribute (a): ptime:20
        Media Attribute Fieldname: ptime
        Media Attribute Value: 20

v=0  indicates the start of the SDP content.

o=FreeSWITCH 1532932581 1532932582 IN IP4 , is session origin and owner’s name

c=IN IP4 is connection data specifing the IP address of session.  

m= is Media type – audio, port – 29398, RTP/AVP Profile – 0 and 101

Attribute profile – 0, codec – PCMU, sampling rate – 8000 Hz and Attribute profile – 101, telephone-event

SIP transaction

A SIP transaction occurs between a UAC and a UAS in form of 1 request , its provisional and final response.

All transactions are independent of each other. Each transaction are uniquely identified by the branch id on the via header and the cseq.

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP <server ip>:5060;branch=z9hG4bKcb16.c47db56d6d8eb62677a0f0dc733cd73d.0

SIP transaction consists of a single request and any responses to that request, which include zero or more provisional responses and one or more final responses.

A transaction consists of a Request, any non-final (1xx) Responses received, and a final Response (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, or 6xx).
ACK is not considered part of this transaction and is a new transaction.
Request whose responses to that are non succesfull such as INVITE response with 100, 405 then,
ACK is part of the transaction.
Hence , ror positive replies (2XX), a new transaction is created for ACK with new CONTACT header and it can be sent straight to the UAS bypassing the proxy.For negative replies, ACK stays part of INVITE transaction hence request is sent to the same proxy as INVITE.


for ACK given below , tid=-d8754z-deea18278a05ce16-1—d8754z-

T 2017/06/06 06:56:03.656614 :37126 -> :5060 [AP]
 ACK sip:9876543210@:5080;transport=tcp SIP/2.0.
 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP :38834;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-deea18278a05ce16-1---d8754z-;rport.
 Max-Forwards: 70.
 To: :5080>;tag=fdc0b562c1d44395f53d16b622397a3f-589d.
 From: >;tag=b5327b03.
 Call-ID: MTllYjkyZjczMjhjM2I5OGE4MTgzZDUxODVjYmM0YzY.
 CSeq: 1 ACK.
 Content-Length: 0.

For CANCEL given below , tid=-d8754z-04665556a3f8c928-1—d8754z-

T 2017/06/06 06:53:09.643301 :37126 -> :5060 [AP]
 CANCEL sip:9876543210@:5080;transport=tcp SIP/2.0.
 Via: SIP/2.0/TCP :38834;branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-04665556a3f8c928-1---d8754z-;rport.
 Max-Forwards: 70.
 To: :5080>.
 From: >;tag=c0869612.
 CSeq: 1 CANCEL.
 User-Agent: Bria 3 release 3.5.5 stamp 71243.
 Content-Length: 0.

SIP entities that have notion of transactions are called stateful.


The branch parameter is a transaction identifier. Responses relating a request can be correlated because they will contain the same transaction identifier.


The p2p relationship between 2 sip endpoints , containing sequence of transactions.

The initiator of the session that generates the establishing INVITE generates the unique Call-ID and From tag. In the response to the INVITE, the user agent answering the request will generate the To tag. The combination of the local tag (contained in the From header field), remote tag (contained in the To header field), and the Call-ID uniquely identifies the established session, known as a dialog. This dialog identifier is used by both parties to identify this call because there could be multiple calls set up between them.

A dialog is uniquely identified by: Call-ID header , remote-tag and local-tag.

DialogId is different for both ends since local and remote for both ends are different.

Example : Notice the to and from tag ids in INVITE and its 200 ok. The dialog id for invite is , 97576NjQ5MTBlNjVjNDQ0MzFmOTEyZGEzYWJjZjQxYjcyYzc70edc66c. First invite doesnt bear the To tag.

INVITE sip:1234567890@ SIP/2.0
   Via: SIP/2.0/UDP :59583;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---22728813bce01a15;rport
   Max-Forwards: 70
   Contact: :59583>
   To: >
   From: >;tag=70edc66c
   Call-ID: 97576NjQ5MTBlNjVjNDQ0MzFmOTEyZGEzYWJjZjQxYjcyYzc
   CSeq: 1 INVITE
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Supported: replaces
   User-Agent: X-Lite release 5.5.0 stamp 97576
   Content-Length: 210

   o=- 1559804173873191 1 IN IP4 
   s=X-Lite release 5.5.0 stamp 97576
   c=IN IP4 
   t=0 0
   m=audio 49750 RTP/AVP 8 101
   a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
   a=fmtp:101 0-15

The dialog id, with reversed to and from tag is 97576NjQ5MTBlNjVjNDQ0MzFmOTEyZGEzYWJjZjQxYjcyYzcStNBKgjjXS84r70edc66c

SIP/2.0 200 OK
   Via: SIP/2.0/UDP :59583;branch=z9hG4bK-524287-1---22728813bce01a15;rport=10973;received=
   From: >;tag=70edc66c
   To: >;tag=StNBKgjjXS84r
   Call-ID: 97576NjQ5MTBlNjVjNDQ0MzFmOTEyZGEzYWJjZjQxYjcyYzc
   CSeq: 1 INVITE
   Contact: :5060;transport=udp>
   User-Agent: FreeSWITCH-mod_sofia/1.9.0-742-8f1b7e0~64bit
   Accept: application/sdp
   Supported: timer, path, replaces
   Allow-Events: talk, hold, conference, presence, as-feature-event, dialog, line-seize, call-info, sla, include-session-description, presence.winfo, message-summary, refer
   Session-Expires: 120;refresher=uas
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Content-Disposition: session
   Content-Length: 222
   Remote-Party-ID: "1234567890" >;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=no

   o=FreeSWITCH 1559778909 1559778910 IN IP4 
   c=IN IP4 
   t=0 0
   m=audio 25266 RTP/AVP 8 101
   a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
   a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
   a=fmtp:101 0-16

Record Routing

All requests sent within a dialog are by default sent directly from one user agent to the other. Only requests outside a dialog traverse SIP proxies. This approach makes SIP network more scalable because only a small number of SIP messages hit the proxies.

However few request need to explicitly state that they need to stay on path of proxies such as for accounting during termination of when NAT process is being carried out then. For these we need to insert a Record-Route header field into SIP messages which contain address of the proxy. Messages sent within a dialog will then traverse all SIP proxies that put a Record-Route header field into the message.

The server copies the Record-Route header field unchanged into the response. (Record-Route is only relevant for 2xx responses. ) ie the end point recipient will also mirror the proxies for the response.

record routing

without Record Routing

record routing (1)

with record routing

Strict Routing

Rewrite the Request-URI ie Request-URI always contained URI of the next hop so it is necessary to save the original Request-URI as the last Route header field.  Defined in RFC2543

Loose routing

Request-URI is no more overwritten, it always contains URI of the destination user agent, therby keeping target seprated from route. ( ;lr). If there are any Route header field in a message, then the message is sent to the URI from the topmost Route header field. Defined in RFC 3261

SIP Authorization

Authentication , security , confidentiality and integrity form the basic requirement for any communication system . To protect against hacking a user account and Denial of service attacks , SIP uses HTTP digest authentication mechanism with nonces and challenges along with 407 Proxy Authorization required and 401 unauthorised .  The sender has to resend the request with MD5 hash of nonce and password ( password id never send in clear ). Thus preventing man-in-middle attacks.

Challenge / Response Scheme :

  • Sends REGISTER   and receives 401 / 407 Challenge + nonce 
  • Again sends REGISTER + MD-5 hash (pw + nonce) get a 200 OK

REGISTER using HTTP Digest for authentication using TLS transport, challenge is in form

WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="", qop="auth",
nonce="ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359", opaque="", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5

Here qop is Quality Of Protection param indicating quality of protection that the client has applied to the message. qop=1 (enabled) will help you to avoid replay attacks.

Here qop is Quality Of Protection param indicating

challenge response by UA to UAS

Authorization: Digest username="bob", realm=""
nonce="ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359", opaque="",

Cancellation of Registration – UA sends REGISTER request with Expires: 0 Contact: * , to apply to all . Since user is already authenticated , it is not challenged again .

To prevent spoofing ie impersonating as server , SIP provides server authentication too. Required by ITSP’s  ( Internet telephony service providers ) .

End to end encryption is achieved thorough TS and SRTP.

Secure Communication with SRTP and key managemnt protocols like SDES , ZRTP and DTLS

More on SIP Security here .

Mobility and Location Service

According to RFC 3263 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers , if the proxy finds that the request is for an outside domain , it will take help of a DNS server to resolve to IP address of target domain and forward the request. Then target domain proxy used REGISTRAR’s discovery services to find if user is present in the host via location table entry . If found then request reaches the user .

To provide session mobility SIP endpoints send Register request to their respective registrar as they move and update their location. As User changes terminals , they registers themselves to the appropriate server
– Location server tracks the location of user
– Redirect servers prioritise the possible locations of the user
– Users keep same services as located at home server, while mobile
Call is processed by home servers using RECORD-ROUTE

NAT ( Network Address Translator)

Network Address Translator , defined by RFC 3022 to conserve network space as most packets are exchanged inside a private network itself .

All internet users whether they are using Wifi , 3G/LTE,  home AP, any other telecom data packet network  by TSP or ISP , are assigned a private IP address , which is unreachable from out side world .Addresses are assigned by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Private address blocks are in format of,,

Therefore when they access the Internet , this address is converted into a  globally unique public IP address through a NAT for external communication

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 4.33.06 PM

SIP Issues around NAT

NATs modify IP addresses (Layer 3)- SIP/SDP are Layer 7 protocols – transparent to NAT

SIP Via:, From: and Contact: headers use not-routable private addresses
SDP states that originator wishes to receive media at not-routable private addresses
If destination on the public internet tries to send SIP or RTP traffic to those private address
Traffic will be dumped by first router

Solution are to use  either Application level gateway (ALG) or STUN or Universal Plug and Pray (UPnP)

To rewrite all SIP/SDP source addresses

  • SIP Via:, From: and Contact: headers use public NAT address
  • SDP addresses use NAT public address
  • Use SIP over TCP

Use draft-ietf-sip-symmetric-response-00 and “Symmetric” SIP/RTP
Use same UDP port number for incoming/outgoing
Hold ports open for call duration
Send UDP packet typically every 30 seconds
SIP over UDP uses 30 second re-INVITE, REGISTER or OPTIONs
RTP sends at much higher frequency by default

NAPT ( Network Address Port Translator ) – Can map multiple private IP addresses and ports to one public IP address and ports

To adapt SIP to modern IP networks with inter network traversal ICE, far and near-end NAT traversal solutions are used. Network Address traversal is crtical to traffic flow between private public network and from behind firewalls and policy controlled networks

Opensource STUn / TURN prooviders : google STUN server, mySTUN , TurnServer, reStund , CoTURN , NATH (PJSIP NAT Helper), ReTURN, or ice4j

Near-end NAT traversalFar-end NAT traversal
STUN (session traversal utilities for NAT) – UA itself detect presence of a NAT and learn the public IP address and port assigned using NAting. Then it replaces device local private IP address with it in the SIP and SDP headers. Implemented va STUN, TURN, and ICE.
(-) doesnt work for symmetric NAT (single connection has a different mapping with a different/randomly generated port)
(-) doesnt work when there are multiple addresses of a end point.

TURN (traversal using relay around NAT) or STUN relay – UA learns the public IP address of the TURN server and asks it to relay incoming packets.
(-) since it handled all incoming and outgong traffic , it must scale to meet traffic requirments and should not become the bottleneck junction or single point of failure.
UA is not concerned about NAT at all and communicated using its local IP port. The border controller implies a NAT handling compoenets such as an application layer gateway (ALG) or universal plug and play (UPnP) etc which resolves the private and public network address mapping by act as a back to back user agent (B2BUA).
ICE (interactive connectivity establishment) – UA gathers “candidates of communication” with priorities offered by the remote party. After this client pairs local candidates with received peer candidates and performs offer-answer negotiating by trying connectivity of all pairs, therefore maximising success. The types of candidates
– host candidate who represents clients’ IP addresses,
– server reflexive candidate for the address that has been resolved from STUN
– relayed candidate for the address which has been allocated from a TURN relay by the client.
Far end NAT can also be enabled by deploying a public SIP server which performs media relay (RTP Proxy/Media proxy).

(-) security risks : operating in public network enabling reverse traffic from UAS to UAC behind NAT.

A keep-alive mechanism is used to keep NAT translations of communications between SIP endpoint and its serving SIP servers opened , so that this NAT translation can be reused for routing. It contains client-to-server “ping” keep-alive and corresponding server-to-client “pong” messages. The 2 keep-alive mechanisms: a CRLF keep-alive and a STUN keep-alive message exchange.

SIP Flows

Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 10.11.14 PM

Components of SIP based VoIP Solution


Localization Server  –Used by the Proxy Server and Redirect Server to obtain the location of the called user (one or more addresses)

Registration Server- Accept registration requests from the client applications . Generally, the service is offered by the Proxy Server or Redirect Server

DNS Server – Used to locate the Proxy Server or Redirect Server using NAPTR or SRV records

The 3 types of SIP URIs,

  • address of record (AOR)
  • fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
  • globally routable user agent (UA) URI
  • SIP uniform resource identifiers (URIs) are identified based on DNS resolution since the URI after @ symbol contains hostname , port and protocol for the next hop.

Adding record route headers for locating the correct SIP server for a SIP message can be done by :
DNS service record (DNS SRV)
naming authority pointer (NAPTR) DNS resource record

Steps for SIP endpoints locating SIP server

  1. From SIP packet get the NAPTR record to get the protocl to be used
  2. Inspect SRV record to fetch port to use
  3. Inspect A/AAA record to get IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
    ref : RFC 3263 – Locating SIP Servers
    Can use BIND9 server for DNS resolution supports NAPTR/SRV, ENUM, DNSSEC, multidomains, and private trees or public trees.

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Call Redirection

Sending Call invite but as Redirect Server responded with 302 moved temporary , a new destination address is returned. The invite is forwarded to another proxy server which connects the sip endpoints again after consultation with Redirect server .

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 10.37.38 AM

In this stage of we see the call getting connected to sip endpoint via 2 proxy servers . The redirect server doesnt get into path once the initial sip request is send.

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 11.12.17 AM

After communication the endpoints send BYE to terminate the session

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 11.13.59 AM


This callflow deals with the use-case when a user maybe registered from multiple SIP phones ( perhaps one home phone , one car and one office desk etc ) and wants to receive a ring on all registered phone ie fork a call to multiple endpoints .

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 11.17.19 AM

In the above diagram we can see a forked invite going to both the sip phones . Both of them reply with 100 trying and 180 ringing, but only 1 gets answered by the user .

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 11.17.26 AM

After one endpoint sends 200 ok and connects with session , the other receiver a cancel from the sip server .

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 11.17.33 AM

Click to Dial

A web or desktop application which has HTTP can fire a API call which is interpreted by the controller or SIP server  and call is fired.

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The API can contain params for to and from sip addresses as well as any authentication  token that is required for api authentication and validation .

Source code for some of the SIP application can be found on github


SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE)

  • several vendors who intend to implement SIMPLE
  • provides for presence and buddy lists
  • Instant Messaging in the enterprise
  • telephony enabled user lists

Using SIP based Call routing algorithms and flows , one can build carrier grade communication solution . SIP solutions can hook up with existing telecom networks and service providers to be backward compatible . Also has untapped unlimited potential to integrate with any external IP application or service to provide converged , customised control both for signalling and media planes.

References :

  1. SIP servlets samples :
  2. SIP by Henning Schulzrinne Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University New York
  3. International Institute of Telecommunications 2000-2004
  4. Introduction to SIP by Patrick Ferriter from ZULTYS
  5. Internet Draft, IETF, RFC 2543
  6. NTU – Internet Telephony based on SIP

RFC 3665 – Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call Flow Examples

It contains SIP implementation examples such as

  • SIP Registration – Successful New Registration, Update of Contact List, Request for Current Contact List, Cancellation of Registration, Unsuccessful Registration
  • SIP Session Establishment
  • Session Establishment Through Two Proxies,
  • Session with Multiple Proxy Authentication,
  • Successful Session with Proxy Failure,
  • Session Through a SIP ALG,
  • Session via Redirect and Proxy Servers with SDP in ACK,
  • Session with re-INVITE (IP Address Change),
  • Unsuccessful No Answer, Unsuccessful Busy, Unsuccessful No Response from User Agent, Unsuccessful Temporarily Unavailable,
  • Security Considerations

RFC 5359 – Session Initiation Protocol Service Examples

It contains the description for services like

  • Call Hold, Consultation Hold, Music on Hold,
  • Transfer – Unattended, Transfer – Attended, Transfer – Instant Messaging,
  • Call Forwarding Unconditional, Call Forwarding – Busy, Call Forwarding – No Answer,
  • 3-Way Conference – Third Party Is Added, 3-Way Conference – Third Party Joins, Find-Me ,
  • Call Management (Incoming Call Screening) , Call Management (Outgoing Call Screening) ,
  • Call Park , Call Pickup , Automatic Redial , Click to Dial

Posted on July 13, 2013 by altanaiPosted in SIPTagged call redirectionclick to dialFar-end NATloose routingNear-end NATSimpleSipsip forkingsip messagesSIP redirectionSIP registrationsip request and responsesstrict routingVOIP.2 Comments


A diagrammatic layout of the nodes , interwokring among them and involvment of SIP in the different planes of  IMS architecture .

SIP Application in IMS

Posted on April 13, 2013 by altanaiPosted in SIP2 Comments


SIP Servlet 1.0 API

•JSR 116

•Built into the Servlet container that also hosts  portlets and HTTP Servlets.

•SIP Servlet API developed under the JCP (Java Community Process) as JSR 116 (Java Specification Request), as a set of neutral interfaces

Servlet Container

•Environment in which a servlet can exist

•Loads and initializes a servlet

•Invokes the appropriate methods when SIP messages arrive


•Class with a service method, compiled into a Servlet Archive File  (SAR)

Deployment descriptors

•XML based file with configuration information  and message matching rules

sip msg1


Posted on January 10, 2013 by altanaiPosted in SIPLeave a comment





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