
	<view class="wrapper">
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			<uv-tabs :current="currentTab" :list="tabs" @click="clickItem" lineColor='#1bb888'
				activeStyle="color:#1bb888;font-weight:bold" lineWidth='70px' itemStyle="width:140px;height:45px">
		<view class="section">
			<view class="section">
				<view class="top" id="baseInfo">
					<view class="title">基本信息</view>
				<view class="content content_progress">
					<view class="content_list">
						<view class="content_list_item" v-for="(item, index) of list" :key="index">
							<view class="content_list_item_label">
								{{ item.label }}
		<view class="section">
			<view class="section">
				<view class="top" id="company">
					<view class="title">公司信息</view>
				<view class="content content_progress">
					<view class="content_list">
						<view class="content_list_item" v-for="(item, index) of 10" :key="index">
							<view class="content_list_item_label">
								{{ item }}
		<view class="section">
			<view class="section">
				<view class="top" id="money">
					<view class="title">财务信息</view>
				<view class="content content_progress">
					<view class="content_list">
						<view class="content_list_item" v-for="(item, index) of 10" :key="index">
							<view class="content_list_item_label">
								{{ item }}
		<view class="section">
			<view class="section">
				<view class="top" id="process">
					<view class="title">运营状况</view>
				<view class="content content_progress">
					<view class="content_list">
						<view class="content_list_item" v-for="(item, index) of 10" :key="index">
							<view class="content_list_item_label">
								{{ item }}
		<view class="section">
			<view class="section">
				<view class="top" id="layer">
					<view class="title">法务部门1</view>
				<view class="content content_progress">
					<view class="content_list">
						<view class="content_list_item" v-for="(item, index) of 2" :key="index">
							<view class="content_list_item_label">
								{{ item }}
		<view class="section">
			<view class="section">
				<view class="top" id="people">
					<view class="title">人事部门2</view>
				<view class="content content_progress">
					<view class="content_list">
						<view class="content_list_item" v-for="(item, index) of 2" :key="index">
							<view class="content_list_item_label">
								{{ item }}

<script setup>
	import {
	} from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
	import {
	} from 'vue'

	const showTabs = ref(false) // 默认吸顶的tab不显示
	const currentTab = ref(-1) // 由于初始化的uview的代码有bug,所以默认是-1,在第一次显示的时候,设置0,自动复位,防止错误
	const list = ref([{
			label: '年龄',
			value: '19'
			label: '性别',
			value: '男'
	const distanceArr = ref([]) // 每一个ID对应的scrollTop值
	const tabs = ref([{

			id: '#baseInfo',
			name: '基本信息',
			id: '#company',
			name: '公司信息',
			id: '#money',
			name: '财务信息',
			id: '#process',
			name: '运营状况',
			id: '#layer',
			name: '法务部门',
			id: '#people',
			name: '人事部门',
	const isTabChange = ref(false) // 防止在点击tab的时候,页面的滚动导致重复计算、抖动问题

	// 监听页面滚动
	onPageScroll((event) => {
		if (isTabChange.value) {
		const {
		} = event;
		const skewY = 55 // 偏移量,由于吸顶的tab、头部的显示信息也有高度,素以做了偏移量
		if (scrollTop >= skewY) {
			if (!showTabs.value && currentTab.value <= 0) { // 在未显示tab并且 currentTab <= 0时,防止uview ui抖动bug,设置默认复位值
				currentTab.value = 0
			showTabs.value = true

			nextTick(() => {
				// console.log(distanceArr.value);
				const length = distanceArr.value.length
				const index = distanceArr.value.findIndex(el => el - skewY - scrollTop > 0)
				// 当index  == -1 的时候,实际当前滚动的距离超出了最大值,也就是在最后一个tab显示的内容
				// 当index > 0 的时候,说明能在当前的scrollTop值找到,即index的前一位
				currentTab.value = index > 0 ? index - 1 : length - 1
				// console.log(currentTab.value);
		} else {
			showTabs.value = false

	onShow(() => {
		nextTick(() => {



	// 获取所有元素在当前页面所处的位置信息
	const getDistanceArr = () => {
		tabs.value.map(el => {
			uni.createSelectorQuery().select(el.id).boundingClientRect(data => {
				// 获取当前ID距离顶部的top值
	const clickItem = (item, index) => {
		isTabChange.value = true
		// 方法一 简单一点直接跳转到id对应的位置 
		nextTick(() => {
				selector: item.id,
				duration: 300,
				complete: function() {
					const timer = setTimeout(() => {
						isTabChange.value = false // 关闭
					}, 500) // 解决ios和安卓、鸿蒙系统兼容性问题
		// 方法二  计算对应位置的top跳转
		// this.$nextTick 保证当前isTabChange 为true后执行代码
		// 避免在istabChange变为true的时候,执行代码,监听事件还是会继续执行重新计算currenTab值
		// nextTick(() => {
		// 	currentTab.value = item.index
		// 	uni.createSelectorQuery().select(item.id).boundingClientRect(data => {
		// 		uni.createSelectorQuery().select('.wrapper').boundingClientRect(res => {
		// 			const scrollTop = data.top - res.top // 获取差值
		// 			const skewY = 50 // 偏移
		// 			// 页面开始进行滚动到目标位置
		// 			uni.pageScrollTo({
		// 				scrollTop: scrollTop > 0 ? scrollTop - skewY : scrollTop + skewY,
		// 				duration: 300,
		// 				complete: function() {
		// 					const timer = setTimeout(() => {
		// 						isTabChange.value = false // 关闭
		// 						clearTimeout(timer)
		// 					}, 500) // 解决ios和安卓、鸿蒙系统兼容性问题
		// 				}
		// 			});
		// 		}).exec()
		// 	}).exec()
		// })

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							width: 64rpx;
							height: 50rpx;

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							height: 166rpx;

						&_tip {
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							color: #999999;
							margin-top: 14rpx;

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				padding: 0 30rpx;

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				padding: 12rpx 0;

		.section:not(:first-child) {
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评论 1




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