
File:    APPNOTE.TXT - .ZIP File Format Specification
Version: 4.5
Revised: 11/01/2001
Copyright (c) 1989 - 2001 PKWARE Inc., All Rights Reserved.


Although PKWARE will attempt to supply current and accurate
information relating to its file formats, algorithms, and the
subject programs, the possibility of error can not be eliminated.
PKWARE therefore expressly disclaims any warranty that the
information contained in the associated materials relating to the
subject programs and/or the format of the files created or
accessed by the subject programs and/or the algorithms used by
the subject programs, or any other matter, is current, correct or
accurate as delivered.  Any risk of damage due to any possible
inaccurate information is assumed by the user of the information.
Furthermore, the information relating to the subject programs
and/or the file formats created or accessed by the subject
programs and/or the algorithms used by the subject programs is
subject to change without notice.

General Format of a .ZIP file

  Files stored in arbitrary order.  Large .ZIP files can span multiple
  diskette media or be split into user-defined segment sizes. 

  Overall .ZIP file format:

    [local file header 1]
    [file data 1]
    [data descriptor 1]
    [local file header n]
    [file data n]
    [data descriptor n]
    [central directory]
    [zip64 end of central directory record]
    [zip64 end of central directory locator]
    [end of central directory record]

  A.  Local file header:

        local file header signature     4 bytes  (0x04034b50)
        version needed to extract       2 bytes
        general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
        compression method              2 bytes
        last mod file time              2 bytes
        last mod file date              2 bytes
        crc-32                          4 bytes
        compressed size                 4 bytes
        uncompressed size               4 bytes
        file name length                2 bytes
        extra field length              2 bytes

        file name (variable size)
        extra field (variable size)

  B.  File data

      Immediately following the local header for a file
      is the compressed or stored data for the file.
      The series of [local file header][file data][data
      descriptor] repeats for each file in the .ZIP archive.

  C.  Data descriptor:

        crc-32                          4 bytes
        compressed size                 4 bytes
        uncompressed size               4 bytes

      This descriptor exists only if bit 3 of the general
      purpose bit flag is set (see below).  It is byte aligned
      and immediately follows the last byte of compressed data.
      This descriptor is used only when it was not possible to
      seek in the output .ZIP file, e.g., when the output .ZIP file
      was standard output or a non seekable device.  For Zip64 format
      archives, the compressed and uncompressed sizes are 8 bytes each.

  D.  Central directory structure:

      [file header 1]
      [file header n]
      [digital signature]

      File header:

        central file header signature   4 bytes  (0x02014b50)
        version made by                 2 bytes
        version needed to extract       2 bytes
        general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
        compression method              2 bytes
        last mod file time              2 bytes
        last mod file date              2 bytes
        crc-32                          4 bytes
        compressed size                 4 bytes
        uncompressed size               4 bytes
        file name length                2 bytes
        extra field length              2 bytes
        file comment length             2 bytes
        disk number start               2 bytes
        internal file attributes        2 bytes
        external file attributes        4 bytes
        relative offset of local header 4 bytes

        file name (variable size)
        extra field (variable size)
        file comment (variable size)

      Digital signature:

        header signature                4 bytes  (0x05054b50)
        size of data                    2 bytes
        signature data (variable size)

  E.  Zip64 end of central directory record

        zip64 end of central dir
        signature                       4 bytes  (0x06064b50)
        size of zip64 end of central
        directory record                8 bytes
        version made by                 2 bytes
        version needed to extract       2 bytes
        number of this disk             4 bytes
        number of the disk with the
        start of the central directory  4 bytes
        total number of entries in the
        central directory on this disk  8 bytes
        total number of entries in the
        central directory               8 bytes
        size of the central directory   8 bytes
        offset of start of central
        directory with respect to
        the starting disk number        8 bytes
        zip64 extensible data sector    (variable size)

  F.  Zip64 end of central directory locator

        zip64 end of central dir locator
        signature                       4 bytes  (0x07064b50)
        number of the disk with the
        start of the zip64 end of
        central directory               4 bytes
        relative offset of the zip64
        end of central directory record 8 bytes
        total number of disks           4 bytes
  G.  End of central directory record:

        end of central dir signature    4 bytes  (0x06054b50)
        number of this disk             2 bytes
        number of the disk with the
        start of the central directory  2 bytes
        total number of entries in the
        central directory on this disk  2 bytes
        total number of entries in
        the central directory           2 bytes
        size of the central directory   4 bytes
        offset of start of central
        directory with respect to
        the starting disk number        4 bytes
        .ZIP file comment length        2 bytes
        .ZIP file comment       (variable size)

  H.  Explanation of fields:

      version made by (2 bytes)

          The upper byte indicates the compatibility of the file
          attribute information.  If the external file attributes
          are compatible with MS-DOS and can be read by PKZIP for
          DOS version 2.04g then this value will be zero.  If these
          attributes are not compatible, then this value will
          identify the host system on which the attributes are
          compatible.  Software can use this information to determine
          the line record format for text files etc.  The current
          mappings are:

          0 - MS-DOS and OS/2 (FAT / VFAT / FAT32 file systems)
          1 - Amiga                     2 - OpenVMS
          3 - Unix                      4 - VM/CMS
          5 - Atari ST                  6 - OS/2 H.P.F.S.
          7 - Macintosh                 8 - Z-System
          9 - CP/M                     10 - Windows NTFS
         11 - MVS                      12 - VSE
         13 - Acorn Risc               14 - VFAT
         15 - alternate MVS            16 - BeOS
         17 - Tandem
         18 thru 255 - unused

          The lower byte indicates the version number of the
          software used to encode the file.  The value/10
          indicates the major version number, and the value
          mod 10 is the minor version number.

      version needed to extract (2 bytes)

          The minimum software version needed to extract the
          file, mapped as above.  For Zip64 format archives,
          this value should not be less than 45.

      general purpose bit flag: (2 bytes)

          Bit 0: If set, indicates that the file is encrypted.

          (For Method 6 - Imploding)
          Bit 1: If the compression method used was type 6,
                 Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates
                 an 8K sliding dictionary was used.  If clear,
                 then a 4K sliding dictionary was used.
          Bit 2: If the compression method used was type 6,
                 Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates
                 3 Shannon-Fano trees were used to encode the
                 sliding dictionary output.  If clear, then 2
                 Shannon-Fano trees were used.

          (For Methods 8 and 9 - Deflating)
          Bit 2  Bit 1
            0      0    Normal (-en) compression option was used.
            0      1    Maximum (-exx/-ex) compression option was used.
            1      0    Fast (-ef) compression option was used.
            1      1    Super Fast (-es) compression option was used.

          Note:  Bits 1 and 2 are undefined if the compression
                 method is any other.

          Bit 3: If this bit is set, the fields crc-32, compressed
                 size and uncompressed size are set to zero in the
                 local header.  The correct values are put in the
                 data descriptor immediately following the compressed
                 data.  (Note: PKZIP version 2.04g for DOS only
                 recognizes this bit for method 8 compression, newer
                 versions of PKZIP recognize this bit for any
                 compression method.)

          Bit 4: Reserved for use with method 8, for enhanced

          Bit 5: If this bit is set, this indicates that the file is
                 compressed patched data.  (Note: Requires PKZIP
                 version 2.70 or greater)

          Bit 6: Currently unused.

          Bit 7: Currently unused.

          Bit 8: Currently unused.

          Bit 9: Currently unused.

          Bit 10: Currently unused.

          Bit 11: Currently unused.

          Bit 12: Reserved by PKWARE for enhanced compression.

          Bit 13: Reserved by PKWARE.

          Bit 14: Reserved by PKWARE.

          Bit 15: Reserved by PKWARE.

      compression method: (2 bytes)

          (see accompanying documentation for algorithm

          0 - The file is stored (no compression)
          1 - The file is Shrunk
          2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
          3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
          4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
          5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
          6 - The file is Imploded
          7 - Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
          8 - The file is Deflated
          9 - Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm)
         10 - PKWARE Date Compression Library Imploding

      date and time fields: (2 bytes each)

          The date and time are encoded in standard MS-DOS format.
          If input came from standard input, the date and time are
          those at which compression was started for this data.

      CRC-32: (4 bytes)

          The CRC-32 algorithm was generously contributed by
          David Schwaderer and can be found in his excellent
          book "C Programmers Guide to NetBIOS" published by
          Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc.  The 'magic number' for
          the CRC is 0xdebb20e3.  The proper CRC pre and post
          conditioning is used, meaning that the CRC register
          is pre-conditioned with all ones (a starting value
          of 0xffffffff) and the value is post-conditioned by
          taking the one's complement of the CRC residual.
          If bit 3 of the general purpose flag is set, this
          field is set to zer

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