Minimum Spanning Tree MST


Build railways of the least total length to connect all cities.

Greedy Solution Overview

Initialize the MST with an arbitary vertice
while !(MST has spaned the graph)
    Add the shortest path to existing MST
end while

Prim’s Algorithm

Prim: Linear Search Version

// keep a table, initialize it as following
// vertice 0 is the first-added vertice
vertice    is_included    tentative_distance    connected_from
      0           true                     0                -1
      1          false             MAX_INT32                -1
      2          false             MAX_INT32                -1
      3            ...                   ...               ...

int i = 0; // last connected vertice
do {
    // Start with the last added vertice i
    // update the table for vertices connected to i
    // Complexity: O(V)
    for ( int item : connected_to(i) ){
        if ( tentative_distance[item] < distance(i, item) ){
            tentative_distance[item] = distance(i, item);
            connected_from[item] = i;
    // Add a unconnected vertice with the minimum tentative distance
    // Complexity: O(V)
    int min = MAX_INT32;
    for ( int item : unconnected() ){
        if ( tentative_distance[item] < min ){
            min = tentative_distance[item];
            i = item;
    is_included[i] = true;
} while ( !unconnected().empty() );
// loop V times, until all vertices are connected
// Overall Complexity: O(V^2)

Prim: Heap Version

  • Replace tentative_distance with a heap
  • Step 1: Update the table for previously connected vertice
    • Involved updating an element in a heap
    • O ( log ⁡ ( V ) ) O(\log(V)) O(log(V)) each
    • Worst case: update for every edge O ( E ) O(E) O(E)
    • Complexity: O ( E log ⁡ ( V ) ) O(E\log(V)) O(Elog(V))
  • Step 2: select an unconnected vertice with the smallest tentative_distance
    • O ( log ⁡ ( V ) ) O(\log(V)) O(log(V)) each
    • V V V times
    • Complexity: O ( V log ⁡ ( V ) ) O(V\log(V)) O(Vlog(V))
  • Step 3: Set is_included for that vertice true
    • O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1) each
    • V V V times
    • Complexity: O ( V ) O(V) O(V)
  • Overall Complexity: O ( E log ⁡ ( V ) ) O(E\log(V)) O(Elog(V))
  • Better than O ( V 2 ) O(V^2) O(V2) when the graph is sparse

Kruskal’s Algorithm

  • Step 1: Sort all edges O ( E log ⁡ ( E ) ) O(E\log(E)) O(Elog(E))
  • Step 2: Loop through all edges: (for V V V times)
    • Test if the shortest edge leads to a loop
      • Union_find
      • less than O ( log ⁡ ( E ) ) O(\log(E)) O(log(E))
    • If it forms a loop, discard that edge O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1)
    • If it does not form a loop, add that edge O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1)
  • Overall Complexity: O ( E log ⁡ ( E ) ) ≈ O ( E log ⁡ ( V ) ) O(E\log(E))\approx O(E\log(V)) O(Elog(E))O(Elog(V)) when graph is sparse


  • When graph is dense, use Prim (linear version)
  • When graph is sparse, use Kruskal




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