
import (
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下载:go get "github.com/spf13/viper"



# TODO 本地调试时放开
KubeSphere_URL: http: //
# TODO 部署到环境时放开
#KubeSphere_URL: http: //ks-apiserver.kubesphere-system.svc:80
KubesphereAdminUser: admin
KubespherePassword: Admin123

#TODO 调用梅姐服务的ip,暂用当前,后续需要修改
Other_service_IP: http: //
#Other_service_IP: http: //container-cloud-system-controller-manager-metrics-service.container-cloud-system-system.svc:8093
Other_service_URL: / capis / quota . ictnj . io / v1alpha1 / namespaces /

#TODO harbor镜像仓库地址
HARBOR_URL: https: //

HARBOR_IP_HTTPS: 192.168 .66 .4: 443

HARBOR_SSH_ADDRESS: 192.168 .103 .48: 53304
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package config

import (

const (
configurationName = "config"
configurationPath = "./conf"
// vscode特殊读取路径
// configurationPath_vscode = "../conf"

var Config * viper . Viper

func init() {
Config = viper . New()
Config . SetConfigName( configurationName)
Config . AddConfigPath( configurationPath)
Config . SetConfigType( "yaml")
Config . AddConfigPath( configurationPath)
if err : = config . ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
panic( err)
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package config

import (

const (
configurationName = "config"
configurationPath = "./conf"
// vscode特殊读取路径
configurationPath_vscode = "../conf"

var Config * viper . Viper

func init() {
Config = viper . New()
Config . SetConfigName( configurationName)
Config . AddConfigPath( configurationPath)
Config . SetConfigType( "yaml")
if err : = Config . ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
Config . AddConfigPath( configurationPath_vscode)
if err : = Config . ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
Config . AddConfigPath( configurationPath)
panic( err)
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Config . GetString( "KubeSphere_URL")
  • 1.


type Viper struct {
// Delimiter that separates a list of keys
// used to access a nested value in one go
keyDelim string

// A set of paths to look for the config file in
configPaths [] string

// The filesystem to read config from.
fs afero . Fs

// A set of remote providers to search for the configuration
remoteProviders [] * defaultRemoteProvider

// Name of file to look for inside the path
configName string
configFile string
configType string
configPermissions os . FileMode
envPrefix string

automaticEnvApplied bool
envKeyReplacer StringReplacer
allowEmptyEnv bool

config map[ string] interface{}
override map[ string] interface{}
defaults map[ string] interface{}
kvstore map[ string] interface{}
pflags map[ string] FlagValue
env map[ string] string
aliases map[ string] string
typeByDefValue bool

// Store read properties on the object so that we can write back in order with comments.
// This will only be used if the configuration read is a properties file.
properties * properties . Properties

onConfigChange func( fsnotify . Event)
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func ( v * Viper) ReadInConfig() error {
jww . INFO . Println( "Attempting to read in config file")
filename, err : = v . getConfigFile()
if err != nil {
return err

if ! stringInSlice( v . getConfigType(), SupportedExts) {
return UnsupportedConfigError( v . getConfigType())

jww . DEBUG . Println( "Reading file: ", filename)
file, err : = afero . ReadFile( v . fs, filename)
if err != nil {
return err

config : = make( map[ string] interface{})

err = v . unmarshalReader( bytes . NewReader( file), config)
if err != nil {
return err

v . config = config
return nil
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