
import "github.com/dghubble/sling"
  • 1.


​项目开发中,发送http请求的场景,推荐使用Sling库。Sling本身是基于net/http来处理发送请求,同时做了较好的封装,既可以利用net/http的一些特性(如:httptrace),同时又不必关心net/http库的一些琐碎细节。Sling对http请求的要素method、baseUrl、Path、query、body、request、response等做了封装,基本使用可以参考https://github.com/dghubble/sling 上的示例代码。​

#yyds干货盘点#详解Go http client库-Sling实现http接口调用_sed

type Sling struct {
// http Client for doing requests
httpClient Doer
// HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.)
method string
// raw url string for requests
rawURL string
// stores key-values pairs to add to request's Headers
header http . Header
// url tagged query structs
queryStructs [] interface{}
// body provider
bodyProvider BodyProvider
// response decoder
responseDecoder ResponseDecoder
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// Request returns a new http.Request created with the Sling properties.
// Returns any errors parsing the rawURL, encoding query structs, encoding
// the body, or creating the http.Request.
func ( s * Sling) Request() ( * http . Request, error) {
reqURL, err : = url . Parse( s . rawURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

err = addQueryStructs( reqURL, s . queryStructs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var body io . Reader
if s . bodyProvider != nil {
body, err = s . bodyProvider . Body()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err : = http . NewRequest( s . method, reqURL . String(), body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addHeaders( req, s . header)
return req, err
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#yyds干货盘点#详解Go http client库-Sling实现http接口调用_sed_02

#yyds干货盘点#详解Go http client库-Sling实现http接口调用_sed_03


#yyds干货盘点#详解Go http client库-Sling实现http接口调用_ide_04

#yyds干货盘点#详解Go http client库-Sling实现http接口调用_json_05

package httputil

import (


const (
jsonAcceptHeader = "application/json"
testAcceptHeader = "text/plain"
clientNumsPerHost = 30

type HttpPoolMgr struct {
maxConns int
cacheClient map[ string] * HttpPool

var httpPoolMgr * HttpPoolMgr

func ( this * HttpPoolMgr) Borrow( host string) ( * http . Client, error) {
if httpPool, ok : = this . cacheClient[ host]; ok {
return httpPool . Borrow()
} else {
httpPool : = newHttpPool()
httpPool . host = host
this . cacheClient[ host] = httpPool
return httpPool . Borrow()

func ( this * HttpPoolMgr) Return( host string, c * http . Client) {
if httpPool, ok : = this . cacheClient[ host]; ok {
httpPool . Return( c)
} else {
httpPool : = newHttpPool()
httpPool . host = host
this . cacheClient[ host] = httpPool
httpPool . Return( c)

//var httpPool *HttpPool
type HttpPool struct {
host string
pool chan * http . Client
used int
l * sync . Mutex

func newHttpPool() * HttpPool {
httpPool : = & HttpPool{}
httpPool . pool = make( chan * http . Client, clientNumsPerHost)
httpPool . l = & sync . Mutex{}
return httpPool

func ( this * HttpPool) Return( c * http . Client) {
this . used --
if len( this . pool) < clientNumsPerHost {
this . pool <- c

func ( this * HttpPool) Borrow() ( * http . Client, error) {

if client : = this . innerBorrow(); client != nil {
return client, nil

i : = 1
for {
i ++
time . Sleep( 500 * time . Millisecond)
if client : = this . innerBorrow(); client != nil {
return client, nil

if i > 5 {
return nil, errors . New( fmt . Sprintf( "Can not get conn to [%s] from cache.", this . host))


func ( this * HttpPool) innerBorrow() * http . Client {
select {
case c : = <- this . pool:
this . used ++
return c
this . l . Lock()
defer this . l . Unlock()
if this . used < clientNumsPerHost {
this . used ++
return & http . Client{}

return nil

func InitHttpTool() {
http . DefaultTransport .( * http . Transport) . MaxIdleConns = 20000
http . DefaultTransport .( * http . Transport) . MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 1000
http . DefaultTransport .( * http . Transport) . DisableKeepAlives = false
http . DefaultTransport .( * http . Transport) . IdleConnTimeout = 2 * time . Minute

httpPoolMgr = & HttpPoolMgr{}
httpPoolMgr . cacheClient = make( map[ string] * HttpPool)

func Request( method string, api_path string, model interface{}, headers map[ string] string) ( int, [] byte, error) {
_sling : = sling . New()
if strings . ToLower( method) == "post" {
_sling = _sling . Post( api_path)
// create path and map variables
//path := "/api/users/"
//_sling = _sling.Path(path)

// body params
_sling = _sling . BodyJSON( model)
} else if strings . ToLower( method) == "get" {
_sling = _sling . Get( api_path)
} else if strings . ToLower( method) == "put" {
_sling = _sling . Put( api_path)
if model != nil && model != "" {
_sling = _sling . BodyJSON( model)
} else if strings . ToLower( method) == "head" {
_sling = _sling . Head( api_path)
} else if strings . ToLower( method) == "delete" {
_sling = _sling . Delete( api_path)
if headers == nil {
headers = make( map[ string] string)

headers[ "Content-Type"] = jsonAcceptHeader
httpStatusCode, body, err : = request( _sling, headers)
return httpStatusCode, body, err

func HttpRequest( method string, api_path string, model interface{}, req * restful . Request) ( int, [] byte, error) {
authorization : = req . HeaderParameter( "Authorization")
return Request( method, api_path, model, map[ string] string{ "Authorization": authorization})


func HttpRequsetText( method string, api_path string, text io . Reader, headers map[ string] string) ( int, [] byte, error) {
_sling : = sling . New()
if strings . ToLower( method) == "post" {
_sling : = _sling . Post( api_path)
// create path and map variables
//path := "/api/users/"
//_sling = _sling.Path(path)

// body params
_sling = _sling . Body( text)
if headers == nil {
headers = make( map[ string] string)
headers[ "Content-Type"] = jsonAcceptHeader
httpStatusCode, body, err : = request( _sling, headers)
return httpStatusCode, body, err

func request( _sling * sling . Sling, headers map[ string] string) ( int, [] byte, error) {
for k, v : = range headers {
_sling = _sling . Set( k, v)
req, err : = _sling . Request()
if err != nil {
return 400, nil, err

host : = req . Host
if host == "" {
return 500, nil, errors . New( "the req's host cannot be empty.")
client, err : = httpPoolMgr . Borrow( host)
if err != nil {
return 500, nil, err
defer httpPoolMgr . Return( host, client)
resp, err : = client . Do( req)
if err != nil {
return 500, nil, err
defer resp . Body . Close()
body, err : = ioutil . ReadAll( resp . Body)
if err != nil {
// handle error
return resp . StatusCode, body, err

if 500 == resp . StatusCode {

log . Println( errors . New( string( body)))
return resp . StatusCode, body, errors . New( string( body))

return resp . StatusCode, body, err


func PostRequest( url string, model interface{}, headers map[ string] string) ( status int, respBytes [] byte, err error) {
status, respBytes, err = Request( "POST", url, model, headers)

func GetRequest( url string, model interface{}, headers map[ string] string) ( status int, respBytes [] byte, err error) {
status, respBytes, err = Request( "GET", url, model, headers)

type TLSConfig struct {
CAFile string
CertFile string
KeyFile string
ServerName string
InsecureSkipVerify bool

func NewTLSConfig( cfg * TLSConfig) ( * tls . Config, error) {
tlsConfig : = & tls . Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: cfg . InsecureSkipVerify}

if len( cfg . CAFile) > 0 {
caCertPool : = x509 . NewCertPool()
caCert, err : = ioutil . ReadFile( cfg . CAFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt . Errorf( "unable to use specified CA cert %s: %s", cfg . CAFile, err)
caCertPool . AppendCertsFromPEM( caCert)
tlsConfig . RootCAs = caCertPool

if len( cfg . ServerName) > 0 {
tlsConfig . ServerName = cfg . ServerName
if len( cfg . CertFile) > 0 && len( cfg . KeyFile) == 0 {
return nil, fmt . Errorf( "client cert file %q specified without client key file", cfg . CertFile)
} else if len( cfg . KeyFile) > 0 && len( cfg . CertFile) == 0 {
return nil, fmt . Errorf( "client key file %q specified without client cert file", cfg . KeyFile)
} else if len( cfg . CertFile) > 0 && len( cfg . KeyFile) > 0 {
cert, err : = tls . LoadX509KeyPair( cfg . CertFile, cfg . KeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt . Errorf( "unable to use specified client cert (%s) & key (%s): %s", cfg . CertFile, cfg . KeyFile, err)
tlsConfig . Certificates = [] tls . Certificate{ cert}
tlsConfig . BuildNameToCertificate()

return tlsConfig, nil
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