
本文介绍了如何确保在tnsnames.ora文件中主机参数的正确性,确认端口号无误,以及在TNSNAMES.ORA和LISTENER.ORA中SID名称的一致性。同时提到了通过ODBC和OLE DB代理来访问ODBC数据提供者和不支持SQL处理的OLE DB数据提供者的方法。
Using DataDirect Connect® for ODBC with Oracle Heterogeneous Services
Corporate developers frequently need to integrate and consolidate data residing in diverse database systems. Oracle users make use of Oracle Heterogeneous Services to integrate non-Oracle data into their primary database. Using the Generic Connectivity agent, Oracle users can communicate to another database or data store, such as XML, via ODBC.
DataDirect Connect for ODBC provides the most reliable and highest performing data access for users of Oracle Heterogeneous Services. Connect for ODBC does not require the installation and configuration of database client libraries. This dramatically improves performance and scalability and simplifies configuration of Oracle Generic Connectivity, while providing access to a larger number of various data sources.
This paper explains how to use DataDirect Connect for ODBC with Oracle Heterogeneous Services.
DataDirect Connect for ODBC in an Oracle Heterogeneous Services Environment
Generic Connectivity Architecture
Generic Connectivity is implemented by using a Heterogeneous Services ODBC agent. An ODBC agent is included as part of your Oracle system. Be sure to use the agent shipped with your particular Oracle system and installed in the same $ORACLE_HOME.
To access the non-Oracle data store using Generic Connectivity, the agent works with an ODBC driver. The ODBC driver that you use must be on the same platform as the ODBC agent. The non-Oracle data stores can reside on the same machine as the Oracle database or a different machine.
Installation Steps
This example shows the configuration of Generic Connectivity on a SUN Solaris system using DataDirect's ODBC driver to connect to Microsoft SQL Server. Please check your Oracle documentation for specific version and platform support.
1) Install the data dictionary tables and views for Heterogeneous Services.
Using the server manager or sqlplus logged on as sys, run caths.sql. For example using the server manager you can use the following example:
SQL> connect internal
SQL> @
This script is located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
2) Install the DataDirect Connect for ODBC Driver.
Some non-Oracle data stores will require that particular database's client library components to be installed. If the database is DB2, Sybase, SQL Server or Informix you should use the Connect for ODBC Wire Protocol driver for the particular database you are trying to access. These drivers do not require any additional components to be installed to connect to the database.
3) Configure your odbc data source in the .odbc.ini file. The example below is a data source to connect to MS SQL Server 2000
Note: Annotations to following examples file begin with the arrow symbol and should not be included in the actual file.
[SQLServer Wire Protocol]
Driver=/opt/odbc/lib/    arrowConfigured during ODBC driver installation
Description=SQL Server
Database=dbname                     arrowName of target database.
Address=,1433          arrowIP address and port of target database.
4) Make sure the following entries are in the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora.
    (connect_data=(sid=hsmsql))      arrowNeeds to match the sid in listener.ora.
    (hs=ok)                          arrowhs clause goes in the description.
listener =
  (description_list =
    (description =
      (address_list =
        (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = unixhost)(port = 1521))

      (sid_name=hsmsql)                        arrowMatch the sid in tnsnames.ora.
      (oracle_home=/db/oracle/product/8.1.6)   arrowAppropriate $ORACLE_HOME
      (program= hsodbc)                        arrowAgent Executable 
5) Before starting the listener, make sure the ODBC lib directory is specified in the shared library environment variable.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/db/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin:/opt/odbc/lib/        arrowodbc lib path
After the LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been modified, start the listener.
Run "lsnrctl services" to verify that you now have a service handler for the hsmsql sid.
LSNRCTL> services
   Connecting to (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=unixhost)(port=1521))
   Services Summary...
     hsmsql        has 1 service handler(s)     
       DEDICATED SERVER established:0 refused:0
   The command completed successfully
6) Create the Initialization file. You must create and customize an initialization file for your generic connectivity agent. Oracle supplies a sample initialization file named "inithsodbc.ora" which is stored in the $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin directory.
To create an initialization file, copy the appropriate sample file and rename the file to initHS_SID.ora. In this example the sid noted in the listener and tnsnames files is "hsmsql" so the new initialization file is called inithsmsql.ora.
7) Make sure the following noted entries are in the inithsmsql.ora now located in $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin
# HS init parameters
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = MS_SQLServer7         arrowodbc data_source_name
HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = 0                      arrowtrace levels 0 - 4  (4 is verbose)
HS_FDS_TRACE_FILE_NAME = hsmsql.trc         arrowtrace file name
HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME = /opt/odbc/lib/   arrowfull path to odbc driver. 
# ODBC specific environment variables
set ODBCINI=/opt/odbc/odbc.ini              arrowlocation of odbc.ini 
# Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system
8) Create a database link to access target database. Be sure to use the appropriate quotes as noted below.
SQL> create database link hsmsql
SQL> connect to "user" identified by "password" <= valid user/pwd on target DB
SQL> using  'hsodbc';
9) To test, run a simple query of a known table on the target datastore.
SQL> select * from employee@hsmsql;
empid firstname lastname department job
---------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---
10000 Joseph Johnston Sales CDW
10001 John Ladd Sales WNV
10002 Ronald Wall Relations NPI
10003 Julie Reynolds Relations NPO
10004 Bill Baird Telemarket PHN




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