Design the queue of java

   Java has implemented many queues or lists to manage object. Until now, however, no any implementations provide blocking or timeout mechanism. These policies are very useful when multi-threads communicate each other. I have designed and implemented them in single cpu mode. I hope that the new version of JSDK can provide relative API to use:-). Of course, if java funs are interested in them, please reply and discuss it. Of course, chances are good for us to understand java deeply on the process of discuss!

 * The queue is synchronizing FIFO interface queue, and supports 'urgent '
 * ,'normal', 'peek' and 'get' operations. At the same time, the priority of threads
 * is considered to make threads of high priority fastly handled by queue.
 * IQueue should inherit the interface of, because some cases
 * need queue can be serialized into storage media.
 * Author           : Wang yanqing
 * Email            :
 * Version          : 0.001
 * Creating date    : 03/14/2006
 * Modifying date    : 03/14/2006
 * Copyright        : free usage and no modification
 * History          :
 * [03/14/2006]
 *    Define IQueue interface

package osa.queue;

import osa.common.Result;
import osa.common.Waiter;

public interface IQueue extends
     * When using urgent mode to send object into queue, the object will be inserted
     * into first position of queue. It means that it will be received firstly in the next time.
    public final static int URGENT        = 1;

     * In normal mode, the object will be append into queue, and keeps to FIFO
     * rule when executing receiving and sending operations.
    public final static int NORMAL        = 2;

     * When receiving object from queue, consumer can get object without removing
     * it from queue. The mode is mainly used to check whether the first object of queue
     * is expected.
    public final static int PEEK        = 3;

     * Consumer can get and remove object from queue. It is common to operate
     * queue in receiving mode.
    public final static int GET         = 4;

     * Queue should consider the priority of threads, but sometimes receivers or senders
     * hope that queue can ignore priority of threads. At that time, the property should be
     * set when creating queue. I think that priority of threads
    public final static int IGNORE_PRIORITY        = 0x01;

     * It is used by sending and receiving functions to indicate whether threads will wait some
     * milliseconds to finish operation. 'NO_WAIT' means that threads will immediately return
     * error codes when queue has been occupied by others
    public final static long NO_WAIT            = Waiter.NO_WAIT;

     * It is used by sending and receiving functions to indicate whether threads will wait some
     * milliseconds to finish operation. 'WAIT_FOREVER' means that threads will wait for queue
     * until it has been free by others.
    public final static long WAIT_FOREVER        = Waiter.WAIT_FOREVER;

     * Send object into queue, and it is synchronized. timeout indicates the valid time range in
     * which object should be added into queue. If time is out, this sending operation will declare
     * failure. There are two kinds of mode. One is the 'URGENT' mode which will
     * insert object in front of queue. Appending object at the bottom of queue is the
     * another mode whose name is 'NORMAL' mode.
     * @param o       --- the object inserted which should never be null
     * @param mode    --- 'URGENT' or 'NORMAL'
     * @param timeout --- indicate the valid time range, the value must >= 0
     *                    'NO_WAIT' and 'WAIT_FOREVER' can be used too.
     *                    Implementation must consider the cost-time of synchronizing operation.
     * @return Result.EINV     --- invalid parameters, such as o equals null, mode
     *                             is out of 'URGENT' or 'NORMAL', timeout less than zero.
     *         Result.ETIMEOUT --- fail to send object in the valid time range which
     *                             is defined by 'timeout' variable.
     *         Result.ENOMEN   --- fail to send object because system has no any
     *                                 memory to use.
     *        Result.OK        --- success
     * @since 0.001
    public int send( Object o, int mode, long timeout );

     * Receive object from queue, and it is synchronized.
     * @param mode    ---the receiving mode, the valid modes are 'PEEK' and 'GET'
     * @param timeout ---indicate the valid time range, the value must >= 0
     *                   'NO_WAIT' and 'WAIT_FOREVER' can be used too.
     *                   Implementation must consider the cost-time of synchronizing operation.
     * @param rs      ---the result of receiving operation will be stored into result object if
     *                   conusmer is interested in the detailed result.
     *                   Result.EINV           --- invalid parameters
     *                   Result.ETIMEOUT --- time is out
     *                   Result.OK              --- success
     *                   Of course rs can eqaul null, if consumer is not interested in it.
     * @return real object --- success
     *         null        ---fail to receive object, the detailed error codes are stored into
     *                        result objet
     * @since 0.001
    public Object receive( int mode, long timeout, Result rs );

   The structure of package is same as mutex, please see mutex interface to understand it, if readers are interested in it^_^.
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