InputOutput Systems

Input/Output Systems


If you are familiar with a typewriter,you’ll find the layout of the computer keyboard very similar.You can use your keyboard for many purposes:

  • Typing information
  • Entering numbers with the numeric keypad.
  • Requesting specific with the the numeric keypad
  • performing system functions with key combinations
  • Moving around the computer screen

The keyboard has letter keys,punctuation keys,and a spacebar. It also has functions,numeric,and arrow keys. How you use the keys depends on the software installed on your computer. The documentation that comes with your software has information about specific key functions. You will probably notice a difference between the touch(response)on a computer keyboard and the response of a typewriter. A computer keyboard is so responsive that your can type using a light touch. When you hold down a character key,the character continues to type. This is called the typematic effect of a computer keyboard.


Monitors maybe are one of the most important output devices. Computer only use monitors to show you exiting operation results or marvelous and vivid pictures. Monitors also are the best windows for conversation between users and computers. So,many users select monitors carefully. Which parameters or indexes ought be paid attention to when you select a monitor?We provide some here for your reference.

Element Distance: The distance between two picture elements in horizontal direction is called element distance here and its current value in most PC monitors is 0.28mm. If the value is smaller,the screen is more distinct.

Video Bandwidth: It is an important concept in monitor technology. It is related to the highest work frequency of the monitor. It is from tens MHz to hundreds MHz.

Solution: It is another important parameter of a monitor. It’s higher,the view on a screen is clearer. Solution means the sum of all picture elements on a screen.

Scan Style: The scan style of a electron gun in a tube is divided into two styles: interlace and non-interlace. In interlace style,electron-beam sweeps elements in odd rows first time and does elements in even rows second time. A frame to be renewed needs sweeping two times. In non-interlace style,electron-beans sweeps all elements only in one time. In non-interlace work style,the monitor works better and gives clear pictures without flash.


The interface between a mouse and a system can take one of two forms: the mouse either generates a series of pulses when it is moved(using the LED and detector to generate the pulses),or it increments and decrements counters. The processor can periodically read these counters,or count up the pulses,and determine how far the screen appropriately. This motion appears smooth because the rate at which you can moves the cursor on the screen appropriately. This is motion appears smooth because the rate at which you can move the mouse is slow compared with the rate at which the processor can read the mouse status and move the cursors on the screen.

Most mice also include one or more buttons,and the systems must be able to detect when a button is depressed. By monitoring the status of the button,the system can also differentiate between clicking the button and holding it down. Of course,the mapping between the counters and the button position and what happens on the screen is totally controlled by software. That’s why,for example,the rate at which the mouse moves across the screen and the rate at which single and double chicks are recognized can usually be set by the user. Similarly,software interpretation of the mouse position means that the cursor doesn’t jump completely off the screen when the mouse is moved a long distance in one direction.

Optical Disks

An optical disk is a disk on which data are encoded for retrieval by a laser. Optical disks offers information densities far beyond the range of current magnetic mass-storage devices. Similar devices have been on the market for several years in the form of laser videodisks and audio compact disks(CDs)for consumer use. These laser videodisks are analog,that is,the disk contains one spiral and store their information on concentric tracks,like their magnetic cousins. Currently,three versions of optical disk technology are competing for the mass-storage market,they are read-only optical disks,write-once optical disks,and erasable optical disks.





  • 打字信息
  • 使用数字键盘输入数字。
  • 使用数字键盘请求特定
  • 使用组合键执行系统功能
  • 在电脑屏幕上移动









鼠标和系统之间的接口可以采用以下两种形式之一:鼠标在移动时产生一系列脉冲(使用 LED 和检测器产生脉冲),或者增加和减少计数器。处理器可以定期读取这些计数器,或对脉冲进行计数,并确定屏幕的适当距离。此动作看起来很平滑,因为您可以在屏幕上适当地移动光标。这种运动看起来很流畅,因为与处理器读取鼠标状态和在屏幕上移动光标的速度相比,您移动鼠标的速度较慢。



光盘是一种光盘,其上的数据被编码以供激光检索。光盘提供的信息密度远远超出了当前磁性大容量存储设备的范围。类似的设备已经以激光视盘和音频光盘 (CD) 的形式上市数年,供消费者使用。这些激光视频磁盘是模拟的,也就是说,磁盘包含一个螺旋并将其信息存储在同心磁道上,就像它们的磁性表亲一样。目前,三种版本的光盘技术正在争夺海量存储市场,它们分别是只读光盘、一次写入光盘和可擦除光盘。






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


