amazon - amzreport 之 FBA Inventory Reports


1.FBA Manage Inventory

2.FBA Manage Inventory - Archived

3.FBA Daily Inventory History Report

4.Restock Inventory Report

5.FBA Inbound Performance Report

6.FBA Stranded Inventory Report

7.FBA Reserved Inventory Report

8.FBA Amazon Fulfilled Inventory Report

9.FBA Received Inventory Report

10.FBA Inventory Event Detail Report

11.FBA Inventory Adjustments Report

12.FBA Inventory Health Report

13.FBA Inventory Age Report

14.FBA Monthly Inventory History Report

15.FBA Storage Fees Report

1.FBA Manage Inventory


该report库存数据为fnsku汇总值,即统计account下所有sales  market的每个fnsku的库存总量,主要包括在库库存(可售库存、不可售库存、预留库存)和 在途库存 两部大部分数据,有以下几点注意地方:

  • 该report不显示已删listing的库存数据,已archived的listing库存放在“FBA Manage Inventory - Archived”报表中
  • 在该report中同一fnsku可能会有多条记录,多条记录或asin不相同或sku不相同,但计算真实库存只能取其中一条
  • 假如你的amazon帐号可售market包括US、CA、MX,那么该report会包括这3个market的fnsku库存


  • sales market:指amazon account的可售市场,一般以国家为单位,如US(美国)、CA(加拿大)、MX(墨西哥)
  • fnsku:商品在amazon仓库标识id为fnsku,如同人的身份证,同一fnsku表示是相同的商品

(2)Field & Definition

Field NameData TypeDefinition
skuvarchar(128)Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products.
fnskuvarchar(32)Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Units (FNSKUs) are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from Amazon fulfillment centers.
asinvarchar(32)Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. Amazon assigns the ASIN, which you can find on the product-detail page.
product_namevarchar(512)The title of your product.
conditionvarchar(32)The condition of your product.
listing_pricedecimal(11,2)Your current selling price.
mfn_listing_existsvarchar(32)"Yes" indicates that the product is listed for fulfillment by you as the seller.
mfn_fulfillable_quantityint(11)The quantity in your fulfillment network that can be picked, packed, and shipped.
afn_listing_existsvarchar(32)"Yes" indicates that the item is listed for Fulfillment by Amazon.
afn_warehouse_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for an SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that have been processed: (afn-warehouse-quantity) = (afn-fulfillable-quantity) + (afn-unsellable-quantity) + (afn-reserved-quantity).
afn_fulfillable_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped.
afn_unsellable_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers in unsellable condition.
afn_reserved_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes.
afn_total_quantityint(11)The total number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment or in Amazon fulfillment centers: (afn-total-quantity) = (afn-warehouse-quantity) + (afn-inbound-working-quantity) + (afn-inbound-shipped-quantity) + (afn-inbound-receiving-quantity)
per_unit_volumevarchar(32)The volume in cubic feet of one unit (to the nearest 1/100 of an inch).
afn_inbound_working_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about.
afn_inbound_shipped_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about and provided a tracking number.

The number of units you have for a SKU that have not yet been received at an Amazon fulfillment center for processing, but are part of an inbound shipment with 

some units that have already been received and processed.

afn_researching_quantityint(11)商品放错了仓库 或 损坏,目前正在调查,30天内会调查完并对库存数据进行调整
afn_reserved_future_supplyint(11)The number of units that customers have purchased while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start.
afn_future_supply_buyableint(11)The number of units available for customers to find and buy while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start.


2.FBA Manage Inventory - Archived


"FBA Manage Inventory - Archived" report  与 "FBA Manage Inventory" report 相似,不同之处:除了包含"FBA Manage Inventory" report 所有数据处,还包含已archived listing的库存数据

(2)Field & Definition

Field NameData TypeDefinition
skuvarchar(128)Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products.
fnskuvarchar(32)Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Units (FNSKUs) are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from Amazon fulfillment centers.
asinvarchar(32)Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. Amazon assigns the ASIN, which you can find on the product-detail page.
product_namevarchar(512)The title of your product.
conditionvarchar(32)The condition of your product.
listing_pricedecimal(11,2)Your current selling price.
mfn_listing_existsvarchar(32)"Yes" indicates that the product is listed for fulfillment by you as the seller.
mfn_fulfillable_quantityint(11)The quantity in your fulfillment network that can be picked, packed, and shipped.
afn_listing_existsvarchar(32)"Yes" indicates that the item is listed for Fulfillment by Amazon.
afn_warehouse_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for an SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that have been processed: (afn-warehouse-quantity) = (afn-fulfillable-quantity) + (afn-unsellable-quantity) + (afn-reserved-quantity).
afn_fulfillable_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped.
afn_unsellable_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers in unsellable condition.
afn_reserved_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in Amazon fulfillment centers that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes.
afn_total_quantityint(11)The total number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment or in Amazon fulfillment centers: (afn-total-quantity) = (afn-warehouse-quantity) + (afn-inbound-working-quantity) + (afn-inbound-shipped-quantity) + (afn-inbound-receiving-quantity)
per_unit_volumevarchar(32)The volume in cubic feet of one unit (to the nearest 1/100 of an inch).
afn_inbound_working_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about.
afn_inbound_shipped_quantityint(11)The number of units you have for a SKU in an inbound shipment that you have notified Amazon about and provided a tracking number.

The number of units you have for a SKU that have not yet been received at an Amazon fulfillment center for processing, but are part of an inbound shipment with some units 

that have already been received and processed.

afn_researching_quantityint(11)商品放错了仓库 或 损坏,目前正在调查,30天内会调查完并对库存数据进行调整
afn_reserved_future_supplyint(11)The number of units that customers have purchased while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start.
afn_future_supply_buyableint(11)The number of units available for customers to find and buy while inventory is on its way to an Amazon fulfillment center through In-Stock Head Start.


3.FBA Daily Inventory History Report



(2)Field & Definition

Field NameData TypeDefinition
snapshot_datedatetimeDate of request
fnskuvarchar(32)Amazon's Fulfillment Network SKU identifier
skuvarchar(128)Seller's product identifier
product_namevarchar(512)Product title
quantityint(11)Total units available on hand for this product in an Amazon's fulfillment center
fulfillment_center_idvarchar(32)Fulfillment center where inventory is stored
detailed_dispositionvarchar(128)Status of the product (examples: sellable, damaged, etc)
countryvarchar(32)Code of country where the inventory is stored
uds_load_datedatethe date for data loading into uds


4.Restock Inventory Report



(2)Field & Definition

Field nameDescription
Country/region codeThe country associated with this MSKU
Product nameThe title of your product
FNSKUAmazon's fulfillment network stock keeping unit (SKU) identifier
MSKUMerchant stock keeping units (MSKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. MSKUs are assigned by you as the seller.
ConditionThe condition of the unit (new, used, etc.)
SupplierWhether the product has been enrolled in Small and Light
Supplier part no.The part number used by the supplier to identify the item. You provide this on the SKU details page.供应商用以识别商品的零件编号。您可以在 SKU 详情页面提供此信息。
Currency codeThe currency used for this MSKU
PriceYour listed price
Sales last 30 days (sales)Amount sold in the last 30 days
Sales last 30 days (units)Units sold in the last 30 days
Total inventoryTotal inventory equals all inventory that is available, shipped, and reserved fulfillment center transfer.
Inbound inventory

The number of units that you have for a SKU in a shipment about which you have notified Amazon, for which you have provided a 

tracking number, or that has arrived at a fulfillment center for processing.

Available InventoryThe number of units you have for a SKU in fulfillment centers that can be picked, packed, and shipped
FC transferThe number of units being transferred from one fulfillment center to another
FC processingThe number of units that have been sidelined at a fulfillment center for additional processing存放在运营中心内需要进行额外处理的商品数量。
Customer orderThe number of units reserved for customer orders为买家订单预留的商品数量。
UnfulfillableThe number of units that are in fulfillment centers, but not in a condition that can be sold
Fulfilled byIndicates whether the product is listed for fulfillment by Amazon or by you as the seller.
Days of supplyThe estimated number of days that your current inventory supply will last based on the projected demand for your product
Instock alert

Indicates if your product is low or out of stock. Low stock identifies items for which the days of supply is less than lead time, which indicates that 

orders from your supplier may need to be expedited in order to avoid going out of stock.

Recommended replenishment quantityThe recommendation for the number of units to be restocked for FBA
Recommended ship dateThe suggested date to ship the product to avoid running low or going out of stock, based on your estimated days of supply and lead time
Inventory level thresholds published - current monthIndicates whether the FNSKU has an inventory level threshold published. Published only for products with limited restock.
表明 FNSKU 是否有已发布的库存水平阈值。仅针对有补货数量限制的商品发布。
Current month - very low inventory thresholdN/A
Current month - minimum inventory thresholdN/A
Current month - maximum inventory thresholdN/A
Current month - very high inventory thresholdN/A
Inventory level thresholds published - next monthN/A
Next month - very low inventory thresholdN/A
Next month - minimum inventory thresholdN/A
Next month - maximum inventory thresholdN/A
Next month - very high inventory thresholdN/A
Max shipment quantityN/A


5.FBA Inbound Performance Report



(2)Field & Definition

Field Name



Date the shipment problem was reported.


The date you created the shipment.


Shipment ID in which the problem was identified.


Box ID in which the problem was identified


The fulfillment center where the problem is identified


The level of problem. One of the following: Units /  Shipment


The type of problem identified, for example: Barcode cannot be scanned / Item label missing


Number of units to which the problem applies


The number of units we expected to receive at the fulfillment center.


The number of units we received at the fulfillment center.


The unit of measurement for the particular problem type. 特定问题类型的测评单位。

For example, whether the problem occurred at the unit, box, or shipment level


Stock keeping units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. You, as the seller, assign SKUs.


Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.




The title of your product


Indicates whether the problem has been acknowledged.


The coaching level for a particular problem group. One of the following: Standard / Elevated / Critical


One of the following: Unplanned Service fee / Unplanned Service fee (preview) / Exempt / Refund


The total Unplanned Service fees charged


6.FBA Stranded Inventory Report


Stranded inventory is inventory in a fulfillment center that does not have an active offer on Amazon. Stranded inventory report shows a breakdown of units in your inventory that are in stranded status.

(2)Field & Definition

Field nameDescription
primary-actionAction needed to bring your inventory out of stranded status. The possible actions are:
  • Relist: For products that have been listed previously but do not have an active offer, click Add a Product in the Inventory drop-down menu to create an offer. If you see a message indicating that your product is already listed but needs to be edited, click the provided link to update your listing.
  • Create removal order: For products you no longer want to sell, go to the Manage FBA Inventory page, select the product, and choose Create Removal Order from the drop-down menu on top.
  • Change to Fulfilled by Amazon: If you have an offer, but it is for a product that you fulfill yourself, none of your FBA inventory for that product will be available for sale. On your Manage Inventory page, select the product and click Change to Fulfilled by Amazon in the Action drop-down menu to enable FBA to pick, pack, and ship those products.
  • Create a new listing: If you have FBA inventory of a product that has never been listed, create a listing for your SKU by clicking Add a Product in the Inventory drop-down menu.
Note: When relisting a product or creating a listing, the following information must match the units in your FBA inventory:
  • ASIN
  • Condition
  • Merchant SKU
If these fields don’t match, the stranded inventory in the fulfillment center won’t be associated with the new listing.
date-strandedThis date shows how long your inventory has been stranded and without an active offer.

This is the date when the inventory will be classified as unsellable unless the offer is made buyable. You are required to remove unsellable units (which are “Unsuitable Units” as defined in the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement) as described in our Required removals policy.



Identifies whether the offer is active, inactive, or incomplete. Incomplete offers are those missing price or condition.



For inactive offers, this field identifies the reasons — for example, blocked or out of stock.



For select inactive offers, additional information is displayed here — for example, quality alerts.


asinUnique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that Amazon assigns to identify products. You can find the ASIN on the product details page.
skuUnique blocks of letters or numbers that you assign to identify your products
fnskuUnique identifiers that Amazon assigns to items stored in and fulfilled from a fulfillment center
product-nameThe name of your product
conditionThe condition of your product
fulfilled-byIndicates whether the product is listed for fulfillment by Amazon or by you.
fulfillable-quantityThe number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that can be picked, packed, and shipped
your-priceYour current selling price
unfulfillable-qtyThe number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are in unsellable condition
reserved-quantityThe number of units of a SKU that you have in Amazon fulfillment centers and that are currently being picked, packed, and shipped or that are sidelined for measurement, sampling, or other internal processes
inbound-shipped-qtyThe number of units of a SKU that you have shipped to Amazon and that are in transit


7.FBA Reserved Inventory Report



This report shows a breakdown of units in your inventory that are in reserved status. 

Inventory in reserved status might be tied to a customer order in the process of being shipped between fulfillment centers, or set aside at a fulfillment center for additional processing. If your inventory is being shipped to another fulfillment center, it is still available for purchase with the message "Back-ordered. Due in stock..." and a date based on the estimated arrival at the fulfillment center.

(2)Field & Definition

Download HeaderDescription
skuStock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller.
fnskuUnique identifier assigned by Amazon to items stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.
asinAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page.
product-nameThe title of your product.
reserved_qtyThe total number of units in reserved status.
reserved_customerordersThe number of units reserved for customer orders.
reserved_fc-transfersThe number of units being transferred from one fulfillment center to another.
reserved_fc-processingThe number of units that have been sidelined at the fulfillment center for additional processing.


8.FBA Amazon Fulfilled Inventory Report



This report shows a near real-time snapshot of your inventory in Amazon’s fulfillment centers at the time the report is run.

Since customers can purchase your products at any time, the quantities in an inventory report are at best a spot check of your saleable inventory, and may be out of date almost as soon as the report is requested. To reconcile your inventory levels, compare your Amazon orders and inventory reports to your own inventory records. If you reconcile your inventory through automation, use the Inventory APIs available through our Amazon MWS Fulfillment APIs instead.

(2)Field & Definition

Download HeaderDescriptionExample
seller-skuStock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters and/or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller.154844
fulfillment-channel-skuUnique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.X00000E5TX
ASINAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page.0312306180
condition-typeThe condition of your inventory.New
warehouse-condition-codeCode assigned in Amazon's fulfillment center to listings matching the ASIN and the seller's condition-type.SELLABLE
quantity-availableThe quantity of the product available for purchase.15


9.FBA Received Inventory Report


This report shows inventory that has completed the receive process at Amazon's fulfillment centers.

(2)Field & Definition

Download headerDescription
received-dateDate the receive process was completed for the shipment, DD-MON-YYYY
fnskuAmazon’s Fulfillment network SKU identifier
skuSeller's item identifier
product-nameProduct title
quantityTotal units received of this item in the shipment

Note: If a negative number appears in this field, an adjustment has been made to a quantity previously reported.

fba-shipment-idID for the shipment
fulfillment-center-idFulfillment center receiving merchandise


10.FBA Inventory Event Detail Report


This report shows a history of inventory events (such as receipts, shipments, and adjustments) by SKU and fulfillment center.


(2)Field & Definition

Download headerDescription
snapshot-dateDate of request
fnskuAmazon's fulfillment network SKU identifier
skuSeller's product identifier
product-nameProduct title
quantityTotal units available on hand for this product in an Amazon fulfillment center
fulfillment-center-idFulfillment center where inventory is stored
detailed-dispositionStatus of the product (examples: sellable, damaged)
transaction-typeType of transaction causing the change (shipment, receipt, vendor return, warehouse transfer, adjustment, or customer return)


11.FBA Inventory Adjustments Report


shows the history of adjustments to your inventory in response to issues such as disposition changes, misplaced inventory, found inventory, and ownership corrections.

(2)Field & Definition

Download headerDescription
transaction-item-idUnique ID for this item adjustment
fnskuUnique item ID assigned by Amazon and used by the fulfillment center
skuUnique item ID assigned by the seller
product-nameName of the product as listed on Amazon
fulfillment-center-idFulfillment center where the adjustment is being made
quantityNumber of units adjusted
reasonThe download file displays codes while the online view shows descriptions. See the Adjustment types and reason codes table at the top of this page for full codes and descriptions.
dispositionWhether the item is in sellable or unsellable/unfulfillable condition
ReconciledNumber of units reconciled with other adjustment events
UnreconciledNumber of units not reconciled with other adjustment events


12.FBA Inventory Health Report


provides detailed data about your sales, current sellable and unsellable quantities, inventory age, weeks of cover left, and information about additional offers that are available on your products. For example, you can see how many FBA offers, new and used, are available for a given product, as well as the lowest FBA and non-FBA price for both new and used condition. (For non-FBA units, the lowest new and used prices includes both product price and shipping charge.)

(2)Field & Definition

Download HeaderDescriptionExample
snapshot-dateReport data is current as of the date in this field2011-06-26T07:00:00+00:00
skuStock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller.AB-8675309
fnskuUnique identifier assigned by Amazon to items stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.X00000E5TX
asinAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page.B003ZYF3LO
product-nameThe title of your productToysmith Nonstick Bakeware Set
conditionThe condition of your itemNew or Used
sales-rankThe Sales Rank calculation is based on Amazon sales and is updated daily to reflect recent and historical sales of the item sold on Amazon. The Sales Rank displayed here is for the Product Group within which the item is featured.

Note: if there is no Sales Ranking for the ASIN on Amazon, there will be no ranking in the report.

product-groupThe Amazon department or category for which the Sales Rank in the previous field is applicable.Kitchen
total-quantityThe number of Units you have for a SKU in sellable condition in our fulfillment network.21
unsellable-quantityThe number of units you have for a SKU in unsellable condition in our fulfillment network1
sellable-quantityThe number of Units you have for a SKU in sellable condition in our fulfillment network.20
inv-age-0-to-90-daysThe number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 0-90 days0
inv-age-91-to-180-daysThe number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 91 – 180 days19
inv-age-181-to-270-daysThe number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 181 – 270 days0
inv-age-271-to-365-daysThe number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 271 – 365 days0
inv-age-365-plus-daysThe number of sellable Units you have for a SKU that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 365+ days1
qty-to-be-charged-ltsf-6-moThe number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for 180 to 365 days and are eligible for the LTSF charge. As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day LTSF. For example, FBA Small and Light fees are not affected by the February 2019 fee change. For more details, see the Program Fees section of FBA Small and Light.400
qty-to-be-charged-ltsf-12-moThe number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for more than 365 days as of the next LTSF charge date (monthly on the 15th in the US; February 15th and August 15th in Canada)400
qty-in-long-term-storage-programThe number of sellable units that have previously been charged the Long-Term Storage Fee500
projected-ltsf-6-moThe projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for eligible units that have been in fulfillment centers for 180 to 365 days on the next charge date. As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day LTSF. For example, FBA Small and Light fees are not affected by the February 2019 fee change. For more details, see the Program Fees section of FBA Small and Light.500
projected-ltsf-12-moThe projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for units that have been in fulfillment centers for more than 365 days on the next LTSF charge date (monthly on the 15th in the US; February 15th and August 15th in Canada)500
qty-with-removals-in-progressThe number of Units in inventory that you have requested be removed1000
units-shipped-last-24-hrsSales of this item in last 24 hours.1
units-shipped-last-7-daysSales of this item in last 7 days2
units-shipped-last-30-daysSales of this item in last 30 days8
units-shipped-last-90-daysSales of this item in last 90 days25
units-shipped-last-180-daysSales of this item in last 180 days40
units-shipped-last-365-daysSales for this item in last 365 days95
weeks-of-cover-t7Based on your sales in the last 7 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment centers. For example, if you sold 10 units in the last 7 days and had 20 Sellable units in Amazon fulfillment centers, you would have 2 weeks of cover.Infinite
weeks-of-cover-t30Based on your sales in the last 30 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center.54.7
weeks-of-cover-t90Based on your sales in the last 90 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center.25.4
weeks-of-cover-t180Based on your sales in the last 180 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center.28.1
weeks-of-cover-t365Based on your sales in the last 365 days, the weeks of cover of sellable inventory that you have in the fulfillment center.36.1
num-afn-new-sellersThe number of sellers with FBA offers that are in New condition10
num-afn-used-sellersThe number of sellers with FBA offers that are in Used condition112
local_currencyLocal currency for this marketUSD
your-priceYour current selling price10.25
sales-priceYour current promotional price4.00
lowest-afn-new-priceThe lowest fulfilled by Amazon price for items in New condition, including any offers from Amazon11.75
lowest-afn-used-priceThe lowest FBA price for items in Used condition4.99
lowest-mfn-new-priceThe lowest price for items in New condition that are fulfilled by a seller. This includes the seller's shipping cost12.25
lowest-mfn-used-priceThe lowest price for items in Used condition that are fulfilled by a seller. This includes the seller's shipping cost4.95
per-unit-volumeThe volume in cubic footage of each inventory unit0.23
inbound-quantityQuantity of units that are recorded in inbound shipments to Amazon fulfillment centers.10
inbound-recommended quantityYour recommended inbound quantity for the next eight weeks7
asin-limitYour inventory limit for ASINs where we apply an inventory capacity limit. Please see ASIN Quantity Limits for more information.42
is-hazmatIf your ASIN is considered Hazmat. Please see Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) to see if your products qualify.Yes


13.FBA Inventory Age Report


A downloaded Inventory Age report helps you quickly identify how long items in your inventory have been in fulfillment centers and those items subject to upcoming long-term storage fees.

The report also provides details about sales, current sellable quantities, your list price, and the lowest price on Amazon for the same item for all of your fulfilled-by-Amazon inventory.

(2)Field & Definition

Field nameDescription
snapshot-dateThe date the report was generated
skuUnique blocks of letters and numbers that are assigned by you to the product you are selling
fnskuUnique blocks of letters and numbers that are assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center
asinUnique blocks of 10 letters or numbers assigned by Amazon to the products sold through Amazon
product-nameThe name of your product
conditionThe condition of the unit (new, used, etc.)
available-quantity(sellable)The number of units in inventory available for purchase
qty-with-removals-in-progressThe number of units in inventory that you have requested be returned to you or disposed of
inv-age-0-to-90-daysThe number of sellable units that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 0-90 days
inv-age-91-to-180-daysThe number of sellable units that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 91-180 days
inv-age-181-to-270-daysThe number of sellable units that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 181-270 days
inv-age-271-to-365-daysThe number of sellable units that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 271-365 days
inv-age-365-plus-daysThe number of sellable units that have been in the fulfillment center for the last 365+ days
currencyThe currency for the estimated long-term storage fee charge
qty-to-be-charged-ltsf-6-moThe number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for 180 to 365 days and are eligible for the 180-day LTSF charge. For example, FBA Small and Light products are subject to this 180-day LTSF charge. (As of February 2019, standard FBA units will not be charged 180-day long term storage fees.)
projected-ltsf-6-moThe projected long-term storage fee for units that have been in fulfillment centers for 180 to 365 days on the next charge date.
qty-to-be-charged-ltsf-12-moThe number of sellable units that will have been in the fulfillment center for more than 365 days as of the next charge date (monthly on the 15th)
projected-ltsf-12-moThe projected long-term storage fee that will be charged for units that have been in fulfillment centers for more than 365 days on the next charge date (monthly on the 15th)
units-shipped-last-7-daysUnits sold in the last 7 days
units-shipped-last-30-daysUnits sold in the last 30 days
units-shipped-last-60-daysUnits sold in the last 60 days
units-shipped-last-90-daysUnits sold in the last 90 days
alertShows when this item has a low traffic or low conversion alert

Low traffic indicates that a low number of potential buyers have seen the listings. Use the Improve Keywords feature in the actions list to optimize your listing for search. The Advertise Listing feature allows you to advertise through Sponsored Products to drive additional traffic to your listing.

Low conversion indicates that potential buyers are viewing the listing but do not follow through to purchase the product. Ensuring a high quality detail page and pricing competitively helps improve conversion rates.

your-priceYour listed price
sale_priceYour sale price if you are running a sale on the product
lowest_price_newThe lowest price (including shipping) for this item in new condition on Amazon
lowest_price_usedThe lowest price (including shipping) for this item in used condition on Amazon
Recommended actionThe action recommended for your inventory. Recommendations depend on your inventory position, ASIN alerts, and known inputs at the time the report is generated.
Healthy Inventory LevelQuantity of inventory that is not considered excess based on product demand and your costs. Our recommendations are based on helping you reach this level of inventory.
Recommended Sales PriceSales price recommended to help you sell through your inventory based on your current inventory settings. This value may be different from the lowest price or Buy Box price. We recommend that you keep your product at this price until you have sold through your excess inventory.
Recommended Sale DurationIf a sale is recommended, this is the estimated sale duration in days that would likely help you sell through your excess inventory.
Estimated Storage CostEstimated FBA storage fees and your holding cost of capital if no action is taken to help sell through or remove your inventory. The storage fees may include the Long-term Storage Fee and are based on your current sales rate. The estimation is calculated over a 3-year horizon. Note: Inventory quantities are based on a daily snapshot and may differ from your actual inventory quantities.
Recommended Removal QuantityEstimated quantity of inventory that would likely benefit from removal instead of being charged storage fees.
estimated-cost-savings-of-recommended-actionsEstimated cost savings between taking the recommended action versus the storage fees you would incur on that inventory by taking no action.
sell-throughThe rate at which your units sold and shipped over the past 90 days divided by the average inventory available at fulfillment centers during that time period. Tracking your sell-through rate can help you determine whether you need to take action to improve traffic or conversion for your products.
item-volumeThe volume of the item, which is calculated by multiplying the longest side, median side, and shortest side together. These measurements generally correspond to the length, width, and height of the item.
volume-unitsUnit of measurement for the volume of the item.
storage-typeStorage type category of the product for which storage limits are set. There are six storage types: standard-size, oversize, apparel, footwear, flammable or aerosol.

Note: standard-size is including small and standard types.


14.FBA Monthly Inventory History Report


This report shows monthly inventory in Amazon's fulfillment centers including quantity, location, and disposition. View the Monthly Inventory report.

(2)Field & Definition

Download HeaderDescription
FnskuAmazon's Fulfillment network SKU identifier
SkuSeller's item identifier
product-nameProduct title
avg-quantityDaily average units available on hand for this item in Amazon's fulfillment centers
end-quantityNumber of units remaining in Amazon's fulfillment centers at the end of the month
fulfillment-center-idFulfillment center where inventory is stored
detailed-dispositionStatus of the item (examples sellable, damaged, and so on)


15.FBA Storage Fees Report


provides estimated monthly inventory storage fees for each ASIN of your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers. 

(2)Field & Definition

Download headerDescriptionExample value
asinAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. Amazon assigns the ASIN, which you can find on the product-detail page.0991519108
fnskuAmazon's fulfillment network stock-keeping unit (SKU) identifier.X000A8GG1A
product-nameDescription of the ASIN on the product-detail page.Stylish hat for pets
fulfillment-centerFulfillment center in which the ASIN is stored.FTW3
country-codeCountry in which the fulfillment center is located.US
longest-sideThe dimensions of the longest side of a single unit of the item.8.43
median-sideThe dimensions of the side of a single unit of the item that is neither the longest nor the shortest. The Inventory Storage Fee is charged by volume in cubic feet, which equals the longest side x median side x shortest side. These often correspond to the length, width, and height of an item.5.81
shortest-sideThe dimensions of the shortest side of a single unit of the item. The Inventory Storage Fee is charged by volume in cubic feet, which equals the longest side x median side x shortest side. These often correspond to the length, width, and height of an item.0.73
measurement-unitsUnit of measurement for the longest, median, and shortest sides of the item for purposes of calculating the Inventory Storage Fee.inches
weightThe item's weight used to identify its product-size tier. This can be the item's unit weight or dimensional weight, depending on the item.0.79
weight-unitsUnit of measurement for the weight of the item.pounds
item-volumeThe Inventory Storage Fee is charged per volume in cubic feet, which equals the longest side x median side x shortest side. These often correspond to the length, width, and height of an item.0.0208
volume-unitsUnit of measurement for the volume of the item.cubic feet
product-size-tierClassification of the item by its dimensions for purposes of calculating fees.Standard-sized or Oversize
average-quantity-on-handDaily average quantity of the item in fulfillment centers. This is equal to the inventory for the trailing month divided by the number of days in that month.0.71
average-quantity-pending-removalDaily average quantity of items for which removal from the fulfillment center was requested.0.0
estimated-total-item-volumeAverage volume on hand, minus average volume pending removal, multiplied by the volume of the item.0.0148
month-of-chargeMonth of year in which storage-fee estimate applies; format is YEAR-MONTH.2016-07
storage-rateAmount of the Monthly Inventory Storage Fee that will apply to this ASIN.0.51
estimated-monthly-storage-feeEstimated monthly storage fee per ASIN.5.373
currencyCurrency of the storage rate amount.USD











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