loki limits_config

# Whether the ingestion rate limit should be applied individually to each
# distributor instance (local), or evenly shared across the cluster (global).
# The ingestion rate strategy cannot be overridden on a per-tenant basis.
# - local: enforces the limit on a per distributor basis. The actual effective
# rate limit will be N times higher, where N is the number of distributor
# replicas.
# - global: enforces the limit globally, configuring a per-distributor local
# rate limiter as 'ingestion_rate / N', where N is the number of distributor
# replicas (it's automatically adjusted if the number of replicas change). The
# global strategy requires the distributors to form their own ring, which is
# used to keep track of the current number of healthy distributor replicas.
# CLI flag: -distributor.ingestion-rate-limit-strategy
[ingestion_rate_strategy: <string> | default = "global"]

# Per-user ingestion rate limit in sample size per second. Units in MB.
# CLI flag: -distributor.ingestion-rate-limit-mb
[ingestion_rate_mb: <float> | default = 4]

# Per-user allowed ingestion burst size (in sample size). Units in MB. The burst
# size refers to the per-distributor local rate limiter even in the case of the
# 'global' strategy, and should be set at least to the maximum logs size
# expected in a single push request.
# CLI flag: -distributor.ingestion-burst-size-mb
[ingestion_burst_size_mb: <float> | default = 6]

# Maximum length accepted for label names.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-length-label-name
[max_label_name_length: <int> | default = 1024]

# Maximum length accepted for label value. This setting also applies to the
# metric name.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-length-label-value
[max_label_value_length: <int> | default = 2048]

# Maximum number of label names per series.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-label-names-per-series
[max_label_names_per_series: <int> | default = 30]

# Whether or not old samples will be rejected.
# CLI flag: -validation.reject-old-samples
[reject_old_samples: <boolean> | default = true]

# Maximum accepted sample age before rejecting.
# CLI flag: -validation.reject-old-samples.max-age
[reject_old_samples_max_age: <duration> | default = 1w]

# Duration which table will be created/deleted before/after it's needed; we
# won't accept sample from before this time.
# CLI flag: -validation.create-grace-period
[creation_grace_period: <duration> | default = 10m]

# Enforce every sample has a metric name.
# CLI flag: -validation.enforce-metric-name
[enforce_metric_name: <boolean> | default = true]

# Maximum line size on ingestion path. Example: 256kb. Any log line exceeding
# this limit will be discarded unless `distributor.max-line-size-truncate` is
# set which in case it is truncated instead of discarding it completely. There
# is no limit when unset or set to 0.
# CLI flag: -distributor.max-line-size
[max_line_size: <int> | default = 0B]

# Whether to truncate lines that exceed max_line_size.
# CLI flag: -distributor.max-line-size-truncate
[max_line_size_truncate: <boolean> | default = false]

# Alter the log line timestamp during ingestion when the timestamp is the same
# as the previous entry for the same stream. When enabled, if a log line in a
# push request has the same timestamp as the previous line for the same stream,
# one nanosecond is added to the log line. This will preserve the received order
# of log lines with the exact same timestamp when they are queried, by slightly
# altering their stored timestamp. NOTE: This is imperfect, because Loki accepts
# out of order writes, and another push request for the same stream could
# contain duplicate timestamps to existing entries and they will not be
# incremented.
# CLI flag: -validation.increment-duplicate-timestamps
[increment_duplicate_timestamp: <boolean> | default = false]

# Maximum number of active streams per user, per ingester. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-streams-per-user
[max_streams_per_user: <int> | default = 0]

# Maximum number of active streams per user, across the cluster. 0 to disable.
# When the global limit is enabled, each ingester is configured with a dynamic
# local limit based on the replication factor and the current number of healthy
# ingesters, and is kept updated whenever the number of ingesters change.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-global-streams-per-user
[max_global_streams_per_user: <int> | default = 5000]

# Deprecated. When true, out-of-order writes are accepted.
# CLI flag: -ingester.unordered-writes
[unordered_writes: <boolean> | default = true]

# Maximum byte rate per second per stream, also expressible in human readable
# forms (1MB, 256KB, etc).
# CLI flag: -ingester.per-stream-rate-limit
[per_stream_rate_limit: <int> | default = 3MB]

# Maximum burst bytes per stream, also expressible in human readable forms (1MB,
# 256KB, etc). This is how far above the rate limit a stream can 'burst' before
# the stream is limited.
# CLI flag: -ingester.per-stream-rate-limit-burst
[per_stream_rate_limit_burst: <int> | default = 15MB]

# Maximum number of chunks that can be fetched in a single query.
# CLI flag: -store.query-chunk-limit
[max_chunks_per_query: <int> | default = 2000000]

# Limit the maximum of unique series that is returned by a metric query. When
# the limit is reached an error is returned.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-series
[max_query_series: <int> | default = 500]

# Limit how far back in time series data and metadata can be queried, up until
# lookback duration ago. This limit is enforced in the query frontend, the
# querier and the ruler. If the requested time range is outside the allowed
# range, the request will not fail, but will be modified to only query data
# within the allowed time range. The default value of 0 does not set a limit.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-lookback
[max_query_lookback: <duration> | default = 0s]

# The limit to length of chunk store queries. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -store.max-query-length
[max_query_length: <duration> | default = 30d1h]

# Limit the length of the [range] inside a range query. Default is 0 or
# unlimited
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-range
[max_query_range: <duration> | default = 0s]

# Maximum number of queries that will be scheduled in parallel by the frontend.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-parallelism
[max_query_parallelism: <int> | default = 32]

# Maximum number of queries will be scheduled in parallel by the frontend for
# TSDB schemas.
# CLI flag: -querier.tsdb-max-query-parallelism
[tsdb_max_query_parallelism: <int> | default = 512]

# Maximum number of bytes assigned to a single sharded query. Also expressible
# in human readable forms (1GB, etc).
# CLI flag: -querier.tsdb-max-bytes-per-shard
[tsdb_max_bytes_per_shard: <int> | default = 600MB]

# Cardinality limit for index queries.
# CLI flag: -store.cardinality-limit
[cardinality_limit: <int> | default = 100000]

# Maximum number of stream matchers per query.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-streams-matcher-per-query
[max_streams_matchers_per_query: <int> | default = 1000]

# Maximum number of concurrent tail requests.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-concurrent-tail-requests
[max_concurrent_tail_requests: <int> | default = 10]

# Maximum number of log entries that will be returned for a query.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-entries-limit
[max_entries_limit_per_query: <int> | default = 5000]

# Most recent allowed cacheable result per-tenant, to prevent caching very
# recent results that might still be in flux.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-cache-freshness
[max_cache_freshness_per_query: <duration> | default = 1m]

# Do not cache requests with an end time that falls within Now minus this
# duration. 0 disables this feature (default).
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-stats-cache-freshness
[max_stats_cache_freshness: <duration> | default = 0s]

# Maximum number of queriers that can handle requests for a single tenant. If
# set to 0 or value higher than number of available queriers, *all* queriers
# will handle requests for the tenant. Each frontend (or query-scheduler, if
# used) will select the same set of queriers for the same tenant (given that all
# queriers are connected to all frontends / query-schedulers). This option only
# works with queriers connecting to the query-frontend / query-scheduler, not
# when using downstream URL.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-queriers-per-tenant
[max_queriers_per_tenant: <int> | default = 0]

# Number of days of index to be kept always downloaded for queries. Applies only
# to per user index in boltdb-shipper index store. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -store.query-ready-index-num-days
[query_ready_index_num_days: <int> | default = 0]

# Timeout when querying backends (ingesters or storage) during the execution of
# a query request. When a specific per-tenant timeout is used, the global
# timeout is ignored.
# CLI flag: -querier.query-timeout
[query_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]

# Split queries by a time interval and execute in parallel. The value 0 disables
# splitting by time. This also determines how cache keys are chosen when result
# caching is enabled.
# CLI flag: -querier.split-queries-by-interval
[split_queries_by_interval: <duration> | default = 30m]

# Limit queries that can be sharded. Queries within the time range of now and
# now minus this sharding lookback are not sharded. The default value of 0s
# disables the lookback, causing sharding of all queries at all times.
# CLI flag: -frontend.min-sharding-lookback
[min_sharding_lookback: <duration> | default = 0s]

# Max number of bytes a query can fetch. Enforced in log and metric queries only
# when TSDB is used. The default value of 0 disables this limit.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-query-bytes-read
[max_query_bytes_read: <int> | default = 0B]

# Max number of bytes a query can fetch after splitting and sharding. Enforced
# in log and metric queries only when TSDB is used. The default value of 0
# disables this limit.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-querier-bytes-read
[max_querier_bytes_read: <int> | default = 0B]

# Enable log-volume endpoints.
[volume_enabled: <boolean>]

# The maximum number of aggregated series in a log-volume response
# CLI flag: -limits.volume-max-series
[volume_max_series: <int> | default = 1000]

# Deprecated. Duration to delay the evaluation of rules to ensure the underlying
# metrics have been pushed to Cortex.
# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation-delay-duration
[ruler_evaluation_delay_duration: <duration> | default = 0s]

# Maximum number of rules per rule group per-tenant. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -ruler.max-rules-per-rule-group
[ruler_max_rules_per_rule_group: <int> | default = 0]

# Maximum number of rule groups per-tenant. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -ruler.max-rule-groups-per-tenant
[ruler_max_rule_groups_per_tenant: <int> | default = 0]

# The default tenant's shard size when shuffle-sharding is enabled in the ruler.
# When this setting is specified in the per-tenant overrides, a value of 0
# disables shuffle sharding for the tenant.
# CLI flag: -ruler.tenant-shard-size
[ruler_tenant_shard_size: <int> | default = 0]

# Disable recording rules remote-write.
[ruler_remote_write_disabled: <boolean>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. The URL of the endpoint
# to send samples to.
[ruler_remote_write_url: <string> | default = ""]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Timeout for requests to
# the remote write endpoint.
[ruler_remote_write_timeout: <duration>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Custom HTTP headers to be
# sent along with each remote write request. Be aware that headers that are set
# by Loki itself can't be overwritten.
[ruler_remote_write_headers: <headers>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. List of remote write
# relabel configurations.
[ruler_remote_write_relabel_configs: <relabel_config...>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Number of samples to
# buffer per shard before we block reading of more samples from the WAL. It is
# recommended to have enough capacity in each shard to buffer several requests
# to keep throughput up while processing occasional slow remote requests.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_capacity: <int>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Minimum number of shards,
# i.e. amount of concurrency.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_min_shards: <int>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum number of shards,
# i.e. amount of concurrency.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_max_shards: <int>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum number of samples
# per send.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_max_samples_per_send: <int>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum time a sample
# will wait in buffer.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_batch_send_deadline: <duration>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Initial retry delay. Gets
# doubled for every retry.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_min_backoff: <duration>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum retry delay.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_max_backoff: <duration>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Retry upon receiving a
# 429 status code from the remote-write storage. This is experimental and might
# change in the future.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_retry_on_ratelimit: <boolean>]

# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Configures AWS's
# Signature Verification 4 signing process to sign every remote write request.
  [region: <string> | default = ""]

  [access_key: <string> | default = ""]

  [secret_key: <string> | default = ""]

  [profile: <string> | default = ""]

  [role_arn: <string> | default = ""]

# Configures global and per-tenant limits for remote write clients. A map with
# remote client id as key.
[ruler_remote_write_config: <map of string to RemoteWriteConfig>]

# Timeout for a remote rule evaluation. Defaults to the value of
# 'querier.query-timeout'.
[ruler_remote_evaluation_timeout: <duration>]

# Maximum size (in bytes) of the allowable response size from a remote rule
# evaluation. Set to 0 to allow any response size (default).
[ruler_remote_evaluation_max_response_size: <int>]

# Deletion mode. Can be one of 'disabled', 'filter-only', or
# 'filter-and-delete'. When set to 'filter-only' or 'filter-and-delete', and if
# retention_enabled is true, then the log entry deletion API endpoints are
# available.
# CLI flag: -compactor.deletion-mode
[deletion_mode: <string> | default = "filter-and-delete"]

# Retention period to apply to stored data, only applies if retention_enabled is
# true in the compactor config. As of version 2.8.0, a zero value of 0 or 0s
# disables retention. In previous releases, Loki did not properly honor a zero
# value to disable retention and a really large value should be used instead.
# CLI flag: -store.retention
[retention_period: <duration> | default = 0s]

# Per-stream retention to apply, if the retention is enable on the compactor
# side.
# Example:
#  retention_stream:
#  - selector: '{namespace="dev"}'
#  priority: 1
#  period: 24h
# - selector: '{container="nginx"}'
#  priority: 1
#  period: 744h
# Selector is a Prometheus labels matchers that will apply the 'period'
# retention only if the stream is matching. In case multiple stream are
# matching, the highest priority will be picked. If no rule is matched the
# 'retention_period' is used.
[retention_stream: <list of StreamRetentions>]

# Feature renamed to 'runtime configuration', flag deprecated in favor of
# -runtime-config.file (runtime_config.file in YAML).
# CLI flag: -limits.per-user-override-config
[per_tenant_override_config: <string> | default = ""]

# Feature renamed to 'runtime configuration'; flag deprecated in favor of
# -runtime-config.reload-period (runtime_config.period in YAML).
# CLI flag: -limits.per-user-override-period
[per_tenant_override_period: <duration> | default = 10s]

# Deprecated: Use deletion_mode per tenant configuration instead.
[allow_deletes: <boolean>]

  [enabled: <boolean>]

  [logging_enabled: <boolean>]

  [desired_rate: <int>]

[blocked_queries: <blocked_query...>]

# Define a list of required selector labels.
[required_labels: <list of strings>]

# Minimum number of label matchers a query should contain.
[minimum_labels_number: <int>]

# The shard size defines how many index gateways should be used by a tenant for
# querying. If the global shard factor is 0, the global shard factor is set to
# the deprecated -replication-factor for backwards compatibility reasons.
# CLI flag: -index-gateway.shard-size
[index_gateway_shard_size: <int> | default = 0]

# Allow user to send structured metadata (non-indexed labels) in push payload.
# CLI flag: -validation.allow-structured-metadata
[allow_structured_metadata: <boolean> | default = false]





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