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转载 html css js 重要的几点

box-sizing: border-box; http://zh.learnlayout.com/box-sizing.html10步掌握CSS定位文字纵向 line-heightcss 文字横向间距letter-spacing:2pxdisplay: inline display: inline-blockjQuery选择器$(“p”)...

2015-11-19 15:04:00 231

转载 node js框架知识


2015-05-04 21:56:00 215

转载 Visibility

public protected private var(public)转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/iMirror/p/4476194.html

2015-05-04 14:56:00 205

转载 Constructors and Destructors

Constructorvoid __construct ([mixed $args = ""[, $... ]])void __destruct ( void )  parent::__construct() to run a parent constructor<?phpclass BaseClass { function __co...

2015-05-04 14:55:00 203

转载 Autoloading Classes

spl_autoload_register 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/iMirror/p/4476156.html

2015-05-04 14:44:00 150

转载 class constants

Constants differ from normal variables in that you don't use the$symbol to declare or use them.<?phpclass MyClass{ const constant = 'constant value'; function showCons...

2015-05-04 14:39:00 203

转载 Properties

Properties : class memberProperties : also referred to "attributes" or "fileds"declare a property:<1> public private protected<2> var(treated as public)access to prope...

2015-05-04 14:34:00 202

转载 The Basics

http://php.net/manual/zh/language.oop5.basic.php1. class  class contain contants(常量) variables(变量or属性) and function(方法)<?phpclass SimpleClass{ // property declaration ...

2015-05-04 12:42:00 123

转载 知识框架


2015-05-04 12:36:00 148

转载 Nodejs npm

安装流程参考http://www.cnblogs.com/seanlv/archive/2011/11/22/2258716.html<1>Node.js (https://nodejs.org/)  安装 一路next  cmd node -v 显示版本号即安装成功<2>安装npm  https://github.com/npm/n...

2015-04-29 12:58:00 90

转载 Two Sum

Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, ...

2015-04-09 12:40:00 92

转载 排序

1. 插入排序 类似打牌    先写内循环public class Insertion{ public static void sort(Comparable[] a){ int N = a.length; for (int i = 0; i < N ; i++) { // Insert a[i...

2015-03-29 19:05:00 142

转载 cURL

1. 简单的爬虫  1. xampp开启php的cURL -> xampp/php/php.ini 搜索curl去掉分号即可  2. cmd D: -> cd xampp -> cd php    php -f ../htdocs/mirror/curl/curl.php > ../htdocs/mirror/curl/haha.html (将爬下来...

2015-03-06 17:36:00 109

转载 5.2 jquery UI

1. 下载 jqueryui.com2. 使用  转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/iMirror/p/4295854.html

2015-02-18 17:34:00 79

转载 5.1 jQuery基础

1. jquery.com 下载 api.jQuery.com 查看api important!!!2. 绑定事件  http://api.jquery.com/category/events/  bind():attach a handler to an event, As of jQuery 1.7, the.on()method is the ...

2015-02-18 14:41:00 94

转载 4.4 Web存储

HTML5:<1> localStorage 没有时间限制<2> sessionStorage 针对session数据存储, 浏览器关闭则失效cookie缺点: cookie不适合大量数据存储<1> localStorage<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang...

2015-02-15 14:40:00 103

转载 4.3 createjs

1. createjs.com 下载 EaselJS.zip  2. 简单的数字增加例子<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Canvas</title> <s...

2015-02-15 13:29:00 157

转载 4.2 HTML Canvas标签

1. Canvas画布 通常用js来描绘<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Canvas</title> <script src="myjavascript.js"...

2015-02-13 16:16:00 119

转载 4.2 拖放

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>拖放</title> <style> #ibox{ width: 400px; ...

2015-02-13 15:42:00 143

转载 4.1 HTML5 音频

1. controls自带效果<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title></head><body> <audio src="...

2015-02-13 12:30:00 121

转载 3.2 JacaScript面向对象

1. 面向对象<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title></head><body> <p id="pTime">&lt...

2015-02-13 11:16:00 97

转载 3.1 JavaScript基础

1. 输出 document.write(" ");2. 变量 var3. DOM简介  网页在加载时, 浏览器会创建页面的文档对象模型(Document Object Model)  添加监听器 document.getElementById("xx").addEventListener() 此方法一个元素添加多个事件不会冲突!4. 事件流  事件流:描述页面...

2015-02-11 21:20:00 115

转载 2.6 CSS基本操作

1. 对齐  <1> margin水平对齐  <2> position左右对齐  <3> float左右对齐2. 分类属性  cursor 指向某元素时显示的指针类型  display 设置是否和如何显示元素3. 导航栏<1>垂直导航栏<2>水平导航栏<!DOCTYP...

2015-02-11 12:17:00 114

转载 2.5 CSS选择器

1. 基本知识  通配符 *{} 常用作margin padding为零2. 多类选择器  <p class="p1">this is my web page</p>  <p class="p2">this is my web page</p>  <p class="p1 p2">this is my we...

2015-02-10 22:58:00 83

转载 2.4 CSS定位

1. CSS定位机制  普通流 浮动 绝对布局2. CSS position 属性  static left right top bottom属性无效  relative   absolute   fixed 滚动时固定不动3. 覆盖顺序  z-index 值越大越在上面4. 浮动  float = le...

2015-02-10 22:14:00 77

转载 2.3 CSS盒子模型

1. 盒子模型  2. CSS边框  border-radius 圆角边框  box-shadow 边框阴影3. CSS外边距合并    遵循 选取两个margin较大的 的原则4. 基本应用  <!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> &...

2015-02-10 21:41:00 82

转载 2.2 CSS3基本语法 + 选择器

1. 基本语法  selector1, selector2{    property1 : value1;    property2 : value2;  }  如果value大于1个单词(如font-family的值可能是sans serif), 需要加上引号(font-family:"sans serif")2. 高级语法  继承效果3. ...

2015-02-10 16:49:00 120

转载 2.1 CSS3基础

1. CSS3背景//index.html<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text...

2015-02-10 12:19:00 108

转载 HTML5

HTML样式  <1>外部样式表    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="样式.css">  <2>内部样式表    <style type="text/css">      body{background-color:red}      p{margin_le...

2015-02-08 14:11:00 128

转载 WeChat SDK

<1>微信SDK及平台搭建  微信开放平台 https://open.weixin.qq.com/ 登陆账号 mirrorhanyu@gmail.com  资源中心 中学习如何使用.<2>下载WeChat_sample, 导入Eclipse, 在直接运行之前需要设置如下      找到sample里面的debug.keystore...

2014-12-23 21:16:00 224

转载 FlatUI

Github https://github.com/eluleci/FlatUI其实有时是弄不清楚GitHub下载程序如何使用, 有时直接import然后add library即可, 有时却不可以这个项目就是这种不可以的情况, 那就自己修改吧         然后在自己的程序中就可以对应使用 Flat UI了<LinearLayout ...

2014-12-14 15:16:00 92

转载 PullToRefresh

Github https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh学习参考 http://blog.csdn.net/harvic880925/article/details/17680305  刷新前:                    刷新时:                   刷新后:       ...

2014-12-12 15:08:00 84

转载 Web in Visual Studio connect to SQL server

基础配置 http://blog.csdn.net/kof820/article/details/7040964连接案例 http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/3ea51489e562bb52e61bbab0.html1. 新建数据库  数据库School 表Student    2. Visual Studio...

2014-12-09 14:34:00 112

转载 Getting Started with Web API

1. Create a Web API Project  you will use ASP.NET Web API to create a web API that returns a list of products. The front-end web page uses jQuery to display the results.  New Project ---> ...

2014-12-08 19:20:00 95

转载 WebView

1. WebView  The WebView class is an extension of Android's View class that allows you to display web pages as a part of your activity layout.  It does not include any features of a fully deve...

2014-11-29 16:10:00 83

转载 MultiThreadDownloader (NumberProgressBar)

首先上效果图      <1>关于图中数字进度条  GitHub https://github.com/daimajia/NumberProgressBar  下载下来之后, 解压打开文件夹      将NumberProgressBar copy到自己的项目中, 包名可以自己随便取      然后会发现很多res错误. 将下载下来的re...

2014-11-28 22:39:00 175

转载 Tomcat - 网络XML DOM/SAX/PULL解析

首先, 解析本地的XML 参考     http://www.cnblogs.com/iMirror/p/4122082.html学习Tomcat搭建本地服务器 参考  在Tomcat默认访问目录 webapps/ROOT下新建XMLParserTest文件夹, 并新建persons.xml      peosons..xml      打开Tomcat ,...

2014-11-26 16:49:00 108


1. 代码结构    InterfaceXMLParseService 解析接口, DOM/SAX/PULL分别实现这个接口    XML来源是assets目录下的persons.xml文件2. 代码//persons.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><persons>...

2014-11-25 22:18:00 109

转载 Android网络编程 知识框架

http://blog.csdn.net/wolf09311/article/details/410123791)Android平台网络相关API接口 a) java.net.*(标准Java接口) java.net.* 提供与联网有关的类,包括流、数据包套接字(socket)、Internet协议、常见Http处理等。比如:创建URL,以及 URLConne...

2014-11-23 20:09:00 177

转载 Chapter 10 Networking/JSON Services

<1>JSON Service  In the previous section, you learned how to consume XML web services by using HTTP to connect to the web server and then obtain the    results in XML. You also learned ...

2014-11-23 19:33:00 92



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