VB正常情况下是不能直接开发标准DLL,所以也就不支持自定义导出函数,开发ACTIVE DLL的时候,是由VB自动导出必须的四个函数DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer。要加入注册注销类别代码就必须重新导出DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer。
- the the name of the prefixed one used for the names of the rowscontaining ' precompilato', one
risen of intermediate tails (from which name of the switch) temporary; these rows are 5 and finish withi suffissi GL, SY, FORMER, IN and DB; they contained are not documented
- f the name of the rows to compile
- W3 warning level 3, level of ' attenzione' dedicating to i warnings
- Gy it qualifies the connection to level of function (function-level linking)
- G5 optimization for the Pentium
- Gs4096 it allows not to insert the code for the control of stack (stack probe) if a function does not
use more than 4096 byte of stack
- dos not documented
- Z1 it removes the name of the bookcase of default from the rows.OBJ
- Fofileobj the name of rows OBJ to generate (rows output)
- Qifdiv it puts in action the corrections for the bug of the division of the Pentium (FDIV bug)
- MILILITER it creates rows eseguibile single-threaded
- basic it indicates the compiler C2 the fact that the compilation it happens for a plan basic
LINK C:/Test/Form1.obj C:/Test/Modulo1.obj C:/Test/Progetto1.obj
C:/Programmi/Microsoft Visual Studio/VB98/VBAEXE6.lib /ENTRY:__ vbaS
/OUT:C:/Test/Progetto1.exe /BASE:0x400000
/MERGE:.rdata =.text /IGNORE:4078
对于我们来说这些参数没有什么意义,用默认的就行了。这段命令行中并没有包括输出函数,如果我们希望输出函数,可以定义一个.def文件,按照格式加入要输出的函数列表,然后在命令行后面加上 “/DEF: 文件名”(当然也可以直接加/ EXPORTS参数),再调用命令行编译,用的denpendency工具查看你就会发现你要输出的函数了。
DESCRIPTION "MyDLL - (C) Antonio Giuliana, 2004"
函数名= ?函数名@函数所在模块名@@AAGXXZ
DESCRIPTION "MyDLL - (C) Antonio Giuliana, 2004"
DllRegisterServer= ?DllRegisterServer@SymExp@@AAGXXZ
DllUnregisterServer= ?DllUnregisterServer@SymExp@@AAGXXZ
Public Sub
Dim cmd As String
Dim fOut As Long
Dim sOut As String
Dim sDef As String
cmd = Command$
If InStr(cmd, "/DLL") > 0 And InStr(cmd, "VBAEXE6.LIB") > 0 Then
fOut = InStr(cmd, "/OUT:")
sOut = Mid(cmd, fOut + 6, InStr(cmd, "/BASE:") - fOut - 8)
sDef = Left(sOut, Len(sOut) - 3) + "def"
If Len(Dir(sDef)) Then
cmd = cmd & "/DEF:"" "& sDef &" "" "
End If
End If
Shell "LINK32.EXE "& cmd
End Sub
新建一个工程,引入两个库:ISA helper Com component 1.0 type library和 TypeLib Information。再创建一个类ComRegister,在ComRegister类中实现一个方法:
RegTypelib(sLib As String, ByVal bState As Boolean, ByVal bThreadModel As eThreadModel)用来实现注册和注销ACTIVEX。代码如下:
Option Explicit
Public Enum eThreadModel
tmApartment = 0& '"Apartment"
tmSingle = 1& '"Single"
End Enum
Private Type GUID
Data1 As Long
Data2 As Integer
Data3 As Integer
Data4(0 To 7) As Byte
End Type
Private Enum eSYSKIND
SYS_WIN16 = 0&
SYS_WIN32 = 1&
SYS_MAC = 2&
End Enum
Private Declare Function LoadTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" ( _
pFileName As Byte, pptlib As Object) As Long
Private Declare Function RegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" ( _
ByVal ptlib As Object, szFullPath As Byte, _
szHelpFile As Byte) As Long
Private Declare Function UnRegisterTypeLib Lib "oleaut32.dll" ( _
libID As GUID, ByVal wVerMajor As Integer, _
ByVal wVerMinor As Integer, ByVal lCID As Long, _
ByVal tSysKind As eSYSKIND) As Long
Private Declare Function CLSIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (lpsz As Byte, pclsid As GUID) As Long
Private Declare Function GetModuleFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleFileNameA" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function MessageBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType As Long) As Long
Private Function Message(eStr As String)
MessageBox 0, eStr, "", 0
End Function
Private Function GetModulePath(bModuleName As String) As String
Dim ModleId As Long
Dim Path As String * 254
ModleId = GetModuleHandle(bModuleName)
Call GetModuleFileName(ModleId, Path, 254)
GetModulePath = Path
End Function
Private Function SetKeyAndValue(ByVal szKey As String, _
ByVal szSubkey As String, ByVal szValue As String) As Boolean
Dim cR As New cRegistry
cR.SectionKey = szKey
cR.ValueKey = szSubkey
cR.ValueType = REG_SZ
cR.Value = szValue
End Function
Private Function RegisterServer(ByVal clsid As String, _
ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal szProgID As String, _
ByVal szDescription As String, ByVal szVerIndProgID As String) As Long
Dim szKey As String
szKey = "CLSID/" + clsid + "/"
SetKeyAndValue szKey, "", szDescription
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "InprocServer32/", "", szFileName
If (szProgID <> "") Then
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "ProgID/", "", szProgID
SetKeyAndValue szProgID + "/CLSID/", "", clsid
End If
If (szVerIndProgID <> "") Then
' Add the version-independent ProgID subkey under CLSID key.
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "VersionIndependentProgID", "", szVerIndProgID
' Add the version-independent ProgID subkey under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
SetKeyAndValue szVerIndProgID, "", szDescription
SetKeyAndValue szVerIndProgID + "/CLSID/", "", clsid
SetKeyAndValue szVerIndProgID + "CurVer/", "", szProgID
' Add the versioned ProgID subkey under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
SetKeyAndValue szProgID, "", szDescription
SetKeyAndValue szProgID + "/CLSID/", "", clsid
End If
End Function
Private Function DeleteAllKey(bClassKey As ERegistryClassConstants, bParentKey As String, bSubKey As String) As Boolean
Dim cR As New cRegistry
cR.ClassKey = bClassKey
cR.SectionKey = bParentKey + "/" + bSubKey
Dim hKey() As String
Dim hCount As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim ReturnResult As Boolean
cR.EnumerateSections hKey, hCount
For I = 1 To hCount
If Not DeleteAllKey(bClassKey, bParentKey + "/" + bSubKey, hKey(I)) Then
DeleteAllKey = False
Exit Function
End If
cR.SectionKey = bParentKey
cR.ValueKey = bSubKey
DeleteAllKey = cR.DeleteKey()
End Function
Private Function UnregisterServer(ByVal clsid As String, _
ByVal szProgID As String, _
ByVal szVerIndProgID As String)
DeleteAllKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", clsid
End Function
Public Function RegTypelib(sLib As String, ByVal bState As Boolean, _
bClassName As String, _
ByVal bThreadModel As eThreadModel) As Long
Dim suLib() As Byte
Dim errOK As Long
Dim bClassGuid As String
Dim cTLI As TypeLibInfo
Dim iMajor As Integer, iMinor As Integer
Dim DllPath As String
DllPath = GetModulePath(sLib)
Set cTLI = TLI.TypeLibInfoFromFile(DllPath)
bClassGuid = cTLI.CoClasses.NamedItem(bClassName).GUID
iMajor = cTLI.CoClasses.NamedItem(bClassName).MajorVersion
iMinor = cTLI.CoClasses.NamedItem(bClassName).MinorVersion
Set TypeReg2 = TypeReg
If bState Then
Dim szKey As String
szKey = "CLSID/" + bClassGuid + "/"
SetKeyAndValue szKey, "", sLib + "." + bClassName
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "InprocServer32/", "", DllPath
Select Case bThreadModel
Case tmApartment
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "InprocServer32/", "ThreadingModel", "Apartment"
Case tmSingle
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "InprocServer32/", "ThreadingModel", "Single"
End Select
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "VersionIndependentProgID/", "", sLib + "." + bClassName
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "ProgID/", "", sLib + "." + bClassName
SetKeyAndValue sLib + "." + bClassName + "/CLSID/", "", bClassGuid
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "Version/", "", iMajor & "." & iMinor
SetKeyAndValue szKey + "TypeLib/", "", cTLI.GUID
UnregisterServer bClassGuid, "", sLib + "." + bClassName
End If
Set cTLI = Nothing
End Function
新建一个工程MyDll,引入ComRegiterDll.dll,添加一个MODULE mainmodule,在mainmodule中新建两个函数DllRegisterServer、DllUnregisterServer:
Declare Function MessageBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType As Long) As Long
Public Function DllRegisterServer() As Long
Dim ComReg As ComRegister
Set ComReg = New ComRegister
MessageBox 0, ”注册过程”, “MYDLL”, 0
DllRegisterServer = ComReg.RegTypelib("MyDll", True, tmApartment )
End Function
Public Function DllUnregisterServer() As Long
Dim ComReg As ComRegister
Set ComReg = New ComRegister
MessageBox 0, ”注销过程”, “MYDLL”, 0
DllUnregisterServer = ComReg.RegTypelib("MyDll", False, tmApartment )
End Function
DESCRIPTION "MyDLL - (C) Antonio Giuliana, 2004"
DllRegisterServer= ?DllRegisterServer@ mainmodule @@AAGXXZ
DllUnregisterServer= ?DllUnregisterServer@ mainmodule @@AAGXXZ
E-MAIL: heroyin888@hotmail.com
QQ: 7878906