Reporting Services 2005 for the DBA – IIS

Author: stevechowles
One of the most misunderstood aspects of Reporting Services is how it fits in with IIS and how does IIS security affect Reporting Services. The next two articles will explain the environment outside of Reporting Services and hopefully make things a bit clearer. This article will also be quite long however; it is one you can keep referring back to for future reference.
 IIS 怎样配置以及 IIS 的安全怎样作用于报表服务是报表服务中很容易产生歧义的 . 在接下来的两篇文章中将阐述报表服务外围 , 并且希望能够让这些问题清晰一些 . 这篇文章有点长 , 当然 , 你也可以做个标记 .
Can I start by saying that Reporting Services is just another web application? There is nothing special about it, so any knowledge gained from other web applications will hold true.
  我能从说报表服务仅仅是一个普通的 web 应用开始吗 ? 没有什么特别的 , 任何关于 web 应用的都在报表服务中适用 .
As mentioned previously I will only be discussing IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 for this series.
  我在前面已经提到 , 这个系列仅限于 IIS 6.0 Window 2003.
OK so let’s start with IIS. Internet Information Services (IIS) is an application which hosts websites. There are typically a few ways to request website pages:
1.       http://<server>/webpage.aspx
2.       http://<server>:<Port>/webpage.aspx
3.       http://<server>/virtual_directory/webpage.aspx
, 就从 IIS 开始吧 .IIS 是一个存放 web 站点的应用程序 . 几种典型的请求 web 站点网页的方式是 :
1.       http://<server>/webpage.aspx
2.       http://<server>:<Port>/webpage.aspx
3.       http://<server>/virtual_directory/webpage.aspx
Using example 1 above, the server would only be able to host one website because there will only be one webpage.aspx file.
  使用上面例 1, 服务器只能存放一个 web 站点 , 因为允许有一个 webpage.aspx 文件 .
We can get around the limitation in 1 by having different Port numbers assigned to our websites as shown in example 2. If you do not specify a Port Number then Port 80 is assumed.
  我们可以通过在我们的 web 站点上设置不同的端口绕过这个在 1 中的限制 , 就像例 2 中所示 .
如果没有指定这个端口的话 , 默认的端口为 80.
A third way to host multiple websites is to configure Virtual Directories as shown in example 3. These will have the same Port number but unique virtual directory names on the server. Each Virtual Directory maps to a different folder on disk containing the web pages for that website. That way we can have multiple virtual directories allowing multiple webpage’s called default.aspx for example.
  发布多个 web 站点的第三个方法是按照例三所示配置虚拟目录 . 每个 web 站点在服务器上都拥有同一个端口和唯一的虚拟目录名称 . 每个虚拟目录在磁盘上都对应了不同的文件夹 , 该文件夹包含该站点的页面 . 在这种方式下 , 可以拥有多个不同的虚拟目录 , 并且可以有多个名称为 defalt.aspx 的页面存在 .
IIS consists of the IIS Admin Service along with many other dependant windows services. There is also a kernel device driver called http.sys which is used for sending and receiving HTTP requests.
IIS IIS 管理服务和其它很多独立的 windows 服务组成 . 用于发送和接收 HTTP 请求的核心组件驱动叫做 http.sys.
In order to understand how to configure IIS and then ultimately Reporting Services, you need to be familiar with the Internet Information Services Manager application which will be in the Administration Tools folder off the Start Menu on any machine which has IIS installed. Later on I will be making references to this tool simply as IIS Manager.
为了清楚地知道怎样配置 IIS 和报表服务 , 应该熟悉在在开始菜单的管理工具下 IIS 管理应用程序 , 该程序在任何安装有 IIS 的机器上都存在 . 在后续的讨论中 , 我将词工具简化为 IIS 管理器
Web Site Name
Within IIS you create a Website. A website has associated with it; a specific IP Address and Port Number. The website can also be configured to listen on any IP address however; you need to be aware that if two websites are listening on the same IP addresses and Port numbers, you will not be able to start the second website. This will not be the case when one site is listening on localhost and the other on All Unassigned. If you connect using localhost as the server name, you may end up going to the wrong website and then getting a connection failure.
IIS 中创建站点 . 一个 web 站点对应一个具体的 IP 地址和端口 . 一个 web 站点可以配置来监听任何 IP 地址 必须注意的是 , 如果两个 web 站点同时监听同一个 IP 地址和端口 , 那么第二个 web 站点无法启动 . 当一个 web 站点监听 localhost 而其它的 web 站点配置为未分配时 , 如果此时使用 localhost 作为服务器名连接 , 那么将会被指定到一个错误的 web 站点并且连接失败 .
Within each website you can have zero or multiple Virtual Directories. The Virtual Directory names must be unique within the website.
在每个 web 站点中可以没有虚拟目录或者拥有多个虚拟目录 . web 站点的虚拟目录名称必须是唯一的 .
When IIS is installed there will be a single web site created called Default Web Site with zero Virtual Directories and which listens on any IP address and port 80. You can view the IIS configuration by running IIS Manager on the Web Server.
  IIS 安装时 , 系统会默认创建一个名称为 Default Web Site 的站点 , web 站点监听任何 IP 地址 80 端口 , 并且没有创建任何虚拟目录 . 可以通过应用服务器上的 IIS Manager 来查看 IIS 的配置 .
Virtual Directories
Reporting Services requires two Virtual Directories created which by default will be created under the Default Web Site however; you can create a new web site just for Reporting Services if you want different default settings to those provided by the Default Web Site. In fact in some organisations the Default Web Site is locked down for security reasons so you may be forced to generate your own. Each Virtual Directory will inherit the properties from the website where it is created.
报表服务需要在 Default Web Site 下面创建两个虚拟目录 , 当然 , 如果需要在报表服务上设置与 Default Web Site 不同设置的 web 站点 , 也可以创建一个新的 web 站点 . 在实际环境中 , 一些企业出于安全因素将 Default Web Site 锁定 , 这种情况下就必须创建一个新的 web 站点 . 每个虚拟目录将从创建的 web 站点上继承相应的属性 .
Under your chosen web site you will need two virtual directories for the Report Server and the Report Manager. You can choose your own names for the virtual directories however; I would stick with the defaults since everything you will read will use those names.
  在所选择 web 站点下 , 必须要有报表服务器和报表管理器两个虚拟目录 . 可以选择不同的虚拟目录名称 . 但是强烈建议使用默认的名称 , 因为所有的读取操作都会使用到这些名称 .
The default virtual directory for the Report Server is Reportserver and is reached by the URL:
默认的报表服务器的虚拟目录是 Reportserver , 并且可以通过 http://<server>/Reportserver 访问
The default virtual directory for the Report Manager is Reports and is reached by the URL:
  默认的报表管理器虚拟目录是 Reports , 并且可以通过 http://<server>/Reports 访问 .
<server> is either localhost if you are running from the web server or the web server machine name if you are running from outside the server. In fact your environment may require you to use a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in order to reach the web server.
如果在 web 服务器上面运行 , 那么 <Server> 就是 localhost . 反之 , 如果在其它地方运行 , 那么 <Server> 就是服务器的机器名称 . 在实际环境中 , 有可能需要使用全局合格域名 (FQDN) 来访问 web 服务器 .
If you decide to install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same machine, then you need to use instance names to differentiate them. The Virtual Directories will need to have $<instance> appended to them where <instance> is your chosen instance name for each. For e.g. http://<server>/Reports$Instance
  如果需要在同一台服务器上安装多个报表实例 , 那么需要使用实例名称来区分它们 . 每个虚拟目录都需要加上 $<instance> , 这里的 <instance> 是为每个虚拟目录选择的实例名称 . 例如 :http://<server>/Reports$Instance
Application Pools
One of the changes in IIS 6.0 is the introduction of Application Pools.
IIS 6.0 的一个变化是引入了应用程序缓存池的概念 .
When you interact with a web site it needs to spawn an external process in order to communicate with the end users. This process is at the Application Pool level and provides an isolated environment for web sites. In affect it means that any failures within one Application Pool will not cause any issues for users in a different Application Pool.
在和 web 站点的交互过程是一些外部程序和终端用户交付的过程 . 这个过程是应用程序缓存池级别的交互 , 并且为 web 站点提供了一个  独立的环境 . 实际上 , 这就意味着在一个用户在某个应用程序缓存池里面的错误将不会导致在另外的应用程序缓存池中的用户的错误 .
By default the Report Server and Report Manager Virtual Directories will use a default Application Pool. My advice is to create either one Application Pool for both Virtual Directories or create two Application Pools, one for each Virtual Directory. This will become more apparent when I talk about IIS Security in the next article.
  默认情况下 , 报表服务器和报表管理器虚拟目录使用的是同一个应用程序缓存池 . 我的建议是要么为两个虚拟目录创建一个应用程序缓存池 , 要么为每个虚拟目录单独创建一个应用程序缓存池 . 这在我下一篇关于 IIS 安全的文章中更为明显 .
You can determine what Application Pool is used by a Virtual Directory by looking at the Properties of the Virtual Directory in IIS Manager. The Application Pool is on the Virtual Directory tab. You can also change it there as well.
可以通过 IIS 管理器来查看虚拟目录的属性来查看虚拟目录所使用的应用程序缓存池 应用程序缓存池在虚拟目录下 . 当然也可以修改 .
Sharepoint Integration Mode
Reporting Services can be integrated with Sharepoint and is known as Sharepoint Integration mode. Without Sharepoint the installation is known as Native Mode.
Sharepoint 集成模式
Sharepoint 集成模式 是报表服务和 Sharepint 集成 . 未集成 Sharepoint 的安装为本地模式 .
I will not be discussing Sharepoint Integration Mode however; if you do intend to install Sharepoint on the same machine as Reporting Services you will need to configure Sharepoint to exclude the Reporting Services Virtual Directories otherwise Reporting Services will not work. See Books Online for more information.
我将不会讨论 Sharepoint 集成模式 . 如果打算在在报表服务所在的机器安装 Sharepoint, 那么需要将 Sharepoint 配置为排斥在报表服务的虚拟目录之外 , 否则报表服务将不能运行 . 更多信息 , 请查看联机丛书 .
So now we have explained the IIS Environment, the next article will explain IIS Security.
到此为止 , 我们已经讨论了 IIS 环境 , 下一篇文章中将讨论 IIS 安全 .




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