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原创 一个简单的php LDAP认证脚本
php$ldapconfig[host] = localhost;$ldapconfig[port] = NULL;$ldapconfig[basedn] = dc=localhost,dc=com;$ldapconfig[authrealm] = My Realm;function ldap_authenticate() { global $ldapconf
2008-01-22 21:08:00 3923
原创 phpLdap的安装
1. 安装openldap2. 安装gettext软件,配置php的时候加上gettext的路径 ./configure --with-gettext[=DIR].3. 还需要添加ldap安装路径 ./configure --with-gettext[=DIR] --with-ldap[=DIR]
2008-01-22 16:14:00 797
原创 Python:use Freeze to compile executables for Unix systems.
How to UseCreate a Python program, "hello.py" function isnumbered(obj) { return obj.childNodes.length && obj.firstChild.childNodes.length && obj.firstChild.firstChild.className == LineNumbe
2007-12-13 10:42:00 477
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