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3.         CNBC

4.         Fox Business Network

5.         E

6.         ABC

7.         Al Jazeera America

8.         America's Radio News Network

9.         C Span

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12.     Fox News

13.     MSNBC

14.     NPR

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42.     Huffington Post Voces

43.     Rez Net

44.     Root

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46.     20 Minutos

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50.     Alter Net

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56.     Axcess News

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58.     Big News Network

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61.     Brief Synopsis

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64.     Buzzle

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66.     CNS News

67.     Congoo

68.     Daily Beast

69.     Daily Caller

70.     Daily Kos

71.     Daily Source

72.     Daily US News

73.     Daylife

74.     Drudge Report

75.     E Flux Media

76.     Eagle World News

77.     EIN News

78.     Excite

79.     Fark

80.     Five Thirty Eight

81.     Global Politician

82.     Google

83.     Google

84.     Hot Joints

85.     Huffington Post

86.     I Have Net

87.     Index Mundi

88.     Inquisitr

89.     Intercept

90.     Lexis Nexis

91.     Mashable

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97.     News

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123.  Raw Story

124.  Real Clear Politics

125.  Red State

126.  Salon

127.  Schwartz Report

128.  Slate

129.  Socratic News

130.  Speak Out

131.  Stateline

132.  Taegan Goddard's Political Wire

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140.  Truth Out

141.  Tweet Portal

142.  Unknown News

143.  Upworthy

144.  US Daily

145.  USA Focus

146.  USA. Headlines

147.  Views and Previews

148.  Vox

149.  Washington Independent

150.  World Net Daily

151.  World News

152.  World Tribune

153.  Yahoo

154.  Yale Global Online

155.  News Now

156.  Yahoo

157.  Armed Forces News Service

158.  C Net

159.  Tech Talk

160.  ZD Net

161.  Fansided

162.  Grantland

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164.  Sports News

165.  Barron's

166.  Business Week

167.  Forbes

168.  Fortune

169.  Money

170.  Smart Money

171.  Billboard

172.  Entertainment Weekly

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174.  Hollywood Weekly

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176.  People

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179.  Us

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181.  American Profile

182.  American Prospect

183.  American Spectator

184.  Atlantic Monthly

185.  Christian Science Monitor

186.  Contacto

187.  Harper's

188.  Hill

189.  Mother Jones

190.  Nation

191.  National Journal

192.  National Review

193.  New Republic

194.  New Yorker

195.  Parade

196.  Reason

197.  Roll Call

198.  Saturday Evening Post

199.  Time

200.  U.S. News and World Report

201.  USA Weekend

202.  Vanity Fair

203.  Week

204.  Weekly Standard

205.  Economist

206.  Red Herring

207.  Scientific American

208.  Wired

209.  Sports Illustrated

210.  Black Business Journal

211.  Investor's Business Daily

212.  Wall Street Journal

213.  Variety

214.  Bulgaria Sega

215.  Hoy

216.  Indian Country Today

217.  Native American Times

218.  News from Indian Country

219.  Polish American Journal

220.  Romanian Meridian

221.  Sing Tao

222.  World Journal

223.  World Journal

224.  American Free Press

225.  Examiner

226.  New York Times

227.  Politico

228.  USA Today

229.  Washington Post

230.  Onion

231.  National Catholic Register

232.  National Catholic Reporter

233.  Sporting News

234.  Business Wire

235.  Splash

236.  24 7 Press Release

237.  AP

238.  Creators Syndicate

239.  Dolan Media Newswires

240.  EIN Press Wire

241.  McClatchy

242.  PR Newswire

243.  Press Release 365

244.  Reuters

245.  Scripps Howard News Service

246.  Scripps News

247.  UPI

248.  Panapress

249.  Panapress

250.  Panapress

251.  Panapress

252.  World Jewish News Agency





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