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原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--123

123.What twostatements are true regarding the recommendations received from theSQL AccessAdvisor?访问顾问(Choosetwo.)A. It cannotgenerate recommendations that support multiple workload queries.B. ...

2017-08-02 15:55:19 314

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--122

122.Whichstatements are true regarding the concept of problems and incidents in thefault diagnosability infrastructure  forOracle Database 11g? (Choose all that apply.)对于Oracle数据库11g的故障诊断基础设施中的问题和

2017-08-02 15:53:17 326

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--121

121.Which three statements are true regarding the functioning of the Autotask BackgroundProcess (ABP)? (Choose three.)哪三个选项是正确的关于ABP的功能A. It creates jobs without considering the priorities ass

2017-08-02 15:51:15 461

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--116

116.Whichtwo are the uses of the ASM metadata backup and restore (AMBR) feature? (Choosetwo.)哪两个是ASM元数据备份和恢复(AMBR)特性的使用?A. It can beused to back up all data on ASM disks.B. It can beused to reco

2017-07-27 10:59:33 296

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--109

109.Whichstatement describes the effect of table redefinition on the triggers attachedto the table?声明中描述的影响表重新定义的触发器表吗?A. Alltriggers on the table are invalidated and are automatically revalidated w

2017-07-27 10:06:30 308

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--108

108.You aremanaging an Oracle Database 11g instance with ASM storage. You lost an ASM diskgroup DATA. You have RMAN backup of data as well as ASM metadata backup. Youwant to re-create the missing disk

2017-07-27 10:05:45 516

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--107

107.Whichcomponents are needed for successful and most efficient recovery.需要哪些组件来获得成功和最有效的恢复。A. The backupRB3 and the current online redo log files备份的RB3和当前的联机重做日志文件B. thebackup RB2 and the ar

2017-07-27 10:04:36 710

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--1

104.You aremanaging an Oracle Database 11g ASM instance having three disks in a disk groupwith ASM compatibility(兼容性) attribute set to 11.1.0 and redundancy (信息冗余)set to high. One of the disks in the

2017-07-27 10:02:39 277

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--65

65.An onlinetablespace, TEST_TBS, is full and you realize that no server-managed tablespacethreshold alerts were generated for the TEST_TBS tablespace. What could be thereason, if the TEST_TBS tablesp

2017-07-27 10:01:26 541

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--37

37.During the installation of Oracle Database 11g, you do not set ORACLE_BASE explicitly.You selected the option to create a database as part of the installation. How would this environment variab

2017-07-25 16:09:30 426

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--31

31.Which twostatements are correct about database transportation? (Choose two.)关于数据库传输,哪两种说法是正确的?(考的概率大,本人也遇到这题了)A. Thesource and target platforms must be the sameB. Redologs, control files an

2017-07-25 16:04:37 232

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--30

30.Which two statements are true with respect to the maintenance window? (Choose two.)对于维护窗口,哪两个陈述是正确的?A. A DBA canenable or disable an individual task in all maintenance windows.DBA可以启用或禁

2017-07-25 16:02:06 332

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--23

23.Which tasks can be accomplished using the DBMS_LOB. SETOPTIONS procedure?哪一个选项能完成使用DBMS_LOB. SETOPTIONS步骤A. onlyencryption and compression settings for all SecureFile LOBsB. onlyencryptio

2017-07-25 16:00:07 320

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711 ---19

19.A PL/SQLprocedure queries only those columns of a redefined table that wereunchanged by theonline table redefinition.What happens to the PL/SQL procedure after the online table redefinition?pl/

2017-07-21 11:25:26 369

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711 -- 18

18.Youcreate a new Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) task:instance_analysis_mode_task. 您将创建一个新的自动数据库诊断监视器(ADDM)任务:instance_analysis_mode_task. To view the ADDM report, you use the fol

2017-07-21 11:23:23 291

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--11

11.View theExhibit to examine the metrics with a threshold.带有阈值的度量。 Which statement is true regarding the Numberof Transactions (per second) metric?对于事务的数量(每秒)度量,哪一种说法是正确的?A.    Oracle uses st

2017-07-21 11:18:42 480

原创 ocp Oracle.1z0-053 711--1

1.Whiledeploying a new application module, the software vendor ships the applicationsoftware along with appropriate SQL plan baselines for the new SQLs beingintroduced. Which two statements describe t

2017-07-21 11:16:47 229

原创 ocp考试复习心得体会

历时一年,利用闲余时间,终于把ocp认证给过了,目前自己在创业,基本用不上这个证,不过考试过程是痛苦的,所以在这里分享一下心得体会网上有很多心得,051 052 不用多说,考起来很容易,051开卷考了,准备好文档,直接搜题要考虑时间,我是采用word文档关键字搜索,要注意选项有打乱,我错了两题052 用了一周时间,每天五十题,今天复习昨天的,直到都能顺利完成,考起来也...

2017-07-21 11:12:45 1588

转载 Spring MVC入门 —— 跟开涛学SpringMVC


2016-08-22 14:46:26 706

原创 系统优化学习记录

优化过程主要分为:系统整体调研 :和科室用户沟通慢的情况,系统最近变更情况,并收集数据。常规优化 : 调整数据库参数配置,添加索引,解决阻塞。再次调研:系统慢功能,慢语句。针对语句优化:写法不足,是否缺失索引,是否能加提示、计划向导等整体压力是否缓解:如果仍然压力很大找到瓶颈,是否可以解决?如果不能解决才考虑添加硬件或选用分离、分离等方案。  文章用用到的 Expert F

2016-08-16 14:10:52 210

原创 win,oracle8i登录oracle时显示协议适配器错误

今天遭遇ORA-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误的问题。上网查询无都是说要检查服务是不是开启了,检查过后,发现监听服务;database instance;注册表都是正常的,为啥会一直出现这样问题我的原先登入方式方法sqlplus /nologconn / as sysdba;然后显示协议适配器错误conn sys/change_on_install@ora8 as sysdba问题一样

2016-08-15 10:29:55 1381

原创 Oracle使用sqlplus和rman无法使用退格、上翻键乱码等问题的解决办法


2016-08-02 09:30:29 1586

原创 写一段json代码报错java.lang.NullPointerException

Exception occurred during processing request: nulljava.lang.NullPointerExceptionHttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();ArrayList expressColist=basicInformationServi

2016-05-18 09:43:19 1858

原创 ssh框架ajax获取后台list数据简单例子

一直很迷惘,ssh框架不知怎么从前台获取后台数据,折腾了两天,终于搞清楚了 特别是关于ajax中action路径的url搞了很久ajax 需要以下几个包,同时还需在webapp/web-inf/下建lib,在里面也放入下列包,不然会报找不到方法java代码@Actions({@Action(value="ExpressCo",results = {@Result(name

2016-05-17 15:56:56 10773

转载 使用 Spring 进行单元测试


2014-05-15 16:54:57 392

原创 几个网址


2013-11-04 15:59:01 590

原创 eclipse安装groovy(超快速安装)


2013-10-23 19:54:09 676

原创 一段使用了递归的代码

/** * 防止接口陷入死循环 * * @param externalInterfaceRelation * @return */ public boolean isRational(long externalInterfaceId,//主接口 long bindedExternalInterfaceId) {//被绑定接口 if (externalInterfa

2013-09-05 19:58:16 432

原创 tomcat 启动有报错,但是很快就自动关闭了,太快了看不到信息,解决方法

用tomcat,经常会遇到报错,但是又会自动关闭,很让人烦。以下有几招很好用第一,找日志文件D:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.28\logs。但有时很奇怪不会产生日志文件,可以考虑把文件全移出,再运行。第二,以上不行,就用cmd进入到D:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-5.5.28\bin。动行startup.bat,但是这样也

2013-09-05 09:08:04 1914


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