





Changes the configuration of a stream(修改流的配置)



The rebase command reconfigures a stream by adding, dropping, or replacing one or more of the stream's foundation baselines . The file and directory versions selected by those new baselines (and thus their associated activities) then become visible in the stream's views.


Only labeled baselines can serve as foundation baselines.

Any changes made in the stream before a rebase operation are preserved during the rebase. For any file modified in the stream, rebase merges any changes that are present in versions of that file in the new foundation baselines into the latest version of that file in the stream, thereby creating a new version. All such merged versions are captured in the change set of an integration activity that rebase creates. This integration activity becomes the view's current activity until the rebase operation is completed or canceled.




You must perform a rebase operation in a view belonging to the stream that is being rebased. Before starting the rebase operation, it is good practice to check in all files in that view. By default, the rebase operation stops when it encounters a checkout conflict. However, for a project or a stream enabled with the POLICY_REBASE_CO policy, and for single stream project, rebase skips the checked-out file and continue with other files.




If you want to recommend a baseline after rebasing to it, you must add it to the list of recommended baselines with chstream –recommended.

当你想在变基后推荐一个基线,你必须使用chstream –recommended添加基线到推荐基线列表

As a rule, you should rebase development streams often to pick up changes in the project's recommended baselines. By doing so, you can find integration problems early, when they are easier to fix. In addition, rebasing just before performing a deliver operation reduces or eliminates the need for manual merging during the delivery.




You cannot rebase when a deliver operation is in progress.


Rules for rebasing a stream(流中变基的规则)

A stream can be rebased to a baseline that meets any of the following criteria:



    * The baseline is not from the stream that is being rebased.
    * The baseline is labeled. Baselines created by deliver operations are not labeled by default. For information about how to change a baseline's labeling status, see the chbl reference page.




Additional rules apply to integration streams and development streams in selecting a baseline:


    * An integration stream can be rebased only to a baseline created in another project or to an imported or initial baseline of that project.

    * 一个集成流只能变基到 别的项目创建的一个基线,或者那个项目中一个导入或者初始化的基线

    * A development stream can be rebased to a baseline that meets one of the following criteria:
          o The baseline was created in its parent stream.
          o The baseline is in its parent stream's foundation.
          o The baseline is an ancestor of the development stream's parent foundation baseline and created on the same stream as the parent's foundation baseline.
          o The baseline was created in a stream other than its parent stream and is contained in its parent stream. A baseline is contained in another baseline if all changes in the first baseline are included in the second baseline.


          o 这个基线它父流创建的

          o 这个基线是它父流的基础

          o 这个基线是开发父流基础基线的祖先,并且在同样一个流上面被创建为父流的基础基线

          o 这个基线不一定是被他的父流创建,都是包括在他的父流里面。一个基线被另外一个基线包括。当第二个基线里面包括第一个基线里面所有变更。
      Note: Read-Only streams and nonmodifiable components in a development stream are exempt from the above rules. However, if the component's modifiability changes in the future, the development stream might not be able to modify the component at the baseline it is configured with. The development stream might be able to modify the component at the baseline it is configured with if the baseline is contained in its parent stream for this component. Otherwise, it may not until the baseline is rebased to a compatible baseline for that component.




Rebase is typically used to advance a stream's configuration, that is, to replace its current foundation baselines with more recent ones. However, under certain conditions, rebase can be used to revert a baseline, and to add or drop a component in a stream's configuration. It can also switch to a baseline that is neither an ancestor nor a descendant of the current foundation. The rules explained above are general rules for all rebase operations. You need to satisfy only the general rules when adding a component to a stream. When you advance, revert, drop, or switch a baseline, you need to satisfy the general rules and some additional ones.


    * To advance a stream's configuration, the new baseline must contain the current foundation baseline.

    * 提升一个流的配置,新基线必须包括当前的基础基线
    * To revert or drop a baseline for a component in a stream, one of the following conditions must be met:
          o The component is nonmodifiable.
          o The component is modifiable but has not been modified in the stream, and the component is not in the configuration of any child streams.

    * 恢复或者舍弃一个流中的一个组件的一个基线,必须满足下面的某一种情况


    * To switch to a baseline that is neither an ancestor nor a descendant of the current foundation, one of the following conditions must be met:
          o The component is nonmodifiable.
          o The component is modifiable but has not been modified in the stream, and the component is not in the configuration of any child streams.
          o The component has been modified but the new baseline contains the current foundation baseline, and the component is not in the configuration of any child streams.
    * 横向变基到不是当前基础基线的祖先或者后代。必须满足下面的某一种情况

          o 组件是非可编辑

          o 组件是可编辑,不过没有在流中编辑过,并且组件没有任何子流配置中

          o 组件被编辑过了,但是新的基线包括当前基础基线,并且组件没有任何子流配置中
These rules ensure that any changes made in a stream are not lost when the configuration changes.


In a rebase operation, automatic merging is the default behavior for elements,






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