Scala By Example: 类和对象 习题

1. 二叉树的 union 和 intersection

首先,作为山寨程序员,必要的补课是在所难免的:Binary Tree

很不幸的是,在看了 Wiki、Google 和算法导论后,我并没有看到一个非常权威的关于二叉树的 union / intersection 定义。所以,我做了小小的猜测,并实现对 Binary Tree 中所有元素的 union / intersection。当然,很快,我就有了新的想法。

   1: trait IntSet {
   2:     def incl(x: Int): IntSet
   3:     def contains(x: Int): Boolean
   4:     def union(that: IntSet): List[Int] = that.toList -- toList ++ toList
   5:     def intersection(that: IntSet): List[Int] =
   6:         toList -- (toList -- that.toList)
   7:     def isEmpty = this == EmptySet
   8:     def toList: List[Int]
   9: }
  11: object EmptySet extends IntSet {
  12:     def contains(x: Int) = false
  13:     def incl(x: Int): IntSet = new NonEmptySet(x, this, this)
  14:     def toList: List[Int] = List()
  15: }
  17: class NonEmptySet(elem: Int, left: IntSet, right: IntSet) extends IntSet {
  18:     def contains(x: Int) =
  19:         if(x < elem) left contains x
  20:         else if(x > elem) right contains x
  21:         else true
  22:     def incl(x: Int): IntSet =
  23:         if(x < elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left incl x, right)
  24:         else if(x > elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left, right incl x)
  25:         else this
  26:     def toList: List[Int] =
  27:         (List(elem) ++ left.toList ++ right.toList).distinct
  28: }

在这里,我提前实现了 isEmpty。但是出于少打两个字的目的,代码中隐隐有些味道。首先,isEmpty 的实现直接放在 trait 中,这很好,但是这个实现依赖到了 EmptySet 的实现,也就是说,两者间产生了双向的耦合。其次,我用到了 List 的 -- / ++方法,而这两个方法都已经不推荐使用了,更好的方法是 list1 filterNot (list2 contains)。但不光光是这些味道,在写下 excl 方法的同时,我忽然意识到,其实在这个二叉树实现中,由于 incl 方法对 x 的大小进行了判断,所以左树和右数是有顺序的,从而 union 和 intersection 是有着另外的非常明显的含义的。不过,这些还是放着和 excl 一起实现吧。

2. 实现 excl(x: Int) 来排除某个元素(顺便实现 isEmpty)

习题 1,2 答案

   1: trait IntSet {
   2:     def incl(x: Int): IntSet
   3:     def excl(x: Int): IntSet
   4:     def contains(x: Int): Boolean
   5:     def union(that: IntSet): IntSet
   6:     def intersection(that: IntSet): IntSet
   7:     def isEmpty: Boolean
   8: }
  10: object EmptySet extends IntSet {
  11:     def contains(x: Int) = false
  12:     def incl(x: Int): IntSet = new NonEmptySet(x, EmptySet, EmptySet)
  13:     def excl(x: Int): IntSet = EmptySet
  14:     def isEmpty = true
  15:     def union(that: IntSet) = that
  16:     def intersection(that: IntSet): IntSet = EmptySet
  17:     override def toString = "E"
  18: }
  20: class NonEmptySet(elem: Int, left: IntSet, right: IntSet) extends IntSet {
  21:     def contains(x: Int) =
  22:         if(x < elem) left contains x
  23:         else if(x > elem) right contains x
  24:         else true
  25:     def incl(x: Int): IntSet =
  26:         if(x < elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left incl x, right)
  27:         else if(x > elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left, right incl x)
  28:         else this
  29:     def isEmpty = false
  30:     def excl(x: Int): IntSet =
  31:         if(x < elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left excl x, right)
  32:         else if(x > elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left, right excl x)
  33:         else left union right
  34:     def union(that: IntSet): IntSet =
  35:         if(that.isEmpty) this
  36:         else left union right union that.incl(elem)
  37:     def intersection(that: IntSet): IntSet =
  38:         if(that.isEmpty) EmptySet  else {
  39:             val s = left union right intersection that
  40:             if(that contains elem) s.incl(elem) else s
  41:         }
  42:     override def toString = "" + elem + "[" + left + ", " + right + "]"
  43: }
  45: val s1 = EmptySet incl 2 incl 12 incl 3 incl 4 incl 9
  46: val s2 = EmptySet incl 12 incl 4 incl 15 incl 2 incl 33
  48: println(s1 union s2)
  49: println(s1 intersection s2)

在新的实现中,我多打了N个字,消除了设计中的耦合,同时 union 和 intersection 也变成返回新的 IntSet 的方法。

3. 实现 Integer

先前实现了自然数 Nat,那么只需要加上符号支持,那么自然数就可以扩展为整数

   1: class Integer(abs: Nat, sign: Boolean) {
   2:     def isZero = abs.isZero
   3:     def isPositive = if(isZero) false else sign
   4:     def predecessor =
   5:         if(isPositive) new Integer(abs.predecessor, isPositive)
   6:         else new Integer(abs.successor, isPositive)
   7:     def successor =
   8:         if(isPositive || isZero) new Integer(abs.successor, true)
   9:         else new Integer(abs.predecessor, false)
  10:     def + (that: Integer): Integer =
  11:         if(that.isZero) this
  12:         else if(that.isPositive) successor + that.predecessor
  13:         else predecessor + that.successor
  14:     def - (that: Integer): Integer = this + (that.negate)
  15:     def negate = new Integer(abs, !isPositive)
  16:     def p {
  17:         if(isZero) println("")
  18:         else if(isPositive) {
  19:             print("#")
  20:             predecessor.p
  21:         } else {
  22:             print("-")
  23:             negate.p
  24:         }
  25:     }
  26: }

PS. 新浪围脖被老妈关注了,从此不能畅所欲言哭泣的脸

PS II. 学习数据结构很重要,做程序员不能山寨到底。

Technorati 标签: Scala
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