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原创 strcpy, strncpy and strlcpy
===============================================================char buffer1[10]="12345678";char *pt = "hello1234567abcdefghijkABCDEFGHIJK!!!";strlen(buffer1) is 8strlen(length) is 37==============
2008-09-12 23:44:00 848
原创 UL格式
~0UL>>1 creates a bit mask (32 bit machine example) where the high order bit is clear and all the rest of the bits are set:Code:01111111111111111111111111111111 Source code: printf ("0UL=[%
2008-06-10 18:34:00 867
转载 C++ FAQ list
A good C++ FAQ list.http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/index.html
2008-06-10 18:34:00 363
原创 class 的 new 和 delete 操作
针对类的成员变量,new/delete操作,constructor和destructor的调用顺序,在Linux下写了几个测试程序:src file 1: AB.h #include iostream>using namespace std;class A{ public: A() { cout " Class A is newed "; } ~A() {
2008-02-19 21:25:00 1419
原创 为什么在XP下chm格式帮助文档显示“无法显示网页”
为什么在XP下chm格式帮助文档显示“无法显示网页”?问题原因是由于操作系统安装微软安全更新后,出现对某些基于web的程序无法正常运行,HTML帮助中的目录不再起作用造成,需要通过修改注册表解决。把下面的代码存成reg文件,导入到注册表(记得先备份哦)==========================================Windows Registry Editor Ve
2008-02-18 21:40:00 5452
原创 类的成员变量实例化之一
[AB.h]#include iostream.h>class A{ public: A() { cout " Class A is newed "; }};class B{ public: B() { cout " Class B is newed "; } A a;}; [AB.cc]#include "AB.h"int main(){
2007-12-19 20:30:00 942
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