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原创 Lazy Initialization and the DAO pattern with Hibernate and Spring (3)
<br />Being Lazy in your Unit Tests <br /><br />Last but not least, we'll need the ability to test our lazy application from J-Unit. This is easily done by overriding the setUp and tearDown methods of the TestCase class. I prefer to keep this code in a con
2010-11-06 17:16:00 360
转载 Lazy Initialization and the DAO pattern with Hibernate and Spring (2)
<br />Being Lazy in the Business Layer <br /><br />Even outside the view, the Spring Framework makes it easy to use lazy load initialization, through the AOP interceptor HibernateInterceptor. The hibernate interceptor transparently intercepts calls to any
2010-11-06 17:14:00 338
转载 Lazy Initialization and the DAO pattern with Hibernate and Spring(1)
Hibernate and Lazy Initialization Hibernate object relational mapping offers both lazy and non-lazy modes of object initialization. Non-lazy initialization retrieves an object and all of its related objects at load time. This can result in hundreds if not
2010-11-06 17:09:00 324
原创 hibernate3-maven-plugin 使用 spring applicationContext.xml中的sessionFactory配置(2)
上面碰到的问题,我只能在网上找答案,我完全照抄了这个链接的文章来试我的项目http://mactruecolor.blogspot.com/2009/10/hibernate3-maven-pluginspring.html不过这个链接经常访问不了,可能是被墙了吧。我还参考了: http://techkriti.wordpress.com/2007/06/28/maven2-hibernate-plugin-and-spring/ 里面提到的maven和plexus 的关系,对理解这个改造过程很有用我把这个
2010-08-15 12:12:00 1171
原创 hibernate3-maven-plugin 使用 spring applicationContext.xml中的sessionFactory配置(1)
如何让 hibernate3-maven-plugin 直接使用 appliactionContext.xml里面的sessionFactory的属性设置
2010-08-15 11:30:00 2348
原创 windows dfs 与旧脱机文件冲突造成重定向失败
<br />原来的windows 域采用组策略重定向 "我的文档"到单台服务器.<br />最近修改组策略,重定向到 DFS, ...<br /> <br />那些拥有旧组策略的机器会出现错误事件,编号是106,内容类似于: 重定向文件夹失败...源文件夹<......> 目标文件夹<....>...上述两个共享至少有一个处于脱机状态.<br /> <br />查了google很久....在英文结果里面有几句...当机器含有两个脱机共享文件夹时会有上述错误。<br /> <br />将出现错误的机器关闭脱
2010-08-15 10:30:00 688
原创 windows xp 文件夹重定向到 DFS后的Error Event ID 106
原来的windows 域采用组策略重定向 "我的文档"到单台服务器.最近修改组策略,重定向到 DFS, ... 那些拥有旧组策略的机器会出现错误事件,编号是106,内容类似于: 重定向文件夹失败...源文件夹 目标文件夹...上述两个共享至少有一个处于脱机状态. 查了google很久....在英文结果里面有几句...当机器含有两个脱机共享文件夹时会有上述错误。 将出现
2010-04-14 10:21:00 575
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