
MCU Security

Allow opt bytes device selection

“allow opt. bytes” 设备选择仅适用于STM32F1系列设备。对于以后的设备,选项字节的内存映射编程是不可行的,因为对于某些系列设备,选项字节立即生效,这将导致在选项字节编程可以被验证之前,立即会失去与设备的连接(在启用读保护的情况下)。

STM32系列设备提供选项字节,允许对设备进行 “permanent” 配置和读保护。为了启用或禁用读保护,必须对STM32 MCU的特殊功能寄存器执行一系列多次读/写访问。对于STM32设备系列的每个子系列而言,这一系列的访问指令是不一样的,并在设备的相应参考手册中进行了描述。下面提供了启用或禁用STM32设备读保护的 J-Link commander 文件和 J-Flash 工程示例列表。请注意,所提供的文件是一个概念性的示例/证明。用户可以更改它们以适应其特定的用例,例如使用较小的超时时间、编程其他值等。


Disabling readout protection

J-Link Commander and J-Flash

J-Link Commander 和 J-Flash 会自动检测具有"安全性"的STM32设备,并询问用户是否应该解锁。有关这方面的更多信息,请点击此处:Secured_ST_device_detected

Flasher standalone mode

为了在独立模式下解锁STM32设备,需要在 J-Flash 工程的 init 步骤中配置解锁序列指令(见下表中的示例)。

Restoring factory defaults

独立软件工具 STM32 Unlock 可用于将STM32设备的 Option Bytes 重置为出厂默认设置。STM32 Unlock 是 J-Link software & documentation pack 的一部分。

Enabling readout protection

所有提供的 J-Link Commander 命令文件和 J-Flash 工程都将读保护设置为 level 1 (ROP == Level 1) 。为了设置 ROP Level 2,需要将值 “0xBB” 更改为 “0xCC” ,如 J-Flash 工程的命令文件 / Exit 步骤所示。请注意,ROP Level 2 是永久性的,SEGGER和ST都无法恢复。

Device Table

STM32 series overview
Sub-Family Core J-Link Commander and J-Flash:
native Unlock support
J-Link Commander:
Lock via command file
STM32 Unlock tool support J-Flash:
Unlock project
native lock support
Lock project
ST STM32C0 Cortex-M0 STM32C0_Lock.jlink STM32C0_Unlock.jflash STM32C0_Lock.jflash
ST STM32F0 Cortex-M0 STM32F0_Lock.jlink STM32F0_Unlock.jflash STM32F0_Lock.jflash
ST STM32F1 Cortex-M3 STM32F1_Lock.jlink STM32F1_Unlock.jflash STM32F1_Lock.jflash
ST STM32F2 Cortex-M3 STM32F2_Lock.jlink STM32F2_Unlock.jflash STM32F2_Lock.jflash
ST STM32F3 Cortex-M4 STM32F3_Lock.jlink STM32F3_Unlock.jflash STM32F3_Lock.jflash
ST STM32F4 Cortex-M4 STM32F4_Lock.jlink STM32F4_Unlock.jflash STM32F4_Lock.jflash
ST STM32F7 Cortex-M7 STM32F7_Lock.jlink STM32F7_Unlock.jflash STM32F7_Lock.jflash
ST STM32G0 Cortex-M0+ STM32G0_Lock.jlink STM32G0_Unlock.jflash STM32G0_Lock.jflash
ST STM32G4 Cortex-M4 STM32G4_Lock.jlink STM32G4_Unlock.jflash STM32G4_Lock.jflash
ST STM32H7 Cortex-M7 STM32H7_Lock.jlink STM32H7_Unlock.jflash STM32H7_Lock.jflash
ST STM32L0 Cortex-M0 STM32L0_Lock.jlink STM32L0_Unlock.jflash STM32L0_Lock.jflash
ST STM32L1 Cortex-M3 STM32L1_Lock.jlink STM32L1_Unlock.jflash STM32L1_Lock.jflash
ST STM32L4 Cortex-M4 STM32L4_Lock.jlink STM32L4_Unlock.jflash STM32L4_Lock.jflash
ST STM32L5 Cortex-M33 STM32L5_Lock.jlink STM32L5_Unlock.jflash STM32L5_Lock.jflash
ST STM32U5 Cortex-M33 STM32U5_Lock.jlink STM32U5_Unlock.jflash STM32U5_Lock.jflash
ST STM32WB Cortex-M4 STM32WB_Lock.jlink STM32WB_Unlock.jflash STM32WB_Lock.jflash
ST STM32WL Cortex-M4 STM32WL_Lock.jlink STM32WL_Unlock.jflash STM32WL_Lock.jflash
=============== =========== ================================ ======================= ========================== ===================
  1. 有关 J-Flash 中原生支持的更多信息,以及为什么不再为新设备实现原生支持,请参阅本文:MCU_Security_Options


  • 如果设置了读保护并且调试器仍通过JTAG/SWD连接,则一些STM32设备需要上电复位。
  • 所有命令文件和J-Flash工程都选择了特定的MCU。仅为了通过 J-Link commander 锁定设备,则无需更改设备名称。
    但是,在使用 J-Flash 或在 J-Link commander 中进行任何 flash 烧写时,必须将设备名称更改为实际使用的设备。
  • 请注意,通过J-Link命令文件来设置设备的"安全性"是受到 “返回值解释”,“if / else 分支”等的限制的。这是行不通的。因此,只能使用J-Flash或J-Link SDK进行设备的生产烧写和安全性设置。
  • 在任何情况下,用户都有责任在"烧录器"离开"生产设施"之前验证所需的读保护是否有效。
  • 上表中提供的文件也可以用于更改所有其他用户选项字节,因为解锁和烧写它们的一般过程是相同的。

Option bytes

大多数STM32设备都带有选项字节,可以对其进行修改以影响设备行为,例如设置安全性(请参阅 MCU Security)。

  • J-Link支持大多数STM32设备的直接地,内存映射选项字节编程。请注意,通常情况下,所有选项字节都必须一次性写入。
  • 可以使用 STM32 Utility 将选项字节重置为出厂默认值(除非设备的安全性不允许恢复MCU)。

使用 J-Link Commander 来操作选项字节

以下示例用于擦除选项字节,也就是将读保护设为 level 1 ,其它的均为出厂默认值。

device stm32f070rb
if 1
speed 1000
sleep 100
w4 0x40022004 0x45670123 // Unlock Flash registers
w4 0x40022004 0xCDEF89AB
w4 0x40022008 0x45670123 // Unlock Option Bytes
w4 0x40022008 0xCDEF89AB
w4 0x40022010 0x00000220 // Set Write and Erase bit to prepare Option Byte erase
w4 0x40022010 0x00000260 // Trigger operation (Option Byte erase)
sleep 1500               // It is not possible to check the Status register in a commander file, therefore we 
sleep 1500               // just wait here a fixed amount of time
w4 0x40022010 0x00000020 // Reset Write bit
w4 0x40022010 0x00000000 // Reset Erase bit
w4 0x40022010 0x00000080 // Set Flash lock. This step and two previous steps cannot be combined.
sleep 1                  // We do not actually write the ROP/nROP bytes, because erased (0xFF) state already sets ROP to Level 1
sleep 1500               // It is not possible to check the Status register in a commander file, therefore we 
sleep 1500               // just wait here a fixed amount of time
w4 0x40022010 0x00002210 // Trigger Option Byte Loader
sleep 1500               // It is not possible to check the Status register in a commander file, therefore we 
sleep 1500               // just wait here a fixed amount of time

使用 J-Flash 操作选项字节

以下示例用于擦除选项字节,也就是将读保护设为 level 1 ,其它的均为出厂默认值。别看这个文件很长,您只需要关注其中的ExitStep ,也就是J-Flash 的退出步骤。

  AppVersion = 61203
  FileVersion = 2
  ConnectMode = 0
  CurrentFile = ""
  DataFileSAddr = 0x00000000
  GUIMode = 0
  HostName = ""
  TargetIF = 1
  USBPort = 0
  USBSerialNo = 0x00000000
  IRLen = 0
  MultipleTargets = 0
  NumDevices = 0
  Speed0 = 4000
  Speed1 = 4000
  TAP_Number = 0
  UseAdaptive0 = 0
  UseAdaptive1 = 0
  UseMaxSpeed0 = 0
  UseMaxSpeed1 = 0
  NumInitSteps = 1
  InitStep0_Action = "Reset"
  InitStep0_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep0_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep0_Comment = "Reset and halt target"
  NumExitSteps = 23
  ExitStep0_Action = "Read 32bit"
  ExitStep0_Value0 = 0x4002201C
  ExitStep0_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep0_Comment = ""
  ExitStep1_Action = "Var AND"
  ExitStep1_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep1_Value1 = 0x00000002
  ExitStep1_Comment = ""
  ExitStep2_Action = "Var BNE"
  ExitStep2_Value0 = 0x00000014
  ExitStep2_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep2_Comment = "Flash already secured, lock not necessary"
  ExitStep3_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep3_Value0 = 0x40022004
  ExitStep3_Value1 = 0x45670123
  ExitStep3_Comment = "Unlock Flash registers"
  ExitStep4_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep4_Value0 = 0x40022004
  ExitStep4_Value1 = 0xCDEF89AB
  ExitStep4_Comment = ""
  ExitStep5_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep5_Value0 = 0x40022008
  ExitStep5_Value1 = 0x45670123
  ExitStep5_Comment = "Unlock Option Bytes"
  ExitStep6_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep6_Value0 = 0x40022008
  ExitStep6_Value1 = 0xCDEF89AB
  ExitStep6_Comment = ""
  ExitStep7_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep7_Value0 = 0x40022010
  ExitStep7_Value1 = 0x00000220
  ExitStep7_Comment = "Set Write and Erase bit to prepare Option Byte erase"
  ExitStep8_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep8_Value0 = 0x40022010
  ExitStep8_Value1 = 0x00000260
  ExitStep8_Comment = "Trigger operation (Option Byte erase)"
  ExitStep9_Action = "Delay"
  ExitStep9_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep9_Value1 = 0x00000005
  ExitStep9_Comment = ""
  ExitStep10_Action = "Read 32bit"
  ExitStep10_Value0 = 0x4002200C
  ExitStep10_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep10_Comment = ""
  ExitStep11_Action = "Var AND"
  ExitStep11_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep11_Value1 = 0x00000001
  ExitStep11_Comment = ""
  ExitStep12_Action = "Var BNE"
  ExitStep12_Value0 = 0x00000009
  ExitStep12_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep12_Comment = "Wait for busy bit to clear"
  ExitStep13_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep13_Value0 = 0x40022010
  ExitStep13_Value1 = 0x00000020
  ExitStep13_Comment = "Reset Write bit"
  ExitStep14_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep14_Value0 = 0x40022010
  ExitStep14_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep14_Comment = "Reset Erase bit"
  ExitStep15_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep15_Value0 = 0x40022010
  ExitStep15_Value1 = 0x00000080
  ExitStep15_Comment = "Set Flash lock. This step and the two previous steps cannot be combined."
  ExitStep16_Action = "Delay"
  ExitStep16_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep16_Value1 = 0x00000005
  ExitStep16_Comment = ""
  ExitStep17_Action = "Read 32bit"
  ExitStep17_Value0 = 0x4002200C
  ExitStep17_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep17_Comment = ""
  ExitStep18_Action = "Var AND"
  ExitStep18_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep18_Value1 = 0x00000001
  ExitStep18_Comment = ""
  ExitStep19_Action = "Var BNE"
  ExitStep19_Value0 = 0x00000010
  ExitStep19_Value1 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep19_Comment = "Wait for busy bit to clear"
  ExitStep20_Action = "Write 32bit"
  ExitStep20_Value0 = 0x40022010
  ExitStep20_Value1 = 0x00002210
  ExitStep20_Comment = ""
  ExitStep21_Action = "Delay"
  ExitStep21_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep21_Value1 = 0x000007D0
  ExitStep21_Comment = "Cannot read memory in order to check the busy bit, therefore fixed wait."
  ExitStep22_Action = "Reset"
  ExitStep22_Value0 = 0x00000000
  ExitStep22_Value1 = 0x00000064
  ExitStep22_Comment = ""
  UseScriptFile = 0
  ScriptFile = ""
  UseRAM = 1
  RAMAddr = 0x20000000
  RAMSize = 0x00004000
  CheckCoreID = 1
  CoreID = 0x0BB11477
  CoreIDMask = 0x0F000FFF
  UseAutoSpeed = 0x00000001
  ClockSpeed = 0x00000000
  EndianMode = 0
  ChipName = "ST STM32F070RB"
  aRangeSel[1] = 0-63
  BankName = "Internal flash"
  BankSelMode = 1
  BaseAddr = 0x08000000
  NumBanks = 1
  AutoPerformsErase = 1
  AutoPerformsProgram = 1
  AutoPerformsSecure = 0
  AutoPerformsStartApp = 0
  AutoPerformsUnsecure = 0
  AutoPerformsVerify = 1
  EnableTargetPower = 0
  EraseType = 2
  MonitorVTref = 0
  MonitorVTrefMax = 0x0000157C
  MonitorVTrefMin = 0x000003E8
  OverrideTimeouts = 0
  ProgramSN = 0
  SerialFile = ""
  SNAddr = 0x00000000
  SNInc = 0x00000001
  SNLen = 0x00000004
  SNListFile = ""
  SNValue = 0x00000001
  StartAppType = 0
  TargetPowerDelay = 0x00000014
  TimeoutErase = 0x00003A98
  TimeoutProgram = 0x00002710
  TimeoutVerify = 0x00002710
  VerifyType = 1

以下示例用于解除读保护,也就是将读保护设为 level 0 ,其它的均为出厂默认值。别看这个文件很长,您只需要关注其中的ExitStep ,也就是J-Flash 的退出步骤。

  AppVersion = 61203
  FileVersion = 2
  ConnectMode = 0
  CurrentFile = ""
  DataFileSAddr = 0x00000000
  GUIMode = 0
  HostName = ""
  TargetIF = 1
  USBPort = 0
  USBSerialNo = 0x00000000
  IRLen = 0
  MultipleTargets = 0
  NumDevices = 0
  Speed0 = 4000
  Speed1 = 4000
  TAP_Number = 0
  UseAdaptive0 = 0
  UseAdaptive1 = 0
  UseMaxSpeed0 = 0
  UseMaxSpeed1 = 0
  NumInitSteps = 22
  InitStep0_Action = "Read 32bit"
  InitStep0_Value0 = 0x4002201C
  InitStep0_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep0_Comment = ""
  InitStep1_Action = "Var AND"
  InitStep1_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep1_Value1 = 0x00000002
  InitStep1_Comment = ""
  InitStep2_Action = "Var BEQ"
  InitStep2_Value0 = 0x00000018
  InitStep2_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep2_Comment = "Flash not secured, unlock not necessary"
  InitStep3_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep3_Value0 = 0x40022004
  InitStep3_Value1 = 0x45670123
  InitStep3_Comment = "Unlock Flash registers"
  InitStep4_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep4_Value0 = 0x40022004
  InitStep4_Value1 = 0xCDEF89AB
  InitStep4_Comment = ""
  InitStep5_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep5_Value0 = 0x40022008
  InitStep5_Value1 = 0x45670123
  InitStep5_Comment = "Unlock Option Bytes"
  InitStep6_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep6_Value0 = 0x40022008
  InitStep6_Value1 = 0xCDEF89AB
  InitStep6_Comment = ""
  InitStep7_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep7_Value0 = 0x40022010
  InitStep7_Value1 = 0x00000220
  InitStep7_Comment = "Set Write and Erase bit to prepare Option Byte erase"
  InitStep8_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep8_Value0 = 0x40022010
  InitStep8_Value1 = 0x00000260
  InitStep8_Comment = "Trigger operation (Option Byte erase)"
  InitStep9_Action = "Delay"
  InitStep9_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep9_Value1 = 0x00000005
  InitStep9_Comment = ""
  InitStep10_Action = "Read 32bit"
  InitStep10_Value0 = 0x4002200C
  InitStep10_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep10_Comment = ""
  InitStep11_Action = "Var AND"
  InitStep11_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep11_Value1 = 0x00000001
  InitStep11_Comment = ""
  InitStep12_Action = "Var BNE"
  InitStep12_Value0 = 0x00000009
  InitStep12_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep12_Comment = "Wait for busy bit to clear"
  InitStep13_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep13_Value0 = 0x40022010
  InitStep13_Value1 = 0x00000210
  InitStep13_Comment = "Set Write and Programming bit to prepare Option Byte programming"
  InitStep14_Action = "Write 16bit"
  InitStep14_Value0 = 0x1FFFF800
  InitStep14_Value1 = 0x000055AA
  InitStep14_Comment = "55AA = ROP Level 0."
  InitStep15_Action = "Delay"
  InitStep15_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep15_Value1 = 0x00000005
  InitStep15_Comment = ""
  InitStep16_Action = "Read 32bit"
  InitStep16_Value0 = 0x4002200C
  InitStep16_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep16_Comment = ""
  InitStep17_Action = "Var AND"
  InitStep17_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep17_Value1 = 0x00000001
  InitStep17_Comment = ""
  InitStep18_Action = "Var BNE"
  InitStep18_Value0 = 0x0000000F
  InitStep18_Value1 = 0x00000000
  InitStep18_Comment = "Wait for busy bit to clear"
  InitStep19_Action = "Write 32bit"
  InitStep19_Value0 = 0x40022010
  InitStep19_Value1 = 0x00002210
  InitStep19_Comment = "Trigger the Option Byte Loader"
  InitStep20_Action = "Delay"
  InitStep20_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep20_Value1 = 0x000007D0
  InitStep20_Comment = "Memory cannot be read, therefore we wait a fixed amount of time here"
  InitStep21_Action = "Reset"
  InitStep21_Value0 = 0x00000000
  InitStep21_Value1 = 0x00000064
  InitStep21_Comment = ""
  NumExitSteps = 0
  UseScriptFile = 0
  ScriptFile = ""
  UseRAM = 1
  RAMAddr = 0x20000000
  RAMSize = 0x00004000
  CheckCoreID = 1
  CoreID = 0x0BB11477
  CoreIDMask = 0x0F000FFF
  UseAutoSpeed = 0x00000001
  ClockSpeed = 0x00000000
  EndianMode = 0
  ChipName = "ST STM32F070RB"
  aRangeSel[1] = 0-63
  BankName = "Internal flash"
  BankSelMode = 1
  BaseAddr = 0x08000000
  NumBanks = 1
  AutoPerformsErase = 1
  AutoPerformsProgram = 1
  AutoPerformsSecure = 0
  AutoPerformsStartApp = 0
  AutoPerformsUnsecure = 0
  AutoPerformsVerify = 1
  EnableTargetPower = 0
  EraseType = 2
  MonitorVTref = 0
  MonitorVTrefMax = 0x0000157C
  MonitorVTrefMin = 0x000003E8
  OverrideTimeouts = 0
  ProgramSN = 0
  SerialFile = ""
  SNAddr = 0x00000000
  SNInc = 0x00000001
  SNLen = 0x00000004
  SNListFile = ""
  SNValue = 0x00000001
  StartAppType = 0
  TargetPowerDelay = 0x00000014
  TimeoutErase = 0x00003A98
  TimeoutProgram = 0x00002710
  TimeoutVerify = 0x00002710
  VerifyType = 1


J-Flash 支持对STM32设备的选项字节进行编程。为了对选项字节进行编程,只需在 CPU settings 选项卡中选择允许选项字节编程的适当设备(例如 STM32F103ZE (allow opt. bytes) )。J-Flash将允许对地址为 0x06000000 的虚拟16字节扇区进行编程,该扇区表示8个选项字节及其补码。您不必关心选项字节补码,因为它们是自动计算的。下表描述了选项字节扇区的结构:

0x06000000complementOption byte 1complementOption byte 0
0x06000004complementOption byte 3complementOption byte 2
0x06000008complementOption byte 5complementOption byte 4
0x0600000CcomplementOption byte 7complementOption byte 6


  • 在 option byte 0 内写入 0xFF 值将对STM32进行读保护。为了使设备不受保护,您必须将 key 值0xA5写入 option byte 0 。
  • 地址 0x06000000 仅为虚拟地址。选项字节最初位于地址 0x1FFFF800 处。从 0x06000000 到 0x1FFFF800 的重新映射由J-Flash自动完成。

要用值 0xAA 和 0xBB 对 option bytes 2 和 3 进行编程,但不保护设备,您的选项字节扇区(地址0x06000000)应如下所示:


有关每个选项字节的详细说明,请参阅ST编程手册 PM0042 ,“Option byte description” 一节。

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  • 1
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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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