











# This is an example of adding colors with color codes. Add colors you wish in '' and make sure to make ```artFile = ```  in  to use 

mainArt = \
®❤                                 ★                          ❤         ❤                                ❤                          ❤          *
®             *                                    ®   ❤                                  ✺                                          
            ④   _..._  ,s$$$s.                                                                                    ⑤     _..._  ,s$$$s.
           ④ .$$$$$$$s$$ss$$$$,     ®                   ❤                     ❤                                   ⑤   .$$$$$$$s$$ss$$$$,
           ④ $$$sss$$$$s$$$$$$$                                                                                  ⑤   $$$sss$$$$s$$$$$$$
           ④ $$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                                   (             )                                ⑤   $$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
®  ❤        ④ '$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$'     ®  ❣                   )      (⑨*⑩)           (⑨*⑩)      (                        ⑤   '$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$'
           ④  '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'                           (⑨*⑩)      |             |      (⑨*⑩)        ®❣              ⑤    '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
           ④    S$$$$$$$$$$$'                             |      ⑤|~|           ④|~|      ②|                        ⑤      S$$$$$$$$$$$'
 ®❤         ④     '$$$$$$$$$'                             ③|~|     ⑤| |           ④| |     ⑥|~|                       ⑤       '$$$$$$$$$'      ®    *
           ④       '$$$$$'     ®   ★           ✺          ③| |     ⑤| |           ④| |     ⑥| |           ®❤           ⑤         '$$$$$'
           ④        '$$$'                               ⑧,③| |⑧a@@@@⑤| |⑧@@@@@@@@@@@④| |⑧@@@@a⑥| |⑧.                      ⑤          '$$$'
           ④          ;                            ⑧.,a@@@③| |⑧@@@@@⑤| |⑧@@@@@@@@@@@④| |⑧@@@@@⑥| |⑧@@@@a,.                        ⑤    ;
   ®❤       ④         ;                           ⑧,a@@@@@@③| |⑧@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@⑥| |⑧@@@@@@@a,       ® ❤             ⑤   ;  
           ④        ;                          ⑧a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' ⑦.⑧ `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a                      ⑤  ; 
           ④        ',      ®    ★              ⑧;`@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'   ⑦.⑧   `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@';                      ⑤  ', 
           ④         ;                         ⑧;@@@`@@@@@@@@@@@@@'     ⑦.⑧     `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'@@@;       ®   ★           ⑤   ;
           ④   ❤    ,'                         ⑧;@@@;,.aaaaaaaaaa       ⑦.⑧       aaaaa,,aaaaaaa,;@@@;                      ⑤  ,' 
           ④        ;                          ⑧;;@;;;;@@@@@@@@;@      ⑦@.@⑧      ;@@@;;;②@@@@@@⑧;;;;@@;                      ⑤  ;    ®        ❤
           ④        ',                         ⑧;;;;;;;⑤@@@@⑧;@@;;@    ⑦@@ . @@⑧    ;;@;;;;@@;@@@;;;;;;;                      ⑤  ', 
           ④         ',                        ⑧;;;;;;;;@@;;;;;;;  ⑦@@   ⑦.   @@⑧  ;;;;;;;;;;;@@;;;;@;;                      ⑤   ', 
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           ④         '                     ⑦,%%%⑧;;;;;;;;@;;;;;;;;       ⑦.       ⑧;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@;;⑦%%%,                  ⑤    ' 
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                        ⑧|  |  | /    ||    \|    \|  |  |    |    \ |    ||    \|      ||  |  ||   \   /    ||  |  |
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                        ⑧|  |  ||  |  ||  |  |  |  |     |    |     | |  | |  .  \ |  |  |  |  ||     ||  |  ||     |
    ❣                   ⑧|__|__||__|__||__|  |__|  |____/     |_____||____||__|\_| |__|  |__|__||_____||__|__||____/    ®       * 

                ④                __,,,__              ⑧   ____    ____  ___ ___    ___      ④           __,,,__ 
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    ❤          ④        {, /  ,_       _,  \ ,}                                            ④  {, /  ,_       _,  \ ,}
                ④        \ {,    \     /    ,} /                                            ④  \ {,    \     /    ,} /    ®       ❤
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            ②        _.-""""""-._     _.-""""""-._                                   ②     _.-""""""-._     _.-""""""-._
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 ®✺          ④     _②/④_                          ②      \                          ④       _②/④_                      ②          \\    ®  ★
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        ④     |        /                           ②    |                        ④   |       /                          ②      |
        ④     \\ ;'---'    ⑦       gxy              ②    ;     ®      ✺            ④    \\;'---'     ⑦       ymx         ②         ;          ®  ❣
        ④      '. ;                               ④  _② ;                         ④    '. ;                                 ④_② ;
 ® ★      ④      `-②\       ⑦            gxy    ④  [].' `,                         ④      `-②\          ⑦         ymx      ④[].' `,
            ②       `\                        ④   |     \\                       ②          `\                          ④|      \\
              ②       \                       ④   \     |                    ❤   ②      ❤    \                          ④\     |
                ②      `\                    ④   /`   _/     ®   ★                ②            `\                       ④/`   _/         ®     ❤
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    ④       /      `\.'  ②  `\               /`④    './`      \\              ④     /      `\.'  ②  `\               /`    ④'./`       \\
    ④      ;  .--.   \   ②    '\           /' ④      /   .--.  ;              ④    ;  .--.   \   ②    '\           /'       ④/   .--.  ;
    ④  ❤   | (    \   |, ②      '\       /'  ④      |   /    ) |              ④    | (    \   |, ②      '\       /'       ④ |   /    ) |
    ④       \ ;    }             ;②\   /;  ④       `   {    ; /     ®✺         ④     \ ;    }             ;②\   /; ④        ④`   {    ; /
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                                                                  ®★                                                              ❤
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      ❤                     ⑦ [""]        ⑧  .-/|                  \ /                  |\-.       ⑦   [""]         ✺                           ❣
                            ⑦ |  |        ⑤  |⑧|||                   |                   |||⑤|     ⑦     |  |
    ★                       ⑦ |  |        ⑤  |⑧|||                   |       ~~*~~⑧       |||⑤|    ⑦      |  |
                            ⑦ |  |        ⑤  |⑧|||    ⑤--==*==--⑧      |                   |||⑤|    ⑦      |  |                 ®       ❤
                ④    :      ⑦ .'--`.       ⑤  |⑧||| ⑤    生日快乐     ⑧ |                   |||⑤|    ⑦     .'--`.     ④   :
 ❣              ④  : .:   ⑦  /`.__.'\      ⑤  |⑧||| ⑤       愿:       ⑧ |                   |||⑤|    ⑦    /`.__.'\   ④  : .:            ®     ✺
                ④ :    .  ⑦ /        \     ⑤  |⑧||| ⑤每一岁都能奔走在 ⑧ |     ⑤--==*==--⑧     |||⑤|   ⑦    /        \ ④  :    .
    ③       (   ④ ,-'``'-.⑦ ;          ;    ⑤  |⑧||| ⑤ 自己的热爱里!   ⑧ | ⑤    生而自由     ⑧ |||⑤|  ⑦    ;          ; ④,-'``'-. ⑥   (
    ③       )\  ④ |`-..-'|⑦ |   ,--.   |    ⑤  |⑧|||                   | ⑤    爱而无畏     ⑧ |||⑤|     ⑦ |   ,--.   | ④|`-..-'|   ⑥ )\\
    ③      /  )  ④| .   :| ⑦|_.','`.`._|    ⑤  |⑧|||                   | ⑤ 让自己快乐快乐 ⑧  |||⑤|     ⑦ |_.','`.`._| ④| .   :|  ⑥ /  )
    ③     ( ⑨*⑩ ③(④  | . :  | ⑦|--'    `--|    ⑤  |⑧|||                   | ⑤    才是目的     ⑧ |||⑤|⑦      |--'    `--| ④| . :  |  ⑥( ⑨*⑩ (
    ③      \ #/  ④|`-..-'| ⑦||   | | | |    ⑤  |⑧|||__________________ | _              ___|||⑤|      ⑦||   | | | | ④|`-..-'|  ⑥ \#/ 
    ③    .-"#'-. ④\::::::/ ⑦||)|/|)|)|\|    ⑤  |⑧|/===================\|/===================\|⑤|      ⑦||)|/|)|)|\| ④\::::::/⑥ .-"#'-.
★   ③    |"-.-"|⑤--④`::::'⑤--⑦|._ ~**~ _.|⑤------`--------------------~___~-------------------''------⑦|._ ~**~ _.|⑤--④`::::'⑤--⑥|"-.-"|
    ③    |     |  ④  )(   ⑦ |  `-..-'  |                       ®                                  ⑦  |  `-..-'  |    ④)(    ⑥|     |
    ③    |     |  ④  )(   ⑦ |          |                      ®   *                      ★        ⑦  |          |    ④)(    ⑥|     |
    ③    |     |④ ,-')('-. ⑦|          |                                                         ⑦  |          | ④,-')('-. ⑥|     |         ®    ❤
    ③    |     |④(  '  `  )⑦`-._    _.-'   ® ★                                                    ⑦  `-._    _.-'④(  '  `  )⑥|     |
    ③    '-._,-'④ `-....-' ⑦    ````                        ® ❤                      ❤            ⑦      ````    ④ `-....-' ⑥'-._,-'
®        ✺                            ❣                                   ✺                                 ❣                    ★

# This is uncolored art. Use the color code to decorate the art as shown in 

# Color Codes
Copy these codes and paste it before the text for the color your wish
① = grey
② = red
③ = green
④ = yellow
⑤ = blue
⑥ = magenta
⑦ = cyan
⑧ = white
⑨ = blink
⑩ = remove blink
® = random

# Happy Birthday Love
Go to the above link and generate art to replace 'Happy Birthday Love' with other text you wish to display.

mainArt = \
❤                                 ★                          ❤         ❤                                ❤                          ❤          ❤
             *                                       ❤                                  ✺                                          
           _..._  ,s$$$s.                                                                                          _..._  ,s$$$s.
         .$$$$$$$s$$ss$$$$,                                      ❤                                              .$$$$$$$s$$ss$$$$,
         $$$sss$$$$s$$$$$$$                                                                  ❤                  $$$sss$$$$s$$$$$$$              ❤
         $$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                                   (             )                                   $$ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
         '$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$'                           )      (*)           (*)      (                           '$$$s$$$$$$$$$$$$'
   ❤      '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'           ❣               (*)      |             |      (*)              ❤            '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'     ❤
            S$$$$$$$$$$$'                             |      |~|           |~|      |                              S$$$$$$$$$$$'
             '$$$$$$$$$'                             |~|     | |           | |     |~|                              '$$$$$$$$$'
               '$$$$$'                               | |     | |           | |     | |                                '$$$$$'
                '$$$'                   ✺           ,| |a@@@@| |@@@@@@@@@@@| |@@@@a| |.             *                  '$$$'
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                 ;                           ,a@@@@@@| |@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| |@@@@@@@a,                         ;                 ✺
★      ❤         ;         ★                a@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' . `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a           ❤            ;
                 ',                         ;`@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'   .   `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@';                        ',
                  ;                         ;@@@`@@@@@@@@@@@@@'     .     `@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'@@@;                         ;
                 ,'                         ;@@@;,.aaaaaaaaaa       .       aaaaa,,aaaaaaa,;@@@;                        ,'
      ✺          ;                  ★       ;;@;;;;@@@@@@@@;@      @.@      ;@@@;;;@@@@@@;;;;@@;                 ❤      ;                    ❤
                 ',                         ;;;;;;;@@@@;@@;;@    @@ . @@    ;;@;;;;@@;@@@;;;;;;;                        ',
                  ',                        ;;;;;;;;@@;;;;;;;  @@   .   @@  ;;;;;;;;;;;@@;;;;@;;                         ',
                   ;                        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@     .     @@;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@@;                          ;
                  '                     ,%%%;;;;;;;;@;;;;;;;;       .       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@;;%%%,                      '
                                     .%%%%%%;;;;;;;@@;;;;;;;;     ,%%%,     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%%%%%%,
 ★                    ❣             .%%%%%%%;;;;;;;@@;;;;;;;;   ,%%%%%%%,   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;%%%%%%%,   ❤                    ❤       ❤
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           ❤         ★                    `%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'                ❤                  ❤
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               ❤                                          ,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%,
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                        |  |  ||  |  ||  |  |  |  |     |    |     | |  | |  .  \ |  |  |  |  ||     ||  |  ||     |
               ★        |__|__||__|__||__|  |__|  |____/     |_____||____||__|\_| |__|  |__|__||_____||__|__||____/      ❤ 

                                __,,,__                 _       ___   __ __    ___                   __,,,__
   ✺                    ,-""-,-"       "-,-""-,        | |     /   \ |  |  |  /  _]          ,-""-,-"       "-,-""-,
                       /,-' , .-'-.7.-'-. , '-,\       | |    |     ||  |  | /  [_          /,-' , .-'-.7.-'-. , '-,\\         *               ❤
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                        |/ .-'   \___/   '-. \|        |_____| \___/   \_/  |_____|          |/ .-'   \___/   '-. \|
   ❣                    {, /  ,_       _,  \ ,}                                              {, /  ,_       _,  \ ,}                          ❤
                        \ {,    \     /    ,} /                                              \ {,    \     /    ,} /
                         ',\.    '---'    ./,'                                                ',\.    '---'    ./,'
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                 _/_                                \            ❣                    _/_                                \\
       ★      .'`   `\                               \                             .'`   `\                               \\
             /        |     Your                      ;                           /        |    Your                       ;
             |        /                               |                           |       /                                |          ❤    *
             \\ ;'---'           text                 ;        ❤                   \\;'---'            text                 ;
              '. ;                                 _ ;                             '. ;                                 _ ;
                `-\                   here     [].' `,                 ✺             `-\                   here     [].' `,
   ❤               `\                           |     \\                                `\                          |      \\
                     \                          \     |                     ❤             \                          \     |
                      `\                       /`   _/                                     `\                       /`   _/              ❤
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           /      `\.'    `\               /`    './`      \\                   /      `\.'    `\               /`    './`       \\
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          | (    \   |,       '\       /'        |   /    ) |                  | (    \   |,       '\       /'        |   /    ) |
           \ ;    }             ;\   /;         `   {    ; /      ❤             \ ;    }             ;\   /;         `   {    ; /
            `;\   \         _.-'  \ /  `-._         /   /;`                      `;\   \         _.-'  \ /  `-._         /   /;`
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               '.___,.-'                       `-.,___.'        ★        ❤          '.___,.-'               ❤       `-.,___.'                ❣
                              : .              __________________   __________________               : .                            *
       ❤                     [""]          .-/|                  \ /                  |\-.          [""]                   ❤             
                   ❤         |  |          ||||                   |                   ||||          |  |                                    
                             |  |          ||||                   |       ~~*~~       ||||          |  |
                             |  |          ||||    --==*==--      |                   ||||          |  |               ★               
                    :       .'--`.         |||| -clear------this- |                   ||||         .'--`.        :
   ❤              : .:     /`.__.'\        |||| -------and------- |                   ||||        /`.__.'\     : .:
                 :    .   /        \       |||| -enter------your- |     --==*==--     ||||       /        \   :    .                   *
           (    ,-'``'-. ;          ;      |||| -------text------ | -clear------this- ||||      ;          ; ,-'``'-.    (
           )\   |`-..-'| |   ,--.   |      ||||                   | -------and------- ||||      |   ,--.   | |`-..-'|    )\\                    ❤
          /  )  | .   :| |_.','`.`._|      ||||                   | -enter------your- ||||      |_.','`.`._| | .   :|   /  )
   ❤     ( * (  | . :  | |--'    `--|      ||||                   | -------text------ ||||      |--'    `--| | . :  |  ( * (
          \ #/  |`-..-'| ||   | | | |      ||||__________________ | _              ___||||      ||   | | | | |`-..-'|   \#/        ❤
        .-"#'-. \::::::/ ||)|/|)|)|\|      ||/===================\|/===================\||      ||)|/|)|)|\| \::::::/ .-"#'-.
        |"-.-"|--`::::'--|._ ~**~ _.|------`--------------------~___~-------------------''------|._ ~**~ _.|--`::::'--|"-.-"|
        |     |    )(    |  `-..-'  |                                                           |  `-..-'  |    )(    |     |
★       |     |    )(    |          |                                                           |          |    )(    |     |              ❤
        |     | ,-')('-. |          |         *                           ❤               ❤     |          | ,-')('-. |     |
        |     |(  '  `  )`-._    _.-'                                                           `-._    _.-'(  '  `  )|     |
        '-._,-' `-....-'     ````      ❣                       ★                                    ````     `-....-' '-._,-'
   ❤                          ★                      ✺                          ❤                  ✺                                *           ❤

 3.编辑文件以更改设置,并使artFile = 'art'使用而不是


# Specify which file (without .py extension) in the arts folder should be used
artFile = "art"
# Speed of art
speed = 0.005
# Print code in the beginning
codePrint = False
codingSpeed = 0.01
# Audio
playAudio = True
audio = 'HappyBirthday.mp3'
# Random color is choosen from the list
color = ['red','green','yellow','blue','magenta','cyan','white']
# Change the keys of the dict to change the color codes
# If you change the color codes for blink, remove blink(none) and random, you have to change it in pprint() function of  too.
colorCodes = {'①':'grey','②':'red','③':'green','④':'yellow','⑤':'blue','⑥':'magenta','⑦':'cyan','⑧':'white','⑨':'blink','⑩':'none','®':'random'}


# This is an example of adding colors with color codes. Add colors you wish in '' and make sure to make ```artFile = ```  in  to use 

mainArt = \
®❤                                 ★                          ❤         ❤                                ❤                          ❤          *
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    ③    .-"#'-. ④\::::::/ ⑦||)|/|)|)|\|    ⑤  |⑧|/===================\|/===================\|⑤|      ⑦||)|/|)|)|\| ④\::::::/⑥ .-"#'-.
★   ③    |"-.-"|⑤--④`::::'⑤--⑦|._ ~**~ _.|⑤------`--------------------~___~-------------------''------⑦|._ ~**~ _.|⑤--④`::::'⑤--⑥|"-.-"|
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    ③    '-._,-'④ `-....-' ⑦    ````                        ® ❤                      ❤            ⑦      ````    ④ `-....-' ⑥'-._,-'
®        ✺                            ❣                                   ✺                                 ❣                    ★

 4.用python 运行



import os,random
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

import vlc
from termcolor import colored

from config import *

# Importing module specified in the config file
art = __import__(f'arts.{artFile}', globals(), locals(), ['*'])

def replaceMultiple(mainString, toBeReplace, newString):
    """[Replace a set of multiple sub strings with a new string]

        mainString ([string]): [String in which the replacement will be done]
        toBeReplace ([list]): [A list which elements will be replaced by a newString]
        newString ([string]): [A string which will be replaced in place of elements of toBeReplace]

        [string]: [Return the main string where the element of toBeReplace is replaced by newString]

    # Iterate over the list to be replaced
    for elem in toBeReplace :
        # Check if the element is in the main string
        if elem in mainString :
            # Replace the string
            mainString = mainString.replace(elem, newString)
    return  mainString

def resource_path(relative_path):
    """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """
        # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS
        base_path = sys._MEIPASS
    except Exception:
        base_path = .abspath(".")

    return (base_path, relative_path)

def pprint(art,time):
    color_used = [random.choice(color)]
    colorAttribute = []
    for i in range(len(art)):
        if art[i] in colorCodes:
        	# Color attr set to blink if 9
            if art[i] == '⑨':
                colorAttribute = [colorCodes[art[i]]]
            # color attr none if 10
            elif art[i] == '⑩':
                colorAttribute = []
            # Random color if R
            elif art[i] == '®':
            	color_used = color
                color_used = [colorCodes[art[i]]]
        print(colored(replaceMultiple(art[i],colorCodes,''),random.choice(color_used),attrs=colorAttribute),sep='', end='',flush= True);sleep(time)

def pAudio():
    if playAudio:
        p = vlc.MediaPlayer(resource_path(audio))

# Code reader
with open(resource_path(__file__)) as f_in:
	code = ()
def pcode():
    # Print the code before wishing 
    if codePrint:
        for i in range(len(code)):
            print(colored(code[i], codeColor),sep='', end='',flush= True);sleep(codingSpeed)
        input('\n\n'+colored('python3','blue')+colored(' ','yellow'))
        os.system('cls' if  == 'nt' else 'clear')
        input(colored('press F11 and hit {Enter}...','blue'))
        os.system('cls' if  == 'nt' else 'clear')

# Clearing terminal
os.system('cls' if  == 'nt' else 'clear')

    Thread(target = pAudio).start()
    Thread(target = pprint, args=(art.mainArt,speed)).start()

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print(colored('\n[-] Thanks!!','red'))




hemantapkh/PyBirthdayWish: 🎈🎁 Wish your loved one a warm Happy Birthday in a pythonic way inside a terminal. ()


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


