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version: 0.96 (28.12.2011) *) Fix: SMTP relay failed if any of the MX records was not valid DNS name(pointed to non existent host name). (08.03.2011) *) Fix: If SMTP relay connect failed and DSN message requested, no DSN message was sent. (15.03.2011) *) Fix: IMAP SEARCH CHARSET rejected UTF-8. (29.03.2011) *) Fix: If SMTP relay traget host had duplicate MX records(more than 1 record with same name), (12.04.2011) relay rejected with error "An element with the same key already exists in the Dictionary". *) Fix: IMAP SEARCH didn't accept literal strings(unicode search). (20.04.2011) *) Fix: Relay DATA command 4xx responses were not handled as error. (01.08.2011) *) Fix: Relay DATA command SMTP server response tiemout(no response from server), may cause server crash. (01.08.2011) *) New: Updated to "http://system.data.sqlite.org" SQL lite provider with SQL Lite (04.08.2011) *) Fix: SMTP relay didn't handle IPv6 MX records right. (05.08.2011) *) New: IMAP added UTF8=ACCEPT support. (29.08.2011) *) Fix: Multiple mail transactions per 1 connection failed. (12.09.2011) *) Fix: If remote host shut down socket(Socket.ShutDown), the empty command buffer considered as bad empty command (not disposing session before socket close reach). (04.10.2011) *) New: Added IMAP AUTHENTICATE initial response(SASL-IR) support. (05.10.2011) *) Fix: IMAP FETCH command retrurned wrong result if command line ended RFC822 or BODY. (25.10.2011) *) Fix: SSL connections failed(TLS was not affected). (04.11.2011) *) New: DNS internationalized(unicode) domain names support. (09.12.2011)


konica 7022配置手册

konica 7022配置手册,英文版。配置说明非常详细。



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