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原创 Sorry to all the readers here
Due to the force majeure,I have to delete all my articles,which made me very upset. I will put my articles again after my oi life is over.
2013-12-21 20:27:16 645
转载 DP方程100个
1. 资源问题1 -----机器分配问题 F[I,j]:=max(f[i-1,k]+w[i,j-k]) 2. 资源问题2 ------01背包问题 F[I,j]:=max(f[i-1,j-v]+w,f[i-1,j]); 3. 线性动态规划1 -----朴素最长非降子序列 F:=max{f[j]+1} 4.
2013-03-21 14:54:08 979
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