记录 centos7 python 2.7 安装mysql-python中遇到的问题


      我们在使用python 进行简单项目开发的时候或许会考虑使用cgi作为服务(因为主流WEB服务器基本都支持CGI),本次以HTTPD作为WEB服务器进行python 链接MYSQL数据库测试中遇到的问题 

1、执行“pip install mysql-python”命令,我们收到了如下代码片段的错误

[root@hdfs-master cgi-bin]# pip install mysql-python
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.
Collecting mysql-python
  Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a5/e9/51b544da85a36a68debe7a7091f068d802fc515a3a202652828c73453cad/MySQL-python-1.2.5.zip
    Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
    sh: mysql_config: command not found
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-install-YlIQYH/mysql-python/setup.py", line 17, in <module>
        metadata, options = get_config()
      File "setup_posix.py", line 43, in get_config
        libs = mysql_config("libs_r")
      File "setup_posix.py", line 25, in mysql_config
        raise EnvironmentError("%s not found" % (mysql_config.path,))
    EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-YlIQYH/mysql-python/

2、经过资料查询,我们需要执行“yum install mysql-devel”进行一些mysql的配置

[root@hdfs-master cgi-bin]# yum install mysql-devel
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.aliyun.com
 * epel: mirrors.yun-idc.com
 * extras: mirrors.aliyun.com
 * updates: mirrors.aliyun.com
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mariadb-devel.x86_64 1:5.5.60-1.el7_5 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: openssl-devel(x86-64) for package: 1:mariadb-devel-5.5.60-1.el7_5.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package openssl-devel.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-16.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: zlib-devel(x86-64) for package: 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-16.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: krb5-devel(x86-64) for package: 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-16.el7.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package krb5-devel.x86_64 0:1.15.1-37.el7_6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libkadm5(x86-64) = 1.15.1-37.el7_6 for package: krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: krb5-libs(x86-64) = 1.15.1-37.el7_6 for package: krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libverto-devel for package: krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libselinux-devel for package: krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libcom_err-devel for package: krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: keyutils-libs-devel for package: krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64
---> Package zlib-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.7-18.el7 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package keyutils-libs-devel.x86_64 0:1.5.8-3.el7 will be installed
---> Package krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.15.1-34.el7 will be updated
---> Package krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.15.1-37.el7_6 will be an update
---> Package libcom_err-devel.x86_64 0:1.42.9-13.el7 will be installed
---> Package libkadm5.x86_64 0:1.15.1-37.el7_6 will be installed
---> Package libselinux-devel.x86_64 0:2.5-14.1.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libsepol-devel(x86-64) >= 2.5-10 for package: libselinux-devel-2.5-14.1.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig(libsepol) for package: libselinux-devel-2.5-14.1.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: pkgconfig(libpcre) for package: libselinux-devel-2.5-14.1.el7.x86_64
---> Package libverto-devel.x86_64 0:0.2.5-4.el7 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libsepol-devel.x86_64 0:2.5-10.el7 will be installed
---> Package pcre-devel.x86_64 0:8.32-17.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                                                        Arch                                              Version                                                       Repository                                          Size
 mariadb-devel                                                  x86_64                                            1:5.5.60-1.el7_5                                              base                                               754 k
Installing for dependencies:
 keyutils-libs-devel                                            x86_64                                            1.5.8-3.el7                                                   base                                                37 k
 krb5-devel                                                     x86_64                                            1.15.1-37.el7_6                                               updates                                            271 k
 libcom_err-devel                                               x86_64                                            1.42.9-13.el7                                                 base                                                31 k
 libkadm5                                                       x86_64                                            1.15.1-37.el7_6                                               updates                                            178 k
 libselinux-devel                                               x86_64                                            2.5-14.1.el7                                                  base                                               187 k
 libsepol-devel                                                 x86_64                                            2.5-10.el7                                                    base                                                77 k
 libverto-devel                                                 x86_64                                            0.2.5-4.el7                                                   base                                                12 k
 openssl-devel                                                  x86_64                                            1:1.0.2k-16.el7                                               base                                               1.5 M
 pcre-devel                                                     x86_64                                            8.32-17.el7                                                   base                                               480 k
 zlib-devel                                                     x86_64                                            1.2.7-18.el7                                                  base                                                50 k
Updating for dependencies:
 krb5-libs                                                      x86_64                                            1.15.1-37.el7_6                                               updates                                            803 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package  (+10 Dependent packages)
Upgrade             (  1 Dependent package)

Total download size: 4.3 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed.
(1/12): keyutils-libs-devel-1.5.8-3.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                |  37 kB  00:00:00     
(2/12): libcom_err-devel-1.42.9-13.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                 |  31 kB  00:00:00     
(3/12): krb5-libs-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                      | 803 kB  00:00:00     
(4/12): krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                     | 271 kB  00:00:00     
(5/12): libkadm5-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                       | 178 kB  00:00:00     
(6/12): libselinux-devel-2.5-14.1.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                  | 187 kB  00:00:00     
(7/12): libverto-devel-0.2.5-4.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                     |  12 kB  00:00:00     
(8/12): libsepol-devel-2.5-10.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                      |  77 kB  00:00:00     
(9/12): mariadb-devel-5.5.60-1.el7_5.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                   | 754 kB  00:00:00     
(10/12): pcre-devel-8.32-17.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                        | 480 kB  00:00:00     
(11/12): zlib-devel-1.2.7-18.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                       |  50 kB  00:00:00     
(12/12): openssl-devel-1.0.2k-16.el7.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                                   | 1.5 MB  00:00:00     
Total                                                                                                                                                                                                    3.5 MB/s | 4.3 MB  00:00:01     
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Updating   : krb5-libs-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                     1/13 
  Installing : libkadm5-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                      2/13 
  Installing : libcom_err-devel-1.42.9-13.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                3/13 
  Installing : libsepol-devel-2.5-10.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                     4/13 
  Installing : zlib-devel-1.2.7-18.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                       5/13 
  Installing : pcre-devel-8.32-17.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                        6/13 
  Installing : libselinux-devel-2.5-14.1.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                 7/13 
  Installing : libverto-devel-0.2.5-4.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                    8/13 
  Installing : keyutils-libs-devel-1.5.8-3.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                               9/13 
  Installing : krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                   10/13 
  Installing : 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-16.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                11/13 
  Installing : 1:mariadb-devel-5.5.60-1.el7_5.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                               12/13 
  Cleanup    : krb5-libs-1.15.1-34.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                      13/13 
  Verifying  : keyutils-libs-devel-1.5.8-3.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                               1/13 
  Verifying  : libverto-devel-0.2.5-4.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                    2/13 
  Verifying  : 1:openssl-devel-1.0.2k-16.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                 3/13 
  Verifying  : krb5-libs-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                     4/13 
  Verifying  : libkadm5-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                      5/13 
  Verifying  : pcre-devel-8.32-17.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                        6/13 
  Verifying  : libselinux-devel-2.5-14.1.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                 7/13 
  Verifying  : zlib-devel-1.2.7-18.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                       8/13 
  Verifying  : libsepol-devel-2.5-10.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                     9/13 
  Verifying  : libcom_err-devel-1.42.9-13.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                               10/13 
  Verifying  : krb5-devel-1.15.1-37.el7_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                   11/13 
  Verifying  : 1:mariadb-devel-5.5.60-1.el7_5.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                               12/13 
  Verifying  : krb5-libs-1.15.1-34.el7.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                      13/13 

  mariadb-devel.x86_64 1:5.5.60-1.el7_5                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Dependency Installed:
  keyutils-libs-devel.x86_64 0:1.5.8-3.el7  krb5-devel.x86_64 0:1.15.1-37.el7_6   libcom_err-devel.x86_64 0:1.42.9-13.el7  libkadm5.x86_64 0:1.15.1-37.el7_6  libselinux-devel.x86_64 0:2.5-14.1.el7  libsepol-devel.x86_64 0:2.5-10.el7 
  libverto-devel.x86_64 0:0.2.5-4.el7       openssl-devel.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-16.el7  pcre-devel.x86_64 0:8.32-17.el7          zlib-devel.x86_64 0:1.2.7-18.el7  

Dependency Updated:
  krb5-libs.x86_64 0:1.15.1-37.el7_6                                                                                                                                                                                                     



3、再次执行pip install mysql-python 即可安装成功

[root@hdfs-master cgi-bin]# pip install mysql-python
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.
Collecting mysql-python
  Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a5/e9/51b544da85a36a68debe7a7091f068d802fc515a3a202652828c73453cad/MySQL-python-1.2.5.zip
Installing collected packages: mysql-python
  Running setup.py install for mysql-python ... done
Successfully installed mysql-python-1.2.5






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