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转载 流媒体直播之十一.I.MX6板中的IPU模块硬件转格式问题

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2018-01-29 13:16:06 543 2

原创 流媒体直播之十罗技c270图像采集大小设置问题

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2018-01-29 13:12:46 2375

原创 流媒体直播之九库环境及代码编译完成后出现的问题

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2018-01-29 13:09:48 304

原创 流媒体直播之八Live555流媒体框架(源代码讲解博客地址来自牛搞)及软件编码整体实现参考博客链接

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2018-01-29 13:05:45 503

转载 流媒体直播之七X264实现H.264的软件编码

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2018-01-29 12:58:28 1322

转载 流媒体直播之六Swscale是ffmpeg库中的使用

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2018-01-29 12:29:57 1060

转载 流媒体直播之五UVC摄像头的V4L2采集

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog is in

2018-01-29 12:17:34 1383

原创 流媒体直播之四ffmpeg在ARM板下的交叉编译

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog is in

2017-10-15 17:24:05 1551

原创 流媒体直播之三X.264库在arm板上的交叉编译

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog is in

2017-10-15 10:35:27 417

原创 流媒体直播之二imx6 arm板的live555的交叉编译

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 10:28 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2017-10-08 18:29:24 2923

原创 流媒体直播之一流媒体直播实现的整体方案和思路

Author: CaoHu E-Mail: hnu_xiaohu@163.com Version:0.1 Date: 2018-01-29 Description: My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog is in

2017-10-08 16:50:48 6262 1

原创 Return使用注意的问题

(1)首先return不能返回局部变量地址,否则会出现不完整;(2)return与exit 的区别?答:exit结束一个程序,返回给用户一个节点信息。即exit(1)、exit(2)区别不大其后数字只是反映节点信息;而return 结束一个函数。为什么在使用函数时要加“return 0 ;”呢?因为没有return 0,操作系统会浪费资源判断程序是否正常退出(返回0成功,返回其他失败)

2016-11-19 19:56:38 434

原创 C语言中交换俩变量值的三种方法

以a、b俩变量为例,变量介绍几种C语言中交换俩值得方法:(1)加减法a = a + b;b = a - b;a = a- b;(2)乘除法a = a * b;b = a / b;a = a / b;(3)位运算公式a = a ^ b;b = a ^ b;a = a ^ b;注意这里位运算最好,因为加减法易产生溢出,乘除法不能与0互换,故综上异或位

2016-11-07 22:18:56 1064

原创 C语言中sizeof、局部变量与全局变量

sizeof(num)测量变量num所占的内存长度注意:sizeof是运算符不是函数。sizeof num 与sizeof(num)等价。注意:这里测量数据类型则不行,如sizeof(int)则不能用sizeof int。int-----------------4字节char---------------1long---------------4short-------

2016-11-05 22:33:57 528

原创 编程相关问题解惑


2016-11-01 16:01:11 226

原创 有关一些企业笔试题的复杂变量定义问题

以a定义:一个整型数------------------------------int a;一个指向整型数的指针-------------------------char *a一个指向指针的指针,指向的指针是指向一个整型数-----------------int **a一个有10个整型数的数组-------------------------int a[10]一个有10个指针的

2016-10-31 18:48:47 248

原创 linux红帽企业版5下动态库静态库的制作指令

Author:   CaoHuE-Mail:   hnu_xiaohu@163.com    Version:0.1    Date: 2017-01-29 10:28Description:   My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2016-10-30 19:20:24 268

原创 2016-10-29动态库静态库的制作步骤及各自优缺点


2016-10-29 21:13:23 281

原创 C语言常量与变量

常量和变量1.直接常量直接常量就是通常所说的常数,从表面形式即可判断它属于那种数据类型如123是整型、4.67是实型、‘8’是字符型等。2.符号常量符号常量是指用编译预处理命令#define规定一个标识符代表一个常量。如#define E 2.718282.2变量变量指在程序执行过程中值可以改变的量。每个变量都有一个名字称为变量名。2.3变量赋值变量赋值指把一个

2016-10-26 21:32:40 427

原创 C语言特点


2016-10-25 18:56:06 457

原创 2016-10-24Linux入门基本操作指令二

Author:   CaoHuE-Mail:   hnu_xiaohu@163.com    Version:0.1    Date: 2017-01-29 10:28Description:   My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2016-10-24 20:23:53 325

原创 2016-10-23Linux初步入门基本操作指令一

Author:   CaoHuE-Mail:   hnu_xiaohu@163.com    Version:0.1    Date: 2017-01-29 10:28Description:   My level is limited, if there are some weaknesses, welcome criticism. If the content of the blog

2016-10-23 22:14:26 276





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