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原创 全面转移FF3

随着flashtracer2.3的发布,我用的addons终于全部登陆FF3了。这下终于可以定心享受FF3带来的优越性了。 不过有一点细微的改变,还是让我不爽了一阵子。 右键链接 > 按‘c 快捷复制链接地址,变成了按a...又和FlashGot默认的 FlashGot All冲突,还要手动设置下/-_-/

2008-06-30 21:38:00 614

原创 函数定义作用域

t();if (true) { t(); function innerFunc():void { } var innerFunc2:Function = function ():void { }; t();}function outFunc():void{}va

2008-06-24 10:36:00 780

原创 bitmapdata.draw bug 一枚

import flash.display.Bitmap;import flash.display.BitmapData;import flash.display.Shape;import flash.display.BlendMode;var dst1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(100,100, true, 0xFF000000

2008-06-23 14:36:00 2125 1

原创 FileRefenrence + ByteArray + Dynamic Sound = 在线soundbooth ?

Flash10的 FileRefenrence(简称FR)可以读写本地文件了,刚听到时牛倒一片,等大家都把玩过了,又嘘声一片......由于安全因素,flashplayer不可能偷偷摸摸的读个文件写个文件,那会天下大乱的。于是FR.browser会弹个窗口,FR.save也会弹个窗口。但不管怎样,弹个窗口什么的,最终能把事办了就好。可后来发现FR读进来的顶多就是一个ByteArray,而真正的文件

2008-05-25 21:43:00 1361 1

原创 比Tweener,TweenLite更快的Tween


2008-05-08 15:20:00 1394

原创 杂记 - RegExp TextArea dataFormat

RegExp的test在globoal==true时也会记录lastIndex,所以test完了再执行exec,要记得设回lastIndex=0;var str:String = a12345;var reg:RegExp = /a/g;if(reg.test(str)){   reg.lastIndex = 0;   reg.exec(str);}想让TextArea始终显示最新内容,也就是

2008-04-08 21:40:00 596

原创 Timer还是不可信

as3以前,就不太信任setInterval......总感觉比较难控制的说。正式作业中比_root都用的少-_-as3里有了一个Timer类,用起来很像包装过的setInterval,所以对Timer也作鸡肋看待。这里面有几篇bit-101发的贴,说明了使用Timer时要注意的事项不会被回收的Timer 是说临时创建的Timer,一旦start,就不会被回收。用Timer写程序:别傻了 这篇丫比

2008-02-22 21:09:00 566

原创 自动保存

此插件支持Flash 7 ~ 9版本。可以在通过“激活”以后,为您提供自动保存的功能。您可以自己设定保存的间隔时间及时间单位(分钟,小时),还可以选择备份方式。点击下载

2008-02-07 13:38:00 898

转载 屏蔽默认的事件功能

原文:http://www.darronschall.com/weblog/archives/000276.cfm 这种情况一般适用于自定义的组件。作者举了个例子,比如标签式的导航,在点击标签上的关闭按钮时,该标签页就关了。而如果想要在点击以后,先弹出提示框提示一下呢?在as3里面,屏蔽默认的事件功能需四步:1. 创建一个Event时,将cancelable设置为true,也就是第三个参数。2.

2008-01-30 15:45:00 649

转载 跨域的图片平滑处理

http://www.airtightinteractive.com/news/?p=100 大致说的是,flashplayer9以前的player,会自动为形变过的图片做平滑处理。在9里,动态图片默认是不做平滑处理的,一般可以用BitmapData画下来时,设置平滑处理。但由于跨域问题,如果没有crossdomain.xml这个文件,就只能残念了......最后作者还很善良的提出了两个意见,不过

2008-01-28 11:27:00 609

原创 挺唬人的3d视频演示

http://adn.blam.be/papervision/ 这个是我目前看到的papervision3d中最有震撼力的一个demo。我也照着他上面的说法,赶紧过了一把瘾。瘾虽然过好了,回头想想,真要用到的话,机会还是比较少的。别的不说,光拍摄这种特定视频需要的摄像机,打我从娘胎出来还是头一次见......如果从制作角度说,还真没我什么事。主要的工作是用那神奇的摄像机拍摄神奇的视频然后由“三弟马

2008-01-16 22:15:00 723

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 八.框架效用和高级组件概念

为了组件更完善的发挥,Flex提供了许多高级特性和功能。比如工具提示,窗口弹出,元素拖拽,自定义列表元素,以及指针,焦点的管理和键盘的控制....工具提示添加工具提示mx:Button id="button" label="Tool Tip Example" toolTip="Display Tool Tip" />工具提示可绑定动态数据。mx:VBox>    mx:Bu

2007-10-06 15:07:00 857

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 七.UI组件

UI组件的分类按钮类: Button, LinkButton, RadioButton, CheckBox数据类: HSlider, VSlider, NumericStepper, ColorPicker, DateField, DateChooser文字类:Label, Text, TextInput, TextArea, RichTextEditor列表类:List, ComboBox, D

2007-10-02 14:22:00 845

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 六.布局的管理


2007-09-20 23:16:00 1057

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 五.Flex框架的基本原理


2007-09-16 16:44:00 2313

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 四.ActionScript

在Flex里AS和MXML可以结合使用。MXML主要负责创建UI,AS就负责数据模型和复杂的逻辑。Flex 2对应AS 3,相比之前的版本。AS3兼容ECMA。支持包括正规化的类,接口,包,运行期异常处理,动态数据类型,映射,正则表达式,E4X(XML),等等。AS的API分3层Flash Player APIFlex框架API自定义API在Flex中使用AS,有4个地方可以放代码内联在MXML标

2007-09-13 00:19:00 786

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 三.MXML

MXML相当于是Flex在Flash Player上的HTML。从名字上能看出其为一个XML文档。所有的MXML文档分成两种类型。一种是主程序文档,一种是组件文档。主程序文档的根节点必然是,而组件文档可以看作是非为根节点的mxml文档。xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.

2007-09-09 18:28:00 1091

原创 mplayer中文字幕乱码解决

mplayer几乎可以显示任何格式的字幕。如果无法加载,用gedit转成UTF-8即可。(.idx .sub的虽然仍会提示无法加载,但实际可以正常显示。按‘j切换语种)如果显示是乱码,则右击>参数设置字体(Font)编码为Unicode,否则会显示成下划线(_ _ _)。字体可以选择/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic/ukai.ttf设置Subtitles & OS

2007-09-09 13:43:00 796816 1

翻译 Programming Flex2 - 二.通过Flex框架建立应用程序

创建项目一个Flex程序最少由一个文件或多达数以百计的文件组成。文件类型如下:MXML    这种文件主要包含程序的可视部分,即样式设计和UI组件。ActionScript类    这种文件是所有自定义组件,数据模型,客户端逻辑和服务器代理的源代码。XML    虽然XML通常来自对服务器的动态请求,但很多程序的配置参数仍利用静态的XML文件。图片    Flex程序可以嵌入也可以动态加载图片。声

2007-09-03 22:41:00 1712

原创 FileReference.upload的路径问题


2007-07-26 14:05:00 2111

原创 windows下使用taglist

vim最流行的plugin就是taglist了 ,用处相当于一个function list或者varibale list。很好用!缺省就已经支持10多种语言了~~不过还不是支持actionscript,这要自己去写,好在有人已经帮我写好,可惜稍微有点错误,害得我在windows上试了半天没有成功。连续看了N久的FAQ还有group list才算整好,现在把整个按装过程写一下。首先先下载 tagli

2007-07-19 10:39:00 6129 2

原创 Sound类的一个bug

as2的sound是要绑定在一个mc上,才能独立控制,否则就是一个全局sound。但这里有个很不经意时会触发的bug,使sound对象失效。即动态改变了sound所绑定的mc的name。_root.createEmptyMovieClip("mc",0);var s:Sound = new Sound(mc);s.attachSound(mp3);s.onSoundComplete =

2007-06-21 17:24:00 950

原创 uint int Number

自从as3在数字类型上有了比较丰富的选择之后,问题也就多出来了。首先是效率问题Grant Skinner 已经做了一个相对完整的比较其次是习惯问题Keith Peters 告诉我们用uint时要小心“负数”最后就是像bug又不是bug的特征问题这位gg谈到了flash5678里面都不存出现的,小数误差问题andre则发现了更诡异的“类型突变”现象

2007-06-06 16:56:00 689

原创 wmode=transparent就是bug多

wmode=transparent,这东西要慎用。firefox下面有经典的textfield问题。还有iframe的问题,如果html里面有个iframe,那flash里面的按钮点都没法点 。以为ie在这方面比较牛,没想到也给偶发现一个bug....orz (限于flashplayer版本8)具体操作就是,在flash里面有一个mc,使用了scale9Grid,然后当这个mc又实现了拖拽效果时o

2007-05-17 14:43:00 5105

原创 关于depth

这篇文章很长知识 。详细介绍了depth,还提到了flashplayer播放的一些底层结构。KW

2007-04-26 18:16:00 703

原创 声音播放速度为何超快

把一个mp3文件导入到flash里面,怎么整都是没有问题的,但是如果用loadSound来加载外部的,就不一定了。如果mp3的sample-rate(音频采样级别)不是44.1kHz,就会出现播放速度过快或过慢。这也是为什么我用gmail的mp3 player来播放baidu上搜索到的一些mp3音乐播放就不正常了。以前一直没有注意,还以为gmail的播放器出问题了-_-官方文档里面的回复中有说fl

2007-04-02 21:46:00 2010

原创 firefox下的httpwatch

ie下的httpwatch那是相当好用啊,但是要钱的!firefox下有一个Live HTTP Headers可以提供类似的功能,但整个界面和功能还是有些区别,比较明显的就是,它没有显示每个link内容的文件大小。偶在google code上发现了另一个选择HTTPGuideDog,也是开源的,界面基本仿照httpwatch。不过由于还没有正式发布,所以功能上还不完整,比如还没有过滤link的功能

2007-03-17 14:33:00 10694 3

原创 flv瘦身大法之关键帧


2007-02-27 21:20:00 2513

原创 aMule中如何复制ed2k链接

在ubuntu下使用aMule时,发现右击选择copy ed2k link to clipboard毫无用处。google了一下,在ubuntu forum中发现一个比较神奇的方法原来clipboard貌似有两个,一个就是传统的ctrl+c/v或者右击菜单后选择copy/paste,还有一个就是在选择aMule的copy ed2k link to clipboard复制内容后,按鼠标中键(两键鼠标

2007-02-07 22:14:00 4145 1

原创 缓解ubuntu下的mp3破低音


2007-01-20 15:14:00 1093

原创 0和NaN

NaN是 Not a Number的缩写.用非字符去做一些数学运算,就会得到NaN.按理它不是number,但在flash里面typeof(NaN),输出却是"number".记得以前在flashplayer7的时候碰到一个bug: 数组[NaN] == 数组[0]当时debug了好久....orz.现在8已经没有这个bug了 数组[NaN]会是undefined.然而,这次又碰到类似的情况了..

2007-01-16 17:06:00 4449

原创 解决acroread无法运行

在linux上装了acroread后,无法运行的大多数情况,就是和输入法scim有冲突。解决方法是在终端下,输入export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim。或者到安装目录里编辑一下启动文件acroread,写入 export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim。再或者换个fcitx的输入法~一劳永逸但由于升级一些东西,比如像偶这次是gtk后,发现一旦运行acroread,cpu就100了。在

2006-12-14 22:16:00 1455

原创 v2 ui组件css style framework

css style尽可能的模拟了css样式的继承关系.但是样式接口却是暴露在外边的,这样在某些情况会造成使用者的一些困惑!先做个例子新建一fla,建两层as,comps,在as第一帧写_root.color = 0xFF0000;打开组件面板拖一个Button组件到comps第一帧,运行会发现Button的字会变成红色,也就是_root.color定义的值.这是因为color是一个css styl

2006-12-01 16:09:00 1169

原创 TextArea中使用embedFonts以及asfunction

在使用TextArea 的时候,如果需要嵌入字体,要通过V2 style来设置.myTextArea.setStyle("fontFamily", "myFont");myTextArea.setStyle("embedFonts",true);这没什么好说的,普通TextField能成功,TextArea就不会出问题.但是当设置html=true的时候,就不对了...经过几番测试,发现并

2006-11-21 22:38:00 2092

原创 导出字体还是选择英文版比较好


2006-11-13 11:56:00 797

原创 注意flash4的函数可能引起的bug

flash4的全局函数和类的成员函数是不同的两个函数。比如MovieClip的stop...虽然stop();和this.stop();做的事情,产生的结果在大部分时候是一样的..但是,在一些不经意的地方,就会发生一些意想不到的事情...比如在用基于prototype的方法,重写MovieClip的时间轴控制函数,来增加 检测mc的停放 状态时,就会出现意外,andre的代码注释里面提到just

2006-11-10 12:11:00 919

翻译 AS3 面相对象 高级话题


2006-10-22 17:46:00 3019 1

原创 在flex中如何使用嵌入字体

嵌入字体语法[Embed(source="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arial.ttf", fontName="Arial", mimeType="application/x-font")]private var ArialFont:Class;source: 字体文件所在路径(本地)fontName: 程序中所使用的字体别名mimeType: 照抄就行了=_=其中source还可以是指定

2006-10-18 21:34:00 6661 1

原创 正确访问SWFLoader下载完了的元素属性

flex里有个SWFLoader,真是方便群众啊,不过在下载完了后,处理时有个注意点                import mx.controls.Alert;            private function handlePicture(evt:Event):void            {                try                {          

2006-10-17 01:42:00 1399 1

原创 不太合乎想像的>=和<=

undefined,null,(空串),0这几个特殊值,在mx时代,互相比较的时候,结果比较混乱,该true,该false的地方老是和想像中不一样...到了2004后,算比较接近想像了......不过偶每次,还是要先测试一下..=_=但还是发现一个比较奇怪的现象undefined > 任何值 // undefinedundefined undefined >= 任何值 // trueundef

2006-10-13 20:39:00 699


In this book we will create a programming language together. We'll start with 0 lines of code and end up with a fully working interpreter for the Monkey* programming language. Step by step. From tokens to output. All code shown and included. Fully tested.



Let's say you have an idea for a killer iPhone app. Where do you begin? Head First iPhone Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time. You'll quickly learn to use iPhone SDK tools, including Interface Builder and Xcode, and master Objective-C programming principles that will make your app stand out. It's a complete learning experience for creating eye-catching, top-selling iPhone applications. Put Objective-C core concepts to work, including message passing, protocols, properties, and memory management Take advantage of iPhone patterns such as datasources and delegates Preview your applications in the iPhone Simulator Build complicated interactions that utilize multiple views, data entry/editing, and iPhone rotation Work with iPhone's camera, GPS, and accelerometer Optimize, test, and distribute your application We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First iPhone Development provides a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.



Wouldn't it be great if there were a physics book that showed you how things work instead of telling you how? Finally, with Head First Physics, there is. This comprehensive book takes the stress out of learning mechanics and practical physics by providing a fun and engaging experience, especially for students who "just don't get it." Head First Physics offers a format that's rich in visuals and full of activities, including pictures, illustrations, puzzles, stories, and quizzes -- a mixed-media style proven to stimulate learning and retention. One look will convince you: This isn't mere theory, this is physics brought to life through real-world scenarios, simple experiments, and hypothetical projects. Head First Physics is perfect for anyone who's intrigued by how things work in the natural world. You'll quickly discover that physics isn't a dry subject. It's all about the world we live in, encompassing everything from falling objects and speeding cars, to conservation of energy and gravity and weightlessness, and orbital behavior. This book: Helps you think like a physicist so you can understand why things really work the way they do Gives you relevant examples so you can fully grasp the principles before moving on to more complex concepts Designed to be used as a supplement study guide for the College Board's Advanced Placement Physics B Exam Introduces principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems, not memorization Teaches you how to measure, observe, calculate -- and yes -- how to do the math Covers scientific notation, SI units, vectors, motion, momentum conservation, Newton's Laws, energy conservation, weight and mass, gravitation and orbits, circular motion and simple harmonic motion, and much more If "Myth Busters" and other TV programs make you curious about our physical world -- or if you're a student forced to take a physics course -- now you can pursue the subject without the dread of boredom or the fear that it will be over your head. Head First Physics comes to rescue with an innovative, engaging, and inspirational way to learn physics!



Wouldn't it be great if there were a physics book that showed you how things work instead of telling you how? Finally, with Head First Physics, there is. This comprehensive book takes the stress out of learning mechanics and practical physics by providing a fun and engaging experience, especially for students who "just don't get it." Head First Physics offers a format that's rich in visuals and full of activities, including pictures, illustrations, puzzles, stories, and quizzes -- a mixed-media style proven to stimulate learning and retention. One look will convince you: This isn't mere theory, this is physics brought to life through real-world scenarios, simple experiments, and hypothetical projects. Head First Physics is perfect for anyone who's intrigued by how things work in the natural world. You'll quickly discover that physics isn't a dry subject. It's all about the world we live in, encompassing everything from falling objects and speeding cars, to conservation of energy and gravity and weightlessness, and orbital behavior. This book: Helps you think like a physicist so you can understand why things really work the way they do Gives you relevant examples so you can fully grasp the principles before moving on to more complex concepts Designed to be used as a supplement study guide for the College Board's Advanced Placement Physics B Exam Introduces principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems, not memorization Teaches you how to measure, observe, calculate -- and yes -- how to do the math Covers scientific notation, SI units, vectors, motion, momentum conservation, Newton's Laws, energy conservation, weight and mass, gravitation and orbits, circular motion and simple harmonic motion, and much more If "Myth Busters" and other TV programs make you curious about our physical world -- or if you're a student forced to take a physics course -- now you can pursue the subject without the dread of boredom or the fear that it will be over your head. Head First Physics comes to rescue with an innovative, engaging, and inspirational way to learn physics!



Wouldn't it be great if there were a physics book that showed you how things work instead of telling you how? Finally, with Head First Physics, there is. This comprehensive book takes the stress out of learning mechanics and practical physics by providing a fun and engaging experience, especially for students who "just don't get it." Head First Physics offers a format that's rich in visuals and full of activities, including pictures, illustrations, puzzles, stories, and quizzes -- a mixed-media style proven to stimulate learning and retention. One look will convince you: This isn't mere theory, this is physics brought to life through real-world scenarios, simple experiments, and hypothetical projects. Head First Physics is perfect for anyone who's intrigued by how things work in the natural world. You'll quickly discover that physics isn't a dry subject. It's all about the world we live in, encompassing everything from falling objects and speeding cars, to conservation of energy and gravity and weightlessness, and orbital behavior. This book: Helps you think like a physicist so you can understand why things really work the way they do Gives you relevant examples so you can fully grasp the principles before moving on to more complex concepts Designed to be used as a supplement study guide for the College Board's Advanced Placement Physics B Exam Introduces principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems, not memorization Teaches you how to measure, observe, calculate -- and yes -- how to do the math Covers scientific notation, SI units, vectors, motion, momentum conservation, Newton's Laws, energy conservation, weight and mass, gravitation and orbits, circular motion and simple harmonic motion, and much more If "Myth Busters" and other TV programs make you curious about our physical world -- or if you're a student forced to take a physics course -- now you can pursue the subject without the dread of boredom or the fear that it will be over your head. Head First Physics comes to rescue with an innovative, engaging, and inspirational way to learn physics!


Head.First.Physics part1

Wouldn't it be great if there were a physics book that showed you how things work instead of telling you how? Finally, with Head First Physics, there is. This comprehensive book takes the stress out of learning mechanics and practical physics by providing a fun and engaging experience, especially for students who "just don't get it." Head First Physics offers a format that's rich in visuals and full of activities, including pictures, illustrations, puzzles, stories, and quizzes -- a mixed-media style proven to stimulate learning and retention. One look will convince you: This isn't mere theory, this is physics brought to life through real-world scenarios, simple experiments, and hypothetical projects. Head First Physics is perfect for anyone who's intrigued by how things work in the natural world. You'll quickly discover that physics isn't a dry subject. It's all about the world we live in, encompassing everything from falling objects and speeding cars, to conservation of energy and gravity and weightlessness, and orbital behavior. This book: Helps you think like a physicist so you can understand why things really work the way they do Gives you relevant examples so you can fully grasp the principles before moving on to more complex concepts Designed to be used as a supplement study guide for the College Board's Advanced Placement Physics B Exam Introduces principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems, not memorization Teaches you how to measure, observe, calculate -- and yes -- how to do the math Covers scientific notation, SI units, vectors, motion, momentum conservation, Newton's Laws, energy conservation, weight and mass, gravitation and orbits, circular motion and simple harmonic motion, and much more If "Myth Busters" and other TV programs make you curious about our physical world -- or if you're a student forced to take a physics course -- now you can pursue the subject without the dread of boredom or the fear that it will be over your head. Head First Physics comes to rescue with an innovative, engaging, and inspirational way to learn physics!


AdvancED ActionScript Animation

AdvancED ActionScript Animation



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