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# MPLAB® Harmony 3 Web Pages## [Welcome to MPLAB Harmony 3](https://github.com/Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony/Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony.github.io/wiki)MPLAB Harmony 3 is an extension of the MPLAB® ecosyst...

2019-06-16 22:32:34 382

原创 六.ATM的现存问题及前景

  虽然ATM的相关技术及研究发展很快,但ATM总体上仍有待于进一步完善。无论在其开发和使用的实践中目前都还存在一些问题,如ATM的话务量管理及拥塞控制方面的技术并不理想;目前ATM产品的价格普遍较高;ATM的标准尚不完善,在适应性、通用性及互操作性等方面均带来一些问题。  尽管如此,Am作为一种全新的交换技术和下一世纪通信技术的主流已是不容置疑的。ATM最早是作为新一代的电信技术基础而提出来的.

2004-06-28 09:46:00 1329

原创 四、ATM网络的LAN仿真

现有网络上运行的网络层协议种类繁多,如IP、IPX、Appletalk、DECnet、Banyan、Vines等,要实现ATM网络与现有的多种LAN网络互连的关键是使用相同的网络层协议,例如统一使用IP和IPX协议,因为网络层的功能便是为高层协议和应用程序提供一致的网络视图。  ATM网络取得成功的一个关键因素就是具备与这些技术互操作的能力。跨越ATM网络运行网络层协议有2种实现方式。一种称为本机

2004-06-28 09:45:00 1013

原创 五、LAN仿真的运行过程

  LANE通过一系列ATM连接进行相互通信。LEC间保持各自连接,以便传输数据和控制流量。  控制连接包括直接配置虚通道连接(Virtual Channel Connection,VCC)、直接控制VCC和分布控制VCC。直接配置VCC是一个双向点对点VCC,是由LEC设置到LECS的;直接控制VCC也是个双向VCC,是由LEC设置到LES的;分布控制VCC是一个单向VCC,从LES返回LEC,

2004-06-28 09:45:00 772

原创 三、ATM的传输控制

监视和管理信元在网络中的传输叫作传输控制。它做得好坏至关重要,特别是对时延敏感的视频数据。不同类型的通信需要不同水平的服务。一个ATM网对不同通信类型提供不同的QOS(服务质量)水平。  1.ATM通信类型   我们可以按ATM网的三个特性:带宽、等待时间和信元延迟变化来对通信类型分类。带宽是为支持某一连接的网络容量大小。等待时间是与连接有关的延迟量。若需要低的等待时间意味着信元需要快速从网络中的

2004-06-28 09:44:00 1182

原创 二、ATM规程

与帧中继和x.25一样,ATM也是面向连接的。ATM的规程分为三层:下面是物理层,中间是ATM层,上面是ATM适配层。物理层规定了ATM数据流和物理介质之间的接口,其中包括两个子层:物理介质相关子层和传输会聚子层。物理介质相关子层规定了ATM数据流通过给定介质传输的速率。 会聚子层规定了通过物理介质相关子层传输的信元的规程。ATM层是ATM技术的核心,虽然有多个ATM适配层和多个物理层可供选择,但

2004-06-28 09:43:00 1108

原创 一、ATM的基本概念

同步和异步                   为了更好地了解ATM,有必要先对时分复用(TDM)和同步传输(STM)作一简单的回顾。TDM即是在一条通信线路上按一定的周期(如125ns)将时间分成称为帧的时间块,而在每一帧中又分成若干时隙,每个时隙可携带相应的用户信息。当某一用户通过呼叫建立起通信后,在此期间,其信号将固定地占用各帧中的某一时隙,直至通信结束,如图1所示。          而对

2004-06-28 09:39:00 3880

原创 about serial

Most internals modems DO use real UARTS just like a standard serial comport.  They may not be true 16550As through.  Even a real 16550A can do230kbps if the right crystal is used.   Their are, are u

2004-06-23 08:20:00 1029

原创 Wintegra-0

Lets discuss about wintegra

2004-06-22 17:59:00 616

中文1777页的Multisim教程,NI Multisim10 入门教程

高清晰中文(非扫描),包含了很多的计算方法,对于硬件基本理论学习非常有帮助 内容提要 „ NI Multisim 10 仿真软件是电子电路计算机仿真设计与 分析的基础。本章介绍了multisim的基本界面与操作方法 ,multisim的电路创建的基础,multisim的仪器仪表的使用,multisim的电路分析方法。 „ 知识要点: multisim的菜单,工具,元器件库,仪器仪表库,分析功能,操作方法。


wince 开发环境 VS2005

全套的wince开发环境安装包 (百度盘共享地址) 1. 微软.Visual.Studio.2005.英文专业版 2. WINCE 6.0 3. WINCE 6.0 R2 4. WINCE 6.0 R3 5. Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Platform Builder Service Pack 1 6. Update: WinCEPB60-061231-Product-Update-Rollup-Armv4I WinCEPB60-071231-Product-Update-Rollup-Armv4I WinCEPB60-081231-Product-Update-Rollup-Armv4I WinCEPB60-091231-Product-Update-Rollup-Armv4I WinCEPB60-101231-Product-Update-Rollup-Armv4I WinCEPB60-111231-Product-Update-Rollup-Armv4I



1、Virtual Serial Port Kit (主要是用来作系统作虚拟串口的) 2、Network Serial Port Kit (通过网络远程访问串口) 3、Serial Port Redirector (将串口重定向至网络端口) 4、Serial Port Splitter (允许多个应用程序同时访问一个串口) 5、Serial Port Mapper (串口MAP工具,允许将虚拟串口连接到物理串口) 6、Access Port (串口调试工具) 7、KeyGen (你懂得)



SHT15传感器与AVR单片机数据采集实验,在串口监视器中可以查看到采集的数据。 文件列表 SHT15\SHT15\SHT15sch.pdf .....\.....\.....程序\SHT15-Testing-v11\SHT15-Testing-v11.asm .....\.....\.........\.................\SHT15-Testing-v11.c .....\.....\.........\.................\SHT15-Testing-v11.hex .....\.....\.........\SHT15-Testing-v



内容涵盖了TI协议栈工具的使用、基础实验、组网演练和项目实战,从入门到进阶再到应用,全面扫盲。可以说是网上唯一涵盖内容最全的ZigBee学习电子书。 基于TI公司的CC2530芯片及其协议栈Z-stack,开发环境是IAR。也是国内资料最全、最流行的方案。所有相关软件和工具使用方法都在 《ZigBee实战演练》中详细讲述。为了让大家更好地了解网蜂的教程和资源,下面我们对pdf文档和实例代码等资源来一个简单的介绍: 1、CC2530集成了增强型C8051内核,可以理解成单片机+无线模块的组合,我们可以使用IAR开发自己的软件代码。为此,我们实验代码分三部分,分别是:基础实验(含点亮第一个LED、按键、外部中断、定时器、串口通讯、AD控制(自带温度计)、睡眠唤醒、看门狗);组网演练(含Zigbee 协议栈简介、无线点灯、信号传输质量检测、协议栈工作原理介绍、协议栈中的串口实验、一小时实现无线数据传输、串口透传,打造无线串口模块)和项目实战(含组网状态实时显示系统、无线IC卡考勤机、串口通讯助手==Zigbee聊天助手、无线互联:ZigBee+GPRS、室内定位系统等),部分内容还在不断完善升级中。其中组网实验全部基于TI自带协议栈实现,其中一小时实现无线数据传输、串口透传,打造无线串口模块更是网蜂团队在Z-stack中提取的精华。务求让大家尽快上手,领略ZigBee魅力。


Cisco Transport Manager 9.1 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual

Cisco Transport Manager Release 9.1 GateWay/CORBA User Guide and Programmer Manual 详细介绍了TMF814接口的定义,可以作为TMF814的参考文档使用。


Exploring.Expect O'reilly

用于自动化测试的工具,Expect,基于TCL语言 Expect is a program to control interactive applications. These applications interactively prompt and expect a user to enter keystrokes in response. By using Expect, you can write simple scripts to automate these interactions. And using automated interactive programs, you will be able to solve problems that you never would have even considered before. Expect can save you hours of drudgery, and this book will start you on your way. This first chapter is an overview of Expect. I will describe some simple applications and present some short scripts. However, the explanations are not intended to be complete but rather to whet your appetite and give you a taste of the good things to come. In the following chapters, I will revisit all of the concepts mentioned in this chapter and cover them in more detail.


powerpc Linux设备树DTS移植

摘 要:设备树的引入减少了内核为支持新硬件而需要的改变,提高代码重用,加速了Linux 支持包的开发,使得单个内核镜像能支持多个系统。作为U-Boot 和Linux 内核之间的动态 接口,本文阐述了设备树的数据存储格式以及源码描述语法,进而分析了U-Boot 对扁平设 备树的支持设置,Linux 内核对设备树的解析流程。 Pages: 7



802.3at-2009 IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Part 3: CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications - Amendment 3: Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) Power via the Media Dependent Interface (MDI) Enhancements. This amendment is to augment the capabilities of the IEEE Std 802.3 with higher power levels and improved power management information. It will augment the methodology for the provision of power via balanced cabling to connected Data Terminal Equipment with IEEE 802.3 interfaces. Optional augmented power limit will be made available for certain structured cabling systems. Compatibility with existing equipment will be maintained. http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/3/ Amendment of IEEE Std 802.3-2008 Price: Member and Affiliate Price: $77.00 Non-Member Price: $99.00 Part Number: STD95959 Format: PDF Pages: 141 Standard Number: 802.3at-2009 Publication Date: 30/10/2009



802.11w-2009 IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 4: Protected Management Frames This amendment specifies the extensions to IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless local area networks (WLANs) providing mechanisms for protecting management frames. http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/ Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11-2007 as amended by IEEE Std 802.11k-2008, IEEE Std 802.11r-2008, and IEEE Std 802.11y-2008 Price: Member and Affiliate Price: $77.00 Non-Member Price: $99.00 Part Number: STD95962 Format: PDF Pages: 111 Standard Number: 802.11w-2009 Publication Date: 25/09/2009



802.11n-2009 IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment : Enhancements for Higher Throughput This amendment defines modifications to both the 802.11 physical layers (PHY) and the 802.11 Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) so that modes of operation can be enabled that are capable of much higher throughputs, with a maximum throughput of at least 100 Mb/s, as measured at the MAC data service access point (SAP). http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/ Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11-2007. Other amendments are 802.11r-2008, 802.11k-2008, 802.11y-2008, and 802.11w-2009 Price: Member and Affiliate Price: $133.00 Non-Member Price: $165.00 Part Number: STD95961 Format: PDF Pages: 536 Standard Number: 802.11n-2009 Publication Date: 29/10/2009



802.3av-2009 IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Part 3: (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment 1: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 10Gb/s Passive Optical Networks This amendment to IEEE Std 802.3-2008 extends Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs) operation to 10 Gb/s providing both symmetric, 10 Gb/s downstream and upstream, and asymmetric, 10 Gb/s downstream and 1 Gb/s upstream, data rates. It specifies the 10 Gb/s EPON Reconciliation Sublayer, 10GBASE-PR symmetric and 10/1GBASE-PRX Physical Coding Sublayers (PCSs) and Physical Media Attachments (PMAs), and Physical Medium Dependent sublayers (PMDs) that support both symmetric and asymmetric data rates while maintaining complete backward compatibility with already deployed 1 Gb/s http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/3/ Amendment of IEEE Std 802.3-2008 Price: Member and Affiliate Price: $99.00 Non-Member Price: $121.00 Part Number: STD95960 Format: PDF Standard Number: 802.3av-2009 Publication Date: 30/10/2009


Git Internals (PDF 英文版)

In this PDF, Scott Chacon goes even further to explain the distributed filesystem behind the popular source code management system. The first 50 pages explain the storage system that powers Git, and an additional 60 pages go into detail about using Git on a day to day basis. 详细介绍在此:http://peepcode.com/products/git-internals-pdf






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