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原创 关于静态页面缓存的几点总结

1.列表页原子操作问题我们使用的nginx proxy cache,每次只能purge(过期)一个页面。发现页,热门,如果不同时purge,会出现新老交替的瞬间。没有主动过期概率更高。阅读nginx proxy cache代码,知道hash规则,删除文件。可以用nginx插件实现。2.缓存什么像大量的用户,专辑页,如果都缓存代价很高,是否只缓存首页。只缓存第一页。3.缓存过期问题被动过...

2013-11-29 16:54:00 374

2013 ADC阿里技术嘉年华所见所思

回来时候,发现会场听讲的会议记录的笔记本丢了,写了满满一本。就凭记忆写一些东西吧。 1.android插件化 插件化框架组开发定制了自己的dexloader,resource loader,如果发现插件或者资源有更改,就自动更新。有校验机制,母包会对子包记性校验,大概是母包对子包进行签名,接着dexloader加载时用母包的公钥解密,得到插件指纹,对插件指纹进行校验,如果插件有任...

2013-07-15 01:19:24 184


今天review了一下测试环境,后来发现一个java进程CPU 120%多,4核的CPU,很多人都没感觉。但是确实是很大问题。测试环境没什么并发,也没什么数据量怎么会这么高的cpu呢? 找到java进程中耗cpu最高的nid,top –p pid –H 用jstack或者其他方式打印一下线程堆栈,从堆栈记录里找出nid,对应的线程和他的堆栈。找到出问题的方法。有这么一段代码...

2013-01-14 17:48:38 175


今天,抽空review一下测试环境。看了一下gc日志,乖乖,满篇的full gc。 用jstat –gcutil PID查了一下,发现确实fgc的count是ygc的4倍。为什么都跑到老年代了。然后看了tomcat启动设置,发现不知一哥们把xmn配成了256m。问他为什么这么设置。说配小了就可以不停的YGC,FGC就没有了。 我怔住了,竟然能这么理解,YGC是增多了,短期对象都跑...

2013-01-14 17:39:38 148


花了几天时间,对androidpn的源代码进行了阅读,并修改了一些必要的功能。 服务端:1.用户认证策略改为用device id和token。token是用户登陆应用成功后生成的,device id是一台机器的UUID。一个用户会绑定到多个device,和网站本身验证机制整合。2.添加调整mina线程池的参数3.去除提供的console,太危险4.修改加载配置文件的方式,原...

2012-12-23 23:18:02 125

原创 Rabbitmq使用小结

1. 神奇的现象今天发布版本时,重启了整个rabbitmq集群,发现有的模块和rabbitmq中的exchange解绑了。而且启动时并没有自动绑定。有个同事有十几个queue,全部手动绑定了一下。导致上线时间多花了10多分钟。现象描述:queue和exchange自动解绑启动时没有自动绑定queue 2. 背后的故事rabbitmq我们采用的是fanout exc...

2012-11-01 22:56:03 117

用maven的ant run插件自动部署MR job依赖的jar到HDFS

背景远程提交MR job时将MR job依赖的所有jar都发布到HDFS中,同时将这些jar加到hadoop job的classpath上。如果每次手动上传就太费劲。项目集成maven。所以打算在maven package时将所有jar通过脚本上传到远程HDFS上   编写ant脚本使用了,haddop的ant 插件。说白了就是一些util方法,调用了fsshell。没...

2012-09-07 20:37:41 171


分页逻辑:1.向下翻滚动条,查看更多2.旧的内容和新的内容会合并,多条会合成一条,放在第一条,便于用户查看信息3.不允许两页出现重复,特别是手机scroll view出现重复就太难看了。解决方法:1.为了分页显示正确,在翻页时不出现重复(翻页是向下查看更多的方式),现在是记录未读数,在获取第二页时是pagenumber×pagesize+unread。如果有新的内...

2012-09-04 17:57:06 261

原创 远程提交Map/Reduce任务

 1. 将开发好MR代码打包成jar。添加到distributed cache中。 bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /root/stat-analysis-mapred-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /user/root/lib 2.  在服务器端创建和你客户端一模一样的用户。创建目录 /tmp/hadoop-root/stagging/用户 ...

2012-08-28 21:20:00 97

Lucene sort

Lucene sort:1.索引顺序 2.相关度 3.sort field 4.custom sort (comparator) 5.function query(score函数) 6.boost(norm) 7.custom collector。 他们各有所长,有的耗cpu时间,有的耗索引大小。...

2012-06-24 15:43:07 127

原创 最近分表的一点感想

1. 都是基于散列算法分表,有两种不同的方法, 一种取模法,但是取模也是先预估100张,也可以先用10张,10张表相当于0, 9,19, 29等,如果模下来的在5就寻址到值为9的那张表,这样即使加入新的10张表也只要迁移部分数据。 二种一致性hash,按100张表为例,每个物理节点增加10个虚拟节点。不要舍不得增加虚拟节点,直到算出来的节点比较平均就可以了。 2. 数据不要舍不...

2012-06-15 08:08:03 98


最近整一些见不得人的事情,每天都忙到很晚。悲剧。   SELECT a.client_id, s.cnt s_cnt, a.cnt a_cnt, s.cnt / a.cnt s_rateFROM (SELECT COUNT(*) cnt, handle_client client_id F...

2012-03-23 15:00:57 745

C# Webbrowser控件使用多代理的问题

C# webbroser控件有限制(可能浏览器控件都有这个限制),黑盒的情况下不能修改header,是只读的方式。只能全局通过DLL的开放的接口修改整个进程的header信息和代理信息。而webbrowser是可以多线程的,我们现在是一个独立业务使用一个webbrowser。将来或使用webrowser池,这时候proxy接收到的数据需要修改然后传给相应的发送者,按照前面所说,proxy...

2011-10-20 08:16:55 247


 6.      FilterFilter可以对解析好的新Task,进行过滤。 7.      HandlerHandler对解析好的内容进行进一步处理,异步化处理和爬取解析。处理主要是将爬取的数据入库和索引。 一、        Task队列Task队列,存放还没有被处理的新任务。 二、        Visited表Visited...

2011-08-18 07:02:47 128


一、        模块1.      SchedulerScheduler负责启动爬虫,停止爬虫,监控爬虫的状态。 Scheduler在调度爬虫时,借助于Quartz,设置爬虫在某个时刻启动。同一个名字的爬虫是stateful的。Task:初始化任务。Trigger: 触发器,描述何时触发爬虫。开放Scheduler远程API,可以通过爬虫配置管理平台管理...

2011-08-18 06:57:38 216


一、        架构图那里搜网络爬虫框架主要针对电子商务网站进行数据爬取,分析,存储,索引。 爬虫:爬虫负责爬取,解析,处理电子商务网站的网页的内容数据库:存储商品信息索引:商品的全文搜索索引Task队列:需要爬取的网页列表Visited表:已经爬取过的网页列表爬虫监控平台:web平台可以启动,停止爬虫,管理爬虫,task队列,visited表。...

2011-08-18 06:43:59 416


 (1)    配置plugin descriptorService可以引用server的配置。Server相当于service的parent。<?xml version="1.0"?><plugin package="org.hyperic.hq.plugin.monitor">   <classpath>    <in...

2011-08-17 22:08:23 127


1.      hyperic SQL 插件SQL plugin功能就是定义一个查询,将DB中的值不停的查出来,收集显示,报警。<plugin>  <service name="testSql">     <!-- config defined by the sqlquery-plugin -->    <config inc...

2011-08-17 21:58:10 131


1.      hyperic JMX插件作为java为服务端语言的web项目,JMX MBean是监控管理很好的选择。Hyperic可以很容易地mbean集成进来。Hyperic可以自动发现定义好的Mbean服务类型的服务。 JMX监控插件开发步骤(1)     设计好自己所要监控的业务逻辑,开发Mbean我们可以借助Spring JMX来开发Mbean。Spring可以将s...

2011-08-17 21:48:55 152


1.      Hyperic插件Hyperic是插件式的。从层次模块划分:配置(product plugin),服务发现(detector),数据收集也称为monitor(collector, measurement),事件跟踪(track),报警,处理(control),UI(HQU)。从功能模块划分:JMX, Script,SQL Query,SNMP等插件,往往一个功能模块包含...

2011-08-17 21:44:48 204


 1.      hyperic简介Hyperic HQ是一个基于java的监控软件,由一个中心监控服务器和一个或多个远程代理组成,远程代理用来向服务器报告节点信息。    Hyperic的特点1.      分布式架构2.      开源3.      被监控资源的自动发现机制,资源的分层,分类,自组织的结构4.      可扩展,定制,可以用于对...

2011-08-17 20:52:10 315

原创 Spring-data-redis使用心得

上个星期用redis,protobuf实现了一个轻量级的mq。过程中尝试用了spring-data-redis,目前是1.0.0.2.M2-SNAPSHOT版本,貌似之前已经release了一个版本。 优点1.目前redis java客户端有多个:如jredis,jedis。用adapter的方式屏蔽了底层实现。让我们可以随意切换redis实现 2.将各种操作分类存放,不用在一...

2011-07-05 17:58:10 364


 用utf-8编码的网站解决gbk编码请求和应答的乱码问题 一.目前现状server.xml<Connector URIEncoding="utf-8" connectionTimeout="200000" port="7080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="8443" useBodyEncodingForURI=..

2011-05-11 16:22:50 498


  1.      背景mongoDB版本1.8.1 collection stats> db.user.gift.stats(){        "ns" : "statgame.user.gift",        "count" : 650,        "size" : 162804,        "avg...

2011-04-25 14:00:56 4610


背景 用户填完提交表单,后台验证数据。验证通过,前端JS在页面加载时自动post并打开一个新的页面,新的页面时第三方支付平台的页面。验证出错,在当前页面显示错误提示。 #if(canPost) <script> $("#payForm").submit()</script>#end 问题每次post时都会被浏览器block,生...

2011-04-19 06:52:03 310


 统计服务对业务数据进行迁移,分析。 外部迁移:业务数据存储于Mysql中,Mysql存储的数据会进行垂直,水平切分,业务数据会存在于多个mysql表中,数据分散使得分析程序写起来头大。并且mysql的单表存储量有限,扩展起来也不容易,要定期做数据迁移。于是我们将mysql中的数据定时地迁移到mongoDB中,并清理mysql中的数据。 外部迁移的程序是通用的:全量迁移,增...

2011-04-12 13:27:26 185



2011-03-26 22:31:37 112


 第1 页: MongoDB Coming第2 页:大纲大纲简介Why MongoMongo 特性Mongo 用法Mongo 架构MysqlMongoMongo javaJava DSL第3 页:简介简介MongoDB不是在实验室设计出来的。利用自己开发大型,高可用性和健壮性系统的经验,我们开发了MongoDB。我们并不...

2011-03-25 09:29:32 140


nginx:在nginx作了反向代理将pay.xxx.com映射到了hostname:80/pay  location ^~ / { proxy_pass http://hostname:80/pay/; }   tomcat: 在tomcat中获取requestURL打出来的是http://pay.xxx.com/pay/a/b.ht...

2011-03-18 12:32:48 2848



2011-02-24 13:53:43 193


Mysql在数据量大的情况下,会遇到水平分表的情况。1. 根据业务属性拆表这种分表方式的算法大致是取模,hash,md5等。用业务属性拆表,业务关系复杂的情况下,如果要根据其他条件查询,其他的条件都必须和这个属性关联起来,查询条件必须带有这个属性。例子:用户profile表根据用户ID取模进行水平拆分。社区里有群组,群组里有应用,应用有各种类型。可以用群组ID,应用ID拆表...

2011-02-22 10:26:19 184

Redis List

List: 它的数据结构和java中的linkedlist是一样的,是一个双向循环链表。在里面预先插入了3840000条记录。服务器配置,pc机,为Redis分配了1g内存 2g vm。1.插入:62ms,lpush rpush一样。2.删除:lpop,rpop 63ms。 删除第一个元素 lrem(key, value, 1) 63ms 删除最后一个元素 ...

2010-12-30 18:09:26 81

原创 抛弃TT/TC,拥抱Redis

1.我们需要复杂和灵活的数据结构如List,Set,而TT/TC table支持的是类似于简单的单表结构。我们先前是用TC Hash模拟出来的List,但在删除,分页,清理上都存在难度。维护起来也不方便。功能上Redis更适合我们的需求。 2.TT/TC java客户端比较弱,目前只能用memcached java client 3.Redis对并发操作提供了很多方便的API调用 4....

2010-11-05 16:09:05 157


PooledConnectionFactory有两个属性maxConnections,maximumActive。咋一看来,用人类的常识理解,maxConnection应该表示最大可建的connection数,maximumActive应该表示最大活跃的connection数,当pool中的连接数大于最大活跃数时,又超过idleTimeout会被回收线程回收到。 如果是这样理解的,就...

2010-11-02 07:15:09 576



2010-08-14 01:04:20 151

原创 RDBMS的lucene爬虫

主要介绍如何周期性尽量实时地从RDBMS爬数据然后建索引,不涉及AOP或ORM Framework的listener方式。先决条件:Lucene索引是从无到有的,一开始所有数据都是存储在RDBMS(Oracle)中。 数据表有一列是updateTime或称为lastModifiedTime用来存储最后一次更新时间,并建有db索引 主表必须要有主键,这个主键也用来唯一确定一个L...

2010-05-07 10:28:16 100

在JavaMail的基础上构建自己的Email Channel(2):封装Javamail的原因

封装Javamail的原因两个字需求1.      去年已经写过一个Message channel,抽象出了消息发送的统一接口,已经支持FTP, JMS。底层还提出来了一套统一的connection pool结构。用户通过依赖注入方式配置选择通信方式,connection pool的策略,具体实现在代码中对用户都是透明的,用户可以方便地通过配置文件切换选择的通信方式。Email通信方式也需...

2010-05-07 10:25:55 153

在JavaMail的基础上构建自己的Email Channel(1):基础知识

在JavaMail的基础上构建自己的Email Channel基础知识Email入门不说太多,至于什么是Email,Email给我们带来什么好处,也就不唠叨了。但是先得看下Email的数据结构,因为我们需要根据领域逻辑,进行面向对象的设计。现在通过webmail和outlook发的邮件一般都是MIME邮件,如上图,但不同的client也可能稍微有所不同。邮件是由邮件头和邮件...

2010-05-07 10:24:13 335

原创 OC4J升级Oracle JDBC driver版本

OC4J升级Oracle JDBC driver版本DB升级到11g,application server是10133,必须升级OJDBC driver版本 备份$OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/config下的system-application.xml和server.xml在$OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/shared-lib下新建目录oracle.jdbc...

2010-01-15 16:53:44 391

原创 2009年工作总结

CUSTOMER FOCUS Be patient to listen to application users to speak out their requirements. Try best to satisfy all the reasonable requirements put forward by them. Suppose and analyze their potential r...

2010-01-06 15:48:08 70

Prentice Hall - Effective Java 2nd.Edition May 2008

THIS book is designed to help you make the most effective use of the Java™ programming language and its fundamental libraries, java.lang, java.util, and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and java.io. The book discusses other libraries from time to time, but it does not cover graphical user interface programming, enterprise APIs, or mobile devices. This book consists of seventy-eight items, each of which conveys one rule. The rules capture practices generally held to be beneficial by the best and most experienced programmers. The items are loosely grouped into ten chapters, each concerning one broad aspect of software design. The book is not intended to be read from cover to cover: each item stands on its own, more or less. The items are heavily cross-referenced so you can easily plot your own course through the book. Many new features were added to the platform in Java 5 (release 1.5). Most of the items in this book use these features in some way. The following table shows you where to go for primary coverage of these features:



This book has existed (in one form or another) since the first edition of C# and the .NET Platform<br>was published in conjunction with the release of .NET 1.0 Beta 2, circa the summer of 2001. Since<br>that point, I have been extremely happy and grateful to see that this text was very well received by<br>the press and, most important, by readers. Over the years it was nominated as a Jolt Award finalist<br>(I lost . . . crap!) and for the 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award in the programming book category<br>(I won? Cool!).<br>Since that point, I have worked to keep the book current with each release of the .NET platform,<br>including a limited printing of a Special Edition, which introduced the technologies of .NET 3.0<br>(Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, and Windows Workflow<br>Foundation) as well as offered previews of several forthcoming technologies, which we now know as<br>LINQ.<br>The fourth edition of this text, which you hold in your hands, is a massive retelling of the previous<br>manuscript to account for all of the major changes that are found within .NET 3.5. Not only will<br>you find numerous brand-new chapters, you will find many of the previous chapters have been<br>expanded in great detail.<br>As with the earlier editions, this edition presents the C# programming language and .NET base<br>class libraries using a friendly and approachable tone. I have never understood the need some<br>technical authors have to spit out prose that reads more like a GRE vocabulary study guide than a<br>readable book. As well, this new edition remains focused on providing you with the information you<br>need to build software solutions today, rather than spending too much time examining esoteric<br>details that few individuals will ever actually care about.






Facelets is a templating language developed from the ground up with<br>JavaServer™ Faces (JSF™) in mind. Because Facelets has come about as a<br>result of many of the concerns with JavaServer™ Pages (JSP™) API when<br>building JSF views, it steps outside of the JSP specification and provides a<br>highly performant, JSF-centric view technology. Its top properties are<br>templating, code reuse, and ease of development.<br>Focusing on these priorities allows Facelets to help make JSF suitable for<br>large-scale projects. For example, one of the first things a Facelets<br>developer finds is that the technology immediately leads to a reduction in<br>user interface (UI) code. Take our advice: use Facelets in your applications<br>instead of JSP. In this book, we will show you how to maximize your JSF<br>productivity with Facelets by leveraging it the right contexts.


Prentice Hall - Effective Java 2nd.Edition May 2008

THIS book is designed to help you make the most effective use of the Java™<br>programming language and its fundamental libraries, java.lang, java.util,<br>and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and java.io. The book discusses<br>other libraries from time to time, but it does not cover graphical user interface<br>programming, enterprise APIs, or mobile devices.<br>This book consists of seventy-eight items, each of which conveys one rule.<br>The rules capture practices generally held to be beneficial by the best and most<br>experienced programmers. The items are loosely grouped into ten chapters, each<br>concerning one broad aspect of software design. The book is not intended to be<br>read from cover to cover: each item stands on its own, more or less. The items are<br>heavily cross-referenced so you can easily plot your own course through the book.



This book is designed to be read from beginning to end by those new to<br>PL/SQL. Part I covers PL/SQL fundamentals. Part II covers the backbone<br>of the programming language, which consists of functions, procedures,<br>packages, triggers, and large objects. Part III dives into some advanced<br>topics that should help you immediately with your development projects.<br>The appendixes in Part IV provide primers on Oracle DBA tasks, SQL programming,<br>PHP scripting, Java development, regular expressions, and wrapping PL/SQL. Introductory<br>primers are provided to help you learn about the PL/SQL Hierarchical Profiler and PL/Scope.<br>There is also an appendix that reviews reserved words and built-in functions that support<br>your programming tasks.



This book is intended for intermediate to advanced Rails programmers. It assumes that you already<br>know Ruby, and have either read one of the many wonderful introductory books on Rails or have<br>otherwise consumed some form of a Rails tutorial. In either case, you don ’ t need me to tell you how to<br>create a basic Rails application.<br>The focus of this book is on the step that comes after just being able to make Rails work. You ’ ve read the<br>basic book, and now you ’ ve been asked to implement a real, live, web application. Suddenly you have<br>all sorts of questions that weren ’ t covered in the introductory material. How do I manage users and<br>security? Is there an easy way to manage time zones or other internationalization issues? How does Rails<br>expect me to organize a team of programmers and manage source issues? How do I automate common<br>build tasks, and how do I deploy to a production server? What do I need to do to secure my site? How<br>can I extend Rails to take advantage of the many wonderful things being done by the Rails programming<br>community?<br>If you ’ re interested in learning the answer to any of these questions, then this book is for you.



The main audience of the book are software professionals interested<br>in the conceptual foundations of patterns. Our primary goal is to help<br>such professionals broaden, deepen, and complete their knowledge<br>and understanding of the pattern concept so that they know what and<br>how patterns can contribute to their projects. Our other goals are to<br>help them avoid common misconceptions about patterns, and apply<br>concrete patterns more effectively in their daily software development<br>work.<br>This book is also suitable for undergraduate or graduate students<br>who have a solid grasp of software engineering, programming languages,<br>runtime environments, and tools. For this audience, the book<br>can help them to learn more about what patterns are and how they<br>can help with the design and implementation of high-quality software.


SOA Approach to Integration

Integration of applications within a business and between different businesses is becoming more and more important. The needs for up-to-date information that is accessible from almost everywhere, and developing e-business solutions—particularly business to business—requires that developers find solutions for integrating diverse, heterogeneous applications, developed on different architectures and programming languages, and on different platforms. They have to do this quickly and cost effectively, but still preserve the architecture and deliver robust solutions that are maintainable over time.<br>Integration is a difficult task. This book focuses on the SOA approach to integration of existing (legacy) applications and newly developed solutions, using modern technologies, particularly web services, XML, ESB, and BPEL. The book shows how to define SOA for integration, what integration patterns to use, which technologies to use, and how to best integrate existing applications with modern e-business solutions. The book will also show you how to develop web services and BPEL processes, and how to process and manage XML documents from J2EE and .NET platforms. Finally, the book also explains how to integrate both platforms using web services and ESBs.


Google Guice Agile Lightweight Dependency Injection Framework

greatest dependency injection framework that fully exploits all modern Java™ features. One<br>step at a time, this book will help turn any XML-spitting programmer into a true Guice master,<br>or a “Bob,” as I like to say.<br>I’m particularly proud of this book’s coverage. To make sure that nobody gets left behind, I<br>start out with an introduction to dependency injection concepts. From there, you will learn how<br>Guice makes your life easier, and you’ll gradually become a Guice expert. Beyond that, I also<br>devoted two chapters to web application development with Struts 2 and Wicket, including<br>content on how to organize your application and how to use Warp Persist, a popular Guice<br>extension, to access your data using the Java Persistence API and Hibernate.<br>Writing this book was not an easy task, so in addition to Apress, I’d like to thank some people<br>in particular. First, I would like to thank Dhanji R. Prasanna for referring me to Apress to write<br>this book. He has also done a fantastic job as my technical reviewer. I’d also like to thank Bob<br>Lee, the inventor of Guice, who kindly answered all of my questions and inspired much of the<br>content in Chapter 8. Finally, a big thank you goes out to my friends, my parents, my brother,<br>and anyone who believes in me; you are the people who put the smile on my face.<br>Now, put on your Batman or Catwoman costume; open up a bottle of wine; pick up this book;<br>and put your feet up. Be a Java hero, and may Guice help you on your way. Just don’t forget to<br>send me a picture of you in that getup.


From Project to Product Turning Your Code into a Saleable Product.pdf

This book is really about getting to your first day in business.It is about taking that raw idea you have for a program and creating asaleable product. And setting up the support systems you need to make yourbusiness hum.8 Chapter 1 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?If you’re going to do this thing, you have to be ready for some tough days.But nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Sometimes what it really takes is stupid,blind obstinacy—the drive to keep going, stubbornly solving one problemat a time until you get the brass ring.Once I had a partner who had one of those ghastly motivational postershung in our office. You know, the kind that promotes leadership and teamworkand quality through the use of tired old clichés and kitschy art. This one wasno exception. And yet its corny McCuen-esque message stuck in my mind andhas provided a handy boost to me many times over the years. It was a pictureof a three-masted sailing ship threading its way between rocky outcroppingand small islands. And the message:



In this book, you will be introduced to all the main techniques and keywords needed to<br>create SQL queries. You will learn about joins, intersections, unions, differences, selection<br>of rows, and projection of columns. You will see how to implement these ideas in different<br>ways using simple and nested queries, and you will be introduced to a variety of aggregate<br>functions and summary techniques. You can try out what you learn using the sample data<br>provided through the Apress web page for this book (http://www.apress.com/book/view/<br>1590599438). There you will find the Access database used for the examples in the book<br>and some scripts to create the database on a number of other platforms.<br>Most important of all, you will learn different ways to get started on a troublesome<br>problem. In almost all cases, there are several different ways to express a query. My objective<br>is, for any particular situation, to provide you with a method of attack that matches your<br>psyche and mood (just kidding).



If you’re reading this, you are likely ready to work with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and are<br>seeking some direction.<br>This book provides information about XML and the issues involved in designing XML-based solutions<br>for business problems. It does so in a case-study format, with each chapter taking one part of the single,<br>main project, and leading you through the design of a solution for that, so that by the end of the book,<br>you will understand every aspect of using XML to design business solutions.<br>After a broad-stroke introduction to XML technologies, the book surveys solutions to typical business<br>and technology needs that are best solved using XML. You’ll tackle XML markup—more specifically, the<br>kind of markup that you find “under the hood” of everyday applications and web services. Commonly<br>available resources are used to show you the fundamentals of what XML markup is, how to get at valuable<br>information through these resources, and how to begin providing valuable information to others<br>through XML. The book thus emphasizes the fundamentals of structured markup, and uses commodity<br>technologies such as XSLT and scripting to build working examples. Discussion of XML Schema languages<br>is limited to comparing and contrasting the major approaches within the framework of the working<br>example.<br>This book is a nuts-and-bolts guide to help you leverage XML applications, some of which you didn’t<br>even know you had. It covers XML 1.0, and related technologies such as XSLT, XQuery, and XPath. The<br>focus of the examples is on use of XML to share information across the enterprise.<br>An XML primer helps novice users get off to a quick start. Readers then move into sections of increasing<br>depth, each developing a more advanced treatment of XML than the one before. Readers who have some<br>familiarity with the material are welcome to dive right in to a section to consider specific XML application<br>scenarios.



You're all in the business of software development. Some of you are architects and developers while few others are technology managers and executives. For many of you, ESB is encroaching and JBI is still an unknown—a risk previously avoided but now found to be inescapable. Let us tame these buzzwords in the context of SOA<br>and Integration.<br>While you do the day to day programming for solving business problems, you will be generating business code as well as business integration code. The traditional Java/J2EE APIs provide you with enough tools and frameworks to do the business coding. The business code will help you to implement a business service such as creating orders or finding products. On the contrary, business integration code wires together multiple applications and systems to provide seamless information flow. It deals with patterns of information exchange across systems and services, among other things. This is where the new Java API for Integration—Java Business Integration (JBI) seeks attention.<br>JBI provides a collaboration framework which has standard interfaces for integration components and protocols to plug into, thus allowing the assembly of Service Oriented Integration (SOI) frameworks following the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) pattern. JBI is based on JSR 208, which is an extension of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). The book first discusses the various integration approaches available and introduces ESB, which is a new architectural pattern which can facilitate integrating services. In doing so, we also introduce ServiceMix, an Apache Open Source Java ESB. Thus for each of the subsequent chapters, we limit our discussion to a major concern which we can address using ESB and then also showcase this with samples which you can run using ServiceMix. If you are a person with a non-Java background, the book still benefits you since most of the integration wiring happens in XML configuration files.


LINQ Pocket Reference

Ready to take advantage of LINQ with C# 3.0? This guide has the detail you need to grasp Microsoft's new querying technology, and concise explanations to help you learn it quickly. And once you begin to apply LINQ, the book serves as an on-the-job reference when you need immediate reminders. All the examples in the LINQ Pocket Reference are preloaded into LINQPad, the highly praised utility that lets you work with LINQ interactively. Created by the authors and free to download, LINQPad will not only help you learn LINQ, it will have you thinking in LINQ. <br><br>


Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion, 2nd Edition

This book tells you how to improve the effectiveness of yoursoftware development process using version control.Version control, sometimes called source code control, is thefirst leg of our project support tripod. We view the use ofversion control as mandatory on all projects.


Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition (2005).

Written by the inventors of the technology, The Java™ Language Specification, Third Edition, is the definitive technical reference for the Java™ programming language. If you want to know the precise meaning of the language's constructs, this is the source for you.<br><br>The book provides complete, accurate, and detailed coverage of the Java programming language. It provides full coverage of all new features added since the previous edition, including generics, annotations, asserts, autoboxing, enums, for-each loops, variable arity methods, and static import clauses.<br>


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