

PSI_stage_info stage_after_create= { 0, "After create", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_allocating_local_table= { 0, "allocating local table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_alter_inplace_prepare= { 0, "preparing for alter table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_alter_inplace= { 0, "altering table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_alter_inplace_commit= { 0, "committing alter table to storage engine", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_changing_master= { 0, "Changing master", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_checking_master_version= { 0, "Checking master version", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_checking_permissions= { 0, "checking permissions", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_checking_privileges_on_cached_query= { 0, "checking privileges on cached query", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_checking_query_cache_for_query= { 0, "checking query cache for query", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_cleaning_up= { 0, "cleaning up", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_closing_tables= { 0, "closing tables", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_connecting_to_master= { 0, "Connecting to master", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_converting_heap_to_myisam= { 0, "converting HEAP to MyISAM", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_copying_to_group_table= { 0, "Copying to group table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_copying_to_tmp_table= { 0, "Copying to tmp table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_copy_to_tmp_table= { 0, "copy to tmp table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_creating_delayed_handler= { 0, "Creating delayed handler", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_creating_sort_index= { 0, "Creating sort index", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_creating_table= { 0, "creating table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_creating_tmp_table= { 0, "Creating tmp table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_deleting_from_main_table= { 0, "deleting from main table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_deleting_from_reference_tables= { 0, "deleting from reference tables", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_discard_or_import_tablespace= { 0, "discard_or_import_tablespace", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_end= { 0, "end", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_executing= { 0, "executing", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_execution_of_init_command= { 0, "Execution of init_command", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_explaining= { 0, "explaining", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_finished_reading_one_binlog_switching_to_next_binlog= { 0, "Finished reading one binlog; switching to next binlog", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_flushing_relay_log_and_master_info_repository= { 0, "Flushing relay log and master info repository.", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_flushing_relay_log_info_file= { 0, "Flushing relay-log info file.", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_freeing_items= { 0, "freeing items", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_fulltext_initialization= { 0, "FULLTEXT initialization", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_got_handler_lock= { 0, "got handler lock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_got_old_table= { 0, "got old table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_init= { 0, "init", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_insert= { 0, "insert", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_invalidating_query_cache_entries_table= { 0, "invalidating query cache entries (table)", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_invalidating_query_cache_entries_table_list= { 0, "invalidating query cache entries (table list)", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_killing_slave= { 0, "Killing slave", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_logging_slow_query= { 0, "logging slow query", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_making_temp_file_append_before_load_data= { 0, "Making temporary file (append) before replaying LOAD DATA INFILE.", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_making_temp_file_create_before_load_data= { 0, "Making temporary file (create) before replaying LOAD DATA INFILE.", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_manage_keys= { 0, "manage keys", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_master_has_sent_all_binlog_to_slave= { 0, "Master has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog to be updated", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_opening_tables= { 0, "Opening tables", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_optimizing= { 0, "optimizing", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_preparing= { 0, "preparing", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_purging_old_relay_logs= { 0, "Purging old relay logs", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_query_end= { 0, "query end", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_queueing_master_event_to_the_relay_log= { 0, "Queueing master event to the relay log", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_reading_event_from_the_relay_log= { 0, "Reading event from the relay log", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_registering_slave_on_master= { 0, "Registering slave on master", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_removing_duplicates= { 0, "Removing duplicates", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_removing_tmp_table= { 0, "removing tmp table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_rename= { 0, "rename", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_rename_result_table= { 0, "rename result table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_requesting_binlog_dump= { 0, "Requesting binlog dump", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_reschedule= { 0, "reschedule", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_searching_rows_for_update= { 0, "Searching rows for update", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sending_binlog_event_to_slave= { 0, "Sending binlog event to slave", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sending_cached_result_to_client= { 0, "sending cached result to client", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sending_data= { 0, "Sending data", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_setup= { 0, "setup", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_slave_has_read_all_relay_log= { 0, "Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sorting_for_group= { 0, "Sorting for group", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sorting_for_order= { 0, "Sorting for order", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sorting_result= { 0, "Sorting result", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_statistics= { 0, "statistics", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_sql_thd_waiting_until_delay= { 0, "Waiting until MASTER_DELAY seconds after master executed event", 0 };
PSI_stage_info stage_storing_result_in_query_cache= { 0, "storing result in query cache", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_storing_row_into_queue= { 0, "storing row into queue", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_system_lock= { 0, "System lock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_update= { 0, "update", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_updating= { 0, "updating", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_updating_main_table= { 0, "updating main table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_updating_reference_tables= { 0, "updating reference tables", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_upgrading_lock= { 0, "upgrading lock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_user_lock= { 0, "User lock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_user_sleep= { 0, "User sleep", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_verifying_table= { 0, "verifying table", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_delay_list= { 0, "waiting for delay_list", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_gtid_to_be_written_to_binary_log= { 0, "waiting for GTID to be written to binary log", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_handler_insert= { 0, "waiting for handler insert", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_handler_lock= { 0, "waiting for handler lock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_handler_open= { 0, "waiting for handler open", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_insert= { 0, "Waiting for INSERT", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_master_to_send_event= { 0, "Waiting for master to send event", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_master_update= { 0, "Waiting for master update", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_relay_log_space= { 0, "Waiting for the slave SQL thread to free enough relay log space", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_slave_mutex_on_exit= { 0, "Waiting for slave mutex on exit", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_slave_thread_to_start= { 0, "Waiting for slave thread to start", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_table_flush= { 0, "Waiting for table flush", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_query_cache_lock= { 0, "Waiting for query cache lock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_the_next_event_in_relay_log= { 0, "Waiting for the next event in relay log", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_for_the_slave_thread_to_advance_position= { 0, "Waiting for the slave SQL thread to advance position", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_to_finalize_termination= { 0, "Waiting to finalize termination", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_waiting_to_get_readlock= { 0, "Waiting to get readlock", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_workers_to_exit= { 0, "Waiting for workers to exit", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_release_partition= { 0, "Waiting for Slave Worker to release partition", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_worker_to_free_events= { 0, "Waiting for Slave Workers to free pending events", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_worker_queue= { 0, "Waiting for Slave Worker queue", 0};
PSI_stage_info stage_slave_waiting_event_from_coordinator= { 0, "Waiting for an event from Coordinator", 0};

Query Cache找到缓存后调用:THD_STAGE_INFO(thd, stage_sending_cached_result_to_client);// 1803行

#define THD_STAGE_INFO(thd, stage) \
  (thd)->enter_stage(& stage, NULL, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__)

_FILE__ 是内置宏 代表源文件的文件名


我们看到show profile SOURCE for query;的Source_line行数与代码中调用的行数相同





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


