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原创 [原创]ASP.NET2.0连接ORACLE解决方案

  以前写.net都用SQL Server2005数据库,但公司里要用Oracle 9i数据库,只能改程序的接口了,我从网上查了很多文章,很多都只说了一个方面,试验起来都不成功,测试了好多次终于成功了,所以做个简单得Demo把解决方法告诉遇到此类问题的朋友们。Demo界面: Default.aspx界面上添加的控件:两个TextBox: tEmail(用于输入用户email),

2007-11-23 15:51:00 1968 3

电子书 Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Step by Step

This book shows you how to write Web applications using Microsoft ASP.NET 4, the most current version of the Microsoft HTTP request processing framework. Web development has come a long way since the earliest sites began popping up on the Internet in the early 1990s. The world of Web development offers several choices of development tools. During the past few years, ASP.NET has evolved to become one of the most consistent, stable, and feature rich frameworks available for managing HTTP requests


Beginning Visual C# 2010

Get ready for the next release of Microsoft’s C# programming language with this essential Wrox beginner’s guide. Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2010 starts with the basics and brings you thoroughly up to speed. You’ll first cover the fundamentals such as variables, flow control, and object-oriented programming and gradually build your skills for Web and Windows programming, Windows forms, and data access. Step-by-step directions walk you through processes and invite you to “Try it Out,” at every stage. By the end, you’ll be able to write useful programming code following the steps you’ve learned in this thorough, practical book.


Pro WPF in C# 2010: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4

Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides the foundation for building applications and high-quality user experiences for the Windows operating system. It blends the application user interface, documents, and media content, while exploiting the full power of your computer's operating system. Its functionality extends to the support for Tablet PCs and other forms of input device, and it provides a more modern imaging and printing pipeline, accessibility and UI automation infrastructure, data-driven UIs and visualization, and integration points for weaving the application experience into the Windows shell. This book shows you how WPF really works. It provides you with the no-nonsense, practical advice that you need in order to build high-quality WPF applications quickly and easily. After giving you a firm foundation, it goes on to explore the more advance aspects of WPF and how they relate to the others elements of the .NET 4.0 platform and associated technologies such as Silverlight. What you'll learn WPF basics: XAML, layout, control essentials, and data flow WPF applications: Navigation, commands, localization, and deployment Advanced controls: Custom controls, menus, toolbars, and trees WPF documents: Text layout, printing, and document packaging Graphics and multimedia: Drawing shapes, sound and video, animation, geometric transformations, and imaging Who is this book for? This book is designed for developers encountering WPF for the first time in their professional lives. A working knowledge of C# and the basic architecture of .NET is helpful to follow the examples easily, but all concepts will be explained from the ground up.


C# Development 2009 PDF电子书

C# Development 2009 适合初学C#语言的朋友学习 英文电子书



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