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原创 phpStorm使用技巧总结

1,从版本控制系统创建项目:CVS -> Checkout from Version Control 2, 关联DOC文档:右键External Librariese -> Configure PHP include paths 3, 去掉波浪线:settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Ge...

2016-04-07 10:46:10 131

原创 Centos中查看nginx、apache、php、mysql配置文件路径

1、判断apache首先执行命令找到httpd路径ps aux | grep httpd如httpd路径为 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd然后执行以下命令/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -V | grep “SERVER_CONFIG_FILE”即可找到编译时加载的配置文件路径 httpd.conf-V 参数可以看到编译时配置的参数2、判断ng...

2016-01-28 13:01:26 308

原创 Reason remind fro @ControllerAdvice @ExceptiionHandler does not work

Configured following lines in web.xml for servlet:                               <init-param><param-name>detectAllHandlerExceptionResolvers</param-name><param-value>fal...

2015-12-08 12:34:33 153

原创 How to install memcached on CentOS with memcached PHP extension on CentOS

How to install memcached on CentOS with memcached PHP extension on CentOSPublished: Wed, 08/29/2012 - 8:46amUpdated: Wed, 06/19/2013 - 12:22amWe'll need the following:memcache...

2015-10-19 15:17:46 178

原创 M4JAVA+GraphicsMagick处理网站图片

现在做的网站需要保存用户上传的图片,同时需要进行压缩和图片切割等特殊效果的处理。    一开始我们用的是JMagick+ ImageMagick处理用户上传的图片,但是存在一个非常严重的问题,Tomcat在跑了大概10天左右后会crash掉,异常内容为:Java代码  magick.MagickException: Unable to retrieve handle ...

2014-11-07 11:48:56 126

原创 How do I include one HTML file in another?

2007-09-20: The easiest way, by far, is to use "server side includes" in your HTML. Almost all web servers support this, except for free web hosting companies. This is overwhelmingly the preferred wa...

2014-11-07 11:45:30 478

原创 腾讯微信技术总监周颢:一亿用户增长背后的架构秘密

<iframe src="http://hits.sinajs.cn/A1/weiboshare.html?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.csdn.net%2Farticle%2F2012-05-15%2F2805581&type=3&count=&appkey=&title=%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1%...

2014-11-07 11:23:49 484

原创 Calculate the Distance Between Two Coordinates (latitude, longitude)

function distance($lat1, $lng1, $lat2, $lng2, $miles = true){$pi80 = M_PI / 180;$lat1 *= $pi80;$lng1 *= $pi80;$lat2 *= $pi80;$lng2 *= $pi80; ...

2014-11-07 10:58:16 203

原创 PHP and MySQL: Calculating Distance

This month I’ve been programming quite a bit in PHP and MySQL with respect to GIS. Snooping around the net, I actually had a hard time finding some of the Geographic calculations to find the distance...

2014-11-07 10:57:28 104

原创 浅谈网络语音技术

浅谈网络语音技术      当我们使用像Skype、QQ这样的工具和朋友流畅地进行语音视频聊天时,我们可曾想过其背后有哪些强大的技术在支撑?本文将对网络语音通话所使用到的技术做一些简单的介绍,算是管中窥豹吧。一.概念模型      网络语音通话通常是双向的,就模型层面来说,这个双向是对称的。为了简单起见,我们讨论一个方向的通道就可以了。一方说话,另一方则听到声音。看似简单而迅...

2014-07-08 11:27:54 103

原创 什么是ASR、TTS?


2014-06-03 11:22:51 3653

原创 android programming- the big nerd ranch guide-the activity lifecycle

 Note that the types that you can save to and restore from a Bundle are primitive types and objects that implement the Serializable interface When your activity is stashed, an Activity object d...

2014-05-23 15:51:27 104

原创 android programming- the big nerd ranch guide

Widgets are the building blocks you use to compose a user interface. A widget can show text or graphics, interact with the user, or arrange other widgets on the screen. Buttons, text input controls,...

2014-05-19 16:57:36 152

原创 reboot emulator, broadcast boot complete event

You can use the following command from adb: adb shell am activity/service/broadcast -a ACTION -c CATEGORY -n NAMEfor example: adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED...

2014-05-16 14:20:56 92

原创 语音引擎

语音引擎:SPIRIT DSP: TeamSpir移动语音引擎 GOOGLE:gips(global ip solutions)GIPS移动语音引擎(GIPS VoiceEngine Mobile)将支持Android手机操作系统的VoIP应用开发 开源:speex...

2014-05-13 11:39:13 312

原创 ADT blank activity created with fragment activity

 For those who would like instructions on how to remove Fragments from the project:1) Copy all the contents of res/layout/fragment_main.xml. Open activity_main.xml, delete the FrameLayout, and pa...

2014-05-08 11:02:02 148

原创 Configuring Permissions for FTP and Apache

A better and more secure solution (i get uneasy with the internet having access to an admins home folder!) is to create a webroot folder in / Terminal time! cd /sudo mkdir /webrootsudo gr...

2013-04-11 14:27:38 75

原创 Enable mod_rewrite in a Ubuntu server

If you have done much work with Apache then most likely you have experienced a need for enabling the rewrite engine. If you are unfamiliar with the rewrite engine, you can think of it as a means for...

2013-03-27 13:09:34 137

原创 How to fix Apache – "Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified d

To fix that problem, you need to edit the httpd.conf file. Open the terminal and type,sudo gedit /etc/apache2/httpd.confBy default httpd.conf file will be blank. Now, simply add the following ...

2013-03-27 12:56:08 71



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