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原创 JVM_Xms_Xmx_初始值(Sun Jdk)
In the J2SE platform version 1.4.2 by default the following selections were made Serial garbage collector Heap sizes initial heap size of 4 Mbyte maximum heap size of 64 Mbyte Client runtime compiler
2010-12-26 10:46:00 519
原创 从JVM的角度分析String对象的创建
测试一: String s1= new String("a"); String s2= "b"; 字节码 0 new #21 3 dup 4 ldc #28 6 invokespecial #25 > 9 astore_010 ldc #32 12 astore_113 return从 4 ldc #28 可以看出String s1 = new String("a");会创建两个对象,一个是常量池中的,一个是堆中的测试二: String s1= "a"; String s2= "b";
2010-12-26 10:40:00 303
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