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It’s not a bug. It’s a …

Hey, I have to blog about this one. It’s so funny it’s classic!

2007-08-24 03:22:33 141

What does a native tab control on Windows look like, anyway?

I came across an article on EclipseZone today that got me to really wonder what a native tab on Windows should look like.The article takes the tab control of Eclipse for an example.Eclipse’s editor...

2007-08-23 15:46:07 117

Eclipse RCP and desktop Java - are we there yet?

I’m currently working on an Eclipse RCP project, which is supposed to be mostly used by non-technical people. Actually in my company today, Eclipse RCP is the de facto technology for building all desk...

2007-08-16 16:25:59 143

Downloading YouTube Videos with a Groovy one-liner, and convert it to mpeg4

Today I used LiveHTTPHeaders to take a closer look at how the youtube video streams are directed to the browser. And I found that my previous attempt actually has some redundency in it. To get the flv...

2007-08-15 14:31:23 210444



2007-08-15 12:38:20 162


Launchy真是个用了舍不得放下的小东西,可以双手不离键盘的打开电脑上几乎任何东西。而且,hack一番的话你还可以让Launchy干更多更有趣的事情。 比如,今天尝试成功了用Launchy发消息到饭否,方法如下。先下载cURL。把curl.exe复制到系统path路径下,比如c:\windows在Launchy建立了索引的某个directory下,新建文件fanfou.bat,内容如下...

2007-08-02 15:33:51 123

Hello world, again (Part II, how I moved from JRoller to Wordpress)

This is my summary about the migration of my blog from JRoller to here.I’m a Java engineer working in China. So when I was looking for a free blogging service, JRoller was my natural choice, because...

2007-07-29 05:18:58 101

Hello world, again!

Hi, folks! So I’ve finally made up my mind to move my blog out of JRoller. Now this blog is on a domain and space owned by myself, which is virtually the best solution for blogging, which is also sadl...

2007-07-28 15:17:48 145

JRoller upgraded!

Wow! JRoller has upgraded to the latest Roller 3.1, and got a fresh facelift which is in harmony with the lovely DZone.The immediate difference I see with my blog is that my control panel is now part...

2007-07-19 10:30:31 118

JRoller upgraded!

Wow! JRoller has upgraded to the latest Roller 3.1, and got a fresh facelift which is in harmony with the lovely DZone.The immediate difference I see with my blog is that my control panel is now pa...

2007-07-19 02:30:31 90

Project Zero: First Impressions

Last weekend, Project Zero officially unveiled its community site. Project Zero is a fresh new project from IBM which aims at the agile web development framework domain which is getting momentum very ...

2007-07-07 00:38:33 177

Project Zero: First Impressions

Last weekend, Project Zero officially unveiled its community site. Project Zero is a fresh new project from IBM which aims at the agile web development framework domain which is getting momentum very ...

2007-07-06 16:38:33 95

Project Zero: First Impressions

Last weekend, Project Zero officially unveiled its community site. Project Zero is a fresh new project from IBM which aims at the agile web development framework domain which is getting momentum very ...

2007-07-06 16:38:33 108

Problem with posting from Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is really quite a nice tool for posting to blogs. But despite of my effort to get it to work with jroller, I’ve always failed. I have seen someone succeeded posting to jroller, but...

2007-07-05 21:29:23 87

Problem with posting from Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is really quite a nice tool for posting to blogs. But despite of my effort to get it to work with jroller, I've always failed. I have seen someone succeeded posting to jroller, but...

2007-07-05 13:29:23 115

Problem with posting from Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is really quite a nice tool for posting to blogs. But despite of my effort to get it to work with jroller, I've always failed. I have seen someone succeeded posting to jroller, but...

2007-07-05 13:29:23 236

Version 1.0.1 of the Groovy Eclipse Plugin is now available!

The goodness of the day isn’t over yet. The newest version of the Groovy Eclipse Plugin is also out now! I can’t wait to try out the code completion magics.

2007-06-29 22:38:53 87

6/29 is a big day!

Following last year’s Callisto, Eclipse Europa is officially out on 6/29! Go get it while it’s hot!In the meanwhile, GPLv3 is scheduled to launch on the same day! It’s reported that R.S will launch G...

2007-06-29 22:17:31 105

Version 1.0.1 of the Groovy Eclipse Plugin is now available!

The goodness of the day isn't over yet. The newest version of the Groovy Eclipse Plugin is also out now! I can't wait to try out the code completion magics.

2007-06-29 14:38:53 116

Version 1.0.1 of the Groovy Eclipse Plugin is now available!

The goodness of the day isn't over yet. The newest version of the Groovy Eclipse Plugin is also out now! I can't wait to try out the code completion magics.

2007-06-29 14:38:53 92

6/29 is a big day!

Following last year's Callisto, Eclipse Europa is officially out on 6/29! Go get it while it's hot! In the meanwhile, GPLv3 is scheduled to launch on the same day! It's reported that R.S will launc...

2007-06-29 14:17:31 67

6/29 is a big day!

Following last year's Callisto, Eclipse Europa is officially out on 6/29! Go get it while it's hot!In the meanwhile, GPLv3 is scheduled to launch on the same day! It's reported that R.S will launch...

2007-06-29 14:17:31 72

让Grails + MySQL正确处理中文

其实Grails用MySQL数据源处理中文还是很方便的,基本只要注意2点:在xxxDataSource.groovy里,mysql url注意要加上参数,例如:jdbc:mysql://server?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8MySQL数据库要用UTF-8编码另外,gsp里要注意:< meta http-equiv=”C...

2007-06-27 23:42:03 110

让Grails + MySQL正确处理中文

其实Grails用MySQL数据源处理中文还是很方便的,基本只要注意2点:在xxxDataSource.groovy里,mysql url注意要加上参数,例如:jdbc:mysql://server?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8MySQL数据库要用UTF-8编码 另外,gsp里要注意:content="text/html; c...

2007-06-27 15:42:03 202

让Grails + MySQL正确处理中文

其实Grails用MySQL数据源处理中文还是很方便的,基本只要注意2点:在xxxDataSource.groovy里,mysql url注意要加上参数,例如:jdbc:mysql://server?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8MySQL数据库要用UTF-8编码另外,gsp里要注意:< meta http-equiv=...

2007-06-27 15:42:03 94


找到一篇古老的文章 ,终于搞定了在jroller输入中文的问题!感谢jackz!方法简述:新建entry的时候页面编码选择为ISO-8859-1,发表出来的内容就能正确的以UTF8显示中文字符了。 ...

2007-06-27 00:10:57 90


找到一篇古老的文章 ,终于搞定了在jroller输入中文的问题!感谢jackz!方法简述:新建entry的时候页面编码选择为ISO-8859-1,发表出来的内容就能正确的以UTF8显示中文字符了。...

2007-06-26 16:10:57 224


找到一篇古老的文章 ,终于搞定了在jroller输入中文的问题!感谢jackz!方法简述:新建entry的时候页面编码选择为ISO-8859-1,发表出来的内容就能正确的以UTF8显示中文字符了。...

2007-06-26 16:10:57 224

10 ways to kill your star programmer

1. Make them project managers.2. Make them managers.3. Enroll them in all kinds of full-length time-consuming leadership classes.4. Ask them to attend numerous stupid meetings and conference calls ...

2007-06-24 14:12:22 90

10 ways to kill your star programmer

1. Make them project managers.2. Make them managers.3. Enroll them in all kinds of full-length time-consuming leadership classes.4. Ask them to attend numerous stupid meetings and conference calls ...

2007-06-24 14:12:22 77

Second Life - hype or crap?

Second life is a crap. Because1. Second life is using a crappy 3D engine.Even the Quake3 engine from 8 years ago is far superior than this crap.Some people get excited that they can "fly" in SL. ...

2007-06-22 15:25:40 74

Second Life - hype or crap?

Second life is a crap. Because1. Second life is using a crappy 3D engine.Even the Quake3 engine from 8 years ago is far superior than this crap.Some people get excited that they can "fly" in SL. ...

2007-06-22 15:25:40 113

Tech-savvy? Biz-Savvy?

An IBM development VP recently answered an interview. One of the interview questions was that what suggestions he'd have for the mass of developers for them to become successful in their careers. The ...

2007-05-27 16:17:17 127

Tech-savvy? Biz-Savvy?

An IBM development VP recently answered an interview. One of the interview questions was that what suggestions he'd have for the mass of developers for them to become successful in their careers. The ...

2007-05-27 16:17:17 128

Hello world

Greetings from Shanghai.I've been thinking about opening up my own technology blog for a while, but couldn't find a satisfying choice of a really nice and *free* blogging site until I've been a read...

2007-04-14 05:13:55 76

Hello world

Greetings from Shanghai.I've been thinking about opening up my own technology blog for a while, but couldn't find a satisfying choice of a really nice and *free* blogging site until I've been a read...

2007-04-14 05:13:55 114



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