


 在类 ArchmisImpl.java中引用了类Library.

package  com.resources.pojoimpl;

import  java.util.Date;

import  com.resources.pojo.Archmis;
import  com.resources.pojo.Library;
import  com.resources.pojo.Type;

public   class  ArchmisImpl  implements  Archmis,Identifiable  {
public Long id = 0L;
public String title = null;
public String details = null;
public String summary = null;
public String keyWord = null;
public String path = null;
public Library library = null;
public Type type;
public Date publishDate = null;

public String getDetails() {
return this.details;

public Long getId() {

public String getKeyWord() {
return this.keyWord;

public Library getLibrary() {
return this.library;

public String getPath() {
return this.path;

public String getSummary() {
return this.summary;

public String getTitle() {
return this.title;

public Type getType() {
return this.type;

public void setDetails(String details) {
this.details = details;

public void setKeyWord(String keyWord) {
this.keyWord = keyWord;

public void setLibrary(Library library) {
this.library = library;

public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;

public void setSummary(String summary) {
this.summary = summary;

public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;

public void setType(Type type) {
this.type = type;

public Date getPublishDate() {
return this.publishDate;

public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) {
this.publishDate = publishDate ;

public void setId(Long id) { = id;



package  com.resources.pojoimpl;

import  java.util.List;

import  com.resources.pojo.Archmis;
import  com.resources.pojo.Library;

public   class  LibraryImpl  implements  Library,Identifiable  {
public Long id;
public String name = null;
public String manager = null;
public String address = null;
public String url = null;
public List<Archmis> archmis = null;
public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public String getManager() {
return manager;

public void setManager(String manager) {
this.manager = manager;

public String getAddress() {
return address;

public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;

public String getUrl() {
return url;

public void setUrl(String url) {
this.url = url;

public List<Archmis> getArchmis() {
return archmis;

public void setArchmis(List<Archmis> archmis) {
= archmis;

public Long getId() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return id;



1.<reference name="library" ref-alias="${library.library}"/>:是引用方式,

在compass reference中有如下解释:

A searchable reference mapping maps between one root searchable class and the other. The mapping is only used for keeping the relationship "alive" when performing un-marshalling. The marshalling process marshals only the referenced object ids (based on its id mappings) and use it later in the un-marshalling process to load the referenced object from the index.


2. <component name="library" ref-alias="${library.library}"/>

A searchable component mapping embeds a searchable class within its owning searchable class. The mapping is used to allow for searches that "hit" the component referenced searchable class to return the owning searchable class (or its parent if it also acts a component mapping up until the root object that was saved).

The component referenced searchable class can be either root or not. An example for a non root component can
be a Person class (which is root) with a component mapping to a non root searchable class Name (with
firstName and lastName fields). An example for a root component can be a Customer root searchable class and
an Account searchable class, where when searching for account details, both Account and Customer should
return as hits.

<? xml version="1.0" ?>
<! DOCTYPE compass-core-mapping PUBLIC 
    "-//Compass/Compass Core Mapping DTD 1.0//EN"

< compass-core-mapping  package ="com.resources.pojoimpl" >

< class  name ="ArchmisImpl"  alias ="${library.archmisImpl}"  root ="true" >
< id  name ="id"   />
< property  name ="title" >
< meta-data > ${library.title} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="details" >
< meta-data  boost ="2" > ${library.details} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="summary" >
< meta-data > ${library.summary} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="keyWord" >
< meta-data > ${library.keyword} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="path" >
< meta-data > ${library.path} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="publishDate" >
< meta-data > ${library.publishDate} </ meta-data >
</ property >
<reference name="library" ref-alias="${library.library}"/>
            <component name="library" ref-alias="${library.library}"/>
</ class >
< class  name ="LibraryImpl"  alias ="${library.library}"  root ="false" >
< property  name ="name" >
< meta-data > ${} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="manager" >
< meta-data > ${library.manager} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="address" >
< meta-data > ${library.address} </ meta-data >
</ property >
< property  name ="url" >
< meta-data > ${library.url} </ meta-data >
</ property >
</ class >
< class  name ="TypeImpl"  alias ="type"  root ="false" >
</ class >
</ compass-core-mapping >



<? xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
<! DOCTYPE compass - core - meta - data PUBLIC 
" -//Compass/Compass Core Meta Data DTD 1.0//EN "
" " >

< compass - core - meta - data >

< meta - data - group id = " library "  displayName = " Library Meta Data " >
< description > Library Meta Data </ description >        
< uri > http: // resources/pojoimpl</uri>
< alias id = " archmisImpl "  displayName = " Archmis " >
< description > archmisImpl alias </ description >
< uri > http: // resources/pojoimpl/ArchmisImpl</uri>
             < name > archmisImpl </ name >
</ alias >
< alias id = " library "  displayName = " Library " >
< description > archmisImpl alias </ description >
< uri > http: // resources/pojoimpl/libraryImpl</uri>
             < name > library </ name >
</ alias >

< meta - data id = " keyword "  displayName = " Keyword " >
< description > Keyword associated with an entity </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/keyword</uri>
             < name > keyword </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " name "  displayName = " Name " >
< description > The name of a person (firstName or lastName) without the title </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/name</uri>
             < name > name </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " path "  displayName = " Path " >
< description > The path of a archmis </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/path</uri>
             < name > path </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " type "  displayName = " type " >
< description > type of the book </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/type</uri>
             < name > type </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " title "  displayName = " Title " >
< description > The title of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/title</uri>
             < name > title </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " content "  displayName = " Content " >
< description > The content of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/content</uri>
             < name > content </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " publishDate "  displayName = " Publish Date " >
< description > The publish date of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/publishDate</uri>
             < name > publish </ name >
</ meta - data >

< meta - data id = " summary "  displayName = " Summary " >
< description > The summary of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/summary</uri>
             < name > summary </ name >
</ meta - data >
< meta - data id = " details "  displayName = " Details " >
< description > The details of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/details</uri>
             < name > details </ name >
</ meta - data >
< meta - data id = " library "  displayName = " Library " >
< description > The details of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/library</uri>
             < name > library </ name >
</ meta - data >
< meta - data id = " manager "  displayName = " Manager " >
< description > The details of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/library</uri>
             < name > manager </ name >
</ meta - data >
< meta - data id = " address "  displayName = " Address " >
< description > The details of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/library</uri>
             < name > address </ name >
</ meta - data >
< meta - data id = " url "  displayName = " URL " >
< description > The details of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/library</uri>
             < name > url </ name >
</ meta - data >
< meta - data id = " archmis "  displayName = " Archmis " >
< description > The details of a book or an article </ description >
< uri > http: // compass/sample/library/library</uri>
             < name > archmis </ name >
</ meta - data >
</ meta - data - group >
</ compass - core - meta - data >





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