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原创 HDUOJ 1873看病要排队(优先队列)

HDUOJ  1873看病要排队(优先队列)看病要排队Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 6127    Accepted Submission(s): 2524Problem Description

2015-07-31 00:23:51 607

原创 HDU OJ 1232畅通工程(并查集)

HDU OJ 1232畅通工程畅通工程Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 37492    Accepted Submission(s): 19848Problem Description某省调查城镇交通

2015-07-29 14:28:21 447

原创 HDUOJ 1022 (栈的基本应用)火车进站问题I

HDUOJ 1022  (栈的基本应用)火车进站问题ITrain Problem ITime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 25997    Accepted Submission(s): 9820

2015-07-29 14:15:13 787

原创 HDUOJ 1896(优先队列)

HDUOJ  1896#include#includeusing namespace std;struct stu{int lie;/*石头所在位置*/int s;/*石头所能扔的距离*/friend bool operator{if(a.lie!=b.lie)return a.lie>b.lie;else     /*注意,题目要求当两个石头在同一

2015-07-29 13:55:13 477

原创 HDUOJ 1201 18岁生日(判断闰年)

HDUOJ 1201 18岁生日18岁生日Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 23412    Accepted Submission(s): 7495Problem DescriptionGardo

2015-07-26 22:50:30 775

原创 HDUOJ 1047(多个大数求和)

HDUOJ 1047多个大数求和Integer InquiryTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 15323    Accepted Submission(s): 3932Problem Descript

2015-07-26 16:15:39 471

原创 HDUOJ 1002大数相加

HDUOJ 1002大数相加A + B Problem IITime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 260766    Accepted Submission(s): 50426Problem Description

2015-07-24 14:27:22 867

原创 HDUOJ 2502 月之数

HDUOJ 2502 月之数月之数Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 7743    Accepted Submission(s): 4572Problem Description当寒月还在读

2015-07-23 23:48:26 462

原创 HDUOJ2014(快排)

HDUOJ2014青年歌手大奖赛_评委会打分Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 59041    Accepted Submission(s): 29513Problem Description青年歌手大

2015-07-23 19:46:23 512

原创 NOJ 1064(快排)

NOJ 1064快速排序 时间限制(普通/Java) : 1000 MS/ 3000 MS          运行内存限制 : 65536 KByte总提交 : 1195            测试通过 : 442 比赛描述 给定输入排序元素数目n和相应的n个元素,写出程序,利用内排序算法中快速排序算法进行排序,并输出排序最后结果的相应序列。输入

2015-07-23 18:28:34 506

原创 HDUOJ 1862 excel 排序(快排)

HDUOJ  1862EXCEL排序Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 14552    Accepted Submission(s): 5616Problem DescriptionExcel可以对一

2015-07-23 18:13:23 396

原创 HDU2032

HDU2032杨辉三角Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 44020    Accepted Submission(s): 18516Problem Description还记得中学时候学过的杨辉三角吗?

2015-07-23 17:27:49 417

原创 HDUOJ 1234开门人和关门人问题(快排及快排的二级排序)

OJ开门人和关门人问题开门人和关门人 Time Limit : 2000/1000ms (Java/Other)   Memory Limit : 65536/32768K (Java/Other)Total Submission(s) : 102   Accepted Submission(s) : 48Font: Times New Roman | Verdana

2015-07-23 13:20:35 550

原创 zoj1048

zoj1048Financial ManagementTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Larry graduated this year and finally has a job. He's making a lot of money, but somehow never seems to

2015-07-23 02:09:19 458

原创 zoj1241

ZOJ  1241Geometry Made SimpleTime Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Mathematics can be so easy when you have a computer. Consider the following example. You probab

2015-07-23 02:02:02 659

原创 百练oj2703

百练oj27032703:骑车与走路总时间限制: 1000ms 内存限制: 65536kB描述在北大校园里,没有自行车,上课办事会很不方便.但实际上,并非去办任何事情都是骑车快,因为骑车总要找车、开锁、停车、锁车等,这要耽误一些时间.假设找到自行车,开锁并车上自行车的时间为27秒;停车锁车的时间为23秒;步行每秒行走1.2米,

2015-07-23 01:36:27 786

原创 百练oj1192(字符串)


2015-07-23 01:29:57 601

原创 bailian.openjudge.cn2705

openjudge27052705:跳绳游戏总时间限制: 1000ms 内存限制: 65536kB描述小朋友玩跳绳比赛,要计算在一分钟内跳了多少下.假设每秒钟跳一下,如果中途失败了,则要花三秒钟后才能开始重跳.一般小朋友跳绳一分钟要跳坏好几次.现在给出小朋友每次跳坏时已经跳的总数,求小朋友在一分钟内跳了多少下.(请注意分析示例数据.)

2015-07-22 00:38:15 740

原创 HDUOJ1095

HDUoj1095Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b. InputThe input will consist of a series of pairs of integers a and b, separated by a space, one pair of integers per line

2015-07-21 00:36:45 423

原创 HDUOJ1094

#includeint main(){ int a[20],i,sum,m; while(1) { sum=0; scanf("%d",&m);    for(i=0;i    {    scanf("%d",&a[i]);    sum+=a[i];    } printf("%d\n",sum);    } return 0; }

2015-07-20 23:54:31 470

原创 HDUOJ1093

HDUoj Problem DescriptionYour task is to calculate the sum of some integers. InputInput contains an integer N in the first line, and then N lines follow. Each line starts with a intege

2015-07-20 21:33:29 477

原创 HDUOJ1092

HDUoj1092 Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate the sum of some integers.  InputInput contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a integer N, and then N integers

2015-07-20 21:19:12 661

原创 HDUOJ1091

HDUOJ1091Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b. InputInput contains multiple test cases. Each test case contains a pair of integers a and b, one pair of integers per line. A t

2015-07-20 20:59:44 450

原创 HDUOJ1090

HDUoj1010Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b. InputInput contains an integer N in the first line, and then N lines follow. Each line consists of a pair of integers a and b

2015-07-20 20:55:47 493

原创 HDUOJ1089

HDUOJ1089Problem DescriptionYour task is to Calculate a + b.Too easy?! Of course! I specially designed the problem for acm beginners. You must have found that some problems have the same tit

2015-07-20 20:40:46 363

原创 HDUOJ1001

HDUOJ1001 Problem DescriptionIn this problem, your task is to calculate SUM(n) = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n. InputThe input will consist of a series of integers n, one integer per line.

2015-07-20 18:50:19 1135

整型类型(long long 、_int64)

整型类型的输入输出格式(long long 、_int64)



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