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原创 土耳其文《d编程》range 翻译 一

[size=medium]Ranges 范围Ranges are an abstraction of element access. This abstraction enables the use of great number of algorithms over great number of container types. Ranges emphasize how contain...

2011-11-15 02:01:54 331

原创 土耳其文《d编程》range 翻译 二

As you can see, that output does not match what we have seen in the Characters and Strings chapters. Since the elements of string and wstring are char and whar respectively, one might expect to see UT...

2011-11-15 01:59:18 196

原创 d2 range 和 标准C++中的Iterator(迭代器)简介

原文: [url]http://hi.baidu.com/crash1/blog/item/90269a088a8000d562d986b3.html[/url][color=red]只引用标准C++中的Iterator(迭代器)的介绍,关于d range 的介绍请参阅相关文章,是否一一对应或相关区别,请高手点评 :arrow: [/color][b][color=blue]d2...

2011-05-07 12:59:17 262

原创 令人惊喜的 d 语言特性

<br />别急,下次再写

2010-10-17 17:05:00 362

原创 d 语言简介

<br />站位,以后再写

2010-10-17 17:03:00 230

原创 d 语言与设计模式

<br />站位,以后再写

2010-10-17 16:59:00 249

原创 三访安德烈Alexandrescu(第2部)

Google翻译哦面试------> 应翻成 访谈这部分大约为D编程语言面试2认为埃里克Niebler和Andrei Alexandrescu在讨论中深切地关注结构体与班,复制语义,右值引用的困难,垃圾收集复杂,和安德烈的偶尔失败作为旗手服务政策为基础的设计。See Part 1 of this interview.见第1部分的采访。Eric: D supports b...

2010-08-20 12:53:09 230

原创 三访安德烈Alexandrescu(第一部分)

google翻译哦Interview with Andrei Alexandrescu (Part 1 of 3)文章分类: C++编程 文章分类: C + +的编程In part 1 of this three-part series, Eric Niebler talks with his pal and fellow InformIT contributor Andr...

2010-08-20 12:43:04 932



2010-03-11 23:34:23 285

原创 GtkD 1.3 is out! Download it now!

what is new on GtkD:* fully automated binding/wrapping* Cairo, Gda, Gl, and Gstreamer support* works with Phobos and Tango* works with D 1.0 and D 2.0* wraps GTK+ 2.18.x APIcario...

2009-10-27 16:25:27 233

原创 llvm 简介

原标题: llvm/clang将把FreeBSD带向何方? [url]http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=353921[/url]对于FreeBSD最近的发展,最引人注目、最让人有所期待、最让人遐想的就是在将来的某个版本里将引入llvm/clang。这是一个什么东西?为什么值得期待?请听我慢慢地扯。llvm/clang是...

2009-10-25 21:54:28 215

原创 Ownership Systems against Data Races 10

September 22, 2009Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Concurrency, Programming, Type System [6] Comments Here’s the video from my recent talk to the Northwest C++ Users Group (NWCPP) abo...

2009-10-21 04:04:37 117

原创 Spawning a Thread, the D way 8

September 1, 2009Posted by Bartosz Milewski under Programming [9] Comments Spawning a thread in non-functional languages is considered a very low-level primitive. Often spawn or CreateThre...

2009-10-21 04:02:36 211

原创 The Anatomy of Reference Counting 7

August 19, 2009Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Concurrency, D Programming Language, Multithreading, Programming [22] Comments What is there to reference counting that is not obvious?...

2009-10-21 04:01:50 157

原创 On Actors and Casting 6

July 16, 2009Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Concurrency, D Programming Language, Erlang, Java, Multithreading, Programming, Scala, Type System [31] Comments Is the Actor model just ...

2009-10-21 03:59:43 180

原创 What’s Wrong with the Thread Object? 5

July 7, 2009Posted by Bartosz Milewski under Programming [9] Comments I started writing a post about implementing actors in D when I realized that there was something wrong with the way thre...

2009-10-21 03:58:37 141

原创 Multithreading Tutorial: Globals 4

June 23, 2009Posted by Bartosz Milewski under C++, Concurrency, D Programming Language, Java, Multithreading, Programming, Type System 1 Comment If it weren’t for the multitude of opportun...

2009-10-21 03:57:33 281

原创 Race-free Multithreading : Owner polymorphism 3

June 15, 2009In my last post I talked about the proposal for the ownership scheme for multithreaded programs that provides alias control and eliminates data races. The scheme requires the additi...

2009-10-21 03:56:15 137

原创 Race-free Multithreading: Ownership 2

June 2, 2009Since ownership plays a major role in race-free programming, it will be the first topic in my proposal for a race-free system. I presented the bird’s eye view of the system and provi...

2009-10-21 03:53:20 219

原创 Race-free Multithreading 1

Posted by Bartosz Milewski under Programming May 26, 2009[27] Comments Most languages were caught unaware by the multicore revolution. C++, predictably, developed a portable assembly language ...

2009-10-21 03:41:37 182

原创 template metaprogramming 9

原文:[url]https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AR8C1hO5R8S1ZGZiNHZoeGZfMmdiNzJwcGZi&hl=zh_CN&pli=1[/url]作者:Bartosz翻译:hurd“I’ve been doing some template metaprogramming lately”, he said nonchal...

2009-09-09 16:08:57 106

poseidon 汉化,秀一下


2009-05-25 10:14:34 172

原创 c中指针的指针

c中指针的指针悬赏分:30 - 解决时间:2007-8-15 12:03int** p 这是什么意思呢,我知道int*p=&a 是指向int a的一个指针,定义名字为p,存储的是a的地址,p+1的话,执行后为a的地址加sizeof(int),那int **p 是什么呢举个具体例子,包括 地址 还有在其上的运算1、简单来说 int **p 是一个指向2维数组的指...

2009-05-24 16:50:59 156

原创 C指针的实质(我的认识)

最近对C/C++指针特别感冒,就详细的研究了下 看下面的定义: char a[] = "Hello World"; char *p = "Hello World"; 1.什么是地址 地址本身就是一种基本数据类型,它跟整数,浮点数,字符等基本类型是一样的。指针不是类型,真正的类型...

2009-05-24 16:46:53 127

原创 c 语言 指针 的用处

[url]http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=485067090[/url]1 c语言指针的用处 C里面函数都只能返回一个值,如果你的函数要返回两个值,那就要用指针了,把变量地址传进函数,然后把希望通过函数操作后想要的值存进传进来的变量地址里面。当然函数可以返回数组,结构体,但是你看多了你就知道,没有人会这么做的,都返回指针。试想如果我有一个1万个元素的数组...

2009-05-24 16:45:10 173

原创 C 指针 介绍

[url]http://bbs.eccn.com/ecbbs/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=180&id=16566[/url] 指针为C语言编程提供了强大的支持——如果你能正确而灵活地利用指针,你就可以直接切入问题的核心,或者将程序分割成一个个片断。一个很好地利用了指针的程序会非常高效、简洁和精致。  利用指针你可以将数据写入内存中的任意位置,但是,一旦你的程序中有一...

2009-05-24 16:32:35 100

原创 Cristian Vlasceanu 和.NET上的D语言编译器

原文:[url]http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2009/03/D-NET[/url]作者 Jonathan Allen 译者 王瑜珩 发布于 2009年3月19日 上午3时36分社区 .NET主题 语言设计Cristian Vlasceanu正在将D语言的编译器移植到.NET平台。向那些还没听说过D语言的读者介...

2009-05-24 01:50:39 94

原创 基于 JFace Text Framework 构建全功能代码编辑器: 第 7 部分:

[url]https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/opensource/os-cn-ecljtf7/[/url]Quick Assistant developerWorks 文档选项 将打印机的版面设置成横向打印模式 打印本页 将此页作为电子邮件发送 将此页作为电子邮件发送 样例代码级别: ...

2009-05-17 16:18:00 178

原创 基于 JFace Text Framework 构建全功能代码编辑器: 第 6 部分:Text Ho

[url]https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/opensource/os-cn-ecljtf6/[/url] 文档选项 将打印机的版面设置成横向打印模式 打印本页 将此页作为电子邮件发送 将此页作为电子邮件发送 样例代码级别: 中级马 若劼 (maruojie@cn.ibm.com), 软件工程...

2009-05-17 16:17:20 165

原创 基于 JFace Text Framework 构建全功能代码编辑器: 第 5 部分:

[url]https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/opensource/os-cn-ecljtf5/[/url]Text Decoration developerWorks 文档选项 将打印机的版面设置成横向打印模式 打印本页 将此页作为电子邮件发送 将此页作为电子邮件发送 样例代码级别: ...

2009-05-14 17:32:03 171

原创 基于 JFace Text Framework 构建全功能代码编辑器: 第 4 部分

Content Assistant developerWorks 文档选项 将打印机的版面设置成横向打印模式 打印本页 将此页作为电子邮件发送 将此页作为电子邮件发送 样例代码级别: 中级马 若劼 (maruojie@cn.ibm.com), 软件工程师, IBM 中国软件开发中心2008 年 3 月 27 日...

2009-05-14 17:31:20 208

原创 基于 JFace Text Framework 构建全功能代码编辑器: 第 3 部分

Double Click 和 Triple Click developerWorks [url]https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/opensource/os-cn-ecljtf3/[/url] 文档选项 将打印机的版面设置成横向打印模式 打印本页 将此页作为电子邮件发送 将此页作为电子邮件发送 样例代码...

2009-05-14 17:30:03 132

Floating Point in D (2.030 新)

5.17 23:50 更新 5.16 20:30 翻译更新 Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D 走近真实的机器: D 中的浮点Introduction 介绍by Don ClugstonComputers were originally conceived as devices for...

2009-05-12 23:27:02 275

Migrating to Shared (2.030 新)

5.19 0:10 更新(完成)5.17 18点 更新 Starting with dmd version 2.030, the default storage class for statics and globals will be thread local storage (TLS), rather than the classic global data segm...

2009-05-12 23:03:46 104


Jump to: memory GC enable disable collect minimize BlkAttr FINALIZE NO_SCAN NO_MOVE BlkInfo getAttr setAttr clrAttr malloc calloc realloc extend reserve free addrOf sizeOf query addRoot addRange...

2009-05-05 13:03:35 126

原创 D2 的 range设计

betty_betty2008 2009-04-08 转自圈子:http://dlang.group.iteye.com/group/topic/10615Hello,Walter, Bartosz and myself have been hard at work trying to find theright abstraction for iteration. ...

2009-04-23 09:03:20 212

std.range (2.030)

5.19 15点 更新 (2.030 翻译完成,格式已调整)5.12 22:30 更新(最后面蓝色部分为 2.030)5.1 16点 更新(2.029 完成)4.30 0 点 更新 4.29 19点 更新 4.28 19点 更新 4.27 12点 更新 4.26 12点 更新 4.25 9点 更新昨天努力的翻译了两小时,结果昏头昏脑...

2009-04-22 12:03:08 299


Jump to: INVALID_SEQUENCE AsciiChar AsciiString Latin1Char Latin1String Windows1252Char Windows1252String isValidCodePoint encodingName canEncode isValidCodeUnit isValid validLength sanitize first...

2009-04-22 11:56:44 113


机器翻译,还未校对,仅供参考Jump to: empty popFront popBack front back put insert replace Appender data capacity AcceptedElementType clear appenderbool empty(T)(in T[] a); Implements the range interfac...

2009-04-21 18:07:08 91

原创 如何编译 D-Phoenix 库(Poseidon 编译配置)

原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/lucifer1982/archive/2008/11/26/1341620.html近日有朋友问及如何编译和使用 D-Phoenix 库。于是就有了这篇文章的存在。这个年代,没有 IDE 进行编码编译是痛苦的。所以,博主将主要介绍使用 Poseidon 来编译 D-Phoenix 库(为啥子要讲 Poseidon,而不是 Cod...

2009-04-09 16:55:55 139



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